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You're Under Undress

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Mariska Hargitay and Sharon Stone have fun with Zoe.
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Sharon Stone stretched her arms upwards as she opened her eyes and yawned after a good night's sleep.

She let her eyes wander around the room as she cleared the sleep from her head and let the reality of a new day surround her naked body lying on the lavender, silk sheet and covered by the same. The thin silk covering Sharon's body sculptured the curve of her hips, the taught rise of her smooth abdomen, and the rise of her ample breasts whose nipples were hard from the sheet's silky caress that made them quite visible beneath the sheet.

Once Sharon was awake enough to get out of bed, she took the sheet from her body and slid it off as she sat up, putting her feet on the soft, carpeted floor.

Sharon felt her nipples were hard and erect, and she touched them softly with the tips of her index fingers. "Mmmmmmmmm." Sharon responded to her touch, and with that response she took her nipples between her thumbs and forefingers and rolled and squeezed them ever so gently. The feeling was electric, and Sharon felt sensual energy run through her now aroused body.

She cupped her full breasts with her hands while still keeping her thumbs and fingers on her protruding, hard nipples.

Sharon felt a tingle between her legs and looked down at her hairy pussy nestled between them that were gorgeously shaped from thighs to calves as well as her dainty feet.

She hadn't planned this upon awakening from sleep even though she had had some rather erotic dreams about her and other women making passionate love together, sometimes one on one and at other times a threesome.

However, she felt the wetness between her pussy lips that was coming from her vagina. It was so erotic.

Sharon involuntarily slid her right hand from her right breast while she still held her left breast in her hand, tweaking the nipple as she felt gooseflesh forming around her crimson areolas.

She let her hand slide down her side and over her well-developed abdomen, feeling the dip of her bellybutton as she continued to her pussy.

Sharon's fingers reached the top of her pubic mound, and at first touch of her pubic hair she spread her legs open wide enough to let her fingers and hand slide over her excited clit whose large head was already peeking out from its sheath. She stopped momentarily to play with her clit, circling the pearl with her fingers and flicking it back and forth, too, until she felt her thighs trembling in pre-orgasmic vibrations. However, Sharon didn't want to cum just then. It was too soon, so she reluctantly moved her fingers off her aroused clit and slid them between her pussy lips. They opened to her touch, and she felt she was very wet.

Now she wanted to reach her lubricated vagina so she could thrust her fingers inside and finger-fuck herself within her vaginal sheath.

Sharon's fingers were now at the entrance to her vagina, and she felt how wet she really was, so there was no need for any lubrication. She had produced her own.

She let her fingers circle around the outline of her vagina, feeling the creaminess of her pussy and how warm it was. Sharon collected some of her pussy cream, smearing it all over her fingers. Once lubricated Sharon placed her first two fingers at the entrance of her vagina and inserted them gently inside. She felt how warm it was inside her vaginal sheath. This excited her very much.

Sharon rotated her fingers so the pads of them were facing up, and as she slid her fingers in further, she felt the tiny ribs on the top wall. She stopped here and gently moved her fingers back and forth in a fucking motion, sighing with erotic feelings this rubbing was giving her. She could feel these erotic feelings going through her aroused body.

"Ohhhhhhhh, this feels so good," Sharon thought to herself, and then she moved her fingers off the ridges and went further inside her vagina until she came to a spot not too far from her ridges that she felt puffing up in size. It was here she squeezed her vaginal walls and felt them wrap themselves around her probing fingers.

Now Sharon was really sensually excited because she knew she was touching her G-Spot area. She rubbed this area with her fingers and felt warm, passionate surges of sexual rhythms coursing through her body. Again she felt she was near orgasm, but she still wanted to prolong it for a while longer, so she pushed her fingers off her G-Spot area and thrust them back as far as they could go inside her vaginal sheath until she felt the back of her womb.

In doing so, Sharon's fingers had slid along the side of her uterus, and that, too, came alive with sensual feelings. Wanting to explore these new feelings, Sharon pressed the pads of her fingers on the front of her uterus and felt the indentation in it. From there she put her fingers on top of her uterus and circled them around and around, giving her feelings she had never felt before. While doing this, Sharon found out there was a particular spot where her uterus and the back of her vaginal wall came together (She later learned this is the Epicenter that is apart of the clit that runs over the pubic bone, curves downward, and divides into a two-pronged projection that vibrates during a woman's orgasm.)

"Oh, god, what is this? I've never felt so aroused," Sharon thought as the excitement was growing within her. "I have to cum. I need my orgasm, and I need it now."

On the brink of her orgasm, Sharon slid her two fingers away from her uterus and back onto the G-Spot area where the sac had increased in size and volume of paraurethra fluid. Once there Sharon began an intense finger-fucking of herself while at the same time she curled her thumb up through her pussy lips and onto her vibrating clit. It was tingling with her intense orgasmic arousal that she felt coursing through her body from deep within and working its way out to explode in a sexual erutption through her clit.

Her other two fingers were also curved and lying against her pussy.

Sharon increased both finger-fucking herself and rubbing her naked clitoris until she felt the surge of her orgasm making its was to her womanhood.

Sharon spread her legs wide and squeezed her left nipple that was by now so hard and erect. She felt the first wave of sexual energy reach her clit, followed by a second but stronger wave, and then a third wave that sent her over the edge in a glorious, sexual climax. In the midst of her climax Sharon felt her pussy relax, but only for a moment, before the sac in her G-Spot area opened up the flood gates and squirted out of her vagina large amounts of ejaculated clear fluids that squirted down between her thighs and all over her legs.

If this weren't enough, Sharon's urethra opened, too, and squirted, spraying all over herself.

Sharon was so amazed at all this she just flopped back onto the bed and let herself discharge these liquids until she was completely drained.

She lay there...her eyes closed...her breathing coming hard as she tried to get it under control, and she felt her heart pounding in her chest, causing her lovely breasts to rise and fall with each breath she gulped.

Sharon felt limp and wrung out, but she also felt deliciously happy and sexually exhausted by her self-love that morning.

Now the only thing she worried about was what would the maid of the "Beverly Hills Hotel" think when she finds the sheets all wet with her cum juice and pussy cream.

"Oh, well. She can think what she wants," thought Sharon. "It was worth it," she said with a dreamy, contented smile on her lovely face, "and besides, I pay quite alot of money for this suite.

Sharon looked up at the clock by her bedside and saw it was now almost ten o'clock and if she wanted to make it downstairs to the "Fountain Coffee Shop," she'd better get a shower and dress.

It took her no more than half-an hour to get herself ready. She had no shoots to do, so as she does so often, she planned to go to be beach and then maybe stop off at the "Beverly Hot Springs" for a cleansing and full-body massage, maybe even the kind Zoe had given her the last time she was there about a week ago. This memory brought a smile to Sharon's flushed face.

"Maybe I can ask for Zoe again," Sharon smiled to herself. "She was good. So very, very good."

Sharon got off the elevator and headed for the "Fountain Coffee Shop," but first she stopped at the news stand and bought a copy of the "Los Angeles Times." It wasn't her favorite newspaper, but she did try to keep up with happenings in and around L A.

So, with newspaper in hand, Sharon entered the Coffee Shop, looked for a window seat, and found one where there was a lone woman sitting in the booth behind it.

Sharon walked over to the booth and slid into the seat that put her right behind the lone woman.

No sooner had she sat down than a good-looking waitress with short red hair and sparklng green eyes came over to Sharon's table.

"Good morning, Miss Stone. How are you today?" she asked cheerfully.

"I'm just fine, Kathleen. Just fine. I got off to a good start this morning," Sharon answered, coquetishly when she said "I got off..."

Kathleen smiled at Sharon and fixed her with her green eyes. "And what can I get for you this morning, Miss Stone?"

"A tall glass of fresh orange juice, a small pot of black coffee--I like more than one cup.--and a crescent and honey."

"Will that be all, Miss Stone?"

"Yes, I think so. I'll read my newspaper while you get my order," Sharon said pleasantly, looking deeply into Kathleen's eyes which made her blush a little with her Irish fair skin tone.

Sharon just smiled to herself upon seeing Kathleen blush and then turned to her paper.

She hadn't read much when she heard the woman behind her speak to her.

"Are you Sharon Stone?" she asked politely.

Sharon usually doesn't like to be bothered while reading her newspaper and eating her breakfast, but when she was escorted to her booth and saw the lone woman in the booth next to hers, she thought she was quite beautiful and, in fact, looked somewhat familiar.

The woman had short, dark brown hair with strands of reddish-blonde highlights in the front that went behind her ears, but also was half way down the front of her ears, coming to points. Her eyes were a deep, dark color with a light sparkle that made them exotic as well as intriguing. Her nose was short and somewhat pert, and she had a square chin with long dimples on both sides. In composite she was a beautiful woman, and from the little Sharon saw, she was trim and well-fit.

Intrigued by who this woman was, Sharon turned around and looked into her deep, dark eyes, each having a touch that glistened in the pools of darkness.

"Why, yes. I'm Sharon Stone."

"I thought so. I hate to bother you, but I'm Mariska Hargitay. I'm in the TV series "Law and Order - SVU" (Special Victims Unit). I play Detective Oliva Benson. We shoot in New York, but I'm out here for a little R and R. I'm expecting my first."

Sharon smiled, "How wonderful. Congratulations. How far along are you?"

"Four months. Don't really show that much right now though," Mariska added.

"Well, it's nice to meet you, Mariska."

"Same here, Sharon. I've seen your movies. Well, some of them."

"That's okay. Not all of them were good ones anyway."

"The one I do remember is...," Mariska began to respond.

"You don't have to tell me. 'Basic Instinct' where I gained so much notoriety for the shot of me crossing my legs when being interrogated by a room full of men and showing my bare pussy," Sharon interrupted. "That photo even made it into magazines and celebrity Internet sites."

Mariska blushed which Sharon saw.

Sharon smiled, "Oh, don't let it embarrass you, Mariska. I'm used to it."

"Well, okay, Sharon, but that was quite a scene. Turned alot of heads," Mariska said.

"If nothing else, that photo did give me alot of publicity," Sharon smiled slyly. "And Mariska Hargitay? Are you not the daughter of a famous movie star awhile back?"

Mariska said, "Why, yes, my mother was Jayne Mansfield. My father was Mickey Hargitay."

"I thought your name sounded familiar, Mariska. It was a shame your mother died so young in an auto crash."

Mariska lowered her eyes and said, "Yes, yes, it was a great tragedy. She was my mother, but she was also one of the first 'Blonde Bomb Shells' of Hollywood."

"That's for sure," answered Sharon.

"It was hard on the family, but I finally got over it as it happens as time goes by."

"So true, Mariska," said Sharon.

Sharon and Mariska held one another in a mutual gaze until Sharon broke the silence. "Mariska, would you like to join me for breakfast."

Without hesitation Mariska answered, "Why, yes, Sharon, that would be delightful. That cute red haired waitress is serving both of us."

Mariska got up from her seat and went over to Sharon's booth and seated herself oppositte Sharon.

"Well, this is a pleasant meeting, Mariska," said Sharon. "I'm glad we met."

By now the waitress came over to Sharon's booth with both Sharon's and Mariska's food and set it down in front of them.

"Well, I see you two have met," she smiled.

"Yes, we have."

Without saying a word the waitress turned and walked away, a faint smile on her face.

Sharon and Mariska enjoyed their breakfasts while continuing to talk. When they were finished with breakfast, Sharon looked at Mariska and asked, "Would you like to join me, Mariska? Usually after breakfast I walk the beach. I love the sound of the waves as they curl and hiss onto the sandy shore and the feel of the cool breeze coming out of the Northwest. It is so relaxing, or at least I think so. Then I go down to 'Beverly Hot Springs,' a lovely place, for a full-body massage. It leaves you feeling absolutely wonderfully cleansed and relaxed."

"Well, Sharon, I really hadn't any real plans for the day except to see some of the sites and perhaps do a little shopping."

"Oh, you can do your shopping some other time, Mariska. Come on! It'll be fun. I assure you," said Sharon in her effort to convince Mariska to go with her.

"Well, all right, Sharon," answered Mariska, giving her that beautiful smile of hers.

Sharon and Mariska paid for their breakfasts and left a handsome gratuity for the waitress, and then they were up and off to the beach.

They had a lovely walk despite the fact that the marine layer that often comes in from the Pacific Ocean caused it to be overcast, and one could not see the Channel Islands off the coast, not even "Anacappa" that is closest to shore.

"Well, there's no sense our sitting out at the patio, Mariska, the weather being what it is, so let's go down to 'Beverly Hot Springs' for that full-body massage I told you about. You won't regret it, and, in fact, you may find it quite memorable," Sharon said as she remembered her experience with Zoe her masseuse the last time she had been there.

Sharon and Mariska walked to the door where the name "Beverly Hot Springs" was etched on the double glass doors.

"Here, let me get the door, Mariska. Have to take care of expectant mothers," she smiled.

"Well, I'm not that helpless," Mariska smiled back.

Sharon led Mariska back to the dressing room and instructed her to take off all her clothes as she was taking off her clothes. We'll put them in lockers until we leave.

"I feel just a little awkward undressing, being pregnant, Sharon, with my stomach rounded even as much or little as it is," Mariska said.

"Oh, don't be silly, Mariska. We've seen pregnant women before. They're radiant and beautiful, and you are most certainly beautiful," Sharon added.

"Well, all right, Sharon," Mariska said as she began to remove her clothes.

When they were completely naked, both Sharon and Mariska looked at one another's bodies and were greatly in awe of one another's beauty. Sharon's breasts were a little larger and fuller than Mariska's, but Mariska's breasts were ample and well formed. Shron, of course, was slim in her waist from working out, but it was not so for Mariska because of being pregnant. and yet, they both had rounded hips; beautifully curved thighs; and slender, muscular calves. And both had tight, firm asses.

"There you are, we're ready to get into the hot spring and relax our muscles before we get our full-body massages. I already requested Zoe to be the one to be our masseuse today. She is so good, so very good," Sharon added.

Sharon took Mariska by the hand and led her over to a circular hot spring bubbling from the water jets, and they both stepped into the warm water and sat down on the seats and placed their heads onto two rolled towels each had taken from a table before going to the hot tub.

"Ahhhhh, Sharon. You're so right. This feels wonderful. Absolutely wonderful," Mariska sighed, closing her eyes to keep out her surroundings and drifting in the warmth of the water.

Sharon did the same, and both Sharon and Mariska felt their skin begin to tingle from the warm water and were quite content with the feelings they were enjoying.

However, what seemed like a long time was interrupted when the masseus came out from behind white, floor length drapes. It was Zoe, the masseuse Sharon had wanted.

As she had done the last time, Zoe stopped near the edge of the hot tub, not saying a word, but this time it was even more exciting to see two beautiful, naked women. This erotic site made Zoe have the same sexual reaction inside her when she saw such beautiful women. She started getting wet between her legs as vaginal fluids slowly moistened her pussy.

The last time when Sharon Stone came alone, Zoe softly cleared her throat to let Sharon know she was present and had come to give her the full-body scrubbing with smashed cucumber mixed with milk with a very soft brush.

This time, however, knowing how intimate she had been with Sharon before, she bent down quietly, slid her hand into the water and cupped Sharon's right breast and gently squeezed her hardened nipple softly in her hand. It felt exquisite to Zoe.

Sharon didn't act surprised but opened her eyes slowly and found herself looking into Zoe's dark eyes, accentuated with dark eyebrows and eyelashes, and again Zoe had her black hair pulled back and rolled up into a pun that she had pinned to the back of her head.

Sharon smiled at Zoe as she put her right hand on top of Zoe's and squeezed her hand into her breast.

"Mmmmmmmm, It's you Zoe," Sharon smiled and sighed as in a state of euphoria.

"Time for your special scrubbing, Sharon."

"Oh, yes, I've been picturing what you had done to me the last time when you gave me a full-body massage not only with your hands but with your mouth and tongue, too. You were wonderful," Sharon said.

Zoe lowered her head and whispered into Sharon's ear. "Who is the woman sitting next to you. She is very lovely, and I can tell she is pregnant."

"That's my new-found friend, Mariska Hargitay. You may have seen her on the TV series 'Law and Order SVU.' She portrays a police office that investigates sexual crimes. She is also the daughter of Jayne Mansfield, the busty blonde from the 50s who died at an early age in a car crash."

"Oh, yes, I remember Jayne Mansfield. Too bad she died so young. But she left behind a very beautiful, sexy daughter. Now tell me, has she come for a full-body massage the same as you? she asked almost with anticipation.

Sharon looked at Zoe and gave her a slight, knowing smile. "Why, yes, Zoe. She has come for a full-body massage, and maybe some of the special treatment you gave me the last time, but right now she doesn't know what the 'special treatment' is."

"Wonderful, Sharon. I can't wait to get my hands on her and other parts of my body, too."

"Well, I promise you your wish will come true, but don't be in such a hurry. I arranged for another masseuse to do Mariska while you give me my full-body cleansing and massage. Then the other girl will leave, letting the three of us alone," said Sharon.

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