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You're Not a Serial Rapist Ch. 15

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Bill & Kathy get settled - Prepare for Valerie's visit.
11.4k words

Part 16 of the 29 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 06/10/2021
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The guys crowded into my cubicle first thing Monday morning with grins on their faces.

Dale was the first to say something.

"So, did Kathy make it up here?"

"Yeah. She got in Saturday afternoon," I wasn't going to offer any free details.

"How does she like the house?"

"Loves the house. Also loves the pond. Was surprised it was so far out in the country. The quiet at night."

Silence, as they all looked back at me.

Ken grins at me, "You look all relaxed."

I had to laugh. They all laughed as they headed back to their own cubes.

The VP of engineering passed me in the hallway a couple of hours later. Rolled his eyes and shook his head. I grinned. He grinned back.

Lunch time. We all got into my car... I volunteered to drive. I pulled up to the bar's parking lot. It was the bar where you would grill your own burger. I thought it would be the perfect setting to socialize around the grill with a couple of beers.

I smiled when I saw Kathy's car. I wondered what she would be wearing. It would either be one of her sun dresses, or a tight tube top and shorts. I didn't care as either choice would be wonderful for these first impressions.

The guys headed straight for the bar to place their orders and get a beer. I saw Kathy sitting near the window at a large high table. She looked enticing. Her blonde hair framing her face. Her white teeth shining as she gave me a huge smile.

She was wearing a form-fitting pastel green tube top that hugged her half apple sized mounds and flat tummy perfectly. The top began just above the swell of her small breasts. The bottom hem just resting at the top of her white shorts. The soft green offered a nice contrast to her lightly tanned shoulders and accentuated the blueness of her eyes. Being a high table, she sat on a chair with her legs crossed, the bottom of her shorts resting upper-thigh. Her toned and tanned thighs and calves on display. Everything accentuated by the delicate white sandals. Her toe nails painted white.

I left the guys and immediately went over to her. Dale noticed me leave and saw where I was heading as he nudged Ken and Mark.

She stood and wrapped her arms around my neck briefly. Unknown to me, at the time, that caused the bottom hem of her top to rise up about three inches, exposing more soft tanned skin. I swear I heard a hushed, "Oh my," from behind me.

I took Kathy's hand, and led her over to the guys. The bottom of her top now only about an inch, or so, above the top of her shorts.

"Ken, Dale, Mark... This is Kathy... Kathy, this is Ken, Dale, and Mark."

"It's nice to finally meet you Kathy," Ken said. His eyes, still in awe, "The photos of you, on his desk don't do you justice."

Kathy gave a soft grin and blushed. I loved it.

"Same here," Dale added, "We know that he's been really looking forward to having you join him. It sounds like you've got a really big house."

"Yeah. The house is more than I ever imagined. Before he told me what he had found, I was imagining a regular apartment."

"Now I see why Bill didn't make me an offer to be his roommate... I wouldn't either," Mark chuckled along with the rest of them.

It was fun around the grill. As always, Kathy's personality shined... the 'Kath affect'. The conversation was light. They asked what her job prospects were like. Kathy explained she was working on her resume this week and would most likely get an appointment with the same agency that had placed me next week. That the agency had already said that, with her communication major and business minor, there shouldn't be a problem. That she was just happy to unwind a bit after the last few months.

Each of the guys looked at me and grinned. I was sure they knew how much I was helping her 'unwind' and vice versa.

"I can't believe you guys have beers during lunch, and then go back to work. Bill told me about that, and I just found it strange. I never would have imagined such a thing, in the working world."

"It's not a big deal," said Ken, "We usually keep it to a couple... although sometimes it might go beyond that. On those days, there are no major decisions being made in the afternoon. Although, there have been times, like when someone is leaving, or a special birthday where we may be gone for more than an hour. We make sure to let our boss know. Doesn't happen very often."

Everybody laughed.

I walked Kathy to her car, parked just a short distance from my own. I was unsure... Do I lightly kiss her cheek...? A quick hug...? In front of my co-workers.

She sensed my dilemma, "Save the kiss for when you get home, my love," as she stroked my cheek and grinned.

In the car, Ken was the first to speak, "She's quite a girl. I can see how much you two are together."

Ken, being the only married one in our group, spoke with a tone of experience.

"Yeah. Sometimes I wonder how I got so lucky."

Ken continued, "Just from this last hour; I know a lot of married couples that would give their eye teeth to have a fraction of what you two have."

"Thanks. That means a lot."


I parked the car inside our garage. I was halfway to the house when Kathy came bounding out of the house dressed in a pair of short -- shorts and a tank top... no bra of course. Her nipples making sharp dark peaks through the thin light pink material. She leaped into my arms, wrapped, and locked her legs around my waist, as I twirled her in a couple of circles. Our lips met.

Pulling back with a playful grin, "Well, did I pass inspection?"

"With flying colors, my love... with flying colors," as I held her tight.

The kitchen was filled with the aroma of something Italian. Kathy was making spaghetti and meatballs. The sauce and meatballs were simmering on the stove. I saw a loaf of French bread that would become garlic bread. Inside the refrigerator were the makings of a couple of green salads. On the table sat a bottle of red wine.

"I thought I would make you dinner this time, so I stopped at the store to get everything. This is recipe from my grandmother."

"Kath, this smell and looks wonderful... You know, you're going to spoil me," as I kissed her cheek.

"That's my job... just like it's your job to spoil me. Now go and get changed. You can help with the salads when you get back."

As I changed, I once again marveled at the chain of events that brought us to this time and place. I was indeed one lucky, and grateful guy.

We toasted. The dinner was fabulous. I told her what Ken had said to me after we left the bar.

"It's amazing to me that people pick up on that so easily. I guess what Valerie had been saying all along, that 'we were made for each other' is really that evident," she said 'matter-of-factly'.

I needed to talk about finances, budgets and stuff.

"Kath, you could have told me you were going to do this, I would have given you some cash."

"That's OK. I have some. I closed out my bank account when I left. I had a cashier's check that I deposited earlier today in the bank account that I set up. Same bank that you use. I want to be a partner here. Pay for half the rent, half the food, half the utilities. I know you could handle it all. That's not what I want. Besides, I have the cash from my graduation, previous savings, and my parents gave me a fair amount. So, it's not a big deal. You've already done so much for us. Finding this place. Getting all the furniture, kitchen stuff... waterbed," she grinned at the last item.

"OK. That all sounds good to me. How do you want to handle the food budget? The rest of the stuff is pretty straight forward. I have an idea. Was just curious if you had any thoughts."

"Actually, when I was in the store today, I did have an idea. I was thinking that we would have a jar that each week we put something in there that would go for our grocery and incidental things. I don't know how much. I was thinking maybe ten or fifteen dollars each. I think we could have some pretty good meals for thirty dollars a week."

Remember, this is 1973. Pretty much everything was less that one dollar. The price of chickens was 39 cents a pound and milk was 39 cents a gallon.

"If we didn't spend everything, then we would just put it aside and start over the next week. Once the extra cash became as nice amount, we could go out and eat at a nice restaurant."

I sat there in awe. Kathy had really put some thought into this. We were going to make a great team.

"Kath, that's pretty much what I had in mind. I didn't think of the last part; but, I like that," she gave me a wide "Kathy smile" knowing how much we thought alike.

"So what kind of foods don't you like?" I asked, "I eat almost anything. Although that are three things that will never grace our table: Hamburger Helper, Tuna Helper, and pot pies. I had enough of those when I lived in the trailer to last me a lifetime."

"I kind of like some of the Tuna Helper. I mean if you add some peas it's not too bad. And the pot pies are nice for a quick and cheap meal."

"Never thought about the peas. Remember, we were three guys. Doing easy and cheap. Let's try it. And you're right about the pot pies. That's fine. So, what about you?"

"I'm not that picky. I can't think of anything right now that I wouldn't eat."

I grinned back. Time for some fun.

"OK... How about liver and onions?"

She looked at me like I had a third eye, "Liver and onions...? You like that? Nobody likes that."

I told her the story about when my dad would have one his cows packaged up and what you got, and how my mom would fix the organ meats. She was totally amazed by the stuffed beef heart meal.

We sat side-by-side at the picnic table, after we cleaned everything up, and sipped our wine in the quiet as we savored each other's closeness.

She leaned her head on my shoulder, "This is going to be nice... really... really nice," and then with a grin, "And fun."

"Let's take a little walk," I suggested.

We strolled along the path leading to the pond... arms around each other's waist... her head resting on my shoulder. My hand slipping under the bottom of her top to settle on her bare hip. I would occasionally lightly kiss the top of her head as we slowly walked.

"You know, we could have gone for this walk naked," she said as she looked up. Her blue gray eyes filled with playfulness.

"Sometimes, I find it sexy to be with you dressed just the way you are. This loose fitting top. When it billows out I can look down and see your nice little firm breasts and cute pink nipples. It's like I'm stealing glimpses of what's hidden. Of course seeing you all bare is always a treat."

Kathy tightened her embrace, as she snuggled her face into my shirt. I could 'feel' the gentle smile.

"I've said it before. I love it that my little body and little boobs has that kind of effect on you," she paused, as if in thought.

"I'm thinking of having a surprise for you one of these times when you come back from work. I'll be waiting for you on the picnic table... naked... all spread out. Just waiting for you to get there... to take me. I'll watch you rip all your clothes off... walk over and jam that big hard cock of yours all the way inside of me... I'll be so wet just from waiting for you... knowing what you will be doing to me that you won't even need to get me turned on."

I groaned at that image. She continued.

"You won't know when it'll happen... maybe tomorrow... maybe the day after... maybe next week. Each day, when you go to work, I want you to be thinking, 'Will this be the day?' And when it happens... it won't be the last time you'll get that surprise," taking a big sigh, "I've got myself so worked up right now. I know I am wet. My panties have to be soaked. Are you hard?"

Kathy reaches down and squeezed me through my shorts.

"You are. Come on... the picnic table is just up here."

We quickly stripped. Kathy on her back on the picnic table. Legs spread wide. She was indeed wet, as the scent of her arousal rose from that pink glistening opening overloaded my senses.

"Come on Bill," her voice was one of need, "This body is all yours for the taking. Don't make me beg. Please! Fuck me! Fuck me hard."

Five minutes later, sitting on the picnic table our appetites filled, for now. I held her tight as we looked out over the still blue water.

The sun had set and clouds were forming off to the west. A thunderstorm was on its way as we listened to the low rumble far off in the distance. Kathy was no stranger to thunderstorms, some even severe. We cuddled, as only two can, after satisfying their hunger and need for each other.

"I love thunderstorms," she softly said.

"Me too. Always have. I remember hot humid days. The air still and watching a storm front approach. First there were fast rushing gray clouds that brought the wind. Then the temperature would drop ten degrees in a matter of minutes. The rain would be so heavy that sometimes it would be difficult to see across the road. Lightning strikes so bright and loud, would make the whole house shake."

"Same here. The way my parent's house sat, you could look out to the horizon and watch it approach. Sometimes, at night, I would wake to the flashes way off in the distance. The storm was so far away that you couldn't quite hear the thunder; but, you could see the flashes. You knew it would be here soon."

We decided to lay and enjoy 'Nature's Light Show'. One ribbon of light would outline the towering clouds and before total darkness the next would flash. At times we would see four or five different illuminations at once. Most of the lighting was cloud-to-cloud. With those, a low rolling rumble could be heard. But every few minutes, we would observe a wicked looking fork of lightning would slash down to earth, followed by a distant crack.

Three hours later, we were laying in our bed listening to the storm, our bare bodies comfortably entwined. At times it seemed like the lightning and thunder occurred simultaneously. We were at peace.


The week went on. No, I didn't get my surprise... this week. Yes, she did have me thinking as I left every morning... anticipating. She knew it and loved it. That wasn't to say that we didn't take care of each other at night... Fucking... Making love. It was probably a 50/50 split. Sometimes both. By the end of the first week, we had pretty much initiated every room in the house, even the empty bedrooms. For those, Kathy would lean over the windowsill as I took her from behind. It was fun. The only thing we hadn't initiated was the bathtub. We planned on taking care of that Saturday night. Love making was confined to our bed, for now. I was still looking forward to making love to her on the raft in the moonlight.


The second Saturday, since Kathy had moved in, we woke to the sound and refreshing aroma of a warm gentle rain.

Kathy snuggled up, and draped her warm bare body over mine.

"Well, it looks like it's supposed to rain most of the day... what do you think we should do... allll day?" her voice was one of playfulness.

Time to have some fun.

"We could do laundry," I casually said as I stroked her back.

I could hear the wheels turning in her active brain. We each knew where this conversation was going to wind up. But, first some play.

"We could. Or we could clean the inside of all the windows."

"Naked?" I grinned.

"You'd like that, wouldn't you? Maybe we could play Scrabble."


That got a quick giggle.

"Watch TV?"


"You just want to see my little boobs."

"And your point is?"

"You're so easy."

This time I got a quick peck on my cheek, before she returned to rest her head on my shoulder and run her fingers through my dark chest hair.

"Or we could just be naughty all day."

"Would you fuck me all day?"

"I would fuck you until you couldn't walk. You would have my cum dripping down your soft sweet thighs. I would fuck you in every room of this house. Maybe even take you outside and fuck you on the picnic table in the rain."

"OOOO. That sounds like fun. You've got me all wet. Come on. Take me outside. Fuck me in the rain."

She was... and we did.

Kathy laying on the picnic table legs wide apart. I watched as her nipples stood harder and darker than I had ever seen them. Partially because of her arousal. Partially due to the cool rain drops that fell and beaded on her tanned skin.

"Oh my. I can feel the cool rain drops on my pussy," her legs spreading to the maximum. Her eyes closed as she absorbed all this new stimulations.

It was more than a drizzle. It was a nice soft gentle rain.

I watched as Kathy brought her hands down to pull her swollen labia up and outward opening herself completely to my eyes and the falling rain. The erotic sight was too much. I leaned in. My tongue bathed her open sex. Relishing in the mixture of her hot nectar and the fresh rainwater.

"Oh Fuck... I need you inside of me... Now."

My rain-cooled hard cock entered her steamy canal in one stroke.

"Oh my," she gasped, "Your cock feels so cold going inside my hot pussy. Do it again. Let it get all nice and cold and then put it back deep inside of me."

I grinned and repeated a number of times. Letting my cock get cooled down from the falling rain before entering her steamy love canal.

The time between penetrations wasn't long, as the rain cooled my warmed prick. I put it to good use as I drank her nectar, and delighted in her sounds of contented sex.

Then, "Come on Bill. Fuck me. Fuck me while the rain bathes both of us, as we once again join."

Just then, the rain picked up to a literal downpour as I got into a rhythmic thrusting motion. Kathy's arms stretched out above her head. Her chest rising, as she arched her back. The raindrops bouncing off her sweet face. Off her straining rock hard nipples. And off her soft flattened breasts that swam on her chest with each thrust. Against her open sex as my hard cock moved in and out of her warmth only to be slightly cooled by raindrops with each withdrawal before being rewarmed by her internal furnace, added a brand new sensation to each of us. We were each looking forward to the next rainstorm.

"Oh shit, Bill. This feels so good. Everything. The cool rain on my hot body. On my hard hot nipples. On my face. Your hard cock. Every time you shove it in... sooo good. I love your cock, your big, thick, hot cock. I love feeling it fill me. I love feeling it stretch me."

I ravaged her little body. Not as 'out-of-control' ravage, just 'medium' ravage... an 'appreciative' ravage.

Man she looked so sexy laying there, her skin glistening in the rain. Each strand of her, now, matted and dark honey blonde forest pelted with the downpour of rain. The water flowing down and over my solid shaft of maleness that penetrated her body with each stroke.

I looked down to where we were joined, and groaned as I watched myself moving in and out. Her lips stretched to seal around my girth. Moving along the slicken shaft with each stroke each change in direction.

"I'm going to cum, Kath," I gasped.

"Me too... Yes... cum in me. I so want your cum. OH Fuck Ohhhhh... ohhhhhhh... ohhhhhh." Kathy wailing uncontrollably as her body surrendered itself to wave after wave of euphoric bliss.

My arms under her knees. I opened her up to the maximum. My head back and looking skyward. The raindrops pounding off my face. One more deep filling stroke. I let loose with three powerful jets of my thick sperm deep into her core. Kathy's walls squeezing... milking every drop as I emptied myself. A primal growl came from deep within my lungs and was cast upward into the falling rain.

Pulling Kathy up and into my arms, still deeply embedded, our lips meeting. I felt a slight shiver.

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