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Zac Efron Finds Love Ch. 01

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Zac goes to a restaurant and meets the guy of his dreams.
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It was the start of September and Zac was getting ready to take his girlfriend out for dinner for their one-year anniversary. He didn't really care about this but she did. His girlfriend was a minor actor who was just now getting big because they started dating.

Chloe Carter was an attention hog. All she wanted was fame and money. She didn't care about Zac or their anniversary, she just wanted to convince him to marry her so that she would have enough time to get fame and his money. She never realized that he didn't care for her either. This entire thing started because he felt he had to.

One year earlier, Zac had been on his way home from a movie premiere when a drunk driver hit the side of his car. Instantly killing the passenger. The passenger just happened to be his father, who he had brought to the premiere because of the fact that it was the day after father's day. Zac heartbroken because of this started a downward spiral into depression, was just on the verge of becoming an alcoholic and drug addict.

Just as the spiral was about to hit. Chloe stepped in and brought him out of the spiral. She saw it as a way to get in good with her co-star to get the fame and fortune that did not come her way in the movie but also as a way to keep tabs on the police investigation to who was the drunk driver.

This reason is the only reason why Zac went out with Chloe in the first place. Then as the publicity picked up his manager told him to continue the relationship for the free advertising and not to cheat on the side. When Zac first heard this reasoning he thought to himself 'Did he forget I'm gay?' While he didn't want to date someone for publicity, he didn't want the world to know he was gay for the problems it could possibly be for his career.

As he got ready he told himself that he was finally going to end this fake relationship. He had told his manager so, and while he didn't readily agree he saw the problems for Zac that this relationship brought up.

Zac's POV:

'I can't believe I have to get ready for this stupid date. This women doesn't want anything but my money and the fame I can bring her nothing more. Why can't I just meet a nice, cute guy who will love me the way I want to be love and let me do the same to him.'

Seeing that he was putting off this stupid dinner for as long as possible. Zac got up and started to his car in the driveway of his mansion. Luckily the mansion is secluded on all sides so that no paparazzi could take a picture on him from any side no matter how good their lens is. Which is why most celebrities buy a mansion in this community.

'Boy am I glad that I never slept with this bitch she is so damn annoying and nothing will make me happier then to watch her crash and burn, when everyone learns what a bitch she truly is.'

Zac was on his way to pick up Chloe so that he could take her on their date. As Zac is getting out of his car he is trying to figure out the perfect time to tell Chloe that they were done. While Chloe is trying to figure out a way to truly cinch a way into getting Zac to have sex with her.

Daniel's POV

'Just five more minutes and then I can finally go home. I also need to get ready for the dinner.'

Daniel Jackson is a 19 year old college student. He has dark brown hair, emerald green eyes. Has a swimmers physique that gives him a lean muscular look from the years of swimming he did and still does. Though the one thing that sets him apart from the rest is that he is gay and still a virgin. Never being able to bring himself to going all the way, he just ends up stopping the other male.

Now back at his apartment Daniel is getting ready for this dinner his English partner insisted on having.

'God this guy is nothing but an open-minded prick why do I have to go on this stupid dinner with him? Oh yeah. Our teacher made us be partners.'


That was the doorbell to his apartment building. Which meant Liam Sherwood was here to pick him up. Checking to make sure his appearance was decent to go out in public. Daniel headed to his door and stepped out and locked the door behind him. Heading down to the main door to Liam, he steeled himself for the pompous attitude that was sure to come during this dinner.

Stepping outside Daniel saw Liam standing off to the side of the front steps to get out of the way for residents who live in the building. Taking a once over, he had to admit that if it wasn't for his attitude he would be all over Liam. With blonde hair, hazel brown eyes and a surfer's body. Liam Sherwood is the fantasy of slightly in reach wet dreams. With his hair casually messed up giving him the look of Justin Bieber in the beginning of his career. Just made him look all the better.

"Wow you look great. And you dressed up slightly fancy. Good."

'I don't see how I'm dressed up fancy. All I did was put on a dark pair of jeans, a black button down with a black wife beater underneath, a nice pair of solid black converse.'

Seemingly guessing what I was thinking he said, "I forgot to tell you that he restaurant we are going to is fancy but not suit and tie fancy."

'Well that makes more sense now.'

"Ready to go?"

Not knowing what else to say, I just nodded and followed him to sports car parked in the street.

Zac's POV

Picking up Chloe was a miserable time. First I got stuck in traffic. Apparently some guy decided to answer his phone just going into a curve and hit the wall and crashed reducing the four lanes to two. Then when I got to her apartment building there was a bunch of paparazzi taking pictures of me going to pick her up. Then when I finally got into the building and was standing in the hallway waiting for her ten minutes late. She still wasn't ready. Fifteen fucking minutes after I set the original time for her to be ready she finally comes out of her room.

Wearing the sluttiest thing ever. Her blonde hair was loosely curled. She had lightly dusted her face with make-up to highlight her features like they do for model photo shoots. Now the dress is probably what was the worst. It was a short, short black dress that left nothing to the imagination for the lower region. Showed way to much cleavage and was covered in sequins. All in all her entire outfit for the night was to take advantage of the paparazzi following me.

Man why can't they make me pretend date someone half decent.

"Let's go Chloe we are already late for the reservations and called to tell them that we will be slightly late."

"What no hello kiss. Or are you saving it for the camera's to show everyone how much you care about me."

"Neither now let's go."

Heading to the car was even worse because I had to hold her hand to get her to stop posing for the camera's and get her to the car sometime tonight. After another two minutes of her posing for the camera's we were in my car and heading to the restaurant.

Thirty minutes later

La Belle was a casual fancy restaurant a little far out of town so that the diners wouldn't have to worry about the traffic noise and could enjoy the scenic mountain view in peace. There was a main dining area that was used by most people. There was large reception rooms that were used for special receptions. Then there was more private rooms that you could get through to by going through the main area. This was commonly used more for celebrity dates that wanted privacy for one reason or another.

On our way to the restaurant Chloe kept chatting my ear off nonstop. Talking about who said and did what in the stupid fashion world. When we were entering the driveway up to the path of the front door Chloe told me that she wanted to go check up her make-up. Since I don't trust valet's or anyone with my car keys; I drove out to the parking lot and parked the car after dropping Chloe off. Getting ready for what I was about to say to Chloe I got up and headed for the restaurant.

As I was walking up to the restaurant I was texting on my phone and accidentally ran into someone. They were automatically knocked to the floor. Looking down Zac noticed he had walked into a slightly young man.

Reaching down to help the man up, he noticed that he had silky dark brown hair. All he wanted to do was run his hand through it. then his eyes scanned the rest of the male's body since he still couldn't see the face. What he saw was a twinks body that he just wanted to put in his car, take him home and fuck him senseless. Realizing that the guy was still on the floor he regained enough composure over his sudden arousal to think to help the man up. By saying:

"Oh I'm so sorry man. I really should have been paying attention to where I was walking. Here let me help you up."

Holding out his hand for the man to take it Zac just sat there for a few seconds. Finally the man grabbed hold of his hand and allowed Zac to pull him to his feet. Feeling the smooth hands that belonged to the man. After he was up straight on his feet the guy finally looked up.

Zac thought his heart was going to stop when he saw the emerald green eyes that stared back at him. They showed a range of emotions from happiness to sadness. Then finally shocked as he realized who he had just run into.

Daniel's POV

I can't believe I just ran into ZAC freaking Efron. This is like the gods are torturing me with my favorite wet dream right in front of me. How many times have I jerked off to a poster of this man? Oh man I lost count after five hundred.

Daniel finally noticed that Zac was still holding his hand and looking into his eyes. Almost like he could see past all the bad and look right into his heart and actually liked what he saw.

"Sorry about that. I wasn't watching where I was going."

"It's fine because neither was I." Zac said.

"Well then if you'll kindly let go of my hand I will head into the restaurant and we can for get about this."

"I will if you promise to tell me your name and your phone number." Zac said with a half grin.

"Oh and is this how you get all your dates?" I said cheekily.

"Never, but if I don't want the one currently in front of me to get away then I'm going to do what ever it takes. To get his number even if that means refusing to let go of his hand."

I don't know why but I was finding this incredibly cute. And if everything he was saying was true then that would mean he was gay right and that he actually liked me, right? I don't know what to do anymore. Well I guess I should just take a leap of faith.

"The name is Daniel Jackson and if you give me your phone then I will type it in for you."

I held out my hand waiting for him to hand me his phone. Which was kind of funny. First his mouth dropped open like he wasn't expecting me to actually agree to give him the info. Then he rushed to get out his cell phone. Which was funny in his skinny jeans he was wearing. Finally getting out his phone he unlocked it and opened his contacts so I can give him the info. Still hasn't let go of my hand.

"Well now that you have my info. You can let go of my hand and then you can give me a call. When you want to have a date."

Releasing my hand, I let my hand fall back to my side. Already missing the warmth that his hand provided. WAIT, WHAT! I just met him and I'm already missing his touch. That was way to fast even for the fact that he is my wet dream.

"Well it was nice meeting you but I better get back to my friend who is probably waiting for me by now." I said.

"Well I should get going to." Zac said.

As I turned around to head back to the main door. Zac grabs my hand as I'm about to walk away.

"Wait, I'll walk you to the entrance." He said.

I nodded. I expected him to let go of my hand, but he just kept hold of it until we were in the shadows of the entrance.

"What to embarrassed to hold my hand all the way in the building?" I said jokingly.

When I said this I didn't expect the shock and slightly hurt look that crossed his face.

"No it's just.." he started.

"Don't worry I was just joking." I said looking at him.

"What was with that look that crossed your face?" I asked.

"It's just that my 'girlfriend' is super clingy and I don't want you to get hurt if she thinks that your the reason that I'm breaking up with her and I also don't want your friend that may think your here on a date with him to get upset if he sees you with someone else and makes your night worse." Zac said really quickly.

I looked at him for a second. "Wait so you practically asked me out but are here on a date with your girlfriend."

"No I am here to break up the business arrangement our managers set up to gain more publicity. So that I can finally date a guy I like. Because I did ask you out, because I am gay. And you make me feel a way that I never felt before with anyone else. Despite the fact that we just met." Zac said in one breath.

All I could do was stand there stunned I had no idea what to say. Although it was kind of great because his face was this great shade of red. Realizing that he was super embarrassed about everything that just happened in the minute I did the only thing I could think of to show him that I understood what he was saying because of the fact that I still couldn't talk.

Stepping right in front of him I put one hand on his face and lifted it so that it wasn't looking completely down and then I pulled his face down so that I could reach his lips. I kissed him slowly. I felt his lips pick up the pressure and felt his tongue on my bottom lip. Opening up I felt his tongue slip into my mouth and we fought for dominance which he quickly won.

We stood there kissing for a few seconds in the shadows until the need for air became to important.

Panting slightly we stepped a foot away from each other and got our breathing under control.

"Well the sooner we get this night over with the sooner we can get to tomorrow for our date." I said looking at him.

"Ok lets go inside." Zac said heading for the door.

Opening up the door for me I stepped inside and looked around for Liam. Spotting him at a table in the main dining hall I headed towards him. As I walked away I glanced backwards and saw Zac staring at me.

When I reached the table I sat down across from Liam and picked up the menu.

"What took you so long I thought all you were doing was answering that call." Liam said in a weird voice.

"I was but the guy wouldn't shut up. Sorry that you had to wait."

Before Liam could say anything our waiter appeared and asked for our orders. After we ordered I couldn't help looking back for Zac and saw that he had already left.

Now I just have to get through the night.

Zac's POV

That kiss was something else. The way his lips moved against mine. How soft they were, the passion that oozed from him. It was everything I wanted to find in a boyfriend. Now all I need to do is end the arrangement with Chloe.

I held the door open for Daniel as we went into the Restaurant. As we stepped into the main dining area I saw his head look around for his friend. After a second he finally spotted his friend and began to walk away. I watched him the whole way to his table. When he sat down I couldn't help the flare of jealousy that sprang up in me. The guy looked pretty but he had a pompous attitude around him.

Heading up to the reservation counter the guy behind the counter looked up at me and gave me a smile.

"Well Mr. Efron we have your table all ready in the back. When Mrs. Carter comes out we will take you to the table."

"Thank you." I said.

"Oh and Mr. Efron. A nice place to go in the garden is the cherry blossom tree in the back. Very secluded and romantic to." He said with a wink.

Blushing furiously all I could do was nod.

Luckily Chloe came back right at that moment. Although the first thing she did was latch onto my arm like it was a life vest.

Seeing my discomfort the waiter grabbed a couple menus and led us further into the restaurant to one of the secluded rooms were we can dine in peace.

When we got to the room. The waiter appeared and asked for our drink orders. Chloe ordered an expensive white wine. I was driving and so did not want to have an alcohol. When the drinks arrived we were ready to order. I asked for a cheeseburger while Chloe asked for a veggie salad. Which is one of the smallest items on the menu.

As we were eating I new that I was going to have to break up with her eventually. Guess I better do it now.

"Chloe I need to talk to you."

"Yes sweetie."

"Well it's about our business arrangement to date."

"Oh, I get it. You want to get past all the business portion and actually date for real. Well I'm cool with that."

Wow this girl is thick.

"No, Chloe. What I'm telling you is that I'm breaking up the arrangement."

Chloe just stared at me with an open mouth.

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aclassyladyaclassyladyalmost 9 years ago
was wondering if you are going to continue this

It is a good start to a story. I was wondering if there will be more to this. It has a good start but you left it open to be more to it.

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