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Year 4 with Jane and Tony Pt. 03: The Summer Road Trip

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Our heroes take a summer road trip.
28.3k words

Part 3 of the 4 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 12/14/2017
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The objective of this summer's road trip was to visit the orphanage where I had grown up, in California, and to find some areas where Lily and I could conduct interviews for our research towards our graduate program dissertations. We, also, wanted to reconnect with our friend Anne whom we met during Jane's and my first road trip together, several years earlier. Our intention was to try and surprise Anne when we arrived at Mt. Rushmore where she worked.

I was driving a large RV, dubbed 'the monster' by Barb, with my wife Jane, our lover and manager Judy and our friend and lover Lily north out of Chicago in route to our first destination of our trip, Madison, Wisconsin. Lily had gone to school for three years at the University of Wisconsin and wanted to share her fondness for the city and school with us.

As I drove, Jane was naked as she usually was during our road trips. Judy and Lily both thought that this was a great way to travel, so they had stripped their clothes off as well. We intended to stay on smaller two lane highways during our trip so that we could see small towns and out of the way places, however we decided to take the interstate to Madison since it was so close.

When we got into Madison, I found a place to park our monster RV and then we walked down to State St. the main downtown street which stretches between the capitol building and the University. We checked out some of the shops as we walked towards campus. We walked through the main university library (which was huge), through the bookstore (where we bought some Badger t-shirts) and over to Memorial Union. We sat out on the terrace after buying ice cream cones inside and watched the sail boats on the lake.

After a while, we headed back up State St. and browsed through a few more shops when Lily suggested that we have lunch in her favorite restaurant. She lead us to a little hole in the wall place called Himal Chuli that served Nepalese food. Having never had Nepalese food before I was curious. We each ordered something different and were all amazed at how good it was, especially the flat bread.

After our lunch, we walked all the way up to the capitol building and did a tour of the inside. It was rather garish with lots of oddly colored marble, but the dome was pretty cool. Since the legislature wasn't in session the building was pretty quiet. We headed back down State St. and checked out a few more shops and then decided to head on out of town.

We headed east on US 14 in order to visit Taliesin in the village of Spring Green. Taliesin was a former home of Frank Lloyd Wright and was the current home of an architecture school. The building was fascinating and was well worth the stop. We continued our westward journey to Wyalusing State Park where we stopped for the night. Our campsite was on a bluff with a view overlooking where the Wisconsin River merged with the Mississippi River. The view was spectacular as red tail hawks soared on the thermals close to us as we stood near the ledge.

Since it was our first night in the monster, it took a little while to get organized. I set up our portable BBQ grill and grilled some steaks while Jane and Judy made a salad. We ate outside on the picnic table at our site and enjoyed the view and food.

As we ate, Lily said, "Thanks for going to Madison for me. I really liked living there and I miss it sometimes."

"I can see why," Judy said. "I really liked the small part that we saw. The campus was very nice and I loved that terrace on the lake. I would imagine the winters could be pretty rough!"

Lily laughed and said, "No worse, really, than the ones in Chicago!"

We all muttered that Lily was probably correct as we cleaned up after our dinner. As the sun set the mosquitoes got pretty bad, so we retired into the comforts of the monster. Jane, uncharacteristically, said she was feeling a little out of sorts and just wanted to go to sleep. I was a bit tired from all of the driving, so we all decided sleep would be good. The main bed was a king-sized bed, so Jane said that we should all sleep together.

The next morning, I was awakened by the squawking of the birds, so I threw on some shorts and a t-shirt, fired up our camp stove and began to make coffee. As I was pouring my first cup, Lily joined me, so I poured a cup for her as well. The two of us sat quietly and just admired the view. Finally, Lily said, "This has to be one of the most beautiful places I have ever seen. How about you Tony?"

I smiled and said, "It ranks right up there amongst the best. For me, the best has to be Lake Como in Italy followed closely by Lake Tahoe."

"Will we see Lake Tahoe on this trip," Lily asked?

I laughed and said, "I think we should. I don't think any of the others have seen it."

I suddenly felt a pair of hands running down my chest and a kiss on the top of my head as Judy asked, "What haven't we seen?"

"Lake Tahoe," Lily replied.

"Ooh! We're going to see Lake Tahoe," Judy asked?

I laughed and said, "We are now! Is Jane still sleeping? I don't think she has ever been sick in the 4 years we have been together. Actually, neither one of us has been sick. I hope she's alright."

Judy said, "Maybe something she ate disagreed with her. I'm sure she will be fine. So, where are we going to go today? This place will be tough to top."

I said, "We are going to drive on US 18, which will take us all of the way to the Black Hills. I figure we can make it there by tomorrow. I think we should camp along the Missouri river tonight." I got out a road atlas and showed them where we were and where we were going.

"Sounds great," Judy said. "So, how about some breakfast?" We all agreed that we were hungry, so Lily and Judy began working on breakfast and I went in to check on Jane. She was just sitting up when I entered the room. I asked her how she was feeling and if I could get her a cup of coffee.

"I think a cup of tea. I still feel, kind of, nauseous. I hope I'm not ruining the trip for everyone," Jane said.

"We just figured that you ate something that disagreed with you," I said. "Don't worry about us. I'll make you a cup of green tea. Do you want anything to eat?" Jane shook her head, so I made her a cup of tea and then brought it in for her. "Here you go. If you get hungry, let me know. Otherwise, why don't you just stay in bed. We'll be driving across the northern part of Iowa today, so all you will miss are corn fields!" Jane smiled and thanked me for her tea.

Lily, Judy and I broke down our camp and then we headed west once again. Jane remained in bed while Judy sat in the front seat with me and Lily sprawled out on the couch reading. Judy was telling me about the students that she, Jane and Emily had selected for the first big scholarships we handed out. "There were some great kids. It would have been nice to meet them."

I thought for a couple of moments and said, "Well, why don't we meet them? We can fly them into Chicago from wherever they live and have a big dinner for them somewhere. I think that would be pretty cool. We can tell them about Stan and Bettina and why we selected them and so on. What do you think?"

Judy thought and said, "You know, I like it. When I won my scholarships, all I ever got were letters of congratulations. I had no idea who the people were who gave me the money. I think we should do it!"

"How many scholarships did we give out for this year," I asked?

"Not too many, since it was the first year and we haven't really made our availability known. I think the total was 16 or 17."

I thought again for a moment and said, "We may have to hire a travel coordinator, so you and Emily don't get distracted by all of that."

All of a sudden, the sound of Jane retching in the bathroom permeated the monster. Judy jumped up and ran to the back to make sure Jane was okay. She returned a little while later and said, "Can we stop at a drug store in the next town we get to? We should get something to calm Jane's stomach."

We weren't very far from Mason City and found a Walgreen's once we got there. Judy dashed in and bought what she thought was needed, including some jelly beans for me. As we resumed our travels, Judy went to the back to help Jane. Lily took Judy's place in front with me and tried to keep me from worrying about my wife. After an hour or so, Judy walked up to the front of the monster and said, "You should pull over at the next opportunity. We all need to talk."

Judy's tone sent a chill up my spine and really got me worrying. We came upon a roadside rest area, so I pulled in and shut down the motor. I walked back to the bedroom, where Judy said, "You should, probably, sit down." I sat on the edge of the bed and took Jane's hand in mine. Jane was pale but had a smile on her face. Judy continued, "Tony, I had a suspicion as to what was ailing Jane and my suspicions have been confirmed." She held out a little plastic stick and then said, "You, Tony, are going to be a father!"

I sat there dumfounded by the news at first until it finally sank in. "I'M GOING TO BE A DAD?" I shouted. "I'M GOING TO BE A DAD AND JANE IS GOING TO BE A MOM! THAT'S WONDERFUL!" I rolled over to Jane on the bed and hugged her. "Oh Jane! I love you so much! It looks like all of our practice worked!"

Jane was beaming with happiness and said, "It seems it worked. I love you too and I hope I don't vomit on you!"

I smiled and said, "You can vomit on me all you want! I don't care because I love you! Is there anything we can do it ease your nausea?"

Judy was looking at her laptop and said, "Lemons, ginger sweets, ginger ale, peppermint tea, pretzels, popsicles, crackers and jello seem to be things that help." At the next town, we bought most everything on the list. The thing that seemed to help the most were sweet ginger chews, so for the rest of the trip we kept a plentiful source for Jane. Actually, all of us became addicted to the things!

We drove that day until we got to the Missouri River and camped at the North Point State Recreation Park. Since it was mid-week, we had a large choice of sites, so we chose one with a nice view of the river. I couldn't help myself and sported a big grin all day long! Since Jane began feeling better, she chipped in and helped setup our camp. I grilled some chicken and ears of corn while Judy made a salad for our dinner.

As we ate, I said, "We will make it to Mt. Rushmore by tomorrow afternoon. When we arrive, I think Lily and Judy should go fetch Anne and make up some story about a chipmunk in the monster, or something, and that they require her help. Jane and I will remain on board and then will surprise her with our presence. You guys will love Anne."

By midafternoon we pulled into the campground that Jane and I had stayed in several years ago. We set up the camp and got the monster all situated and then dispatched Lily and Judy to draw Anne into our trap. I could hear Judy saying as they approached, "We left the door to the RV open in hopes that the little critter would leave."

I then heard Anne say, "Okay, why don't you two wait out here and I'll go in and see if I can find it."

I felt the monster move slightly as Anne stepped into the RV and then she walked in through the door. Jane and I were standing near the driver's seat waiting for Anne to see us. When she got inside, she took off her sunglasses and did a quick look around and then saw us standing there. She stared at us for a moment until she recognized us and screamed, "OH, MY GOD! JANE! TONY! WHAT ON EARTH? OH, MY GOD!" She then quickly came toward us with tears in her eyes and hugged Jane first and then me. She was crying with joy as we embraced.

A moment later, Judy and Lily came inside and Judy said, "It looks as though the ruse worked!"

Anne turned to look at Judy and Lily, smiled and said, "Obviously, you know who I am. Who are these two lovely ladies?"

I introduced Anne to Judy and Lily. Anne hugged each of them as she was introduced. When she turned back to us she was beaming and said. "Look, I have to get back to work. I'll stop by when I get off." I told Anne we would make her dinner and that we looked forward to spending the evening with her.

We spent the afternoon before dinner sitting outside enjoying the pine scented air and talking. Judy and I told Jane about our plan to meet our scholarship recipients. Jane thought that it was a good idea. "We should have a really nice dinner for them and some real nice prizes like jackets, or computers or something," Jane said. "Too bad we thought of this now because poor Emily is going to feel like she's being dumped on. Tell you what, I'll call her and tell her what we would like to do and apologize for dumping this burden on her."

Jane went inside the monster to make the call where it was quiet. Judy said, "I'll bet you that Emily tells Jane that it will be no problem and that she will take care of everything. That's the way she is! She never complains and always works hard. We're lucky to have her working with us. She's, also, very clever and creative."

Jane returned and said, "Well, that went well. Emily said she would take care of everything and that it was no problem!" Judy turned to me and winked.

The four of us sat and talked until Anne, finally, joined us. We had another round of hugs and kisses. Anne held Jane for quite a while and said, "Thank you for getting Amelia and I back together. We had such fun while I was in Prague." Anne turned towards Lily and said, "Jeanine talked about you, Lily, incessantly! She thinks you are the world greatest person, ever!"

Lily blushed and said, "She is the sweetest little girl. It's too bad they live so far away."

Jane then asked Anne to tell us all about her visit and what she has been up to since we last saw her. Anne said that she and Amelia, basically, sat at their house and talked non-stop. She said that Jiri would tease us about how the only rest he got was when he went to work. They showed me around Prague on one day, but the bulk of our time was spent at their house. She said that Amelia and Jiri were looking for opportunities to return to the US to be closer to Amelia's family.

I looked at Judy and said, "Do you think you could work with Jiri? Perhaps he may be the answer to our scholarship get together problem. He's a bright guy, has experience in the travel industry, knows Chicago and is very personable."

Judy smiled and said, "Yeah! He would be excellent! We could, probably hire Amelia as well. We would need to come up with housing for them and a vehicle, but that should be easy enough. What do you think Jane?"

Jane was sitting there with a huge grin and said, "I think it's a great idea. Send him a text and tell him we will call him at 10am our time which would be...let me see...about, uh, 6pm his time. Tell him that he and Amelia should both be available to talk. Tell him, if the time isn't good, that he should suggest a different time. Let him know we are in the mountain time zone."

I got my phone out and sent Jiri a text telling him we had urgent business to discuss, that we were in the mountain time zone and that we wanted to call him when he and Amelia were both available. I told him he should text me when they were available to talk. I looked at the others and said, "It's up to Jiri now. How about we get dinner ready."

I setup our portable grill and began grilling some pork chops that had been marinating most of the day. Lily made a green salad while Judy steamed some broccoli. Jane and Anne talked with us as we caught up. Anne said, at one point, "I'm getting a little tired of this job and chances of advancement are drying up pretty quickly with the political climate in Washington. Do you think you could use me in your enterprise?"

Jane smiled and said, "We probably could." Jane turned to Judy and said, "Judy, why don't you tell Anne the details as you see them." Jane turned back to Anne and said, "I consider Judy to be the boss, despite what she will say about that statement!"

Judy sputtered and said, "No! You and Tony are the bosses!"

Jane laughed and said, "See! I told you! Anyway, Judy, will you be kind enough to tell Anne what we are doing and what her role in things would be?"

Judy laughed and then spent the next hour describing what she and Emily were doing and what roles Anne, Jiri and Amelia could play in the scheme of things. When she had finished, we were finished eating and Judy blushed saying, "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to be so long winded. Anyway, that's what we do and what you would do. What do you think?"

All eyes turned to Anne as she sat for a few moments thinking. She then asked, "Do you think there's enough to do for all of us?"

Judy smiled and said, "As the years pass, we will be accepting more and more scholarship applications. Jane and Tony want the program to be more than just a conduit for money dispensing. They want a total involvement of the program with the students. We will, in the future, probably, be giving students spending money for those who come from poorer families or institutions like what Tony came from. To us, a scholarship program should nurture the student to allow that student to concentrate on their studies and not have to worry about being able to afford a pair of shoes or a cup of coffee. So, yes, there will be plenty for all of us to do."

Anne smiled and said, "Well, I'm in if you want me. I should stay here until the end of the summer season as a courtesy, so I wouldn't be available until sometime in October. That is if you want me."

Judy smiled and said, "Of course we want you, don't we!"

Jane jumped up and hugged Anne and said, "We really do want you. We love you and always will. We can easily work around your schedule. Do you want to know about your compensation program?"

Anne laughed and said, "I'm not too fussed about that. I'm pretty certain that you will treat me more than fairly. Besides, no amount of money can match the prospect of being close to Amelia and Jiri."

The five of us sat and talked late into the night. At 10pm, my phone buzzed with a text message from Jiri that said, if you call right now we can both talk. I smiled and told everyone that Jiri and Amelia were available to talk. I dialed his number and Jiri answered.

"Tony! It was great to hear from you. Why are you in the mountain time zone?"

I laughed and said, "Believe it or not, Jane, Judy, Lily and I are sitting here with Anne. You are on speakerphone, by the way.

Anne said, "Hi guys! It's nice to hear your voices!"

Amelia replied, "It's nice to hear from all of you as well. So, what is this urgent business matter?"

I replied, "Well, Anne told us that you were wanting to return to the US and were looking for work. It just so happens that we, that is, the Stan and Bettina Robinson Scholarship Program, is in need of new employees. The jobs entail reviews of scholarship applicants, travel arrangements, seminar arrangements, program development and, I'm sure, several other things that I can't pull off from the top of my head. We will provide your family with rent free accommodations, most meals, a car and child care. We would like to hire you both, if you are interested." I looked to Judy and asked how much do/did we pay you and Emily? Judy said we paid she and Emily $80,000 per year and that we should pay them and Anne the same amount. So, I continued, "Did you hear that? We will pay you $80,000 each per year. So, what do you think? Oh, one other thing, Anne will be working with you as well."

There was a long silent lull until Jane asked, "Are you there?"

Jiri replied, "Yes, we are still here. We are in a state of shock is all. Hold on for a second, please." We could hear muffled voices as Jiri and Amelia discussed things. Finally, Jiri said, "We would love to come and work with you. When would you need us?"


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