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Wyex: The Pregnancy

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Man and wife become woman and dick girl to make a baby.
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Disclaimer: All persons having sex are over the age of 18. The following contains gender transformation through science fiction, pregnancy, the wife wearing the pants in the family, role reversal, and a first-person perspective.


I sat on the couch, forcing myself to look through job listings yet again. It had been months since I had gotten laid off, and I was having no luck gaining new employment. I really liked that factory job, too.

The only jobs left on the website that I hadn't applied for were ones where I wasn't qualified, ones that would keep me away from my wife for too long, and ones I refused to do ever again.

Eight years of fast food service was plenty for me.

I finally closed the laptop for the night and went to finish dinner, as Karen would be home from work any minute. I was trying something new tonight, and I hoped she liked it. Sushi rolls with fried steak strips instead of fish sounded really good to me, but I didn't know just how it would taste to her.

I opened the refrigerator door, and the rice seemed to be the right consistency for sushi, extremely sticky now that it had a chance to cool.

I lost myself in the work, able to let go of my despair over still being jobless for a few moments, and I rolled the steak and rice into cylinders with small bits of minced vegetables and spices for taste. Cutting it into bite-sized slices was more difficult than I'd anticipated, but after only a couple of ruined ones I got the hang of it.

I was almost done when the front door opened, and the love of my life walked into our house.

I took a moment to gaze at her, just drinking her in. Even after a twelve hour shift, she was still so beautiful to me it almost took my breath away.

Shoulder length curly brown hair framed her face, and her big brown eyes lit up at the sight of me, obviously happy to be home.

Her full breasts strained against the medical scrubs, her small waist hidden by the very same cloth. The generous curve of her hips were one of my favorite things about her, and her work clothes did a poor job of concealing that particular feature.

If you were to look at a picture of us together, you'd probably guess that she was the one who used to be a stripper, not me.

Karen dropped her purse on the counter, and enveloped me in her arms. I hugged her back almost desperately, I had been alone all day job searching, and was grateful for the human contact.

"Smells good, Ty. What are we having?"

I kissed the top of her head, long used to the smell of hospital she brought home with her. "Steak sushi, hope you like it. Why don't you sit down, and I'll dish you up?"

Karen kissed me on the cheek and sat down at the kitchen table, stretching her legs out. I was sure her feet hurt after being on them all day.

I quickly finished cutting the last of the food, dishing it up onto a pair of plates. I put hers in front of her, and went to get her one of her diet cokes from the fridge. "You want a glass and ice, sweetheart?"

"No," she garbled through a full mouth before hastily swallowing. "Just the can, please. This is so good, honey! I didn't even know that I was this hungry."

I brought her soda, my own can of diet mountain dew, and my plate to the table, sitting myself down across from her.

I dug into my own plate, and the sushi did actually turn out pretty good. I eyed the way she was demolishing her food, and moved a few more slices from my plate to hers. It wasn't like I burned a lot of calories today, after all.

"How was work?" I asked her. Although I was genuinely interested in her day, I asked more to postpone the inevitable question she had for me.

"I got to deliver a baby today!" she told me excitedly, before calming back down. "So that was the highlight. Other than that? Mostly the same old, same old. Geriatric care, you know? One workplace injury. Nothing too exciting."

I smiled at her. I knew that she went into medicine with the end goal of being to be able to deliver babies. I also knew exactly why. "So, a good day, then?"

She smiled back. "A good day," she agreed, "How did the job search go today?"

There was the question I was avoiding. I sighed, suddenly not hungry any longer. "Nothing, unless I want to get a CDL. I almost want to start dancing again."

She frowned, and started picking the loose rice from her barren plate with her fingernails. I moved the last few pieces of sushi from my plate to hers.

"I don't want you driving truck, you'd be gone all the time, and I definitely don't want you to go back to stripping. The women you used to have to deal with... I remember the bruises, honey."

I remembered too. Being pinched so hard it left a bruise behind, and having to smile flirtatiously at whoever did it while hiding the pain. "Yeah, so I got pinched here and there. At least I was bringing home a paycheck."

Karen polished off the rest of the sushi, before standing up. She took my hand and tugged, trying to pull me to my feet. "Let's sit on the couch. I need to put my feet up, but I want to talk to you about this."

She sat on one end of the couch, and I sat in the middle. I patted my lap, "Put 'em up." She was the only one of us bringing home money. The least I could do for her was to rub her feet after a long day.

I pulled her shoes off, and started to knead her arches. "So, you wanted to talk?"

She groaned at my hands working her aches away. "Look, maybe... maybe you don't have to work. I'm making good money now, and you worked two jobs to put me through medical school. I think you deserve some time to not have to work anymore."

I moved up to her calves, frowning. "I can't just stay home all day, I mean, what would I do?"

"What you are already doing. I can't tell you how much I like coming home to a clean house and dinner ready. That steak sushi tonight was really, really good, honey."

I argued, "And what happens when you decide you don't like having a househusband? That some ambitious doctor at work is more to your liking after all?" It was my biggest fear, that she'd decide I was actually a loser and divorce me for someone who was more... for someone with a job, anyway.

Karen laughed from the bottoms of the feet in my lap. "You've got to be kidding me. You're actually worried about that?"

I shrugged uncomfortably. "Well, yeah. I mean, it sounds good on paper, but there's a drive in women to seek out a provider. It's written into your DNA. If I'm just the 'little man' at home, how long would it be until I lost your respect? Your love?"

She shook her head, sending brown curls tumbling. "I'm not even going to start with how wrong that entire thought is. Do you know just how jealous my friends are that I'm married to you? The man who worked himself to the bone to put me through school, who takes care of me so that I can just work without having to deal with all the bullshit in keeping a home? I mean, you used to be a stripper, for Christ's sake. You could lay about all day, and any one of them would still trade for you in a heartbeat."

I was a little mollified, but there was still the niggling fear of being pushed away.

"Besides, I've been thinking, and maybe this is a good time to bring it up," she said cautiously.

I had graduated to gentle pressure on her feet, but my hands tightened up involuntarily. "Uh-oh, what?"

"Maybe it's time we started our family?" she offered.

My breath left me in a rush. I'd been wanting children for a long time, but Karen couldn't have them. "I thought you didn't want to try adoption?"

"Well... you're right about that, but there's another option. Have you ever heard of Wyex?"

I frowned, "Isn't that the temporary sex change stuff? The stuff they sell in sex shops to be a woman for a weekend, or something like that?"

"That's how they started," she agreed, "but it turns out there is an entire host of medical applications for it."

"You've obviously thought this through, and know more about it than I do. Lay it out for me, Karen."

"Okay, so Wyex comes in all kinds of durations. There's the short versions; one day, two days, one week. Makes a man into a woman, or a woman into a man. Gives you the brain structures for bisexuality so you can enjoy it, and makes you horny enough to really enjoy it, right?"

"With you so far, but I'm not sure where you are going with this."

"Bear with me here. The medical strength ones last a year, but don't have the sex drive increase. Now, Wyex works by rearranging the cells of your body into a new shape. We use it for terminal cases at the hospital. Incurable cancer? You take a dose once a year, and you get to live. As the opposite gender, sure, but that's better than the alternative, right? Amputation, paralyzation, severe burns, even the worst trauma, all corrected with an injection."

"Okay, it's a miracle drug, I get it. I'm not any of those things, though."

"Right, you're not. The other field that uses it is reproductive medicine. If the woman can't bear children... like me, or the man is sterile or dysfunctional, or whatever is holding it all up, one or both switch for a year and make a baby."

My hands fell from her feet and I stared at her in actual shock. "You want me to carry the baby," I deduced.

"Yes. Look, one of the sex toy versions just affects primary genitals. Wyex-light, if you can believe that. My idea was to get that for myself, once a week until you're pregnant, so I can keep working. I mean, I have to stay as Karen for work, right? You'd have to do the year long, full body one, maybe longer if you don't get pregnant right away. Babies gestate for nine and a half to ten months, after all, plus breastfeeding."

This was big. It wasn't something that just didn't matter in the long run, but would change my life for at least a year. More, if we wanted more children than just one. "I have to think about this. I mean, what happens to our sex life while all this is going on? I don't want to just be your pregnant roommate for however long it takes." I didn't know how to articulate that it would be like we weren't even married for the duration.

Karen scooted down the couch to wrap her arms around me. "It wouldn't be like that at all, honey. I, um, never mentioned it to you, but I'm a little attracted to women. Not as much as men, and you in particular," she was quick to assure me, "but a little. If it's not enough, I can keep with the weekly dose for myself, and you won't be able to keep me off of you. Short term version makes you horny and completely bi, remember?"

She suddenly laughed. "I might do that anyway. An entire year of not having to deal with my period? That sounds like a fair trade."

On paper, it was a sound idea. Did I want kids? So very much. Did I want Karen's kids? More than anything. Could she bear them? No, she couldn't, and the clock was ticking down, we certainly weren't getting younger. "We can afford this?" I checked.

She squeezed me tighter. "We can. Does this mean that you'll do it?" she asked hopefully.

"I'm leaning towards it," I admitted, "Let me sleep on it?"

"Of course! But tonight, I'm going to take you into the bedroom and fuck the ever-loving shit out of you. Who knows? Might be one of the last chances for me to have your cock for awhile."

I perked up. That sounded really good. I stood, and looked to the dirty kitchen... "Just let me clean up in here first, sweetheart."

Karen shook her head, grabbed me by the hand, and started tugging me to the bedroom. "It can wait, honey. Right now I really need my man."

Karen became passion personified. I don't know if it was the thought of finally having children, or if she was trying to reassure me over my many perceived failings, but for whatever reason she was more aggressive than she hardly ever was.

I was backed up to the bed, her tongue lustily exploring my mouth, before she put her hands on my chest and shoved, sending me backwards to lie mostly on the mattress from my knees upward.

She didn't bother with her own clothes, just pulling my pants and underwear down my legs as quickly as possible. She didn't even bother to completely remove them, and my ankles were bound by the bunched up clothing as she took my member into her mouth.

Most guys? They love blowjobs. Somewhere in my teens, though, I had gotten the idea into my head that the way to get repeat sexual encounters was to be a giving lover. That idea had seeped into my very being and just taking pleasure, no matter how good it felt, made me uncomfortable if I couldn't give back.

Karen knew that about me.

I managed to get my shirt off. "Aren't... Oh, God, aren't you going to get undressed too?"

Karen pulled her mouth off of my now-hard cock and grinned at me from where she knelt between my legs, continuing to stroke me with a single hand. "Not yet, honey. Just let me pleasure you here. Tonight, I'm making it all about you. I'm going to show you just how much you mean to me, and how much I love you."

I let my head fall back to the mattress as she resumed the excellent blowjob she was giving me. I refused to put my hands on her head unless she specifically asked for it, but I was very tactile when it came to sex. I loved to touch, to stroke and caress. I kept my hands by my sides through sheer force of will.

She was skilled when it came to oral, though usually I was distracting her by eating her pussy at the same time. She knew just how to suck, where to lick. She could get me off in minutes if she so desired, but she was stretching this one out.

She worked me over for a long time, just slowly sucking me, taking breaks to rub her pursed lips up and down the underside of my dick, or to gently suck and lick on my balls.

It occurred to me that she was savoring the experience. Storing up memories for when my little guy was gone. I hadn't explicitly agreed to take the Wyex, but she knew. Knew that it was pretty much a foregone conclusion. I'd rarely argued with her once she had made up her mind about something. She really was so much smarter than me, and I accepted the fact long ago that when she put enough thought into anything, she was usually right. Plus, I really wanted kids, and this seemed to be our only chance.

There was only so long she could drag it out though, and my orgasm became imminent. "Karen, baby, I'm about to cum!" I warned her.

She started bobbing her head over the last inch or so of my length, humming softly and looking at me with a look of not lust, but with such love it was almost out of place.

I quietly came. Too many years of silently masturbating in my teens made me very quiet when it came to sex. It was something that had taken Karen a long time to accept, that just because I wasn't talking nonsense or bellowing it didn't mean I wasn't having a good time.

She took everything I had to give her, and swallowed it before using her mouth to make sure my overly sensitive dick was clean.

I kicked my remaining clothes from my feet and moved up the bed as she undressed herself. The scrubs she wore to work were a crime against humanity, given how the shapeless garments covered up her amazing body.

I grinned covetously as her body became bare to me, drinking in the way her full breasts sat high on her chest, her flat stomach and thin waist, her slightly wide hips and juicy butt. Pornstars would be jealous of her shape.

"I think it's your turn now, baby." I gestured to my face. "Why don't you bring Miss Kitty up here?"

She shook her head, giving me a naughty grin. "No, sir! Tonight's about you. You just relax, and let me worship you for once."

I peeked down at my limp cock. He was out of order for awhile. "Uh, I appreciate the thought, I really do... but I'm not eighteen anymore. It's going to be a bit before it's my turn again."

"I'll keep myself occupied, don't you worry. Now just relax." She started with my feet, sensuously massaging me, gradually working her way up my body.

"Are you going to miss me looking like this?" I softly asked her, and she turned a guilty look to me.

"Am I that transparent?"

"I just know you, Karen. I can see you trying to memorize everything about me as I am, right now... Because it'll all be different soon."

She didn't stop with the erotic massage. "So you've decided already?"

"When have I ever told you that you had a bad idea? If you think this is for the best... then I believe you that it is."

My wife's eyes started to water. "I don't... I don't want you to think I was bullying you into this. I know you usually let me have my way, but if you're going to be miserable, then... maybe we can just not? You get to say no to me, you know."

"I trust you. I trust that you've thought it through from all the angles. You're so damn smart that I have to trust you because I miss things when I try. I want kids, Karen. I want your kids."

She looked into my eyes from a foot away while she dug her fingers into my chest muscles. "Okay. I'll set up an appointment at the hospital."

I was afraid, no doubt about that. But the lure of having kids was enough to override that. "Just promise me you won't abandon me."

She pressed her lips against mine, and a tear escaped to land on my face. "I promise, Ty. I love you so much... Now turn over, I'm going to do your back too."

I relaxed too much and fell asleep while she worked over my backside. I woke late the next morning to an empty bed and a note from Karen telling me she loved me.

I also woke to an absolutely filthy kitchen.


Hospital gowns are uncomfortable. I sat on the examination table, waiting as patiently as I could, and tried to ignore the way my butt was hanging out in the back.

I was naked in public for years, I could handle this.

The exam room door opened, and my wife let herself into the room, closing it behind herself. "Good Morning, Mr. Johnson," she greeted.

"Good morning, Dr. Johnson," I greeted back, unable to fully hold back my amused grin.

Still, this was the first time I had ever seen her in her element. I normally only saw her in her scrubs at home. Here, in her Doctor's white lab coat, stethoscope around her neck, and holding my medical file, I was a little awestruck. I had no idea how she wrangled herself into treating me, she had to have called in a favor or two.

"You ready for this, Ty?" she asked me, concerned.

I shrugged, "Not really. I suppose I'll get used to it eventually though, right?"

She smiled gently at me, and placed a heavy metal cylinder on the computer station desk. "Okay, I need to do the whole informed consent thing now, okay?"

"Sure. Go ahead."

"You understand that this dosage of Wyex will completely change your gender to female for roughly one year, with a margin of error of up to eight days?"

"I understand."

"Good. You also understand that as much as this seems like magic, it is not? That you are a one hundred, eighty-five pound man, and you will be a one hundred, eighty-five pound woman afterwards?"

"I understand. I hope you like fat chicks."

She gave me a severe glare, but hiding in her eyes I could see her amusement. "You also understand that it is your own genetics, hiding in your X chromosome, that will determine your final body shape and features?"

I blinked. That was news to me. "I understand."

"Very good, Mr. Johnson. Do you consent to being injected with a transformative solution?"

"I consent." This was it... Time to journey to the distaff side.

Karen picked up the cylinder, unscrewing the bottom and sliding out the interior. The actual injector had a transparent protective case, showing a pink fluid stored in winding tubes that spiraled down through the interior.

"The injector has seven needles in the base, and all seven will pierce your skin at the same time. You'll heal almost immediately, however. There will be a moment or two of pain, so try not to flinch. The injection site is just above your pelvis, so I will need you to disrobe now. I can leave the room and get a male doctor if it would make you more comfortable?"


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