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Zendaya and the Stunt Double

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Zendaya mixes up Tom Holland and the stunt double.
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"Come over here"

I was leaning up against a wall when I heard her. It was my 20th day on the set of Spider-man: No Way Home. I was a stunt double for Tom Holland, playing as Spider-Man.

I had a strict meal plan and work out schedule to stay in shape to look as much like Tom Holland as possible. It was a bit new to me. I've been a stunt man for 3 years and never had to try to match so closely to a body type. Normally it wouldn't be a huge issue but since there were many dialog scenes of Tom without his mask on we needed to keep it convincing.

I sometimes keep my mask on while on set, I get to be Spider-man! Not that anyone would know it unless they stuck around and read the credits until nearly the end. So I enjoyed it as much as I could.

My mask was similar to the mask that Tom wore during his dialog scenes. His was not easy to see through as it needed to be comic book accurate. Mine was much easier to see through and the eyes were a bit lower compared to his. Impossible to see while I'm doing flips and stunts, but much safer for me to work with.

I had finished my scene for the day. Simple enough scene, just had to do a flip over some boxes. Scenes were always done out of order and cut together later so I wouldn't be needed again until tomorrow.

I liked to stick around on set. I had a few acquaintances here, and just liked watching the actors and other stunt performers. Anyone was allowed to stay on set as long as they didn't affect movie production time.

"I said come here!" Zendaya whispered, grabbing my wrist.

I didn't say anything and followed her.

She led me to a closet. It was dimly lit by an old incandescent bulb. She turned back and locked the door behind her.

"Hey, I didn't think you would be on set today." She said with a smile I could barely see. "Why are you still wearing your mask?"

I shrugged and then a sound came from outside the door. I pointed at the door and then held my finger in front of my mouth.

"Yes I know we have to be quiet. It's just that I've been having these feelings for a while. I wanted to know if you feel the same..." she said blushing and putting her hand on my chest.

My heart starts pounding when she touches me. Without even thinking of any consequences I roll the mask up to my nose.

"Okay Mr. Spider-Man, I'll play your game." She smiled.

She leaned in slowly and I knew what she was going for. I leaned in to match her and our lips touched. It started as light kissing but slowly more of her tongue got involved.

I started to get into it. I knew this wasn't for me, but if this was quick I could get away with it. Zendaya was beautiful, I would almost say she's exactly what I look for in a girl.

Her kisses moved down my neck and then back to my mouth. Her hands were resting on the folds of my mask. I was hopeful she wouldn't pull it off.

"Take your mask off, Tom"

Oh fuck. She thinks I'm Tom Holland. Tom and I have a similar enough jaw line that she didn't notice a difference in this darkness.

"Zendaya to the stage for scene 142, Jacob Batalon to the stage for scene 142. Thank you." Came over the studio intercom.

Zendaya slowed her kisses and gave one last long kiss before looking over my half covered face for what seemed like forever. Even in this dim light, her light brown eyes had a sparkle to them.

She rolled my mask back down my face.

"I've been waiting to do that for a long time. See you later spidey, if you're here again tomorrow we can pick up where we left off." She said kissing me on the spider mask and leaving the closet.

What the fuck just happened.

I leave the closet and walk casually to wardrobe trying not to be seen by many people. I swap out of my Spiderman outfit and into my regular jeans and button down shirt.

I check the schedule for the upcoming scenes. 142, 153, 92, 12. Nothing required Tom Holland to be on set today. I look over the next few days. Nothing. Nothing. Nothing. It seems he isn't back in the studio for 7 days. Zendaya also doesn't seem to know if he is away.

I walked back to the studio floor and watched Zendaya and Jacob do their scene together. It was a strange scene about her throwing bread. I didn't really get it but she looked cute throwing the bread around. They had to do a few extra takes because she was throwing bread around at people.

"Hey Ethan, think fast!" Zendaya called out throwing some bread at me. I caught it. "Always quick on your feet Eth."

I threw the bread back at her. She drops it. "Guess the bread is buttered now with those butter fingers." I say with a laugh.

She breaks out into laughter.

"Okay everyone lets take five." Jon Watts says.

Zendaya walks over to me.

"Hey Eth, what brings you in today?" She walked over to lean next to me.

"I had some scenes earlier this morning. I was hanging out with Mark then came to see what we were recording today."

Mark has been one of my best friends throughout my career. It was always nice when we were able to work on the same set together. He's the type of guy that if someone asked where I was he would say "He was with me just a little while ago." So I knew it was a good cover, not that she would ever talk to him. Mark was one of the graphics designers. Didn't come on set much but did occasionally talk to the director about how a scene could affect the post production work.

"Mark is always hiding in his hole. It's fun that you stick around and watch us. I think I may have gotten you in a bit of trouble there" Zendaya said, shoving her shoulder into mine playfully.

"Maybe, but I think he may know you started it!" I laughed pushing her back.

When she bounced back to her spot she landed a little closer to me, our arms were touching now. She didn't move away.

"This movie can take a lot out of you sometimes." She said with a heavy sigh.

"Tell me about it" I said, knowing exactly how she feels doing my stunts all day.

She laughed lightly.

"I guess who am I to talk to?" She said, resting her head on my shoulder. "I just talk all day and you have to actually do flips and shit." She removed her head.

"You say that, but I'd never be able to do what you guys do up there. It's a work of art watching you."

"Watching me?" She said turning towards me, putting her hand on her chest in pretend shock.

"Uh--Yeah-- I mean watching uh-- every actor and actress up there." I panicked.

"I'm just fuckin with ya!" She said punching my arm. "I gotta get back up there, I'll see you around!"

"See you." I said, getting up after her and leaving for the day.


I show up to work the next day and run two more scenes. I change out of my Spider-man outfit and head back to where Zendaya pulled me away last time.

"Hey Eth, More scenes today?" Zendaya said after coming around the corner.

"Yeah, wrapping up a few more things. Had to do a reshoot of a scene from a few days ago so it took a lot out of me."

"I'm sure your body can handle it!" She said, play punching me in the stomach. "Have you seen Tom around?"

"Holland? Not since yesterday." I lied. "Heard he might be back tomorrow though." I lied again.

"Okay thanks!" She said convinced. "Did you-- want to run some lines with me? You say you can't act, but let's see what you got."

"Yeah I can help you with whatever you need!"

I followed her outside to a picnic bench in the lunch area.

We started to run the same lines from the scene she did yesterday.

"Hey, I remember you and Jacob saying all this yesterday." I questioned.

"Yeah, after you left I kept fumbling my lines. Glad you weren't there to see it honestly, after saying I was a good actress." She smiled.

"Maybe I'm your good luck charm, I'll stick around today and see how you do." I said with a hit of worry, thinking she might say no.

"I'd like that Ethan." She said sweetly. "Keep me on my toes today!"

We ran her lines a few times and went back to set together. Jacob was running late and was called over the intercom. Once him and Zendaya were there the stage was set for them to run the same scene from yesterday.

Except for a few mistakes from Jacob, Zendaya did nearly flawless. At one point she needed help with a line and ran out to me.

"You ran this with me earlier so I just need to keep on track." She said.

We ran the line back and forth 3 times before she said "Got it!" Zendaya ran back on stage and did the scene flawlessly.

"Thanks for your help today Eth!" She said, hugging me. She was a bit cool to the touch, but I liked it non the less.

"No problem Zen. Glad to be able to help."

"You don't have to stick around if you don't want to, you've done more than enough. I won't lie though, you may be onto something about that lucky charm comment." Zendaya said winking before walking back to wardrobe.

I stayed and watched her finish 2 more scenes, which she executed flawlessly, before I left for the day.


The next day, Wednesday, I got in early and got my one scene done. I went back to the spot from the day Zendaya kissed me, still wearing my Spider-Man outfit.

"Hey Tom!" Zendaya said, rounding the same corner she always does at the same time. "Could you follow me for a sec?"

I followed her into the closet again. Dimly lit and the door locked.

She pulls my mask up above my eyes and starts kissing me right away. I kiss her back, rather passionately to keep her attention as I roll the mask back down to my nose. It was a close call but she started kissing me so fast she must not have seen me.

"Oh Tom, I'm so happy you feel the same about me." She panted out between kisses.

My tongue swimming in her mouth, and hers in mine. I was in euphoria, My heart was racing as we kept kissing. Zendaya reached down and started to rub my dick through the custom. Holy hell it felt so good, felt even better knowing it was Zendaya touching me. I reached my hand up and placed it on her breast, squeezing it gently.

"Zendaya to the stage for scene 185, Tom Holland stand by for scene 186. Thank you." Came over the studio intercom.

"That's me first." She said with a smile, still squeezing my erection through the suit. "See you soon, Tom." She said giving me another kiss before playfully pulling my mask into my mouth and leaving the closet.

Shit, Why was Tom Holland called for a scene today if it wasn't scheduled? I needed to get to the bottom of it quickly or this charade might fall apart.

First thing I do is change into normal clothes. Second thing is to find out if Tom Holland is actually here. After a quick search and a few questions to safe sources, he's not here. Next I talk to the director between scenes.

"Hey Jon, Tom was under the weather and had to leave today. We will have to cancel scene 186." I choose my words carefully.

"Thanks Ethan, I'll let people know." He says to me while picking up his megaphone. "Scene 186 has been canceled for the day. Tom Holland had to leave set."

By the time he finishes talking I'm already heading for the door to get out of here in case it doesn't work.


The next day I show up in my normal clothes. No scenes for me to shoot today. I hang around in the morning and watch Jon Favreau do some Happy scenes. From across the room I see Zendaya walk in at the normal time she does, look around for a bit and then walk to set.

"Where were you yesterday?" Zendaya asked me with a bit of frustration.

"I Had one early morning scene and went home for the day." I told her straightening up against the wall as she moved closer.

"Why weren't you here yesterday?" She said, her finger now in my chest.

"I just needed the rest of the day off for some errands." I said, concerned. Did she figure out it was me?

"I needed you yesterday" She said, changing from pointing her finger to resting her hand on my chest. "You can't claim to be someone's good luck charm then not show up." She sniffled. "After Tom went home early yesterday they added more scenes for me. I kept messing up and it took us hours. I needed you." She said looking into my eyes.

"I'm sorry I wasn't there for you," I said, opening my arms for a hug.

Zendaya leaned into me, her elbows bent up keeping her fists against my chest. I closed my arms around her and hugged her as she teared up a bit.

"Stay today. Please." She said, hitting my chest with her fist but not moving away.

"I'll stay." I whispered to her.

Zendaya gets herself together and then leaves my embrace. I follow her to set and take a seat where she can see me.

"Ready everyone?" Jon calls out.

Zendaya looks at me, I smile at her and give her a thumbs up.

She nails all 5 of her scenes that day, only doing retakes due to other actors or scene issues.

"Thank's Ethan! The movie is almost done shooting but if you could be here the next few days while I finish up I would appreciate it!" She hugged me.

"No problem Zen." I say to her holding the back of her head as she hugs me.

As she starts to pull away my hand stiffens for a second, stopping her close to my face. She looks deeply into my eyes as I quickly drop my hand, but her gaze stays. She tilts her head, still very close to me.

"Thank you so much Eth." I can feel her breath on my lips. She pulls away and walks off set.

I think she might be into me. What do I do about our little closet visits though? She thinks it's Tom Holland. It does seem rather physical though, since I never speak while we are there.


The next day I have scenes deep into the afternoon. Which means Zendaya will see me in my Spider-man suit. I see her come in as I'm in the middle of a zipline stunt. Zendaya sits in and watches my scene. Afterwards she motions for me to come see her.

Before I walk up to her I take off my mask. I want her to see it on me as little as possible.

"Crazy scenes they have you doing today Eth!" Zendaya said surprised. "I'd never be brave enough to get onto one of those"

"Yeah-- It's been quite a-- long day!" I was out of breath.

"I bet! Do you think you could stick around a bit longer? I only have one scene today."

"Of-- course Zen!" I say catching my breath

"Thanks Eth!" She said, giving me a quick side hug.

I get changed and come back to watch Zendaya perform. Flawless as ever, like an angel. The acting was also very good.

"Thanks for sticking around tonight Ethan. I know it was a long day." Zendaya said sitting closely next to me. "Can I buy you a cup of coffee?" She asked.

"I'd love a coffee!" I said, smiling at her.

We go over a few buildings in front of the studio to a starbucks. We get drinks and just chat together. It was a really good time and we got to know each other a bit more than just passing by each other.

The way we looked at each other there was an obvious attraction. She still seemed a bit distracted and I couldn't help but think it was the Tom Holland closet shenanigans that we had been doing. I walk her back to her car and she gives me a kiss on the cheek.

"I had fun tonight Eth. I have 1 short scene tomorrow, but it will be a heavy day Saturday if you could be there for my last big scenes."

"I'll be there Saturday!" I said smiling wide because she kissed my cheek.


With my cover in place to see her Saturday and not be there Friday. I went in early Friday and got my scenes done quickly. I waited at the same corner until she arrived. I still don't know if it's the direction she comes from or just her excitement that makes her blind to the wrong mask for it to be Tom.

"Come on!" She said not even looking at me pulling my hand. We rush into the closet, as she's locking the door I pull my mask half up so she doesn't have to. She throws herself into me and her tongue is already in my mouth, Deep passionate kisses. She unbuttons her top and I can see the skin of her chest down to her waist. But the shirt is still covering her breasts.

"Zendaya to the stage for scene 27, Marisa Tomei stand by for scene 28. Thank you." Came over the studio intercom.

"Just when things were getting somewhere" Zendaya sighed buttoning up her shirt. "Answer my texts once in a while, would you Tom?" She said leaving the closet.

I didn't even consider her communicating outside of the set. Interesting that Tom isn't answering though.

I headed home for the day, since Zendaya didn't expect me to be there at all.


Saturday I have no scenes so I go in a little later than I know Zendaya shows up.

"Ethan!" She said jumping up and swinging her legs around my waist.

I caught her with one hand on her back and one hand on her ass. My hand there got me a few side eyes from the crew on set. I squeezed both hands to make it seem like an adjustment then promptly put her down.

"Thank you so much for coming today! I'm going to need you to get through this. It will be a long day, you can head out anytime you want to after the first hour." She said glistening with happiness.

"I'll help you any way I can!" I said, smiling back.

Many hours go by and Zendaya is finishing up her last scene. I get up and leave the set for a bit. When I return I hear Jon Watts speaking.

"Okay let's do another take Zendaya."

She looks over at me holding 2 coffees

"Okay I got this now." She said, smiling directly at me.

She finished her last scene with ease and ran over to me.

"A coffee for a job well done!" I said, handing her the same coffee she ordered the other day.

"Just what I like, you really pay attention." She said, taking a sip. "I almost didn't get finished when you left, you know. Thank goodness you came back."

"Sorry I left, I just wanted to surprise you with coffee."

Most of the studio was empty now, a few people cleaning up the lot. Then suddenly the lights turned out.

I started to reach for my phone for the flash light. Zendaya's hands came up to my face and pulled me in. She gave me a sweet kiss on the lips.

"I really do appreciate all you do for me Ethan." She said softly before moving her hand away and turning on her phone light. "I think the lights mean it's time to head home."

We got up together, walking a bit closer together than normal. Once we were outside her car she smiled at me and got inside.


The next day, Sunday. Neither of us were required on set for any scenes, but I came dressed in my Spider-man outfit just in case.

"Come with me." Zendaya said.

She showed up on her day off to see me. To see Tom. Something was different. She didn't grab my hand. She didn't seem excited.

We get inside the closet and I roll my mask up a bit.

"Listen Tom. I don't know where I thought this was going. This isn't what I want." She said, looking down at the dimly lit floor. "There is someone else who I actually feel cares about me and I think we should stop doing this all together."

I am shocked at what I am hearing and my jaw drops, looking like I am going to speak.

"Don't say anything Tom. This is just the way it's going to be. Let's pretend it never happened. I'll continue to act professional on set. Good bye Tom." Zendaya said leaving the closet.

I lingered a while longer in the closet. Was she talking about me? Me me, not the Tom version of me. My phone buzzes. One new message.

"Hey Eth, I have 1 more scene tomorrow they added in if you could help me out this one more time! Pretty please!" She added a heart emoji.

"I'll be there whenever you need me." I text back.


The next day I met Zendaya on set. I was there first this time.

"Last one Eth! Then it's a wrap for me!" She said, sounding happy for it to be over.

"You're going to nail this!"

Of course she does. I still haven't quite figured out how my presence helps her with acting. She claims it works wonders though. After she was done Tom Holland walked in to do a scene.


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