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You Shouldn't Be Here

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Stephanie and Max with Janet.
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Just a quick few scenes I thought I'd put out there. It's a group thing, a threesome that involves a degree of anal sex - hence the category choice - although there are other acts involved.

Stephanie is nineteen and has a thing for her older neighbour Max, a man nearing fifty. Stephanie and Max get it on, with the girl recounting her lewd tale to a friend and colleague - Janet.

It goes on from there...

Feedback on this would be appreciated.

Thank you for reading.

GA - Da Nang, Vietnam - 15th of February 2015.


"You shouldn't be here."

The girl looks at him and pouts, green eyes wide, her head canted. Max can almost hear the cogs whirring while she processes his statement. He watches her face and sees the shift towards vulpine when she smirks and tosses her head, flicking long blonde hair away from her face with her fingers.

With both hands on her hips and her chest thrust forward, the girl breathes, "Oh, come on, Mister Winter. I only came to apologise."

He's trembling, throat working through a heavy gulp as his eyes flick over her. It's an involuntary act, Max doesn't want to look at her body packed into ragged-hemmed cut-offs and skimpy crop-top, but he just can't stop himself. Despite his deep misgivings Max thinks she's exquisite: straight hair, button nose and green eyes in an elfin face so deceptively innocent it's shocking now he's come to realise Stephanie's true nature. He stands at the front door and soaks her up, the fingers of one hand white and straining as he grips the door, his appraisal running quickly over high tight breasts, a taut stomach and navel stud glittering at least three inches above the waistband of her insignificant denim shorts.

Max sucks in a breath, the air hissing through his nose while he struggles against the urges rising inside him. I could just run my hands over those smooth legs all afternoon...

"Stephanie, please," Max croaks, swallowing again. "You don't need to apologise. It would be best if you let it lie. Honestly ... You shouldn't be here. I-"

"But I've been thinking about it, Mister Winter..."

Max knows she's playing him. She might sound contrite and seem close to tears, eyes brimming as she blinks at him, lower lip trembling, but he's certain it's an act.

"...and I feel like such an idiot. It was a stupid thing to do. I've fancied you for ages and I'd had a drink or two..."

"Jesus, Stephanie," Max groans. He lets go of the door and combs his fingers through thick hair. "You're nineteen, I'm nearly fifty. You're the same age as my daughter ... I'm married. You've lived next door since you were born. I'm friends with your parents..." He sets his jaw and regards the girl with a serious look. Max digs deep and summons the will to resist the obvious but effective attempt at seduction. "I'm flattered but there's just no way. I'm sorry, Steph."

"Don't you like me?" Stephanie asks in a little-girl voice she delivers with an accompanying up-and-under look.

It's so transparent Max could laugh. "Come on, Stephanie ... Don't try that with me."

Her expression has gone from sly, through wounded, and on to belligerent. "Try what?" the girl says, crossing her arms.

Max frowns, a little surprised to notice Stephanie's eyes have darkened. He sees her face and feels a ripple of dark arousal: her anger excites him.

He decides to goad her, to see if he can have a little fun. "Giving me that look," he says, nudging his chin at Stephanie as he mirrors her pose. Max crosses his arms while adding, "Pretending you're upset. It doesn't fool me, Steph. I've been around, I know the score. I used to think you were a sweet girl but I've seen through you now."

Max is rewarded by the flash of emerald fire when belligerence morphs to outright hostility. "You wanker," Stephanie hisses through snarling lips and a pristine portcullis of white teeth. "I came to say sorry and you start on saying horrible things. I fancied you ... I thought you were sexy and I wanted to kiss you."

Stephanie revs up and Max glances at her hands as she gesticulates wildly. He sees her long nails and steps back a pace - it would be difficult explaining scratches on his cheek to his wife.

"I can get men if I want, you know," Stephanie rants. "Look at me..." She gestures at the front of her body with a sweep of both hands. "I've got men chasing me, Mister Winter. They want this body, they go stupid over me. If I wanted to I could get myself someone in five seconds." A snap of her fingers emphasises Stephanie's point. She glares at Max and continues with, "But not you ... Oh no, you've got a daughter my age ... You're married..." Stephanie grimaces, mouth twisted with disgust. I came to apologise for making an idiot of myself, that's all..."

"Get in," Max growls.

Caught off guard, Stephanie blinks and says, "What?"

Max steps aside, the hallway behind him. "I said, get in." He tilts his head, watching the girl as her flawless brow creases.

Stephanie examines the corridor. She peers into the house and then glances at Max, her anger evaporating. "Why?" she asks, tone uncertain.

"Because I want to kiss you and I can't do it out here." His eyes rove over Stephanie's body, desire plain to see as Max licks his lips. He's hard, his erection tight inside his cargo pants. "You say men go mad for your body, Steph?

"...Well, I want you," he rumbles, expression hungry.

Her heart-rate accelerates like a jet leaving an aircraft carrier. "Tell me what you want to do with me," Stephanie breathes, heat flooding her vulva.

His eyes narrow while he shows the girl a lascivious, lupine grin. "Everything," Max sighs, indicating the inside of the house with a jerk of his head. "Now, come in - or do I have to make you?"


"Fucking hell, Steph..." Janet Binks gapes at her friend, stunned. She pauses and adds a breathless, "Then what happened?"

They're at work, gossiping in the shelter outside. Stephanie smokes while Janet listens agog.

Stephanie shrugs, nonchalance personified. "I went in," she grins.

"And?" Janet asks.

Stephanie takes a drag on her cigarette and flicks ash with a delicate tap of her forefinger. Blowing reedy blue smoke towards the sky she eyes the older woman, smirking when she says, "What do you want to know?"

"I want to know what you got up to, you filthy tart." Janet's eyes are huge, her face slack while her jaw dangles.

Stephanie shrugs. "The usual."

Janet's mouth closes. She grimaces and rolls her eyes. "Don't muck about, Steph," she whines. "Tell me. It's been ages since I had a bit of fun, at least give me something I can use later."

Snorting a laugh, Stephanie turns to her friend. "You're going to wank about it?"

As far as Janet is concerned she will concede to having three lovers at the same time: her fingers, a vibrator, and her imagination. Listening to Stephanie always gives her mind fresh fodder to graze on during her lonely nights in bed.

Red-faced, Janet looks at her shoes and nods. "Well, yes. You know I love to hear about the things you get up to. If I can't find anyone to have fun with for myself, I'll live vicariously through you."

The atmosphere between the two women thickens. Janet blinks when she senses the charge in the air. She glances around, furtive, checking to see if anyone is approaching when Stephanie begins to talk, the blonde girl's voice clotted with her own desire.

"I sucked his dick, Jan. Almost straight away. We were in the hall, just inside the front door. When I walked in he slammed it shut and grabbed me. We kissed for a long time - you know, all hot and heavy, his hands all over me."

Stephanie regards Janet and experiences a rush of lust when she sees the look on the other woman's face.

"What next?" Janet mumbles.

"He yanked my top up and sucked my tits. He was groaning and breathing hard, Jan. He sucked at me and kept on muttering about my body and how he wanted to fuck me."

Thrilled by the effect her tale was having on Janet, Stephanie is deliberately crude when she continues with, "He unzipped and pulled out this huge cock. Honest, Jan, it was fucking massive; one with a big bulging head and a shaft criss-crossed with veins. It looked like a club. When I first saw it I thought it would batter my pussy senseless."

"Oh God," Janet sighs, transfixed, both appalled and fascinated.

Warming to her theme, Stephanie says, "He made me get down on my knees and suck it. He was so strong, so determined, Jan. He was a different bloke to the one I've known for so long. He was wild - an animal. It was all no-nonsense, no messing about. He told me to get down and start sucking. He moaned at me to wank it. He told me he was going to come on my face, said I'd look beautiful that way."

Janet gulps, a gasp coming out of her. "Jesus," she sighs, "That's so bloody dirty."

Stephanie chuckles and then nods. "Yeah, isn't it?"

"I don't know if I want to hear any more, Steph," Janet says. "I might go mad before I get home."

"There's always the toilet, Jan," Stephanie replies, eyes glittering with mischief.

Janet grimaces. "That's a bit desperate."

"But it wouldn't be the first time."

"Shut up, you," says Janet, giving the blonde a gentle, jocular push.

Stephanie takes a final pull on the cigarette and drops it to the concrete. She grinds it out with the sole of one high-heeled shoe. "Do you want to hear any more?"

Janet glances at her watch and pulls a face. "I don't know, Steph - shouldn't we be getting back?"

"He fucked me in the hallway," Stephanie continues. "I had my top up to my neck. He'd pulled my bra down and had my shorts down to my knees. Max turned me round and just about slammed me against the wall. He just ripped my knickers off, Jan."

"Oh bloody hell," Janet mumbles, squirming, agitated. Masturbating in the toilet is fast becoming a very attractive option.

"He made me lean forward with my arms against the wall. Then he grabbed at me and pulled my arse towards him. The next thing I knew I was full of his cock. I didn't realise how wet I was, Jan."

Stephanie's voice is a narcotic near-whisper and Janet hangs on every word, mouth sagging, lips moist.

"He went mad for me. Max was moaning on about my body and my pussy. I was stuffed full of his big cock and he was going at me like a wild man. You should have heard the things he was saying, Jan. He was moaning on about all the things he was going to do to me. It was fucking hot to hear him ... Some of it was proper filthy."

"You lucky bitch," Janet sighs, slowly shaking her head.

Stephanie laughs and says, "You don't know the half of it, Jan."

With another look at the time, Janet urges her friend to go on. "What else, Steph? Quick. Tell me."

Pulling a face, Stephanie says, "Well, we went at it in the hallway for a bit. Then he pulls out and drags me to the living room. It's a lovely house. Nice stuff, really clean and modern. Better furnished than our place."

Janet whines in frustration. "I couldn't give a toss about the décor, Steph - just bloody tell me."

"Okay," Stephanie grins as she rolls her eyes. "All right...

"Well, he dragged me to this massive sofa and gets me to sit on it. Then he stands in front of me and makes me suck him again."

"You tasted yourself?" gasps Janet.

"Fucking hell, Jan," Stephanie sighs. "It isn't the first time I've sucked a cock after it's been inside me...

"Anyway, he made me suck it again and then pushed me back so he could lick my pussy. It was so good ... He really knows what he's doing. Give me an older bloke anytime. It was fucking hot seeing his face when he stared at me down there."

"Duh-did you cuh-come?" squeaks Janet, feet moving as she dances on the spot like she needs to pee.

Stephanie smirks and nods slowly, eyes fixed on her friend's face. "Oh yes. Did I ever."

Janet shudders, eyes closing. She breathes deep, sucking in air, her generous chest expanding. "And did he fuck you on the sofa too, Steph?"

Nodding briskly, eyes gleaming, Stephanie's voice creaks under the strain when she says, "God yes, Jan. He hooked my legs around his arms and banged me good and proper. He was a machine going at me. I was squealing like a pig. I couldn't do anything except lie there all scrunched up while he did what he wanted. I was helpless. My poor pussy took such a beating."

Janet holds up a hand, wincing as she gasps, "Enough. Stop it. I'll be rubbing myself off right here if you don't shut up about it."

"Ha!" Stephanie blurts. "There's something else, Jan-"

But Stephanie is forced to stop it. Two people are approaching: smokers with their eye on the shelter.

"Meet after work and tell me the rest?" Jan suggests before their privacy is disturbed.

Stephanie smirks. She knows where it will end up.

"Okay," the girl agrees, nodding. "Can I come to yours? I'll bring wine..."


They're in Janet's flat. Stephanie is in the living room while Janet sits on the toilet, her water splashing into the bowl. It's 7 p.m. and she's a little fizzy in the head from drinking red wine on an empty stomach.

Suddenly the door opens and Janet looks up, shocked. "You shouldn't be here," she squeaks.

Stephanie leans against the door jamb and crosses her arms. She smirks at the older woman who's still pissing a stream into the toilet. "I thought you might be wanking."

"Well I'm not!" Janet yips, indignant. She shoos Stephanie away with a flick of her fingers. "So get out while I pee. Jesus, Steph..." she gasps.

Unperturbed and apparently glued to the door frame Stephanie stays where she is. "Did you flick your bean at work?" she asks, deliberately crude to get a reaction from her friend. It's always sport with Janet. Stephanie enjoys provoking her.

"For God's sake!" Janet splutters. Her flow ceases and she grabs for the toilet roll, dabbing a swatch between her legs before she rises and recovers her modesty.

Stephanie rolls her eyes and pushes away from the door frame. "I don't know what the big deal is, Jan," she says, eyebrows arched to her hairline. "We all piss, babe."

"You always have to be so dirty-mouthed, don't you," Janet snaps, yanking the flush lever with more vehemence than it needs.

Stephanie is quick to retort. "You seemed to enjoy it this afternoon. I can recall you getting all squirmy when I told you about Max's big cock."

Janet chews her bottom lip and eyes her friend. There's a tingle between her legs, a resurgent tickle of arousal Stephanie's graphic description elicited earlier in the day.

"Okay," Janet sighs. "You win. Tell me more, Steph."

"About Max and his big cock and what we did?" the blonde asks, advancing.

Janet's eyes go wide when Stephanie walks right to her, the younger woman coming in close. "Wuh-what are you doing?" she warbles.

"Telling you about how good it was to fuck max's dick," Stephanie breathes, her fingers brushing Janet's cheek. "But I want to kiss you first, Jan." She lifts one shoulder in a half-shrug. "I thought we could both have a go at ourselves - you know, have a little play while I tell you about it."

Backing away into a corner, Janet stutters and mewls, "I ... I ... uh ... I'm not a lesbian, Steph."

Stephanie chuckles and moves in close once again. "Neither am I," she whispers, lifting her skirt to her waist.

Janet gasps when Stephanie takes hold of her hand to guide the older woman's fingers to her vulva. "God, Steph - where are your knickers?"

"I took them off. They were soaked anyway." Stephanie squirms against Janet's fingers as she holds the other woman's hand between her legs. "Feel how wet I am, Jan."

Janet gulps, mouth falling open. She can't quite believe what's happening. She knows she has her hand on Stephanie's sex, Janet can feel the flesh slick with desire. It occurs to her to think it's all wrong and she knows she should pull her fingers free...

But she can't bring herself to do it.

"Are you wet, too?" Stephanie groans, her free hand tugging at Janet's skirt. "Let me feel you, Jan." The blonde is agitated, her request an urgent squeak as she hauls at Janet's clothing. "Please, let me touch you. I want to feel your pussy, Jan. I want to finger you and hear you moan."

"Steph ... Jesus. No, Steph. Please..."

But it's no use. Stephanie is too strong for her. Janet writhes and wriggles but can't escape the expeditionary fingers from finding her clit. Stephanie's hand is inside Janet's underwear, the digits searching for the nub at the apex of her sex.

Gasping, Janet mumbles, "Oh shit. No, Steph. We can't."

But then she succumbs when the blonde's fingers begin to work at her. Janet whines when Stephanie's lips her mouth.


"What are you doing?" Janet groans.

It's gone well past kissing and fingering. By now Janet is naked, kneeling on the sofa while Stephanie holds her buttocks splayed.

"Licking your arsehole," Stephanie replies, ever crude as she ducks in to dab the tip of her tongue at Janet's puckered sphincter.

"You filthy bitch," Janet sighs in response, making no move to pull away.

"It's what Max did to me. He got me all worked up and wet before he fucked mine."

Janet squirms, the delicious thrill of Stephanie's tongue invading her taboo hole too sweet to deny. "He fucked your arse!?" she yelps.

Stephanie probes some more before she pulls back. "Yeah, he did. He was pretty intense about it. He said my arse is the best he's seen. He kept banging on about how much he loved my legs and bottom. He kept on rubbing my calves and thighs and then just flipped me onto my front do he could get at me.

"He licked it like this..."

Janet moans and gasps when Stephanie gets in there again.

"...And then he told me he wanted to put his cock in there. You should've heard the things he said about it, Jan?"

"Wuh-will you tell me?" Janet whines. She twists round, swivelling at the waist so she can look at her friend. "Please."

"In a bit," gasps Stephanie. "I'll tell you all about it but I need to rub my clit first. Oh, Jan," the girl whines, "I'm so fucking horny."

"Me too," Janet squeaks in response. "You've got me all worked up, you filthy tart. I've never done anything like this before. I didn't know I could have so much fun with a woman."

Stephanie nods, rising to her feet while Janet turns and slumps into the sofa. "Let's wank, Jan," the blonde mutters, collapsing sprawl-limbed alongside her friend. "I'll tell you all about Max fucking my dirty-hole. That's what he called it. He went on about my 'muddy-hole' and my 'tight little dirt-box'."

Air hisses in through Janet's nose when she sucks in a deep breath. She shakes her head and asks, "What did it feel like, Steph? Did it hurt? You said he was massive..." The woman's face turns to regard her friend as her fingers slosh though labia tacky and sodden with lust.

Rubbing her own clit, Stephanie nods. "He squirted lube on his dick. He rubbed some over my arse too, but he was still fucking huge when he went in. Thing is, Jan I was so fucking mad for it by then...

"I was wound up from him fucking and licking my pussy I was begging him to use me any way he wanted." Stephanie winces and mutters an obscenity, her fingers working her clit, two digits slipping into her opening as she recalls the burn at her sphincter when Max first eased his length into her anus. "It hurt, yeah, but it wasn't unpleasant," she tells her friend, "-if I'm making any sense?"

Janet stares at the girl, large breasts shivering while she diddles her vulva, fingers describing quick, urgent circles near her clit. "I think I understand," she gurgles, a sob hitching in her chest.

The sensations are getting beyond the tolerable. The pleasure intensifies - she's going to come very soon.

"Would you do it again, Steph?" Janet winces. "Did you come?" She moans and grunts, climax simmering close to the boil. "Did he come, Steph? Inside you - did he come in your arse?"

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