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Zar Ch. 01: The Golden Cock

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A wizard, a long-dead king, and a warrior woman.
2.8k words

Part 8 of the 22 part series

Updated 09/24/2023
Created 05/21/2020
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Zar submits to a golden cock and gains the Dawn Blade.


Zar surveyed the ancient ruin, searching the dark shadows between the broken walls. Legend had it that Tanarwel was built by giants, such was the size of the masonry. The huge blocks of marble, made white by the passage of time and green by the forest's encroachment, had earned a reputation for being haunted, perhaps because of the doleful sighs and moans of the drifting wind through the long forgotten hallways.

Or perhaps because of the darkness that dwelled there, an ancient magic buried beneath the rocks. Zar could taste bitterness in the air, and its aura was indigo blue, restless and hateful. She shivered, as much from the cold as fear. There were worse places to spend the night, but not many, and this was where she needed to be.

"You must go to Tanarwel," the old seer had said. "There, in the Crypt of Dar-Gratt, King of the Atteyni, you will find the Dawn Blade." She'd said more, but without the Dawn Blade her journey would be finished. Finding the sword was everything.

The Crypt of Dar-Gratt had brought many adventurers to Tanarwel, and no doubt more than were told of. The lure of treasure. The ruins were littered with the remains of encampments, and the scars of excavation. A fire burned too, hidden from her sight but betrayed by a wisp of smoke. "Hello?" she called. "I'm alone. Unarmed." Which wasn't strictly true, but a knife had purpose beyond killing.

For a long while, nothing. Then a figure emerged from behind a wall, a man, unkempt and unshaven, taller than Zar but clearly untrained. Not unhandsome, she supposed, though she tended to view all men - especially pale-skinned northerners - with suspicion. "Are ye here for the treasure?" he growled, though by the way his blue eyes surveyed her it was clear he had a different treasure on his mind.

"I seek the Crypt," she said carefully, "but not the treasure. Perhaps we could search together - if we survive the night. Is this your first?"

He ignored her query. "You say you're alone?"

"I'm alone, and I've walked all day. I've food to share and would be grateful for company."

"Aye, company would be nice. Come by the fire then, and you can tell me why a lass as pretty as you is here in this accursed place."

Zar followed him to his shelter, a ramshackle affair built of branches and detritus nestled into a corner of what once had been mighty palace walls. Space was tight within, but surprisingly dry and warm. Her spirits lifted immediately and she laughed in recognition. "You're a wizard!"

He blinked at her, startled. "What gave you that idea?"

"The indigo stops at the threshold."

He relaxed and smiled. "You're a sensitive."

"And you've been here a while. Alone, by the look."

"Just the shades for company - and now you. Have you a name, fair maid?"


He nodded. "Welcome to my abode, Zar. I am Katarra. Sit, and tell me of your quest, if it is not for treasure."

Katarra poured them both bowls of a thick, steaming broth from the pot over the fire. Zar could taste rabbit mixed in with a variety of root vegetables. "Fantastic," she murmured, sipping the hot elixir. "I can feel life breathing into my bones again."

The wizard chuckled. "An unfortunate choice of words in this place. Come midnight, you will be wishing the life from bones."

"So it's true."

He shrugged. "Stay the night here with me, and tomorrow you will wonder whether it's all a fairytale. But if it's the Crypt you seek..." He grinned at her slyly. "Well, you'll have your fill of bones."

Zar's eyes narrowed. "You know where it is."

"Finding it is easy. Escaping is the hard part."

"Will you show me?"

"And lead you to certain death?"

"I can take care of myself."

"I dare say you can. Very well, but stay a while first. The Crypt is sealed by stronger magic than I possess. Midnight's the key that opens it."


"Take no weapon," Katarra said as they prepared to leave the warmth and safety of the wizard's shack. "Not even that knife of yours. A weapon would seal your fate - though what chance you have without, I don't know. Are you sure you won't rather stay here with me?"

Zar smiled kindly. "No, Katarra. But I am thankful for your hospitality."

He sighed. "Very well. Follow me." Taking a branch from the fire, whispering words that intensified its flame to a piercing brightness, he led her out and swiftly through the broken maze of ruins. Zar was soon utterly lost, and hoping desperately that her trust would be rewarded. Certainly the indigo was growing thicker, giving a misty form to the rocks even in darkest shadows.

The stars were bright and the moon low on the horizon, but Katarra's path took her to a passage beneath the ground. The walls and roof had crumbled in places, great roots almost blocking the way. Here and there she saw evidence that others had cleared the way or tried to mend the breaks, and was relieved that she did not herself have to contend with a major collapse.

At the same time, her instincts fought against every step she took. She hardly needed the torch to see, so rich was the aura of indigo. Katarra halted abruptly. "I dare go no further," he whispered. "But see - the Crypt is open."

Zar saw only a dark doorway, but the presence within, an ancient malevolence, was almost tangible. And she had to face it without a weapon. Her hand itched for the feel of her blade, but she had chosen to trust the wizard. "Wish me luck," she whispered back, and stepped forward into the Crypt.

Bones. The floor was carpeted with shattered bones. Thighs, ribs, even skulls. Human skulls. Her attention was fixed, though, on the throne in the centre of the subterranean hall. Dar-Gratt, King of the Atteyni, sat there staring at her with his empty eye-sockets. Across his skeletal knees lay the Dawn Blade, her mission, its aura a raging yellow.

But there was something else too, something beyond the sword. Another object of ancient power, this one emanating a dull red. Not until the King stood, his sword clattering to the stone floor, did she understand. Zar had never seen a man's erection before, and was sure a skeleton had no business possessing one, but undeniably the King was wielding one and advancing on her with intent.

He was quick too. She narrowly escaped his grasp and dropped, spinning with the intention to sweep him off his feet. Instead, he stayed rooted to the spot, unperturbed, and grabbed her by the hair, throwing her to the ground.

Before Zar could regain her feet, they were pulled from under her, and she was dragged backwards. She screamed at the sight of the King kneeling behind her, grinning like the dead as he tore away her skirt and lined her up with his magical cock. She kicked back at him, trying to break free, but he held her effortlessly and rammed his cock into her.

Or tried to. She felt the impact against her belt, against the shield that prevented any invasion. It was more than physical. Zar's chastity belt was woven from moonsilver, proof against man and magic. She took advantage of the King's momentary shock to wriggle free, and made a dive for the Dawn Blade, her outstretched fingers finding the guard.

Bony hands snatched her away from salvation. She screamed again, this time in fury, as she felt cold, hard metal press against her exposed and unprotected ass. He was simply too strong for her. Zar struggled helplessly as the thick shaft penetrated her, stretching her in a most unnatural way.

Despite the utter humiliation and violation of the act, the sensation of it was exquisite pleasure. The magic in the cock was forcing her into submission. "No!" she cried, denying its mastery, but with each thrust deeper and harder than the last, the friction sending waves of pleasure through flesh that in truth was starved for it, her resistance was crumbling.

"No," she begged, though it seemed her body had already surrendered. She could hardly keep from thrusting back, aiding the skeletal King in his conquest of her. She could feel the tension building towards an inevitable climax, and knew that her surrender would soon be total, an ignominious end to her quest. "No. Please, no."

A shockwave of magic energies unlike anything she'd ever experienced sent her sprawling across the floor into a pile of brittle bones. Standing by the throne, the Dawn Blade in one hand, burning torch in the other, was Katarra. Of the King there was no sign. Even the indigo was dissipating rapidly.

"You killed him?" Zar asked, finding it difficult to form words. Her mind and body were hazy with conflicted needs. She could still feel the King in her ass, and yearned to feel him driving into her still.

"He was already dead; I just sent him where he belonged." The wizard grinned cheekily. "Thank you for distracting him."

Zar groaned. The magic-fueled lust was giving way to the agonies of an abused body, and to the shame of her near-absolute surrender to this humiliating violation. "I need that sword," she said, still reluctant to move at all.

Katarra laughed. "I'll swap it for that." He pointed the tip of the sword at her ass, and for a brief moment she thought he wanted to finish what the King had started.

Until she realised abruptly that she wasn't imagining it. That the King's magical cock was still lodged inside her. Burning with embarrassment, she extracted it slowly, the friction of its passage sending a fresh wave of pleasure coursing through her and tempting her to thrust it in again. The emptiness within her as it slipped free was almost intolerable.

They exchanged weapons, and Zar retrieved her torn skirt. She looked round suddenly. "Where's all the treasure?"

Katarra laughed, and waved the cock at her. "This is the treasure. Why d'ye think he was so determined to guard it, even in the grave?"

With a quiet chuckle he led her out of the Crypt and back to the living world.


There was no sign of the wizard when she awoke - which perhaps was a good thing. Her sleep had been disturbed by nightmares of being pursued through dark, endless tunnels by the King, his bony fingers catching her, his cold, metal cock penetrating her. Despite her terror of the King, she hungered to feel him in her. In her dreams she begged him not to stop, but to continue.

She awoke in a state of arousal like never before, with a demanding need to touch herself in the one place she could not. Her fingers caressed the moonsilver shield, searching desperately for some opening that would permit her within. Three months now she had worn it, hating it every step of the journey for the way it denied her her own body, but never before had she felt the shield slick with evidence of her arousal.

Beneath her fingers, beneath the moonsilver, she throbbed with urgent need, but her efforts to soothe that itch were futile. Yet also, for the first time she acknowledged the need for the belt, and was profoundly grateful that it had protected her - in part, anyway.

Waking fully, Zar strained against protesting muscles and bruised flesh, and sat up, searching around her for the Dawn Blade, and sighed with relief to find it beside her. Not only had the wizard covered her while she slept, having fallen asleep within moments of reaching the shack, exhausted from her exertions but also from the endless replaying of the horror in her thoughts, he had wrapped the sword in a blanket, muting its blazing aura.

Reaching for her pack, she took out needle and thread and set to work repairing her skirt, and was tugging it into position just as the wizard returned. Even though he had seen her most cruelly exposed the night before, Zar felt better now, more normal. "Thank you," she said. "For food. For shelter." For rescuing her. For giving her the sword.

Katarra shrugged. "I brought these." He handed her a bundle of scabbards of various ages and qualities. Zar tested them out, and decided on a plain, black leather sheath that she could sling over her shoulder.

"I must go now," she said, yet couldn't quite bring herself to leave. She was being stupid, even pathetic, but there was one more need that hadn't been met. "What will you do with it?"

He raised an eyebrow. "With this?" He pushed his breeches down, revealing a metallic golden cock, in quiescent form but it stirred as she gaped in astonishment. Its aura had shifted from the sinister dull red of before to a playful green.

The aching emptiness of her ass reasserted itself with a vengeance. Her fear of it was more than matched by her lust for it. "Please," she whispered. Please put it away. Please put it in me.

"It's not your fault," Katarra said. "Until you finish what was started, the magic will keep bringing you back." The golden cock was now fully erect. She could almost feel it tugging her physically towards it.

Zar surrendered with a sigh. She turned and bent over, presenting her ass to the wizard. "Do it," she said. "I need it in me."

Katarra chuckled quietly, and happily took advantage of the offering. The Sisters had raised her to deny the pleasures of the flesh, not to yield to them like a common whore, but her need was too great. Would they condemn her for this weakness, or would they understand. "Some things are beyond our control," Sister Mai would say. "But as long as we fight to our last breath, there is no shame in failure."

But Zar wasn't fighting. She was surrendering. "Sweet Goddess!" she cried as the cock thrust in, no longer cold as death, no longer beating her into submission, but beautifully hard and delivering such exquisite pleasure.

Katarra moaned behind her. "Incredible!" he breathed, withdrawing quickly to thrust in again. "Two such cocks were forged by Derushil for the Divine Twins. One of sungold for Uxur, and one of moonsilver for Ulaxr." The wizard's words were punctuated with hard, deep thrusts that made Zar moan with helpless lust. "No mere mortal can resist its command. Flesh once touched by divine metal will forever yearn for more."

No longer caring what anyone might think of her, Zar embraced the savage act, thrusting her hips back to meet the golden cock, each penetration a rush of sensation, of being stretched unnaturally, immorally, the friction of metal against sensitive flesh... "More," she begged. "Harder! Faster!"

The wizard did his best to meet her demands. "It's too much. I cannot hold."

Fortunately, Zar was close too. For months she had gone without, unable to touch herself. The Sisters had taught her to deny even self-pleasure, but although there had been furtive moments of much needed satisfaction, she had never dreamed that this doubly forbidden act, this dirty, bestial pleasure, could possibly satisfy.

She thrust back against him with determination. "Fuck me!" she hissed. A word she had never dared utter, but none other would do.

Katarra gave a strangled cry, and she felt his essence unleash within her. It tickled her deep inside, the combination of sensations throwing her over the precipice into an ecstasy like nothing she'd ever experienced. She screamed as her body clenched tightly about the metal cock that danced vigorously in her ass, each contraction sending a wave of pleasure through her flesh.

How long they stayed locked together, convulsing in mutual pleasure, Zar didn't know. Even once the last tremors had faded, she was reluctant to disengage. Instead, she thought over the wizard's words. "But Ulaxr was a goddess. Why make a cock for a woman?" she mused.

"A goddess, yes," Katarra murmured, "but the ancients who sculpted her likeness were not shy to show her true form. Look closely and you will see what later hands have hidden." Chuckling, he added, "Not for nothing is she worshipped in Lliria."

Zar gave a soft gasp. "Lliria... It is to Lliria that I must go, though I do not know how."

Katarra sighed sadly. "There I cannot help you. It is said the sea itself conspires to hide that ancient isle, and Llirians that travel abroad seldom do so openly."

Eventually he pulled out, and slowly she adjusted to the loss. This time, however, she felt complete - not that she wouldn't have welcomed him again, but whatever it had been that compelled her to him before was now gone.

Embarrassingly aware, as she stood, that she was now leaking from both shield and rear, Zar thanked him again. When Katarra pulled her close and kissed her roughly, she returned the kiss automatically, too startled to think how to react. "Be safe," he said.

She nodded, but knew the path ahead would only grow more dangerous.

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AlinaXAlinaXover 3 years agoAuthor

Huh. I did not know that. Sorry.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

Mate, Katarra is the name of a female in an animated series, and I am STRUGGLING to read these early paragraphs having Katarra as a male character. I can’t. I’m out.

AlinaXAlinaXabout 4 years agoAuthor

It's a five part story, all written, so stay tuned... :-)

PtmcPilotPtmcPilotabout 4 years ago
Love it!

Looking forward to a new chapter. Perhaps after I've gotten the gist of your world we might collab on a story. Or maybe a chapter.

Timtom12Timtom12about 4 years ago
Good start

I like where this is going. Decent world building.

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