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Young Woman with Older Man Ch. 22

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Heaven can wait, the reincarnation from Lynn to Kate.
5.2k words

Part 22 of the 22 part series

Updated 10/29/2022
Created 07/24/2012
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Chapter 22

Heaven can wait, the reincarnation from Lynn to Kate.

She told me that she was in a serious car accident. She told me that she could have and should have died. Maybe Kate was supposed to die and did die in that accident. Maybe Lynn wasn't supposed to die in her accident. Just as what happened in that movie, Heaven Can Wait, did Lynn's Angel, hoping to save her from pain and suffering, make a mistake and take her spirit and her soul too soon? Was Lynn supposed to have survived that accident? Then, when the Angel was trying to fix his or her mistake, was Kate's body the only body available for Lynn to return in to me?

I looked at her while looking for any residual clues of Lynn as evidence to my crazy supposition. Other than her eyes, the same beautiful eyes as Lynn's eyes, Kate looked nothing like Lynn. Other than she was tall, beautiful, and had the same shapely body, well, there's my clue. As hot as was Lynn, in that regard, Kate looked a lot like Lynn. Only, where Lynn was younger, Kate was older by 20 years. By teasing me with the thought that Kate may be Lynn reincarnated, was Heaven sending me a message for me to stay with a woman my own age? A message I'd be happy to take, if only Kate would have me, I'd be a happy man.

Only, with her on her way to checkout to pay for her groceries and with the chance that I'd lose her and never see her again, I had to act fast to stop her from leaving the store. Hoping she was just as interested in me as I was in her, I had to think of something witty, funny, and/or intelligent to say to delay her departure. Not able to think of anything, I asked her the obvious.

"Would you like to grab some lunch?"

There, I said it. I put myself out there by telling her that I was interested in her enough to invite her to lunch. If this was meant to be, if she was, indeed, my Lynn, she'd say yes. Preparing myself for rejection, I watched her while trying to read her body language. Hoping, while waiting for her to accept my invitation to lunch, she looked at her watch and back at me.

"What do we do with our groceries?"

Relieved that only groceries stood in our way of finding everlasting love, I wanted to take her carriage with mine, roll them down the aisle, and leave. Who cares about groceries, when I'm about to rekindle my love affair again with my dream woman reincarnated in someone else's body? Needing to think of something to say that would appease her and make her stay with me, at least long enough for me to talk to her over lunch, I took a long shot that she'd agree. Again, if she was Lynn and if this was meant to be, she'd go with me whatever the Hell I said.

"We can drop off our groceries and meet back here," I said hoping to allay any safety concerns that she may have in being with a total stranger by asking her to meet me back at the supermarket, a public place.

"I have a better idea," she said with a smile and a thoughtful pause before continuing. "Why don't you follow me home and you can help me with my bundles and then I'll do the same for you."

"Okay, yeah, sure, so long as you don't look at my messy house," I said with a laugh and feeling good that she obviously trusted me enough to ask me to her house. "Like I said, I've been alone for a while."

"Well, normally, I don't invite strangers, especially strange men, to follow me home and help me with my bundles nor do I volunteer to go to a strange man's house unescorted, but I feel safe with you for some reason," she looked at me, as if trying to place my face. "There's something in your eyes that looks so very familiar. It's weird but I feel as if I've met you somewhere before long ago."

"Me too. I got that same feeling when I looked in your eyes. You have very beautiful eyes."

I wanted to tell her about that movie, Heaven Can Wait, but I figured that reference can wait, at least, until I got to know her better. I didn't want her to think that I was totally strange and that the only reason why I was attracted to her was because I thought she was the reincarnation of my dead girlfriend. That would go over real big.

"Thank you," she said looking down at my hands. "I couldn't help but notice your hands when you touched my hand. You have nice hands. Women notice men's hands. Your hands are strong with long fingers and clean fingernails."

"Yeah," I said looking at my fingernails before looking back at her. "I don't like getting my fingernails dirty."

"What do you do?"

"Do? You mean for a living? For work?"

"Yeah," she laughed at my clumsy conversation. "What's your occupation?"

"Oh, nothing, I don't have an occupation. I write. I write novels, short stories, and poems. After having had some early success writing a couple of bestsellers, I retired early from the rat race of getting up to go to work every day. I work from home now and am free to write whatever I want, whenever I want. Not having to dance to the drumbeat of a publisher is what every writer wants but few ever get. I was lucky. Now they solicit me, instead me having to solicit them."

"A writer? I never met a writer before. My last boyfriend was a school administrator. My ex-husband was a salesman."

"And what about you? What do you do?"

"I used to model," she said looking almost ashamed instead of being proud.

"Obviously," I said taking that as an invitation to look down at her body. "I could tell that. You look like a model."

"It was so long ago and such a brief period of my life. I modeled while I was in college and continued while I earned my master's degree. If nothing else, it paid the bills but, having to fend off the advances of so many men, it was too fast of a life for me. Now, more able to go with the flow, I'm a public school teacher."

"That's an interesting career path going from modeling to teaching. I wish I had a teacher who looked like you when I was in school. All my teachers, including the women had mustaches," I said with a laugh.

"Well, I don't have a mustache," she said laughing. "When I was modeling, they wanted to put me under contract, but I thought better of it. Between the catcalls and the rejections, I modeled enough to know that it wasn't the profession for me. Besides, I didn't want to move to New York and throw myself in the fast life of fresh fashion photographers, pushy agents, and impromptu invitations to parties that I'd regret going to the next day. A career that usually ends at thirty-years-old, I'm glad I stayed in school and finished my education."

"A teacher, huh? That's weird. My girlfriend was a special needs teacher. She taught children who had Autism and was returning to school to finish her Master's degree."

"That' an admirable profession. I don't have the patience for that, I'm afraid. The kids that I teach test my patience enough without trying to teach children with special physical and emotional needs. I don't know how someone can teach children with so many difficulties to overcome. What was her name?"


"Lynn? No kidding, that's a weird coincidence. My mother's name is Lynn. Named after her, my middle name is Lynn. My real name is Katherine Lynn, but ever since I was a little girl everyone called me Kate and it stuck. For some reason, maybe because it was my Mom's name, I always liked the name Lynn and wished she had named me that, instead of Katherine. Lynn rolls easier off the tongue than Kate," she said looking at me with those eyes.

"Well, Katherine Lynn, what do you say we head on up to the checkout line and continue our spur of the moment date?"

"Okay, sure. I'd like that," she said touching my arm.

I followed her home and helped with her bundles. It was weird seeing what she bought at the grocery store on a weekly basis. With the both of us buying a lot of the same grocery items and foods, jumping way ahead of myself, I couldn't help but think of the money we'd save if lived together. Ripe for a relationship, she was easy to know and, as if we had already been boyfriend/girlfriend, we made an immediate connection.

"Well everything is put away," I said stuffing the last box of rice in her cabinet.

"Thank you," she said leaning to me to kiss me on the cheek.

She smelled good, clean and fresh, as if she had just emerged from the shower and I couldn't help but imagine her naked. I so wanted to turn my head and kiss her on the mouth, but I didn't want to rush her, especially if she really wasn't my Lynn. Taking it slow, with me already in her house, this potential love affair was already on the fast track enough already.

"Are you ready to see my messy house?"

"Lead the way she said."

We both got back in our cars and she followed me home. Figuring that I'd rather eat in with her than eat out, I ordered take out Chinese as I drove to my house. The timing of the delivery surprised her, when it arrived only a few minutes after I gave her a tour of my house. Even stranger than the feeling that I received when her fingers touched my hand and even stranger than the familiar sense that I felt when I first looked in her eyes, was when she met Seymour for the first time.

She received a better greeting than I ever received when coming home. In the way he reacted when meeting her was conclusive evidence that she was, indeed, Lynn reincarnated. Never has this dog been as excited. Polo, the hyper Rat terrier, was docile in comparison to Seymour. Other than Lynn, never has this dog greeted anyone in that way. He was wildly crazy. He let out this big unearthly howl and I thought he was going to have a heart attack.

At first, I thought he was going to attack her and before I could react and come to her rescue, he jumped up on her and put his big paws on her shoulders as if to hold her in place while licking her face and whining. Who said dogs are dumb? I wished I could have licked her face in that way. His tail was wagging so fast that I thought it was going to launch itself from his big body. From that time and every time he was with her thereafter, he never left her side. Animals know and just as I suspected she was, he knew that she was Lynn, too.

We ate our lunch, talked and laughed, and shared a bottle of wine out on the back porch, while watching the dogs play. Talking about everything and laughing over nothing, we discussed our entire lives in a mere few hours. If I closed my eyes, sitting there with her felt as if I was sitting there with Lynn and having our coffee, in the way we used to do while watching the dogs play. Being with her was so free, so easy, and so right. Feeling as if I've known her longer than a day, when she stood to look out at the dogs, sensing the time was right, I stood, took her in my arms, and kissed her.

Our first kiss, it was a light but meaningful kiss. A kiss without tongues at first, it quickly became more passionate. With her the same height and having the same shapely body as Lynn, I felt as if I was kissing Lynn. Then, when she opened her mouth and surrendered her tongue to me, a sure sign that she liked me as much as I like her, we were making out as if we were horny teenagers.

Strangely enough, all the other times I made out with a woman, even Lynn, I couldn't wait to feel her breasts and cup her ass in my hand. Only this time, maybe because she was older, I was more respectfully reserved. Strange that I'd admit this after having had so much sex with Lynn, Jamie, Gwen, and Marianne, but I was more excited with Kate's kiss and with her lips than I was by her body. That's not to say that I was rejecting her body and didn't want to touch, feel, and caress every fold of her beautiful skin.

This time, taking things slow, I controlled myself from rushing. This time, I wanted to take my time. This time, knowing in advance that she was the one, I wanted to savor the memory of kissing her and permanently etch the feel of her in my mind. Only, unable to control her wild side, she had something else in mind.

She surprised me when she reached down and felt my bulge through my pants. It wasn't until she touched me first that I explored her body. First I felt her ass by running my hand along her backside. Squeezing her firm ass and cupping her shapely ass, I felt her breast by reaching up to feel one tit before feeling the other. A good sign that she was aroused by my kisses and touches as much as I was by her kisses, when I slid my palm across her breasts, her nipples were already erect.

As if it belonged there, her hand felt good on my cock, even if it was only through my pants. She had this neat way of feeling the length of me, while grabbing me, as if she was a blind woman feeling an erect prick for the first time. Then, when I reached my hand between her legs and cupped her pussy through her jeans, she gasped. When I tickled her with my fingers, the passion of her kisses increased as I slowly ran my fingers along her pussy slit and applied a little pressure through her pants. If this felt so good through our clothes, I couldn't wait to be naked with her.

"Where's your bedroom? It's been a while since I've made love. I really need to get laid," she said whispering and laughing in my ear.

Especially with the promise of dirty talk, our first time together was too easy. Someone who looked like her could have anyone. Yet, she was choosing me. Obviously, she wanted to make love with me as much as I wanted to make love with her. If this was Lynn reincarnated as Kate, to be honest, I was glad that she looked more like a mature 45-years-old woman than an immature 25-years-old girl. With her not telling me how old she was, nor would I dare ask, I figured she was in her forties, even though she looked like she was in her thirties, especially when the light was right. When she still looked this good right now, I could see why she was selected to model back then.

"Follow me," I said taking her by the hand.

Glad that I had at least made my bed, I kicked my dirty socks under the bed as I walked by them. Just as it was magical kissing her standing up, it was even more exciting kissing her laying down. With my excitement increasing with every feel of her shapely body, I touched her everywhere through her clothes and she did the same to me. Not in a rush to see her naked, taking my time touching her and feeling her, even though I loved feeling her breasts through her blouse and bra, I couldn't wait to see her topless.

Continually telling myself to slow down, I couldn't wait to see her naked. I wanted the memory of our first time together to be something that I'd remember for the rest of my life and I didn't want the memory to be a ruined blur because I was too horny and too hot for her to enjoy the moment. Nonetheless, even though I wanted to take my sweet time with foreplay, I couldn't help myself from undressing her. Button by slow button, I unbuttoned her blouse in between long, wet kisses and loving touches. My horny hands were all over her C cup bra. Better than Jamie's, Gwen's and Marianne's, her breasts felt just like Lynn's breasts.

Then, not sharing my desire to enjoy the moment and make this our lasting memory by her undressing too fast, she stood, removed her tight jeans, unbuttoned the rest of her blouse, and removed that too. Slow down I wanted to tell her, but too excited by the mere sight of her panty and beautiful body, I said no such thing. Now with her adorned in my favorite woman's outfit of choice, even better than seeing a woman naked, seeing her standing before me in her sexy bra and bikini panty was a sight to behold. I stood to remove my pants but she stopped me.

"Allow me," she said.

With me wanting to take my sweet time with her, she was in a rush to strip me. She unbuckled, unzipped, and pulled down my pants before pushing me back on the bed. Then, she removed my shoes and pulled off my jeans. Next she unbuttoned my shirt and removed that along with my tee shirt. She made me feel as if she was an emergency room nurse and I was an accident victim needing to be prepped for the doctors examination. Now with me just in my boxers and her in her bra and panty, we resumed making out. Only this time, with both of us in our underwear, we had more access to one another's bodies.

As if she was the man and I was the woman, continuing her sexual assault of my body, she stuck her hand down my shorts and grabbed my cock, while I felt her breasts and fingered her nipples through her bra. Then, when she started slowly stroking me to a harder erection, figuring that I was falling behind in my exploration of her, I stuck my hand down her panty and cupped her pussy before feeling her warm wetness with my fingers. She was already so very wet. No doubt, by the passion of her kisses and in the way she so quickly stripped off my clothes but for my boxers, she wanted me as much as I wanted her. Now eager to return the favor, I couldn't wait to strip her naked too. I couldn't wait to mount her and make love to her.

My only issue was wrapping my head around her and all of that's unexpectedly happened so quickly. Having just met her at the supermarket, believing her to be Lynn reincarnated, here I am in bed with Kate. Never have I bedded a woman so fast, not even Lynn. Excluding Jamie, Gwen, and Marianne, casual sex never happens to me. Only, I wasn't considering this casual sex. I was thinking of this, our first union together, as the real deal. Yet, she wanted me as much as I wanted her and that surely helped in both of us getting what we so wanted. Still, all of this was so surreally weird.

After Lynn haunted me, after I no longer felt her presence, and after I mourned her again, as if she died again, when her spirit left me, I kept thinking that this is Lynn when, of course, this was Kate. Not wanting her to think me crazy, not wanting her to think that I was so still so sad in my loss of Lynn to imagine that Kate was Lynn reincarnated, maybe it was just the writer in me that made me want to believe that there was Heaven, Angels, and reincarnation. Only, in the way that Lynn and Gwen could have been twins, except for their sexual peccadilloes, Lynn and Kate had so many things in common that they could have been sisters. Besides, the only proof that I needed, Seymour knew that Kate was Lynn and that was enough for me.

In the way that Kate looked at me, she reminded me of the way that Lynn looked at me. In the way that Kate kissed me and blanked my mind with her deep, wet kisses made me think that she was Lynn. In the way that Kate felt in my arms was as if I was holding and about to make love to Lynn. Wanting to believe, with not just one thing hitting me over the head to make me believe that Kate was Lynn, it was all the little, subtle things that had me scratching my head and looking at her cross-eyed.

She slid down the bed to take me in her mouth. Oh, my God, my beautiful ex-model, sexy school teacher, and soon to be live-in, permanent girlfriend is blowing me for the first time. I wanted to remember every second of this unexpected, sexual experience. Looking down while watching her suck me, I couldn't believe she was sucking my cock. Then, when she looked up at me with those big, beautiful eyes with my cock buried in her mouth, she reminded me so very much of my Lynn.

I couldn't wait to return the favor. I couldn't wait to fall between her legs for an up close and in depth look at her pussy. I couldn't wait to finger her in the way that she was stroking me. I couldn't wait to lick her in the way that she was sucking me. Only, being the breast man that I am, I needed to see her tits first.

While she sucked me, while she busily bobbed her head up and down and side to side, and while she made all of those wonderful, slurping, cock sucking sounds that I love to hear, sounds that tells me that she's enjoying blowing us as much as I'm enjoying being blown by her, I reached around her and unhooked her bra. Then, ever so slowly, wanting to remember and preserve this moment forever, I lowered her bra straps, as if they were ribbons on a gift wrapped package. Without removing her bra cups, needing the imagined image of her breasts to fill my mind before having them fill my eyes, but needing them to fill my hands first, I felt her breasts through her bra again. Only, this time, after I felt her breasts through her bra, still keeping her unhooked bra in place, I reached my hand inside to feel her breast and finger her nipples, first one and then the other. They felt magnificent.


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