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YouTubers in Paradise

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A rich Mistress looks for new submissive wives!
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Story request from Flimbo97

Starring: Ozley. GiBi. Fabled Fawn. Sophie Michelle. Snapdragon Asmr

Asmrbylisa. Asmr Glow. Goodnight moon. Amy Kay.

On a day like any other, a number of YouTubers went about their lives as usual, filming and editing videos and organising props for their next asmr upload. Many of these asmr YouTubers having never met one another, but had heard of each other over the vast web.

Meanwhile a rich millionaire lady prepared to send out her next big invitation, with the aim of organising the largest asmr collaboration ever seen, or so the invitation said.

"Greetings infamous YouTuber! You have been selected for an invitation to join a private ASMR convention hosted at Benedict Mansion, 10 minutes outside of New York City. Follow directions given by this address attached. No need to bring any equipment, all shall be provided for the duration of the event. Hope to see you all soon!"

The YouTubers all received an email, pinging in their inbox simultaneously. Opening it to find the invitation popping right out, with the email stating "All details and contents of the convention can be found in the attached leaflet." With the address listed below it.

Peaking their curiosity, they opened it straight away. Digging into all the details and learning everything they could about this previously unheard of event. Finding out that before now, it had simply been a small private gathering, and only now were they reaching out to content creators to make it an official convention, or so they said.

Eager to attend, a few of them replied, accepting the invite. Now with five well known ASMR creators attending, Ozley, GiBi, Fabled Fawn, Sophie Michelle and Snapdragon began packing a bag or two for their trip to New York in a few days time.

The organiser smiled, reading the replies and jotting down their names. Soon to begin digging up any information about them, learning everything there was to know, down to the most personal details.

After being told who else was attending, the YouTubers got in touch with one another, organising a meet up a few hours before they where due at the Mansion. Making the perfect occasion to not only get to know one another, but also drum up ideas for the convention.

Arriving at a quiet café down the road from the mansion, some of them got stuck in planning for the convention, Ozley and Fabled Fawn met with Snapdragon - who'd arrived mega early travelling from Ireland - indoors in a large cubicle, ordering some coffee whilst they waited for the others to arrive.

"Hey! Nice to finally meet you." Said Snapdragon. The other two found her accent quite strange at first, but soon got used to it.

"Ugh, finally." Said Ozley with a sweet sigh, planting herself in the cubicle next to Fabled Fawn, opposite Snapdragon "Hey, good to see you too!" She added.

They group exchanged greetings and hugs before ordering drinks "So, what you're thinking for this convention, they haven't really given us any strict rules on what we can do. Any ideas?" Said Ozley.

Fabled Fawn thought to herself for a few moments, rapping her nails on the table "We could do duos? Both of us making sounds in each ear... maybe cosplay it as somebody, doing a physical examination? I dunno."

Snapdragon nodded "Yeah, maybe cosplay crossovers? Combine a few genres. Hopefully they'll let us do a little rehearsal section before hand." Smiling as a waitress brought their coffee's over.

Placing them down on the table and sliding them towards them "Here we go, two coffee's, enjoy!"

"Thanks!" They replied, eagerly craving the caffeine. As they continued discussing what to do at the convention GiBi arrived at the café, heading inside, she looked around for the others.

As she looked around Ozley recognised her and started waving, she smiled and headed towards them "Hey guys! How are we all?" GiBi asked, sitting opposite Fabled Fawn and Ozley.

Everyone responded cheerfully, again exchanging more hugs with one another.

"Good good! Glad to to hear. I'm okay, little tired... but nothing out of the ordinary really." GiBi replied cheerfully.

"You want something to drink, we just ordered?" Asked Fabled Fawn.

"Uh, yeah why not." She replied, looking around for the cash register. She jumped up and head to the counter to order.

Whilst she was waiting to be served, Sophie Michelle arrived, heading into the café and quickly being flagged down by Ozley and Fabled Fawn. Now that they were all together, once everyone got caffeinated they set out planning their ASMR collaboration and a few other sketches.

An hour or so later after preparing a few ideas for the convention, they set off, heading a mile or so up the road, before finding themselves at the foot of a huge driveway, hiding the mansion behind a large set of gates. As they approached the gates slowly swung open, with a set of security cameras watching them from the pillars either side.

Together they head up the driveway, with their bags in tow, walking up towards Benedict Mansion. Upon reaching the front doors they were greeted by a middle aged footman, dressed in the finest Tux money could buy.

"Greetings, Lady Vani has been expecting you. Please follow me." He said politely, gesturing at the front doors.

Walking ahead of them to open the doors and show them inside, he guiding them towards a sparsely furnished room off to the side, a short way before the main hall and grand staircase.

"Please wait here, you'll be seen to shortly before visiting the lady of the house." He said before swiftly disappearing back outside.

The YouTubers gathered in the room, feeling a little uneasy as they sensed that something was off. Starting to wonder if this was even the right place, or had they just causally wondered into somebody's posh mansion.

"Are we even supposed to be here? This doesn't seem like the right place to host a convention." Said Sophie quietly to the others.

"I don't know. He said someone was expecting us?" Replied Fabled Fawn, with the others shrugging in confusion as they began looking around the room.

A few moments later a sweet looking woman strode in, clad in a very formal dress, she smiled at the YouTubers and clapped her hands briefly "So girls! I know this might seem a little strange, but unfortunately due to Lady Vani having various medical issues, I'll have to ask that you remove your shoes and temporarily turn in your personal belongings, you can place them here in the is box if you don't mind. Don't worry we won't touch any of it, we just ask that all belongings be handed over just while we spray you with a mild disinfectant." Said the woman sweetly.

Reluctantly the YouTubers agreed, starting to remove their shoes and empty all their pockets "Anything else?" Ozley asked cautiously.

"Yes, sorry if you could all stand against the wall here, we'll begin. It'll only take a minute or two, and won't cause any discomfort what so ever. Then I'll take you to see Lady Vani for the convention." The woman replied, gesturing at the long wall to their left, which had a marked area labelled for guests, arrows pointed as to which way they should face.

The woman watched as they all lined up, smiling softly "Excellent. Right we'll get started, I'll be just outside whilst you're disinfected. Again nothing to be concerned about, just a precaution for Lady Vani's health." So the woman claimed, heading out of the room and closing the doors behind her.

For a few moments the women glanced at each other, still feeling dubious about everything "I'm not so sure about this guys..." said GiBi, being cut off mid-sentence when a number of robotic arms sprung from the walls behind them, quickly latching onto their arms and legs before applying a firm restraint around their stomachs to good them still.

Immediately they began panicking, shouting and screaming for help as they tried to break free. Yanking and kicking at their restraints the five YouTubers desperately screamed for help, however outside the room, their cries were nothing more than faint and muffled sounds.

Suddenly the mechanical arms began undoing their belts or zips and swiftly removed their trousers, replacing them with a pair of ultra stretchy jeans, ones that fit very snuggly around their waist and ankles.

From behind a series of tubes positioned themselves around each of the YouTubers, one directly behind and two either side of their hips. The tubes extended until they touched them, with the robotic arms prying open their stretchy jeans to allow the tubes inside, until they rested gently inside their underwear.

The YouTubers continued crying out for help but to no avail, some of them even starting to cry as the panicked, scared of what might happen to them, but judging by the setup currently funnelling into their new trousers, this seemed like some kind sick and twisted prank they'd been tricked into.

The machines behind them in the wall began humming, the tubes shook briefly before swelling up slightly as thick gooey honey was pushed through them, it oozed out into their underwear from each of the three tubes inserted into their new trousers.

Their cries for help stopped in shock as they felt the thick gooey honey oozing through their knickers, some of them gasped as it trickled round to their crotch, smothering their cunts, others cried out in disgust. But soon their cries started to turn to soft moans.

As honey oozed from their underwear and into their stretchy jeans, their lower bodies began to swell quickly as their underwear filled. The honey tingled their skin soothingly as it spread, their jeans filling up rapidly as the machine continued pumping more in.

Gibi looked down, delighted to see her skinny legs fattening up gradually, her arse bulged heavily as honey oozed from her overflowing underwear, she sighed blissfully as it slowly oozed between her crotch. She took a deep breath and caught the scent of fresh honey. Resting her head back she found it too soothing to carry on resisting,

The others began experiencing similar effects, with the honey now coating most of their legs as it began building up inside their jeans, it sent a strangely soothing tingle through their body, which kept keeping stronger by the second.

As their legs swelled, they found it more and more difficult to move due to the weight of all the honey oozing into their jeans. Their breathing got heavier by the second as the sensation of being filled grew more intense, their moans growing deeper by the moment.

Ozley started gasping softly as the honey seemed to stimulate her pussy like a vibrator, only there were no vibrations, only the soothing texture of the honey oozing around it that sent powerful tingles through her pussy.

Starting to wriggle and squirm, they moaned louder as any movement made the tingles stronger. Sophie gasped blissfully, looking over to her left to see Snapdragon swelling like a balloon, her lower body bulging with honey.

This set Sophie off, seeing what was happening to them made the tingles so strong that she couldn't help but wail in ecstasy, unable to hold back how good it all felt. After a while the others joined her, cursing and crying out blissfully as the honey kept coming.

Their new jeans stretched easily, their legs were huge, their thighs and arse bulging larger and larger as the machines continued pumping more in. Their actual legs no longer touched the fabric, instead their entire lower bodies were enveloped by honey now several inches thick and still growing.

The jeans contained everything effortlessly, with special elastic around their waist and ankles tightening up to seal everything in, the more pressure applied to them meant a better seal, keeping everything locked inside no matter how much they moved around.

Once the material stretched to its limits at their ankles, the honey built up, eventually making them quite top heavy around their hips, arse and thighs where the jeans were stretchiest. Giving each of the YouTubers a plump and heavy figure, with the jeans designed to give them flawless chunky curves once filled.

With plenty of give left in the top half of their jeans, the machines kept pumping. The YouTubers wailed louder and louder, with a sting of multiple orgasm fast approaching, they couldn't control themselves, unable to resist the heavenly texture of the honey sending wave upon wave of glorious tingles through their pussies.

As the pressure inside their jeans increased, the tingling quickly grew overwhelming, and soon enough one by one they began to orgasm. Intense screaming and wailing ensued as the tingling kept growing stronger, driving them above and far beyond cloud 9.

Their arses continued expanding, with the machines pumping even harder to try and squeeze every drop of that sweet viscous honey into their jeans, the tighter the jeans got, the harder they orgasmed. Many of them trembling with ecstasy as they wailed.

Ozley wriggled constantly, her enormous legs wobbling as they tried to carry so much weight. She heaved and gasped deeply, cursing profusely like the others as she struggled to cope with the pleasure. Just when she thought it might end, the tingling only got more intense, sending her deeper down the hole of unending orgasms.

In no particular order, they started coming, occasionally thrashing as their bodies went wild. Fabled Fawn screamed blissfully as her cunt erupted, her juices mixing with the honey packed inside her swelling jeans. Pulling at her restraints she desperately wanted to grope herself, yearning to squeeze her nipples as she came, yet she was held back, forced to endure her climax without touching herself.

GiBi gasped with elation, also yearning to touch herself, wanting to find out what her new bulging legs felt like, eager to squeeze her arse firmly and cup her huge new honey filled cheeks. Yet they were held back, forced to wait until they were absolutely full, at which point the design and structure of their new jeans would work most effectively.

With enough tension applied to the jeans from within, they could perfectly retain their curvaceous and plump form at all times, drastically reducing the amount their figure might deform when sitting or laying, allowing everything to quickly settle back into place, keeping them looking absolutely perfect for their Mistress.

Snapdragon meanwhile had already started coming again, gasping sharply as she grew more and more sensitive, glancing down occasionally to see how big she'd grown.

The room was filled with the sounds of intense wailing and swearing, the smell of honey so strong you could almost taste it in the air. Outside there were only the faint and heavily muffled cries coming from within as Lady Vani approached the doors, glancing the the woman she'd sent to greet the YouTubers "How soon?" She asked.

"A few more minutes, ma'am. They're almost full." The woman smiled, bowing before the lady of the house.

"Excellent. Put them with the others when they're done. I'll introduce myself once they've recovered." Said Lady Vani, turning on the spot and heading back the way she came.

The woman smiled sweetly, leaning close to the doors to listen in on the YouTubers as they orgasmed, pleased to hear their ecstatic wailing and moaning.

The YouTubers continued to orgasm, getting an even bigger release every time they came. Their jeans creaked as they reached full size, the material tightening up quickly, holding everything perfectly in place.

As the pressure inside their jeans reached its peak, they dived into another rapid flurry of orgasms. The pumps stopped and the robotic arms carefully withdrew the filling tubes, dripping thick clear honey on the floor as they were retracted. Their restraints clicked suddenly, releasing them and letting them drop to the floor.

As they fell to their knees, the impact made a heavy muffled thud as the honey inside absorbed it, causing them all to cry and curse, their pussies erupting several times in a row as they hit the floor.

Keeling over and squirming uncontrollably, they could now freely grope themselves, feeling everything that had happened to them in all its smooth sticky glory.

GiBi wailed as she squeezed her crotch, she could feel all the honey shifting slowly around her cunt shortly before she came again. As she squeezed, the material of her new jeans flexed slightly, not making much of a dent no matter where she groped or squeezed, the jeans would slowly reform after she let go.

All five of them lay on the floor on their front, unable to move very far or even roll over due to the weight of their lower body. Their enormous dump truck arses bulged like balloons, protruding a good 8 or 9 inches at their peak, scaling down beautifully towards their ankles, the jeans making everything look perfect and chunky.

The woman opened the door, peeping inside to see how they were doing. With an excited squeak she went inside, watching as the five YouTubers lay on the floor breathing heavily and moaning softly as they touched themselves. The woman glanced back to see if anyone else had followed behind her before heading to the closest YouTuber, Ozley and kneeling beside her as she proceeded to grope her legs longingly, sighing as she bit her lips, causing Ozley to cum again as her touch felt ecstatic through the thick layer of honey in her jeans.

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AnonymousAnonymous11 days ago

Awesome story. Will you do a story with Carly, Sam and Freddie from ICarly? You know because they're youtubers.

AnonymousAnonymous11 days ago

Will you make a story with Aphmau from Youtube?

AnonymousAnonymous18 days ago

Are these Youtubers made up? I don't think I've heard of them.

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

What is this?

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

This was fun to read!

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