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World's Greatest Mom

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Colin's mother gets naughty when her friend visits them.
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I was very happy for my mother when I found out that Cindy was coming to visit. It was late June. I had finished school for the year and had not found a summer job yet -- although I was in no hurry to accomplish that. Mom was still getting over her divorce from my father almost a year ago and she desperately needed to have some fun. I had tried my best to bring her out of the doldrums that she was in, but I guess there's only so much an eighteen year-old son can do. I was hoping that a week with Cindy was what she needed to rejuvenate herself.

Mom and Cindy met when they were both nineteen and taking their nursing degrees. After mom graduated she got a job here in Richmond Hills and married my father soon after, mostly because she was pregnant with me. Cindy moved to Cleveland and eventually married as well. Now both were divorced with children and in their early forties. A reunion was probably what they both needed at this stage of their lives.

Mom had booked vacation time from her nursing job in preparation for Cindy's visit. She spent a good deal of time cleaning the house and planning activities for her and Cindy. Already I had noticed a change for the better in mom, even before Cindy had arrived. She seemed happier than she had in many months. It made me very glad. Even as she maneuvered about, cleaning and tidying the house, mom seemed more lithe and carefree. Not only did it gladden me; it also excited me just watching her body move.

I had always considered my mother to be very pretty. Her blue eyes had a constant sparkle to them and her raven hair hung down over her shoulders, framing her pretty oval face. In addition to her lovely face, her body was shapely and firm. Occasionally she would lament that she needed to loose weight, diet, or exercise. I was always careful to dissuade her without seeming overly interested in how she looked. Her hips had a graceful curve and her ass, although she considered it too plump, appeared firm and well-proportioned to her slender frame. Occasionally when I noticed her bend over wild thoughts of clutching her hips in my hands and pulling her to me, or giving her backside a firm slap filled my mind. Her breasts were definitely her best feature though, as far as I was concerned. They were outstanding, so-to-speak. Often I could not help but notice this fact when my mother wore sweaters or dresses that emphasized just how well-endowed she was up top.

Mom was forty-four, but most anyone would have guessed her age to be several years younger. Many times when she and I were out shopping or doing other things I noticed guys of all ages (some as young as me) turn their heads as she passed by -- although she was oblivious to their admiration. Thankfully she was also blind to my taboo thoughts and feelings as well. I always made sure the occasional hugs, accompanied by a kiss on the cheek, that I gave her were never more than what she would consider proper coming from her son. I, like most every male within eyesight of mom, always knew how desirable she was. Looking at her was often accompanied by a surge of arousal and lust. These feelings became stronger over time, until they grew into a longing for my mother. Once she left my father I entertained thoughts that I might even replace him in some aspects of her life, although ones forbidden by convention.

The night before we were to pick Cindy up at the airport I don't think mom slept at all due to excitement. As I drove her to the airport the next afternoon she reminisced almost constantly about her school days with Cindy. By the time we arrived at the airport I felt as though I knew Cindy as well as mom did.

I stood beside my mother while she scanned the faces of people arriving through Gate 52 at the airport. Once she spied Cindy she waved manically and shouted out to her. Heads turned and I felt embarrassed.

Although I had seen a few photos of Cindy that she had emailed mom and heard plenty about her, I was surprised by how pretty she was. She was slightly shorter than me, about five-foot four, slim, with green eyes and honey-blond hair. As she hurried towards mom I noticed her breasts jiggle from beneath her blouse. She was wearing tight jeans that showed off her hips and ass nicely. I moved my eyes up and down her body.

"Cindy, this is my son, Colin," mom said, clutching my arm and sounding proud.

Cindy offered her hand to me and I shook it. "Nice to finally meet you, Colin. I've heard so much about you," she said. "Although you never told me how handsome he is, Becky. You never introduced me to any of the good-looking guys you met." Her eyes shifted towards mom and she gave her a sly grin.

"Watch out for her, Colin. She's a cougar," mom cautioned, then laughed.

Going home I drove as fast as I dared because I wanted to get home as soon as possible and I was sure mom and Cindy felt the same. The trip home took fifteen minutes less than the trip there.

"What a lovely house, Becky," Cindy exclaimed as she followed me inside, while I carried her suitcase and carry-on bag.

"I got it as part of the divorce settlement," mom explained. "I had a good lawyer who searched-out Michael's secret bank accounts in The Cayman Islands." She flashed Cindy a predatory grin, then chortled.

"Well, good for you!" her friend replied.

I placed Cindy's suitcase and carry-on bag beside the sofa and sat down. Across the living room she and my mom were still talking. Occasionally I shifted my eyes towards them, surveying Cindy's shape and pretty face. Soon I felt myself becoming turned-on by her. Although she was not quite as pretty or shapely as mom, she was certainly very attractive. My cheeks began to flush and I went to the kitchen for a glass of Pepsi.

By the time I had almost finished my pop mom was calling to me to bring Cindy's luggage upstairs and show her to her room. My arousal had waned enough by then that I felt comfortable being around Cindy.

Cindy followed me upstairs, then into the spare bedroom. I put her suitcase and carry-on by the bed, then turned towards her, feeling awkward.

"Thanks so much, Colin. I hope that I don't inconvenience you and Becky while I'm here."

"No, not at all," I assured her. "I'm glad you've come to visit. It will do mom a lot of good."

I was about to elaborate when I saw mom appear in the doorway. She entered the bedroom. I surmised that she was either trying to be a proper hostess, or never trusted Cindy to be alone with me. My bet would have been on the latter.

"The room's kind of small. I hope you find it comfortable. If you need anything, let me know," mom said.

"Thanks. I'll be just fine though," she replied, then smiled as she glanced towards her suitcase. "Wait till you see what I brought with me."

Cindy unzipped her suitcase and sifted through clothes. She pulled a pink photo album from it and held it up, giving mom a wide smile. "Photos from when we were in school!"

"Oh, wow... I haven't seen them in ages," mom exclaimed.

"I bet you haven't seen many photos of your mom when she was around your age," Cindy said to me.

I shook my head and stood beside my mother, peering over Cindy's shoulder at the photographs.

"At least I used to be pretty," mom sighed as she looked at a photo of herself.

"Used to be? Hell, Becky, you look as great as you did back then! Maybe better." Cindy looked at her, running her eyes up and down her body. "How do you stay in such great shape? I wish my body looked half as good as yours does. I was always so envious of your big tits. They still look as nice as they did twenty years ago too." She gave a blatant stare down towards mom's chest.

Mom let out a gasp and blushed. Her blue eyes met mine as she gave me a mortified look. I managed to keep my composure, but in all honesty I wanted to at least smile, if not laugh aloud. The fact of the matter was that I could easily understand Cindy's envy.

"Cindy, not in front of Colin. Please." Mom's voice was soft but firm as her eyes locked on her friend's.

"Come on, Becky. Relax. It's not like he doesn't already know that you're stacked."

"He's my son." Mom's jaw was clenched as she glared at Cindy. I feared that she wanted to strike her.

"He's also a normal teenage guy and you're a very attractive woman, Becky. I bet he thinks they're as nice as I do." Cindy thought she was trying to diffuse the situation, but was only making it much worse.

"You're incorrigible." Mom stormed out of the room and down the stairs.

Cindy gave me a worried look. "I better go talk to her," she said.

"No. Give her some time," I advised. "Once you've finished unpacking she should have cooled-off. I'll go talk to her."

"Thanks, Colin. I was only half-joking. I guess your mom doesn't appreciate my sense of humor like she used to," she said with regret.

"It's been a rough year or so for her. She'll be okay though."

Mom was in the kitchen peeling potatoes for supper. I could tell by her jerky movements that she was burning off nervous energy and anger. I sat down at the table beside where she was standing but said nothing. I waited for her to initiate a conversation.

"I can't believe how crass she can be," mom spat out.

"Just like she was twenty years ago, right?"

Mom looked at me and nodded. "Exactly. But I'm not the same person I was then. She doesn't seem to realize that I've changed. I'm an adult. A mother."

"Judging from what she said, she doesn't think you've changed. She thinks you look as great as ever." I knew my comment was a risky one at best. Either mom would see the humor in it, or stab me with the paring knife in her hand. I was relieved when she smiled.

"Don't you start too." she said, then laughed.

"You know Cindy better than me, but I'd say you should try not to take offense to what she says about you. She means it all as compliments, Mom. You haven't seen her in years and she's only here for a week. Who knows when you'll see her again," I said.

"I know. You're right. Like she said: I should relax," she conceded. A smile had returned to her face. I was relieved and pleased with my efforts as a mediator.

I was glad when I heard Cindy coming down the stairs because I was hoping she and mom would resolve their differences, and quickly.

Cindy entered the kitchen, looking sheepish. "Can I help you with anything, Becky?" she asked, sounding tentative.

"There's not much left to do. The chicken's in the oven; the broccoli's steaming. I'm about to put the potatoes on, but if you wanted to set the table, that would be a help." Mom smiled at her friend, but it seemed forced and uncomfortable.

I left the kitchen and went to watch television so mom and Cindy could be alone to talk. While they waited for the chicken to finish cooking they sat at the table together, talking and laughing. It was natural and relaxed. I was happy to hear it.

That evening mom and Cindy sat on the couch talking, looking at photos and recalling years gone by. My attention was divided between the television and their conversations. Mom had opened a bottle of white wine, which helped to make them both more animated.

I was surprised when Cindy decided to go to bed shortly before eleven. I had expected her to stay up later. But traveling, coupled with the wine, had probably tired her. She and mom embraced, then Cindy made her way up to the spare room. I turned the television down a little, fearing it might bother Cindy if she heard it from upstairs.

"I'm glad you guys are getting along again." I told mom after Cindy had left us alone.

She nodded. "So am I. But, we've argued before and made up and we probably will again," she said with a laugh.

"I guess she'll just have to be more careful about paying you compliments from now on." I joked.

"We sorted that out," she said.

"What did she say?" I asked.

"Come over here. I don't want her to hear us talking about her." Mom moved to one side of the couch and gestured for me to join her.

I walked over to the couch and sat down beside my mother. She was wearing a thin burgundy cardigan. It hugged her contours, emphasizing the size and shape of her bustline. The top two buttons were undone, leaving a bit of her upper chest bare. I wished more were left unfastened. I cast my eyes down briefly over the outlines of her breasts, then up to her face.

"Cindy apologized for what she said," mom said, then gave me a sly smile. "Well, sort of."

"Sort of?" I asked.

"She still says I'm stacked." Mom smiled, as though she enjoyed using the bawdy expression to describe herself -- although it was quite unlike her.

"She could say worse things about you," I told her.

"I know. It was just that she said it in front of you though." Mom's voice faded out and she grew shy.

"So?" I countered with a shrug.

"So it embarrassed me for her to talk about me like that around you."

"It's not like I don't know that you're... attractive," I explained, coaching my words.

A smirk appeared on mom's face. "You were going to say 'stacked', weren't you?" she said, seeming a little shocked.

I gave her a sly grin.

"You're as bad as Cindy," she said, rolling her eyes. "Maybe you should go back with her at the end of her visit."

"No way," I exclaimed. "I'm staying with you."

"Why -- because I'm stacked?" Her glimmering eyes narrowed and met mine as she smiled. She gave me a mischievous grin.

For the first time in my life my mother gave me a flirtatious look, or at least I was sure of it. I had never seen her look at me that way ever before, much less make an inappropriate comment like she just had. I concluded that it must have been the effect of the wine she had drunk. Regardless, I was emboldened by it and felt my cock begin to stiffen.

"No, because I love you, Mom," I replied.

Mom put her glass of wine on the coffee table, then leaned into me. She put her arm around my shoulders and kissed my cheek. "I love you too," she said. "I don't know what I'd do without you, Colin. This past year has been so hard. You're the only one I can count on."

I held mom against me and kissed her cheek. The material of her cardigan felt soft as I slid my hand up her back. I brushed her raven hair back over her shoulder. It felt as soft as silk. She shifted a bit and I felt her breasts rub over my chest. I had hugged my mother many times, but this was the first time that we had embraced for a prolonged period of time. It was wonderful.

About ten minutes later I realized that mom was falling asleep. I called to her softly to wake her. She looked up at me through half-closed eyes and smiled.

"I should get to bed," she said in a sleepy voice.

I stood up and took hold of her hand, easing her to her feet. As she stood up I saw that another button on her cardigan had come undone, probably as she lay against me and shifted about. Now I could see the tops of her breasts rising from her bra, which was also peeking from the edges of her cardigan. She leaned against me and we hugged.

"I guess Cindy has two things to envy me for now," she said, sounding smug.

"What?" I asked, curious as to what she meant.

"Well... my breasts -- you already know that -- and that I got to fall asleep in your arms tonight," she explained.

"Me?" My eyes widened in surprise by her remark.

"Haven't you noticed how she looks at you?"

"No," I said.

"She wants you," mom asserted, sounding protective.

"I don't know about that, but if you're right, then that's three things."

"Three?" she said, looking confused.

"Your breasts count as two." I told her, taking a quick glance down towards them.

Mom laughed and I felt her rock against me. She peered down and from her reaction I could tell that she noticed the third button that was undone. "When did this come undone?" she asked, giving her cardigan a slight tug for emphasis.

"While you were sleeping, I guess," I said with a shrug. "It's probably good you never slept longer or more might have popped open," I said with a laugh.

Mom gave me a demure look, then shrugged. "I guess it doesn't matter since I'm on my way to bed anyway. Have a good night, Honey." She kissed my cheek before going upstairs.


The next morning I awoke to the sounds of laughter and chatter coming from downstairs. I knew that mom and Cindy were already up. I smiled as I listened to mom's laugh. It echoed through the house and made me happy. It was comforting. It had been longer than I could remember since I'd heard her laugh like that. After having a quick shower and getting dressed I went downstairs.

Mom and Cindy had already finished breakfast and were at the kitchen table drinking coffee. They greeted me with warm smiles and asked if I'd slept well. I answered as I poured myself a bowl of cereal.

Although I tried not to be obvious about where my attention was, I noticed that mom was still wearing her pajamas. They were pale blue and made from a thin cotton. The top part of them had a low V-shaped collar that left a small part of her upper chest exposed. Cindy had on a simple light pink blouse and charcoal slacks. She looked pretty and well-rested.

I joined them at the table and began eating. One thing about being around my mother and Cindy was that I had to make little effort at conversation. After being apart for so long they had a lot to catch up on and they seemed to always be talking.

"So, what are your plans for today?" I asked my mother.

"Nothing definite," she said. "I was thinking I might show Cindy around town or catch a movie. But, as you can see, I'm not even dressed yet, so we might just be lazy for the rest of the day."

I nodded as I pushed another spoonful of cereal in my mouth. "Being lazy sounds good," I said.

Mom got up and went over to the coffee maker to refill her mug. From the corner of my eye I watched her move. Her breasts shook under her pajama top and there was a more noticeable sway to her hips as she stepped. She seemed more blithe than she had in years. It was a welcome change and one that made her even sexier than usual.

Cindy observed my mother as she walked back towards the table and smiled. "Those pajamas look cute on you, Becky," she said.

"Thanks," mom replied. She sat back down. She took a sip from her mug, looking very content.

"I wish I had have known it was Pajama Party Day so I could have skipped getting dressed too," Cindy said, smiling at mom.

"This isn't a clothing optional resort," mom teased. "I thought you always slept naked."

My pulse quickened at mom's comment, but I pretended not to notice.

"Hey, I'm wearing more than you are," Cindy shot back. "At least I put a bra on. You look like you've got two puppies wrestling inside your top when you walk."

I expected my mother to be upset by Cindy's comment, but she laughed it off. "That's because I'm stacked." mom bragged. She gave Cindy a smug grin, then giggled. She sounded proud at her boast. It was unlike her, but arousing to hear.

I had never spent time around them before so I did not know if this sort of banter was common between by mother and Cindy, but I enjoyed it, especially the lewd undertones. I listened, attempting to not seem too interested while I ate my cereal.

Once I had finished eating I poured myself a mug of coffee. Mom had the Entertainment section of the paper spread out and was checking the movie listings. Cindy had gotten up to look over her shoulder at them.

"This looks good," mom said, pointing with her finger.

Cindy wrinkled her nose and shook her head. "I don't like action movies and Harrison Ford is too old now. How about that one?" she suggested.

"Maybe. It looks like it's probably funny. Adam Sandler is hilarious," mom said.

"So, is there a theatre in town where you can wear your pajamas?" Cindy asked as her eyes danced over mom.

"I could start a new fashion trend," mom giggled with a shrug.


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