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You're Not a Serial Rapist Ch. 04

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Summer Break - Bill visits Kathy.
16.8k words

Part 4 of the 29 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 06/10/2021
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I drove as my dad slept in the back seat. My mom asked about classes and how things went. I was quiet for a while before my mom asked if I was ok.

"I met someone. Actually I met her in the fall through a friend, but at the time she had a boyfriend. Our paths crossed a few times over the school year. Then Tuesday I was at the campus lake with a bunch of guys from the dorm, and she was there. We chatted. She was having her last final that evening and I asked her if she wanted to go downtown for a couple of beers. Anyway short story. We hit it off. We're planning on writing over the summer. I'll be seeing her when I come down in a few weeks to get where I'm going to live next year set up. She said I could stay overnight at her parent's house instead of a hotel. Be cheaper too. She even mentioned of driving up to see me toward the end of the summer. We'll just see how it goes."

"Do you have a picture of her?"

"No. Not yet. She's cute," I said with a broad smile, as I filled her in on Kathy's major and the fact that she hadn't lived in the dorm the first couple of years. I did leave out the whole boyfriend drama.

"So you met her through a friend. Hers or yours?"

"Both," I then went through an abbreviated story on Valerie, and our friendship.

"Sounds like you've had an interesting year."

"Yeah. It was like no other year. Don't know why. I mean I really hadn't gone out with anyone before this year. It kind of all came together."

"Well, I can't wait to meet her, if she does decide to come up. Sounds like an incredible girl."

"She is," my mom could hear the smile in my voice. She could tell that I was incredibly happy.

* * * * *

My first letter to Kathy was in the mailbox Monday morning. Back then, if you wanted stamps, all you had to do was leave the money in the mailbox and mailman would leave you a book of stamps. I bought two.

Thoughts of Kathy flowed through my mind every night in the quiet of the night, as I lay in my bed... alone. Alone; but, with lasting memories of our few day, and nights, together. How she felt in my arms. How my fingertips would gently glided over her little vertebra... her skin like silk... warm and soft. The softness of her golden blonde hair. Those blue gray eyes. The taste, and texture of her lips... of her nipples. And, 'Yes' her taste. Her intoxicating fragrance. But, mostly I missed the closeness that we had developed in the short time we had together. The feeling of being next to someone, not saying a word; but, 'feeling' the other person.

I started at the dairy the following Monday. My dad had let them know when I was getting home, and everything was set up. This being my third, and last year, there I got better hours and better duties.

The first year my hours were horrible. The dairy would end production around 9:00 at night and then the next shift would come in, clean and sanitized all of the bottling machines and stuff. I would get home about the time the sun was coming up. Still, it paid really well. This year I had normal 8 to 4:30 hours. Off on Thursday and worked Saturday. Saturday was the busiest as they processed all the milk that they had for the weekend distribution. The dairy was closed on Sunday. The cows didn't know that, so Monday brought in double amounts of raw milk.

I received my first letter from Kathy on Wednesday. She probably got mine that day too. We each kept it light. Telling each other about being back home. I told her about my conversation with my mom about the 'someone' I met. She told me about how her mom asked why she wanted to stay until Saturday, and then she explained about us. Her mom was happy for her. Kathy was still a bit apprehensive about her ex-boyfriend becoming a problem. Her dad reassured her not to worry. Being a small town things like that get taken care of... messages sent.

The last sentence of her letter went like this, "I'm glad you were there when I left, even though I asked you not too. Still, I'm glad. I knew were there. I could feel it. And then when you stood... Thank you. You weren't sleeping when I left... were you?"

My next letter, "No".

Her next letter, "I meant what I said".

My next letter, "I know. I can't wait to tell you in person".

Her next letter, "I can't wait to hear that."

My next letter, "Thank you for the gift."

Her next letter, "Something to remember me by in the weeks to come," I could see the smile on her face as she wrote that sentence, "You watched me dress. Didn't you?"

My next letter, "It just added to all the visions of your loveliness in my brain. And, Yes I watched you dress."

Her next letter, "I knew it. I could feel your eyes on me. Thank you for not saying or doing anything. It was hard to leave. When I woke I could hear you breathing. I turned to look at you. Were you looking back at me?"

My next letter, "Yes."

Her next letter, "I knew it."

* * * * *

And so the summer went on. My scheduled trip down south was going to be five weeks into the summer. We were both anxious in anticipation. About three week into the summer, I noticed Kathy's letters getting less. The ones that did come sounded like she was down and depressed. Something was bothering her. The 'Ex?', I wondered.

On one of my days off, I was in town doing some miscellaneous errands when a moment of spontaneity hit me. Across the street was a flower shop. 'Why not give her a surprise?' I arranged to have a dozen and a half yellow roses delivered to her house early that coming Saturday afternoon. I knew her schedule and figured they would get there before she did. It wasn't cheap. But I had a good paying job, and figured 'why not?' I left with a satisfying smile.

* * * * *

Kathy's mom was standing in the kitchen window as the delivery van drove up. She watched the guy get out and walk to the door with a vase of yellow roses. With a puzzled look, she answered the door.

"A delivery for Miss Kathy."

"I'll take em. Thanks."

Setting them on the kitchen table, she saw the card. 'Should I?' she thought... 'I'm her mom... Yes, I should.'

Opening the card she read what I had told the florist I wanted the card to say:

"Thinking of, and Missing you... always!


"Oh my," was all she could say as she replaced the card, like it had never been opened. Taking the vase into Kathy's room, she put it on her desk, where she would see it immediately when she opened her door.

Returning to the kitchen, a million thoughts running through her head. She knew my name, obviously. She knew how much Kathy and I had been writing back and forth. She knew how we had met and gotten together at the end of the year.... I am positive of not all the details. That I was the reason she stayed on campus until Saturday. Still, the flowers intrigued her.

Kathy came through the door and hour, or so later, in a foul mood.

Her part-time job was at a local grocery store, as a check out. Apparently some customer complained that she hit the wrong key and over-charged her for an item and complained to the manager. Instead of looking at the receipt, he immediately apologized and told the customer it would be refunded. The customer was wrong. Kathy had approached the manager that she was right. The manager just blew her off, and said not to worry about it. Reminded her that, 'The customer is always right'. Still she felt it made her look like a fool.

Kathy's mom listened as she vented. How much she hated that job. The manager. The cheating customers. When she was done, her mom hugged her and reassured her everything would be fine. It's not like it was going to be her life's job... just get through the summer.

Then added, "Why don't you go upstairs and change. Your dad will be home soon and dinner will ready shortly.

She watched Kathy give her an exasperated look. Sighed a frustration sigh, turned, and headed up the stairs to her room.

Kathy found the door to her room shut. That was strange, as she always left it open during the day for circulation. 'Perhaps the wind,' she thought.

Opening, she stood in awe as she stared at the vase of yellow roses sitting on her desk at the far side of the room. The yellow buds accentuated by the sunlight streaming through the window.

"What the... Where'd these come from," she said to herself.

Her mom, now standing behind her quietly said, "There's a card".

She carefully took the envelope, her name on the front, and opened the envelope then the card.

Tears welled up in her eyes and then streamed down her cheeks as she turned to hug her mom.

"He sent me flowers... Nobody, has ever sent me flowers," she sobbed into her mom's shoulder, "I can't believe he sent me flowers."

Her mom hugged her as all of her frustrations, insecurities, and loneliness poured out of her.

"Well, Kath... I think you have a keeper this time."

"Mom, can I call him... to thank him?"

"How does tomorrow night sound? After the rates go down."

Kathy nodded, "I'll pay for the call."

"Don't worry about it. Just keep it under an hour," that lighted the mood as they both chuckled. "Get changed. Your dad will be home soon."

As she changed and sat at her desk, smiling as she look at the yellow buds. "He remembered that yellow is my favorite color," she said to herself.

She heard her dad come home from playing golf. A bit later she went downstairs, and kissed him on the forehead.

He looked up with an astonished look, "Who are you...? And, what did you do with my Kathy"?

"She's still here," she grinned back before leaving the room to watch some TV.

Kathy's dad stared at her mom, bewildered.

"The guy that she met at school, and has been writing to... he sent her eighteen yellow roses. I told her she could call him tomorrow night."

He chuckled as he said, "I can't wait to meet this guy... Anybody that can make my daughter feel that way... is a winner in my book... Better for her than that loser she was seeing before."

* * * * *

Sunday evening -- 6:01 -- the phone rings... once... twice... nobody moved. It was a standard joke at our house that neither my dad nor I wouldn't answer the phone, as we always said that it wasn't for us. My mom gave us both exasperated looks as she went to the other room.

I wasn't expecting anything as I heard her answer, "Hello."

"Which Bill would you like to talk to...?. Bill senior or Bill junior?"

She poked her head around the corner, grinned at me, and said, "It's for you."

I gave her a questioning look, like 'who is it?'

She shrugged her shoulders, "Don't know. All I know is a girl is calling to talk to you," the grin on her face broadened. Right then I knew, as my face broke into a huge smile.


"Bill," the sound and the excitement in her voice brought back those last few days.


"Bill, the roses... I mean... what made you think of that? It meant so much to me. Nobody has ever sent me flowers. And you did," I could hear her voice crack a bit, "And the card... what you wrote... it was so sweet. I think I've read it a hundred times. It means a lot to me too."

"I had an inspiration the other day when I was in town. Something about your recent letters. You sounded down. There was a flower shop across the street, and I just had a feeling. So I did."

"Even all this distance, and you can still 'feel' me," Kathy said. Again, I could hear the smile.

We talked for about half an hour, before, "I'd better be going. My mom said they would pay for the call, but to keep it reasonable. I miss you Bill."

"I miss you too, Kathy. I'll see you in a couple of weeks. I'll let you know what I'm thinking in my next letter. I don't want to talk about it over the phone... you'll like it."

"I'm sure I will," I could hear the smile.

Returning to the front room where my parents sat with questioning looks.

"That was Kathy," they both knew who Kathy was. They nodded, waiting for the rest of the story.

"I sent her a dozen and a half yellow roses Thursday, when I was in town. They were delivered yesterday. She called to thank me."

My mom beamed at me, "I knew I raised you right. Now, I really can't wait to meet her.

My dad gave me an approving grin and a nod. I felt good. I went to my room to dash off another letter.

* * * * *

My next letter to Kathy outlined what I had in mind when I came down there to finalize my housing arrangements. I was also writing to my soon-to-be roommate. He had an idea of who the third guy might be.

My thoughts were to try to get into work early enough Friday that I could get off around 3:30. Head out directly and get down there around 8:30. There was a new section of interstate that opened and reduced the time to 5 hours. I asked her if she would be able to find a way to spend Friday night together... in a hotel, a nice hotel... in a large bed. Her response was a big "OH MY. YES."

I said I wanted it be a nice hotel, not a cheap motel. To have a king sized bed. A large shower. Not to worry about the cost, as I had many overtime hours. She said, she would work something out with her girlfriend. That they would say they were going out Friday night. That she would stay at her dorm room for the night, as she didn't want to drive home after drinking. They did go out for a quick dinner and drink then hung out in her girlfriends' room. Ok. She stretched the truth. I was to call when I got off the interstate. That would give her about twenty minutes before I got to the hotel.

* * * * *

I had bought my first car. It wasn't stylish I was going for practicality. A Plymouth Fury. Four door, but with air conditioning. I was no sooner out of my car when I heard my name. Turning I saw her as she came running across the parking lot to jump into my awaiting arms. Wrapping her legs around me. Our lips met. Our bodies crushing into each other as we savored our long anticipated reuniting. Tears of joy running down her cheeks.

She had reserved the room, but hadn't checked in. The hotel had overbooked. All the regular king bed rooms were taken. We were upgraded to a suite. We entered the room. It was perfect. The king sized bed in the center. We both knew it would get a good work out, as we frantically undressed each other.

Once naked, we savored each other's bareness and the closeness it brought. Her firm little mounds pressed against my chest. My hardness resting between her thighs. Our pubic hair mated against each other. Our lips again locked in a heated passionate kiss.

Coming up for air, "I need to take a shower. I came right from work, and that drive."

Her eyes twinkled, as she led me into the bathroom, "One shower... coming up".

While we had showered together in the cramped dorm shower stall. This was going to be fun. The shower was a 'walk-in' type with three overhead 'rain shower heads'.

The whole time Kathy's eyes were alive and sparkling. The smile on her face went from ear to ear.

I watched, as she soaped my chest. Lathering up the dark chest hair. Having me turn as she lathered up my back... washing my back with her breasts. At times only her erect nipples making contact. Her hands sliding between my butt cheeks. Her finger lightly grazing my rosebud. Reaching between my legs, her hand cupping my hanging sac as her slippery fingers caressed each of my loose testicles. I moaned.

"Rinse," I turned to face her. My eyes going from those sparkling eyes, to her firm mounds, to the dark blonde triangle of fur and the treasure that it hid. Knowing that I would once again reacquaint myself, my tongue, and dick with it shortly. No tan lines. I was going to have to ask about that later.

I took the soap from her hand as she turned around. My eyes traveling over her lightly tanned back and firm little butt cheeks. Soaping her back and butt. I began to wash her back with my chest. My hard length settling in between her soapy butt cheeks. My hands reaching around to cup each firm mound. Gliding my soapy palms over those erect and sensitive nipples. Kathy reached back to lock her hands behind my neck... pulling her breasts high and tight. She shut her eyes and rested her head on my shoulder and purred as my slick hands continued to glide over her breasts, relishing the feel of the pebble-hard nipples against my soapy palm. I massaged her breasts softly, enjoying the firmness and weight of them in my hands. Kathy hummed softly as I played with them.

"mmmm... I could get used to this. I don't think showers by myself will ever be the same."

Turning, our lips met. Now frantic. Needy. Each of hot with desire.

Rinsing and quickly drying. She bounced onto the bed. Opening her legs wide. Her hot pinkness glistening. Her voice was one of need. Of desire. Of primal lust.

"Come on... I need you... all of you. You can make love to me later... But Right now, I just want you to fuck me... cum for me. Take me... I just need to feel you inside of me.... All of you! Fuck me hard. Use me for your own pleasure, like you're too excited to hold back. Show me how much you missed me."

This was new. It was the first time I had ever heard her use the 'F' word. It was also going to be another first. All of our other times have been slow, tender... loving. Right now, Kathy just wanted to be 'Fucked'!

Safely encased, I got between her splayed legs. Guided the tip, and my length, through her lubricated folds. Kathy wasn't having any of it. She reached between us, grabbed me by the base of my hard shaft, centered it, and then grabbed me by my butt cheeks and jammed me into her in one quick motion. Her eyes wide at the quick, and deep, penetration.

"OH SHIT," she gasped, "I should have let you enter me slowly. I forgot how full and deep you get… give me a second."

A few moments later, she hissed, "NOW... Do me!"

And I did. I thrusted, and thrusted, and thrusted. Bottoming out with hard stroke, bringing gasps and grunts with each thrust.

"I'm not going to last long," I panted about thirty seconds into our coupling.

"I don't care... This is just a warmup for round two. To take the edge off both of us," she panted. My elbows locked. Her legs now wrapped around my waist. Heals locked. Pulling me into herself. Her little mounds bouncing with each hard thrust. Her eyes wide as I gave her everything I had as she took me... All of me.

All of a sudden my scrotum pulled up and tightened in preparation for the release. I thrusted deep and held as I throbbed inside of her with each release, as a low primal growl filled the room. Kathy watching my face, grinning with a satisfying grin, as I throbbed deep inside of her. I collapsed on top of her with my full weight, panting, as she released her legs. Her hands rubbing my back as my breathing subsided.

"Sorry. I didn't mean to be so... forceful."

"Don't be. It's what I wanted. I wanted you to take me. To take me hard and quick for our first time back together. To show me how much you missed me. How much you wanted me. How much you had to have me. Besides, we have a lot of time tonight," as our lips met tenderly.

I rolled off her as I had softened and Kathy moved to lay against me. Her love juices coating my encased dick as it rested against my thigh. Her head on my shoulder. Her hand on my chest... toying with my chest hair. I rubbed her smooth back as I focused on the feel of her bare breasts against my side. Each of us enjoying the bareness and closeness of the other that we had so missed.

"Why don't you go get cleaned up. I want a fresh one for round two," she giggled, as she leaned over and our lips met.

Returning from the bathroom, I found her on her back. Stretched like a languid cat. Hands reaching for the headboard. Back slightly arched. Her breasts flattened. Only those hard pink pebbles rising from her tanned chest. One leg flat. The other bend at the knee. Her legs slightly parted. She watched as I seared the vision of her sexuality into my brain, and grinned.

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