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Young Winston Ch. 06-07

Story Info
Gloria's household begins to spin out of control.
4.5k words

Part 6 of the 9 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 10/20/2016
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At least the little bugger was clever enough to wait until I had showered and was sitting comfortably wrapped in a towel with a drink in my hand before he gave me the bad news. Nonetheless, I reacted with sufficient drama to put the fear of God into him.

"Special detention! What the hell did you do, little man?" I exclaimed and rose from the couch. "Get down on your knees, damn it."

"Arguing with my teachers, disrupting class, asking inappropriate questions...," he replied.

I raised an eyebrow, that didn't sound like him, he may have been willful in his own subtle ways, but he was always closed mouthed. Always. "Yes ma'am, no ma'am" and nothing else. I didn't like the thought of him being talkative. I kicked him in the forehead with the heel of my bare foot; he rocked back a bit but returned to his position, looking up at me. "Thomas, how dare you embarrass me; I have never taught you to be anything but polite and accommodating, damn you. Stand up you little rat!"

He scrambled to his feet and stood in front of me. I threw my drink in his face, and hurled the tumbler across the room to explode against the wall; that made him jump, the little bastard. I slapped him hard across the face, "Your behavior reflects directly upon me! Upon me, you unruly little shit! What kind of a mother am I going to appear who can't even control her smart-mouthed son?"

I slapped him again, as hard as I could. Tears stood out in his crystal blue eyes, and livid red marks appeared on his cheeks, but he kept his hands at his sides, "Sorry ma'am I..." he started to speak but I punched him hard in the stomach. He grunted and doubled over a little, but then straightened up. The boy had a rock hard stomach. I walked around behind him; the punch had surprised me, it was more than I had intended. I had to control my temper, and I didn't want him to see my weakness.

Grabbing him by the hair at the back of his head I yanked it back and hissed in his ear; "don't speak, don't you dare speak, ever, to anyone, unless you are told too," I commanded.

"Yes, ma'am," he replied gritting his teeth a little.

"I am very disappointed in you, Thomas, very disappointed," I gave his hair another tug and then let it go. I thought again how I should get his proud locks sheared off right down to a buzz cut, but the truth was, I liked it the way it was. "What the devil am I going to do with you?" I demanded.

"Whip his smart ass!" Christina said eagerly. She stood up from the couch and straightened her tight cocktail dress; "burn his ass!"

I looked over at her, slightly surprised; frankly I had forgotten that she was there. It had been a normal Friday night; I had gone to the New Nova Bar straight from work, and Christina, who didn't have to fly again until Monday night had been there waiting with a couple of guys already hitting on her. We drank free though happy hour as usual, blew the bozos off and then came home to relax for a while before going out again around ten or so. Relax; well I was relaxing until he told me his unpleasant news.

"Oh, we will redden his bold little bum for sure. Get your shorts off, no damn it, get all of your clothes off, every stitch!" I commanded. I still didn't want to mark him, but I needed something that would stay with him for a while. He quickly got himself naked and returned to standing before me. I noticed again how well toned and masculine his body had become; and I could not help but be reminded of how oversized his cock was as I watched it thicken and rise from semi-hard to rock solid. I realized that my towel had fallen down below my breasts, but I ignored it. It was gratifying to see how much he lusted after me; and Christina too, for that matter; she had come over to stand beside me, close to my side with one small hand on my shoulder. She had unzipped her dress and now it hung loosely from her shoulders, exposing her pure white bra straps.

"How rude," Christina laughed and swatted his boner which swung immediately back into its upright position.

I pressed myself up against him, tormenting him with my hard nipples. With my right hand I tugged on his hair again, and with my left I pinched one of his hard little nubs. "Now, what is this "special detention"?" I growled at him.

"I'm not sure exactly what I have to do, but she wants to have me every available hour," he replied looking calmly into my eyes.

I thought that an odd expression, she wanted to "have me." My hand left his nipple and slid down to the head of his hard cock, almost for reassurance, and I squeezed his hard shaft, it was like squeezing a railroad spike.

"Who?" I demanded.

"Principal Harden," he replied immediately in his usual flat tone. He was looking straight ahead again now that I was so close to him. Christina had moved around behind me, I could feel her pressing lightly against me.

I had to bend a little to get a good grip on his balls; I squeezed them as hard as I could and got more of a reaction, a bit of a gasp, and he bit his lower lip. "The principal herself! Right to the top, eh Thomas, shame me right at the very top."

"Unbelievable," Christina declared from behind me. I could feel that my towel was coming completely apart now, but I couldn't tell if she was doing it, or holding it up for me by pressing so tightly against my back and bottom.

"So the principal has had to take a personal interest in you, you unruly, disobedient little scamp. Has she done so before?"

"Yes ma'am."

"Has she punished you before?"

"Yes ma'am."

"How? Does she strike you, use a strap, a ruler?"

"No ma'am, that's not allowed in school anymore."

"No wonder the county is going to the dogs," Christina interjected.

I, at least, was glad to hear that. No one should be allowed to strike my boy except me.

"I have to write lines, apologize verbally and in writing, I have to stand in the corner and listen to her lecture me."

I realized that I had gone from brutally crushing his balls to stroking and fondling them, and immediately let them drop. I slapped his face again. "Well it's nothing more than your deserve, you little hooligan," I said and then stepped back so quickly that I stepped on Christina's toe.

"Damn you, you little bastard," she yelled at him as she stumbled away. I took the opportunity to cover my breasts and re-tuck my towel.

"I want to speak to her!" I demanded. I knew that JFK High had a female principal, I had imagined some mousy frump, but now I was not so sure.

"She gave me her home number ma'am," Winston replied. "She said you could call her any time."

I gave him a withering stare up and down; his cock remained as hard as ever, his posture excellent. I nodded; "You need to have some of the arrogance knocked out of you. From now on you will go naked, starkers, around this house. From the moment you enter to the moment you leave I want you totally exposed so that I can chastise you at will. You will toddle about with a bare bum like an infant until you learn to behave like a young man," I commanded.

"Yes ma'am," he replied.

"And you will not be going out at all for quite a while, except to school, errands, and whatever detention time I work out with the principal. No movies, no bike rides, no swimming, no visits to that damn library, you hear me?"

"Yes ma'am."

I walked around behind him, grabbed a handful of his tight buns in each hand and squeezed, digging in my long nails. "Now, Tommy boy, go get me the phone and that number, then get me..." I was looking over his shoulder at Christina still half in her off the shoulder dress, hip cocked, empty glass in hand ... "and Miss Kelly a fresh drink, and then clean up this fucking mess. There had better not be any stains on the carpet or I'll make you suck them out, fiber by fiber."

"Yes ma'am," he replied and turned and hustled towards the kitchen as soon as I released him.


Christina had removed her dress and now sat perched on the arm of the couch with her feet on the coffee table. She had on a spotless, pure white, full girdle that hugged her tight little body and held up her nude stockings very high on her thighs. It was of the open bottom variety that came to just below the bottom of her butt cheeks, and she had made sure that I saw that she wore no panties underneath. It was a very expensive and stylish piece of kit, form fitting and transparent except for the decorative panel that covered her bush; she made good money at PAN AM, most of which she spent on clothes and booze for the house - she never had to buy a drink when she was out.

"I think it's a good idea to make him go around naked, sooner or later that aggressive boner of his will wilt and then he'll look like just another harmless little cupid," she said sipping her Tom Collins and regarding Winston disdainfully as he stood in the corner with his back to us. "I'm a little concerned about his hands though; it'll be so easy for him to get them all over his nasty bits when we're not looking, and he does handle our food, after all."

"A good point," I replied. I was pacing about restlessly, still in my towel. It was too early to get ready to go out, and the little bugger had upset our normal placid Friday evening routine so I felt a little on edge. I gave him a swat with my ruler every now and then out of frustration.

I had talked to Principal Harden; she was very well spoken, formal, and stern to the point where even I began to feel a little guilty. Nonetheless I held firm; Winston, I told her, would be punished thoroughly by me, and he had many chores to do so I could not allow the school to monopolize his time, no matter how badly he had behaved. She had been conciliatory, and after thanking me for being one of the few parents who still cared enough to discipline their children, we had both agreed that Winston was an especially difficult child, exceptionally intelligent (I hadn't thought he was that bright), bold by inherent nature, and possessing great potential, but requiring a very firm hand. In the end we worked out a schedule that would allow him to do his chores and best serve his detention.

At a loss for a moment I swatted him again; Principal Harden seemed a formidable woman, and that made me uneasy.

"He is such a dirty, naughty fellow, Gloria," Christina prompted and I felt a flash of irritation; sometimes when she tried to sound British she was quite ludicrous.

This whole nakedness idea had just popped into my mind; I hadn't really thought it through. "You will wear an apron while you are in the kitchen," I said.

"We'll get you a nice frilly one," Christina taunted him, and I could hear the slithering of her nylon encased legs scissoring back and forth.

"Put your hands behind your head," I snapped at Winston, and when he was slow to respond I grabbed both his wrists and forced his hands to be clasped behind his head like a POW. "Keep your elbows back," I growled and yanked back on them until his arms were even with his shoulders. "You will adopt this position at all times unless you are told otherwise. If those hands stray south, you'll get it good!"

Christina giggled. "Splendid idea," she agreed. "And I think I have the perfect finishing touch!" she slid down from the arm of the couch and sauntered out of the room, twitching her tight ass as she went. She had a great little figure; perfectly rounded hips and ass, and good-sized tits on her five-foot -nothing frame.

She came back carrying pair of ladies elbow length, formal, white gloves. "Turn around!" she ordered and Winston obeyed immediately. She had been very leery of him for quite a while after she moved in, uncomfortable and annoyed by his presence, but she was getting used to him, and getting used to issuing commands too it seemed. She had the makings of quite a little tyrant.

Christina kneed Winston in the balls, not too hard, but enough to make him wince, and I found myself involuntarily bending over a bit at the suddenness of it. Then she made him put on the gloves. "They were always a bit too big for me, but they look darling on him, don't you think, Gloria?" she asked and came and stood beside me, pressing the crisp material of her girdle against me, letting her perfume and sweat insinuate into my nostrils.

"Yes, excellent," I said and gave her a playful, but fairly hard little rap on her thinly covered bottom making her jump and laugh nervously. I had never struck her before, even in play. Perhaps she would take it as a warning.

She responded by tracing the nails of one hand lightly across my bare shoulders before turning abruptly and bouncing back to her perch.

Winston kept his gaze fixed straight ahead the whole time, his expression unchanged. He was a very well disciplined boy; I just couldn't understand what this Principal Harden had to complain about. Did he behave that much differently when he was out of my sight?

"You will keep those gloves spotless," I warned him sternly.

"Yes ma'am."

Standing back from him, admiring his physique without letting it show, I tapped his high, tight balls with the ruler. "Describe Principal Harden," I demanded.

The question took him by surprise, he hesitated and I gave his balls a harder, upward smack. "Come on," I said, "it's not a difficult question."

"She's, Ahhh...middle aged woman, ma'am, and she wears pointy rimmed glasses most of the time. She is very stern and proper, cold and hard."

"Go on, what does she look like?"

"She's a little shorter than me, although she wears heels, not as high or as nice as yours, but at least a couple of inches. She has dark hair, her eyes are dark too..."

"Go on, don't pretend you haven't looked at her."

"She has a small nose, plump lips and she is...full figured," he said.

"You like that, don't you, Tommy boy?"

"Yes ma'am.

"Mmmm, you like her."

"Not particularly ma'am, she's the principal, I..."

I poked him in the stomach with the ruler; "No wonder she's angry with you, you're leering at her like some uncouth hillbilly; that will stop at once. I raised you better than that. Understand!?"

"Yes, ma'am."

"Fresh drinks!" I demanded, and sent him scurrying out of the room with a couple more blows to his behind for encouragement.



I didn't really mind the way this was going; I kinda liked the feel of the long gloves, and I didn't mind being naked. I had seen enough movies and TV to know that I had nothing to be ashamed of about my body, and Gloria's punishment just demonstrated what I had suspected for a while now; she really enjoyed looking at me. I wasn't being punished by showing off, instead she was tormenting herself.

Christina was a dyke for sure, but even she couldn't seem to leave my cock alone either. She thought she would humiliate me by making me go limp, but that just wasn't going to happen; I was eighteen, there were two sexy, half-naked women parading around in front of me all the time, and just for good measure I was getting a little amphetamine boost whenever I felt like I needed it. I had been raiding their medicine cabinet for over a year; they were both pill poppers, Gloria had like four different doctors doling them out to her, Miss Kelly had even more, from different cities, and some foreign, probably illegal stuff too. Uppers, downers, sleeping pills, diet pills, bennies, especially with Miss Kelly. It took me a while to figure out what they all did, but since they both drank too much, they never really knew how many pills they had taken and didn't notice if a few went missing. I carefully built up a stockpile for using on myself, and for slipping into their drinks.

So I almost laughed when I heard Miss Kelly mutter, "son of a bitch," when I handed them their fresh drinks with my cock still standing up hard and angry as ever. They had both gone back to the couch, but when I returned to standing with my hands behind my head and hips thrust out just a bit, it was like they both felt they had to stand up and attack me.

Gloria slapped me across the face; "get down on your knees you insolent boy!" she demanded, and Miss Kelly managed to give my nipple a fierce twist before I dropped to my knees facing away from the couch. I felt Gloria's bare foot pressing down on my shoulders; "all the way down, boy, face flat on the carpet, ass up in the air!"

I felt the point of Miss Kelly's shoe jab me in the side, and I grunted with surprise, that was going to bruise up pretty good; Gloria wouldn't like that, so I would have to make sure she got a good look at it later. I knew the position; I pressed my forearms and cheek against the floor and arched my ass up as high as I could supported by my knees. Actually the gloves were going to save me from the usual rug burn. Gloria placed a foot on either side of my head facing my rear, and started to slap my ass with her ruler. It stung a little, but I knew she wouldn't keep it up for very long before she started using her hand.

"That's it Gloria, lay it on him, let the little bastard have it!" Miss Kelly urged. Her voice was only slightly slurred; they had been drinking for about three hours now, and I never put anything in their drinks before they went out, so they were both still fully in control of themselves. Gloria gave me only a few more strokes before she stopped.

She bumped her foot into my face; "go on, lick it Tommy boy, lick my foot."

I licked her instep and felt her give an involuntary shiver before she pressed it harder against my tongue. This whole foot thing was new, but it was okay with me; soon I would learn where she was most sensitive, soon it would be one more thing she needed me to do for her. Her foot moved back a bit as she bent forward to start spanking me with her bare hand, and I found myself sucking her toes; she liked that too. Lately her bare-hand blows had become softer, and involved a lot more stroking and grabbing of my butt cheeks. She was leaning so far forward that I could feel her hard nipples just brushing the lower part of my arched back; it was all good.

I felt Miss Kelly's knees press against my side, she had to be crouching down so she could be close to Gloria. "May I," she asked with a wicked tease in her voice.

"Be my guest," Gloria replied and then moved to crouch on my other side; I was left with nothing to occupy my mouth while they both worked over my bum. Now I could feel Gloria's tits mashing against my side; she must have thrown away the towel, and on the other side I could feel the Miss Kelly's girdle rubbing against me; she must have slipped all the way out of her dress. Things were moving right along, and of course, I was still as hard as ever.

Miss Kelly had started out by giving me some very hard slaps, but now she was trying to copy Gloria, and was mostly stroking and grabbing; grabbing harder, and also she kept sneaking her hand down my crack and toying with my asshole. "His bum is very hard isn't it,' she said, sucking up, "you've brought him up in such excellent shape - too bad his attitude is not as well formed."

"Mmmm," Gloria replied a little throatily, "he'll learn."

"It's really kind of...pleasant, isn't it, this hard young meat," Miss Kelly replied, making her own voice sound horny.

"Mmmmmum," Gloria repeated, she had stopped spanking me, and was just stroking, now her hands were straying in between my legs, and I spread them a little so she could get a good feel of my balls.

"And all yours, although I hope you'll share..." Miss Kelly said.

Gloria was the one who moved, I felt her press down on me for support and then lean over top of me to kiss Miss Kelly. It was quite a sloppy kiss, I could hear it clearly, not to mention being able to feel the way their bodies pushed towards each other, squeezing me in the middle. It was the first time they had kissed while more or less sober; I had been wondering when it was finally going to happen, and I was a little surprised that it was Gloria who made the move.


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