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Yorna (Young, Pt. 01)

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Triple amputee girl and her soon-to-be lover.
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* I'm not a native English speaker, so sorry if my English si clumsy sometimes :-) *

YORNA (YOUNG) by StarDust

Part 1

As soon as I turned around the corner of the block of flats where Yorna was living, I spotted her. She was standing in the middle of a small platform on the top of the stairs leading to main door of the building. I waved towards her and she noticed me, sending me a broad smile in return. Then I realized her mother was still standing in the door watching after her daughter until I come. I called "good afternoon" to her and she smiled too and waved to me shortly. Then she closed the door and disappeared in the dark corridor behind it.

It was winter time and air was very chilly although there was no snow yet. Yorna was heavily dressed in long black coat with flat empty sleeves tucked inside pockets. Her face was framed by curls and thick folds of warm-looking winter cap and scarf of the same color. Only her glasses, part of cheeks and nose protruded from the soft mass of wool. She wore old black jeans tucked in brown mid-calf boots with flat sole.

The long coat covered the upper part of her legs but it was clearly noticeable that while the left jean leg was neatly filled with her fleshy calf, the other one was much thinner. I knew why. Perhaps it was just my imagination, but I thought I could even identify the contours of Yorna's modern electronic prosthesis that she wore in place of her right leg.

I closed the distance to the staircase while Yorna made few tentative steps toward the top stair.

"Wait, I'll help you, I'm there in no time," I said and literally flew up the steps.

"I can manage," said Yorna with a slight hint of rejection. "Just come here and stay close in case I start tipping over."

I stopped couple of steps below Yorna. With left hand I grabbed the hand-rail and pulled my other hand out of the pocket to be ready to catch Yorna in case she loses balance. Yorna craned her head forward to get a better view of stairs over soft folds of the woolen scarf.

I watched as she raised swiftly on tiptoes of her only leg and kicked the prosthesis forward. The boot containing artificial foot hung over the second step for a split of second and then Yorna bent her knee and let the weight fall down on the prosthesis and on the flat surface of the step. She leaned to the side slightly to maintain the balance and raised her live foot from the upper step and brought it down to its artificial sister.

She raised her eyes and looked into my face directly. I must have had a funny, perhaps a bit quizzical, look, because she smiled and then even giggled a bit.

"Hey! I understand your curiosity but I would appreciate if you stop staring and get out of the way," she said still smiling.

"Oh, sorry," I apologized and stepped down a step to make room for her. The look of concern then replaced her smile and she repeated the whole process of descending the stair.

This time I focused on her head and shoulders. Shoulders that, as I had known already, didn't have arms attached to them anymore. The whole upper portion of Yorna's body looked stiff. The heavy coat hid any trace of movement that might had still occurred in that area but I knew very well that there wasn't much movement happening anyway. Yorna could move, raise and twist her armless shoulders quite vividly but there was no leverage to make much effect with it. The strange rigidness of her upper body that had been leaning to sides in the process looked intriguing to me.

This time I moved out of the way in time, so Yorna could proceed to next step continuously. Of course, she still needed a small amount of time to steady herself and regain her balance when she planted her single foot on the next step and shifted her weight back to it. Only when securely balanced she dared to raise her prosthesis and quickly move it down a step. This caused small interruptions in her progress but we had built up a reasonable pace - me descending couple of steps before her, always ready to help her keep the balance and save her from falling.

Once I was on the ground at the bottom of stairs, I didn't step back. So when Yorna had descended the very last stair she bumped right to me. She smiled, obviously happy that she had managed the whole fly of stairs without any accident. I wrapped my arms around her and was immediately disappointed that the thick coat prevented me from feeling the loveliness of her armless body. I hugged her tight and planted a small kiss on her cold nose that had already started to turn red from the chill.

"Hello beauty," I welcomed her. "Nice to hold you again," I added smiling.

"Hi! Nice to be held by you," she replied. "Don't dare to leave me with just a peck on nose, boy! I'm longing for a proper kiss!" I could hear tones of content in her voice.

"And what if your mum is watching from the window? Don't you mind?"

"Oh, yes, you are right. We should better play it safe. She would surely jump out of her skin if she saw her crippled daughter kissing a boy right in front of windows of all neighbors."

"That's what I think too. I know her."

"Hey, but you don't mind kissing a cripple in public, do you?" Yorna asked teasingly. When she talks about herself as "a cripple" I know she is teasing me. She knows that I don't like it, but she loves it when I then start to assure and convince her that she's not a cripple. Sometimes I even suspect such nasty speech makes her horny in some weird way.

"You bet I don't mind it at all. As long as the 'cripple' is such a sexy creature as you are, my dear," I answered. "Let me prove it. We can find another building with hundreds of windows and double the amount of curious eyes where I will kiss the soul out of you - in front of them all. Deal?"

Yorna laughed.

"Ok, I believe you, Mitch. I don't need you to kiss my soul out of me in front of hundreds of strangers. I will be pretty ok if you kiss my soul out of me somewhere in a decent shelter where nobody else sees us," she said with a girlish smirk.

"Let's go then," I suggested and let her slip out of my hug.

I went to her right side and put my hand on the small of her back, more to keep a contact with her than to provide her a real support. When she was walking she preferred to keep her precarious balance on her own. She possessed a very limited number of ways to keep herself balanced, that's why she must had learned to react in time on smallest changes in her equilibrium. Just a bit of too much pressure from my hand might sent her beyond the limit from where she could get recovered by herself. So it was either a full support from my side (but this slowed us down) or no support at all.

"Where do we go now?" she asked.

"Do you know the new cafe in Oak street?"

"Yes, sure, it's a lovely place."

"Ok, shall we go there? Isn't it too far for you?"

"No, I think the distance is alright. I need to be doing some physical activities to keep in shape. And walking is pretty much all I can do in that matter."

"Oh, I've got plenty of ideas of what you can do in terms of physical activity, believe me. And each of them would be much more pleasurable than walking, that's for sure," I teased her.

"Oh my gosh, what a horny weirdo!" she exclaimed and we burst laughing together. Then we started our leisure walk towards the Oak street.

When we arrived in the small park not far from Yorna's home, she turned and stepped off the sidewalk. She headed to the group of trees that grew at the edge of small meadow. I followed her, puzzled what she had on mind. When we reached trees, Yorna stopped and pivoting on her single leg she turned to me.

"Ok, I think this is the right place for kissing the soul out of somebody. That is if you haven't changed your mind," she said quite seriously.

I came closer to her and wrapped my left arm around her. I didn't say anything, I think my heart started to beat twice as fast as before. With my right hand I gently pushed away the woolen material of her scarf and revealed her pretty mouth hidden under it. Her lips were just a bit thinner than normal, but I found them very beautiful and kissable. I pushed more of wool down and fished out her delicate chin too. I pushed it from bottom to upturn her face more to me. Then I wrapped also my right arm around her and pulled her to me. I could feel myself shake when I pressed my lips onto hers.

We kissed. Shyly at first but then more and more passionately. I hugged her so tightly that at one moment I realized I might had been crushing her and loosened my embrace. She didn't complain though, none of us spoke a word. We were fully occupied by exploring each other's mouth. Our tongues played together, hungry for love, for touch, for the feel of partner's body. We could hardly breathe but we didn't dare to stop what we were doing, every second of it being so nice, so wonderful, so sweet. We didn't move much, we just craned, turned and shifted our heads to change the angle of the penetration of our tongues, to let it explore another corner of the other's mouth. We licked our lips from inside, we travelled our tongues along partner's teeth, we slowed down just to speed up again the next second...

I cannot tell how long it lasted. I just remember how excited I felt. My head was spinning around, the beautiful body of Yorna felt so delightful in my arms despite the heavy coat she wore. I was in heaven. Yorna tasted so sweet, her mouth was so warm, so soft, so... welcoming. I felt so much love for her that I could hardly contain it. Every smallest piece of me, of my body, was full of love for her and started to exist only to please her since that moment on. I knew something had changed in me. And I hoped Yorna had underwent a similar change too.

When we stopped eventually, I think I could see some strange sparkling in Yorna's eyes. It was she who moved first. She stepped carefully toward the sidewalk that we had left.

"My leg has started to go numb," she explained her cautious first steps.

I followed besides her, adopting her pace. We didn't speak more. Silently we resumed the way to the cafe, obviously both occupied with our own thoughts. When we got to the entrance, I made few quicker steps and opened the door for Yorna. I let her pass in, watching with interest how she carefully stepped over the raised threshold. We found ourselves inside the dim-lit cozy room with most tables occupied by guests.

We looked around to find the best place for us and I spotted a nice table with small comfortable couch at the back of the room. I pointed there with my finger and then I noticed that Yorna's glasses had got hazy from the temperature difference between outside and inside of the cafe. I gently removed them from Yorna's face and pointed to the table again.

"Let's go there," I suggested. Then I put my arms on Yorna's waist and started to push and navigate her through the half-crowded space to the chosen table. When we stopped beside it finally, Yorna turned to me and smiled.

"Will you help me undress?"

"Sure, dear," I said and laid her glasses on the table.

Then I used both hands to unbutton her coat. It was really quite heavy I realized when it suddenly slipped from Yorna's armless shoulders into my hands. I hung it on the hook nearby together with my own jacket. I turned back to waiting Yorna and pulled off her cap. I tenderly rearranged her hairs that stayed stuck to the woolen material of the cap. Then I unwinded the long scarf and revealed beautiful Yorna's face.

Yorna then cautiously stepped backward to the couch behind the table and with a skillful motion lowered herself on the cushion. I hung the cap and scarf on the hook too and sat down on the couch beside Yorna. She turned to the left a bit to face me more and her knee, the one made of flash, touched my right thigh.

"It's nice and cozy here, isn't it?" I asked.

"Yes, I like it here too. I'm glad we have found this table, I prefer sitting on the couch more than messing with the chair."

Then we started an ordinary chit-chat while we waited for waiter. We ordered our drinks and continued talking about things friends usually talk about. The atmosphere in cafe was very nice and we both felt comfortable with each other. At one moment Yorna shifted her bottom on the couch a bit as if to change the position and then crossed her only leg over my right thigh. It was such a gesture of content that it left me speechless for a moment. I put my hand on her thigh and caressed it tenderly. She smiled approvingly at me.

We stayed in that position for quite some time, our bodies very close to each other, her leg hanging over mine and my hand caressing her thigh and knee. The thick fabric of jeans provided enough modesty to it. After a while, I replaced my right hand on Yorna's leg with the left and wrapped it around Yorna's waist instead. I could feel how she leaned onto my arm and laid her head on my shoulder. It was a beautiful moment and all the feelings that I had started to feel in the park overwhelmed me again.

I become aware of how happy I was beside this girl, how I loved to hold her, touch her, speak to her,... I realized I loved her from the deep of my heart.

Eventually, it was the time to go home. We untwined ourselves and I helped Yorna to get up. I smoothed her sweater that rode up when she was seated and grabbed her scarf and cap from the hook. I twisted the scarf around her neck and she buried her chin in the woolen folds with a sigh of satisfaction. Then I put on her cap and pushed the strays of her hairs coming from under the cap to sides. I took glasses from the table and very carefully put them on Yorna's face, make sure they sit well on her nose and ears under the cap.

"Is it ok like that?" I asked.

"Yes, perfect, thanks! I must admit you are a very caring person, Mitch, and I like the way how you care of me," she confessed.

"It's a pleasure to care for such a nice girl like you," I said back.

"Well, I hope you will not get fed up of it too soon, because a cripple like me will always need a lot of care," she said teasing me again.

"Hey, you are not a cripple!" I protested. "I'm not caring for you just because you cannot do it by yourself. I'm doing it because I like to do it. Will you remember that? I'm pretty sure you can do all of this by yourself, anyway."

"Yes, I can, you fool," Yorna exclaimed with a smile. "I just love so much to hear you assuring me," she added and gave me a quick kiss on the cheek.

I took her coat from the hook and wrapped it around her armless shoulders. I had to hold it on before I buttoned first few buttons, only then it stayed on Yorna on its own. I finished the rest of buttons and checked my work. Satisfied I let Yorna head to the door and went to the counter to pay the bill. I joined Yorna waiting at the entrance and opened the door for her. We stepped out to the cold air outside.

The journey back to Yorna's home was uneventful, we both stayed silent, sank in our own thoughts. I walked beside Yorna, maybe half a step behind her, always ready to catch her or just help in case of any trouble. She limped slowly but steadily on her one leg and the prosthesis, just few centimeters from me. I admired the small unusual moves of her unique body and the unusual way she walked. And I loved every bit of what I saw there.

When we stood in front of the flat where Yorna lived I pushed the bell button. We heard muted ring from behind the door. Then door opened and there stood Yorna's mum.

"Hi, mum," Yorna said and smiled at her mother.

"Hi, darling! Everything's ok?" she asked suspiciously.

"All's absolutely alright, mum," Yorna assured her. Her mother stepped away and let us enter. I saluted her too and walked in behind Yorna.

While her mother was closing the door behind us, Yorna turned to me and I pulled away the cap from her head and rearranged her hairs automatically as I had done before in cafe. I noticed her mum watching us with a puzzled look. I handed her the cap and started to unwind Yorna's scarf. I did it all so naturally and that's probably what surprised her mum. But there was nothing special about it. I had been just helping my lovely friend, nothing more.

I handed the scarf to mother too and started to unbutton Yorna's coat. I noticed that Yorna looked in my face with a question in her eyes. She wasn't sure if we were doing the right thing. I decided to continue and act as if it was the most natural thing for me. I unbuttoned the last button, holding the coat on by wings. I paid attention to touch just the coat and not the Yorna's body under it. Her mum was watching us thoroughly.

I held the top of the coat and let Yorna slip from under it. Then I folded the coat and walked to hooks on the wall. This was the moment when her mum took over the action and that was exactly what I had hoped for. When I turned back I saw Yorna just lowering herself onto a small chair in the hall and her mum kneeling in front of her and unzipping her boots. When seated, Yorna raised her left leg and let mother slip the boot off it. Then she raised her prosthesis and the process repeated. Obviously they had done it many times before and knew what to do.

"Mitch, go to the living room and make yourself comfortable. You can turn on the TV, we will watch the Big Bang Theory then," said Yorna to me and pointed towards the door on the left with her chin. "I just need to change into something more comfortable," she added as she stood up from the chair again.

I went to the door and when I looked back over my shoulder I saw the two disappear in Yorna's room. I entered the living room and sat in the middle of a big cream-colored sofa. I found the remote control and turned on the TV but could not focus on the program. My imagination wondered about what was happening in the room not so far from me. Once I heard some sounds from the hall and shortly after I heard the noise of flowing water, apparently coming from the toilet.

After what looked like eternity to me I finally heard a quick series of sharp thumps in the hall. I turned my head to the door where Yorna had just appeared. My heart almost jumped out of my chest.

Yorna wore the bottom piece of plain grey jogging suit. She (or her mum) had removed her prosthesis and the dangling empty pant leg was tied into a simple knot hanging below the stump of her right thigh. As she hopped through doors, the knot and the whole empty portion of the pant leg flailed around in wild and crazy motion. I suspected that she even added to it by unnecessary kicks and yanks of her stump. But I could not swear on it.

Above the jogging pants she wore a short-sleeved T-shirt that looked two sizes bigger than she should have normally needed. Empty sleeves flopped around unrestricted and the big neck opening revealed most of her shoulders. It seemed to be constantly just about to slip over one of them which would surely cause me a heart attack if it had had happened. The loose bottom end of the T-shirt flailed wildly too as she jumped up and down on her single leg. I drilled my gaze to the hem of the shirt in a hungry attempt to catch a glimpse of her naked belly that I anticipated under the fabric. But I was not lucky at that.

Yorna neared quickly to the sofa and I moved a bit to make more room for her. She skillfully came to an abrupt stop just in front of the couch, used the momentum to twist her body and let her bottom drop onto the sofa heavily. It even looked like if soft cushions sent her abbreviated body back into air a bit. With the help of her shortened thigh she managed to keep the balance and when she steadied herself enough she raised her single leg onto the sofa too and folded it in in front of her, tucking the foot under the remnant of her right leg.

I wasn't sure what to do. I wanted to touch her but didn't know where to place my hand. Had she have arms I would take her hand in mine, but this was not the option anymore. Her knee, the next best option after the hand, was out of my reach on the other side of the couch. And I didn't dare to put my hand on her stump (oh my, how I longed to do that!). Eventually I pushed my hand under her stump and found the foot there. I grabbed the dainty piece of flesh covered by the sock and squeezed it in a friendly manner. She looked at me and smiled.

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