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Your BFF's Pregnant MILF

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Marie is a mature, horny preggo; her son's BFF looks good...
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I thought I was too old to get knocked-up, but there I was: 42 and pregnant with my second child. It was a surprise, of course. My son Jake was 18, just starting his senior year of high school as I found myself about to begin the whole parenthood journey all over again. I'd been divorced for nearly a decade, and the guy that put me in my present condition had been little more than a mediocre one night stand. I thought he deserved to know that he had impregnated me and I'd be keeping the baby, but made it clear that I didn't require or desire any involvement from him whatsoever. To not even a bit of my surprise, he failed to even attempt to step up and involve himself; I never heard from him again after informing him of his impending fatherhood.

I found out I was pregnant in late June and didn't manage to work up the nerve to tell Jake until early September: I knew I'd be showing in a matter of days and wouldn't be able to hide it from him any longer even if I wished to. He was unsurprisingly mortified to learn his single, graying mother had had casual unprotected sex and would be giving birth to a new sibling 19 years his junior. Our house had been the central hangout for his group of friends for years, my presence at the very least tolerated; now he wouldn't allow anyone at all to come over and get a look at me, even doing most of our grocery shopping himself so that I wouldn't be seen by the public. He was ashamed, and it was rubbing off on me.

The evening before Thanksgiving, though, Jake's best friend Aaron, a college freshman, stopped by unannounced when he got into town for his school break. I happened to answer the door when he knocked, or else Jake probably would've maneuvered so as to keep me out of sight for the whole visit. I was over 5 months along and wearing jeans and a tight pre-pregnancy t-shirt that hiked several inches up my still modest but already conspicuous bump. My form and attire made the situation obvious, just as the look on his face made his surprise obvious. "Ms. Shannon!" he exclaimed upon getting a glimpse of me, his eyes never leaving my midsection. "You' look...Jake didn't tell me, I had no idea: congratulations!"

I rubbed my belly and appreciated the moment of happiness on my behalf, glad Jake hadn't heard the knock on the door and whisked me into hiding. "Thank you, Aaron! I'm not surprised he didn't tell you, he's still pretty uncomfortable with the whole thing. So how's school?!"

His eyes remained on my bump, as did my right hand. "Good, good," he replied. "Getting gen ed requirements out of the way, hanging out in the dorm, general freshman activities. It beats high school, for sure. But you've got more exciting stuff going on than I do! How are you feeling, when are you due?"

I told him I was feeling tired but looking forward to having the baby, and was due in March. He seemed very interested, even for a kind kid with whom I'd always had a great rapport. Horny and generally unsatisfied, I briefly entertained the notion that he might be interested in me in a non-platonic fashion and imagined his fit young body sans clothing. It felt wrong even flashing through my consciousness and I immediately tried to put it out of my head. "You can go on upstairs, Jake'll be thrilled to see you," I told him. I could feel that my cheeks had reddened and figured I should probably take my leave for now.

The two of them were upstairs for about an hour and a half before Aaron popped his head into the living room to say goodnight to me (I wouldn't see Jake until he sulked into dinner the next afternoon). "You know," I invented a harmless ruse before he left, "I'm out near you on business once a month or so. Maybe we can get lunch next time I'm around?" He enthusiastically agreed before leaving.

It would be nice to spend time with someone excited about my pregnancy for once, even if that was all our lunch turned out to be. Additionally, though, I thought (and hoped) I may have discovered a pregnancy fetishist and I was too horny and lonely to think I was above sleeping with a teenager. It was legal, at least, as Aaron was 19, though if it got back to Jake I'd probably have an estranged firstborn on my hands. Oh well, my hormones were raging and I was sick of my son acting like such a bastard: I'd just go ahead and try to fuck his best friend.


Aaron and I scheduled a lunch during a free day he had between classes ending and finals beginning. It was mid-December and I was midway through my 6th month of pregnancy. The cold prevented my showing off as much as I may have wanted to, but my tight red sweater really managed to show off my engorged breasts and even more engorged belly. My maternity jeans' belly band acted sort of like shape-wear, lending a firmer and rounder look to my already impressive bump. If Aaron was indeed attracted to preggos, I'd be a feast for his eyes...and maybe a feast for his mouth and cock, if I played my cards just right.

I picked him up outside his dorm, his eyes glued to my winter coat as he tried to make out my roundness from just a few feet away. He wouldn't have luck through my outer layer, but I'd make sure to stick my gut out nice and far for him when I removed the coat at the restaurant. We went to a small Vietnamese place at 11 AM; I was right in assuming we'd have the place all to ourselves. Settling into our seats, I found I was right on the money in expecting my tight sweater to draw his attention; I thought he might just pull his chair around to my side of the table so he could keep up his intense staring.

We ordered drinks and I started steering the conversation toward sex immediately. "All right, Aaron: how are you doing with the ladies?"

He laughed and blushed. "I...Well, I kinda like a girl down the hall from me. And there was another girl I hooked...We were dru...Sorry, Ms. Shannon: I don't want to overshare or anything."

"Please, Aaron, call me Marie," I requested. "You're in college now, you're an adult. I'd like us to be friends. Why should I care if you drink a little and have some fun with a girl? Normal college behavior, don't worry about it on my account. I mean, look at me for Christ's sake: I've obviously had some less-than-responsible fun recently myself."

He laughed. "Yeah, Marie, I guess your unwed pregnancy does level the playing field a little bit." I cracked up, grateful for how much tension his joke released. "Okay," he continued, "I hooked up with a girl a few months ago. I hardly know her, we were both wasted. It was fun but meant nothing, basically."

I leaned in, elbows on the table and chin resting in my hands; the edge of the table pushed an inch or so into the soft surface layer of pregnant belly fat, which Aaron very clearly noticed. "Was she your first?" I asked quietly, discreet despite the restaurant's emptiness.

His cheeks colored a bit before he answered, surprisingly forthcoming. "Yep, she was. I'm glad I got it out of the way even if it was a drunken mess I don't fully remember. Not the biggest deal, it turns out. Hopefully the next one means something, but having some fun along the way seems to be the way to play it. Get a little experience, maybe even some confidence. Shit, I can't believe I'm telling you all this..."

My hand moved to hold his on the table, an attempt to show a bit of intimacy and trust. "It's totally fine, Aaron. Seriously. I could really use a friend I can be open with right now, and I'd love for that friend to be open with me, too. I understand if you're not comfortable with it though, what with your friendship with my son who'll barely talk to me and all. So what do you think: can we be friends...confidantes even?"

He considered for a second then nodded thoughtfully, a smile working its way across his mouth. "Yeah, I think I'd like that. I have friends here, but no one I know super well yet. And it is a bit hard to relate to my friends who are still back home. I'd love to have someone I can confide in." He chuckled. "Well, someone I've already confided in. Do you have anything you want to share with me, Marie? Anything weighing on you?"

Leaning back in my chair to make my whole torso visible to Aaron, I slapped my belly with both hands. "Weighing on me quite literally, yes." He laughed. "I'm so...Aaron, can I talk about my sex life with you, or is that too far?"

He shook his head definitively. "No, that's not too far. We just talked about mine; I'll probably be more comfortable if we level that particular playing field, honestly."

"I really appreciate that." I had my hand on top of his again. "I don't know how much you know about pregnancy, but the hormones are pretty crazy. There are all the mood swings and cravings and all, but mostly for me it's been...sexual. It's a bit weird to be saying this to you, but frankly being pregnant has me seriously horny. And it's hard enough to get your needs satisfied as a woman in her 40s with graying hair. Add in the pregnant factor and I'm about as invisible a sexual prospect as you can find. If only I trusted internet perverts enough to invite them into my bed..."

His laugh broke some of the tension my directness had created. "Yeah, I can see how internet perverts might be a mixed bag. And I guess something like the bar scene is a little awkward in your condition, huh? It's a shame guys tend to be shy and assume you're taken when they see a pregnant woman, because you look fantastic." He blushed as soon as this sentence left his mouth, clearly having revealed a little bit more about his feelings than he'd intended.

I held our awkward, silent eye contact for what must have been a seriously excruciating 30 seconds for him. His cards were on the table and I wanted to see him squirm a bit before I gave any indication that the attraction was mutual. "You know," I finally spoke, "I haven't seen a dorm room in about 20 years. They're different now, I'll bet. Think I could get a look at your set-up? Is your roommate around?"

His cheeks reddened further, my suggestiveness not escaping his comprehension. "Yeah, he's...we'd be alone. You can come see...sure!"

We finished up our lunch and we were off...


His room was nothing to write home about, but it did provide the bed and privacy I was seeking. Aaron gave me a quick tour, mini-fridge and all. "It all looks great! Do you mind if I sit down on the bed?" I cradled my bump in one arm and held my stressed back with the other. "Carrying this thing around all day really tires a girl out." He let me sit, of course, offering me several pillows and a footrest. My discomfort was real but exaggerated, a semi-pretext with which to efficiently make my way onto his bed. I sat resting on a pillow against the wall, legs stretched out onto the footrest, both hands rubbing my bump. It was time to get him onto the bed with me. "Oooooh, I just felt a kick! Aaron, come here, feel the baby kicking!" I patted the bed next to me, hiking my sweater up to just below my breasts as he sat down.

Bare-bellied, I took his left hand and placed the palm on the left side of my bump, where kicking really was palpable. He pushed in gently on my flesh and caressed my skin in gentle circles; his mouth never fully closed. "I'm sorry if this is weird, feeling the movement in there. Or if my huge gut is gross. I just whipped it out, shoved it right in your face!" I chuckled awkwardly, shaking my head in faux-embarrassment.

I was fishing for reassurance and/or compliments, and I was successful. Aaron shook his head vigorously, pointedly making eye contact as he told me how he felt. "No, Marie, it isn't even close to gross. I'm really glad you showed me your belly, it's beautiful and fascinating. And it' know, like we were talking about's'"

My bump was already very substantial, bigger than I remembered it ever getting when I was pregnant with Jake. It was a little bigger than a basketball and damn near spherical, drooping down only slightly as gravity pulled its weightiness down. I had no stretch marks at this point, only a few blue veins showing and a faint linea nigra down the center of the belly. No outie yet, but my navel was about flush with the rest of my curvy stomach; so not an innie anymore, either. My whole deal was smoking hot and I knew it.

I placed my hand over his, pushing it further into my bump. "You really think it's sexy, huh? No one else seems to. Everyone just seems to think I'm fat."

He shook his head forcefully again, gripping the bump with both hands now. "I don't understand that at all. Guys like curves on women, right? Breasts and butts are all about curviness. Now you've got this amazing, firm curve for a stomach, and that makes people think you're fat? That's bullshit. It's just as hot as tits or asses." Continuing to rub and softly squeeze, his hands wandered all over the surface of my bump. I was glad he seemed to be getting more and more comfortable.

"Ohhhhh, it feels so amazing when you rub me like that." It felt good, but not moaning good: I needed to keep encouraging him, though. "No one's touched me anywhere in a while, so I'm extra sensitive right now." He rubbed more quickly and firmly, hands occasionally brushing against my lower breasts and upper crotch. I glanced at his crotch and saw the clear outline of his erection straining against his pants: everything was going swimmingly. I leaned over a bit and kissed him, my lips parting as I felt him return the gesture. We made out for a few minutes, my hand gently stroking his clothed cock.

Breaking free from him eventually, I stood up. "You make me feel so pretty," I told him. "I want you to see all of me." I pulled my sweater over my head and pulled down my pants, quickly moving on to remove bra and panties. His eyes were about as wide as they could get as he took in my full pregnant physique. My breasts had been somewhat saggy since my first pregnancy nearly two decades ago, now resting comfortably atop my engorged belly. My deep brown areolas had darkened many shades and doubled in diameter; my hard nipples were a full inch long. My increasingly hard to reach pubic hair had gone untended for the last few months, curly and dark in its unkempt tufts.

He took me in slowly and thoroughly, his intense gaze making me seriously wet. "You don't have to stop looking, but you do need to lose the clothes," I let him know. He stood from the bed, tore off his shirt and carefully unzipped his pants around his erection, fully naked and cock sticking straight up into the air in just a few moments. The cock was above average in both size and attractiveness, circumcised and more than welcome to get up inside me. He idly stroked himself for a moment as he continued gawking; I pushed him onto his back on the bed, his legs hanging over the side.

I mounted him, hard cock sliding satisfyingly into my wet pussy as I gently rested my bump on his lower abdomen. He was about as hard as a man can get and I was horny as hell; I could hardly help but go for intensity over stamina. Riding hard and fast, I got off twice before he shot inside me (90 seconds of fucking, tops). We disengaged and lay next to each other, Aaron maneuvering himself to spoon me and cradle my belly in both his arms. "Tell me what it's like to be pregnant." Sounded like a pleasant enough way to pass a refractory period.

"Well, now that I've entered the third trimester, the word 'cumbersome' comes to mind. I've always tried to keep fit, and for the record I think I've done so pretty damned well for my age [Aaron nodded enthusiastically], so gaining weight all over the place is a bit upsetting. And getting heavy like this makes pretty much all movement tiring. Lots of swelling and aches, obviously. But there's so much that's great, that I'd totally forgotten in the 18 years since I was last pregnant and I'm so thrilled to rediscover now. Like, just knowing the fact that you're growing a person inside of you, and how magical and feminine and in tune with nature that is. Pretty amazing stuff, overall."

We spooned in quiet; I couldn't be certain what he was thinking, but I was contemplating my maternal state as I'd just described it, lost in awe. At most 8 or 9 minutes after he came the first time, I felt his dick harden and stick firmly into the flesh of my ass. "Wanna go again?" I asked, as if I didn't know the answer. I stood up and he followed suit.

"Yes, please," he said eagerly. "Can we do doggystyle? I've never tried it before..." I got onto all fours on the bed, facing away from him and wordlessly agreeing to his request. He stroked my pussy gently before entering this time, spreading my moisture all around and making me seriously impatient for his imminent entry. Finally, I felt his cock rub against my vulva, then slip into my dripping-wet cunt. I moaned loudly and held myself up with one arm so I could tease a nipple with the other. I was loud throughout, in fact: at first I thought I should try to keep the noise down, but a freshman in college having loud sex in his dorm room? His reputation as a cocksman would improve by leaps and bounds in a single afternoon.

He fucked me at a medium pace but quite forcefully, taking his time but still succumbing a bit to his excitement. Most of the time I required both arms to hold my weighty self up, my swaying tits thrashing around with the enthusiastic humping when I couldn't hold them in place. The belly, significantly firmer than the tits, swayed significantly less; especially because he gripped it as if for dear life throughout this entire session. He lasted 10 minutes easy this time, and I could feel just how intensely his dick spasmed in climax inside me. It was hot as fuck, eliciting a rare purely vaginal orgasm for me.

Post-coital cuddling followed; my belly continued to receive the bulk of the attention, not all that surprisingly (I couldn't even keep my own hands off it, for Christ's sake). I caught myself nearly falling asleep after a while; a glance at the clock told me I'd been there several hours longer than intended already. "Damn it." I stood up and started dressing. "I'm sorry, Aaron, I really have to go. I'm going to be late for my meeting."

He stood and dressed, too. "Well Marie...I don't even know what to say. This was absolutely amazing. Do you think you'll be in town again for business before...?"

"Before I have the baby?" I asked. "It's okay if you're only interested in me because I'm pregnant, Aaron. I'm probably only horny enough to fuck my son's best friend because of the pregnancy, after all. No offense or anything." He looked slightly hurt; I put a hand on his shoulder. "Seriously, we're just having a bit of fun with my temporary condition, you know? I don't think either of us are in a place to start a relationship with each other, do you? Let's just enjoy what we can, while we can."

He nodded and forced a smile. "Yeah, you're right...It would be great to take advantage of your current state some more though, don't you think?"

I laughed and looked him in the eye. "You better believe I'll be in touch, stud."


Over the lengthy winter college break, Aaron was staying at his parents' house back in town. I heard Jake call to invite him over (apparently having come to grips with my gravid form?) at least three times, Aaron apparently coming up with an excuse not to visit each and every time. I understood, of course: how could he possibly be comfortable in the house with his best friend and the best friend's mother whom he'd recently and very thoroughly fucked?

With the college break lasting so long, once Jake was back in school I figured Aaron would still be in town for another few weeks. I called him and he turned me down...for the time being. He didn't want to take even a tiny risk of us being caught by Jake, or really anyone else. Even when he went back to school, he didn't want to risk the roommate or any other dorm-mates discovering us: we'd have to get a room somewhere, he'd decided. I could be patient, though I was pretty desperate to get that cock in me again.


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