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Zippping across the Waters

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It's not gay if you do it in international waters, right?
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*Author's Note: Any and all persons engaging in any sexual activity are at least eighteen years of age.

Disclaimers: Yes, I need an editor. No. I do not want an editor. Yes it jumps around too much, yes there's too many people to keep track of, yes it's too long, yes it's too short, yes it's in the wrong category, yes this is stupid shit, and yes I suck. Just scroll down to the end, leave comments based on the disclaimers alone and have a nice day.

For everyone else, I hope you enjoy this little tale.


Dawn was just breaking over the Gulf Of Mexico as the two eighteen year old boys walked along the floating dock.

Pat Miller stopped in front of a boat that had 'Jumping Jack Flash' stenciled in white lettering on the red hull. The sleek thirty foot boat looked like it was moving even as it was tethered to the slip.

"This? This is your boat? Dude!" Josh Lacombe enthused as Pat put the ice chest into the cockpit.

"Yeah," Pat smiled and nimbly jumped aboard the craft.

Josh had thought Pat was just kidding when he invited him to go riding on his boat. Pat was the star tight end for the Baylor Lake Bandits, if a football team that had won only two out of nine games could have a star. Josh was a nerd, an uncoordinated, book reading, straight A nerd. Why would Pat even talk to him?

But the young man had insisted, had said he'd pick Josh up at five thirty and they'd get on his zip craft and just spend the day out on the water.

"Uh yeah, okay," Josh had agreed.

Joshua Lacombe wasn't unattractive. He had thick brown hair, warm brown eyes and a sweet smile. But because he couldn't run fast, or throw a ball, or catch a ball, girls just weren't interested in him. Even Tiffany Broussard, the queen slut of Baylor Lake High School had turned Josh down when he asked her out.

That rejection had stung. But what had stung even more was hearing Tiffany laughing about it with her other slut friends.

Pat Miller had a football player's physique. He also stood at six feet, two inches tall, which was quite tall in South Louisiana. He had blonde hair, which he wore long, bright blue eyes, and a sweet smile.

Every girl in Baylor Lake High School, even a few teachers vied for Pat Miller's attention. The handsome young man never lacked for companionship.

So why did he want to spend a Saturday with Josh? Just the two of them?

"Life jackets," Pat ordered as Josh tried to get on board the Jumping Jack Flash without tripping.

Pat helped Josh put his life jacket on, then pulled off his tee shirt, exposing his tanned, muscular chest and flat abdomen and powerful arms. He then cinched on his own life jacket.

He then untethered the boat. With practiced ease, he kicked them away from the wooden pier.

The boat's twin engines rumbled to life and Josh actually giggled as he could feel the powerful engines reverberate underneath his feet. Pat smiled at him and Josh mentally kicked himself for giggling.

Pat gently eased the throttle forward and motored away from the marina. He nodded and waved to a few other early morning boaters as they moored toward the open gulf.

Josh sat in the other vinyl chair as Pat steadily increased their speed.

"Damn, hey, Josh? You put that ice chest down below?" Pat asked as they cleared the marina.

With much struggling, Josh grabbed the extremely heavy ice chest and stowed it below.

Below, there was a small galley, and forward, there was a small bunk, with padded vinyl mattress. Light seeped in through a frosted plastic hatch.

"That's cool; you ever sleep out here?" Josh asked as he came back up.

"Only once," Pat admitted. "Me and Billy? But fucking mosquitos about ate us up."

Once Josh was safely back in his seat, Pat slammed the throttle forward and the boat leapt out of the water.

"Whoa!" Josh giggled as the boat slapped against the water.

Again Pat smiled at him. Again, Josh mentally kicked himself for giggling.

They skipped past some buoys and Pat turned the boat on a gentle arc that had them zipping toward the sun.

"Not a cloud in the sky; going be a hot one," Pat yelled over the drone of the engines.

"Yeah," Josh agreed.

"Got sun block in the first cabinet," Pat continued. "Believe me, out here on the open water? You're going need it."

"Yeah; I burn kind of easy," Josh admitted.

Pat zig zagged back and forth, hurtling them east.

"Whoa!" Josh gasped, seeing a large oil tanker ahead.

"Yeah; we're gloze to the Industrial Canal," Pat said and swung the boat south.

Josh looked over his shoulder. He could no longer see the shoreline.

"How far out are we?" he yelled.

"About five, six miles. Why? Thinking of swimming back?" Pat teased.

Again Josh giggled. And again, he hated himself for giggling.

Pat slowed the boat and now they were skimming over the water.

"Want to drive?" Pat asked.

"No," Josh said, suddenly afraid.

Pat reduced the speed more.

"Come on; it's easy," he said. "Best thing? Out here? There's no trees to run into."

Josh giggled again. Shakily, he did get up and approach the seat where Pat was sitting.

"This is the throttle," Pat said, grabbing Josh's hand and putting it on the lever. "And this is the steering wheel."

He had his left arm around Joshes' middle as he sat behind Josh. Josh felt a funny feeling in the pit of his stomach as Pat's hand rested on his pudgy belly, just above the waistband of his swim trunks.

"Want to go fast? Push it forward. Want to slow down you just pull it back," Pat said.

He patted Josh's belly then eased out from behind Josh and sat in the seat Josh had just vacated.

Josh was nervous, but excited as he steered the boat along, now heading due west.

"Open her up a little, huh?" Pat suggested and Josh slowly eased the boat's throttle forward.

"Yeah!" Pat encouraged and Josh giggled again.

They could both feel the warmth of the sun beating down on their backs. Pat guided Josh's hand, swinging the boat southward again. Then he had Josh pull the throttle all the way back. The boat came to a stop and bobbed with the waves of the gulf.

"Need to put some sun block on," Pat explained.

He jumped into the galley of the boat, rummaged around, then reappeared with a large bottle of sun block ointment. He unbuckled his life jacket, dropped it to the cockpit floor and squirted a very generous amount of the thick cream into his hand. He smeared his arms and chest and abdomen. Josh watched Pat's muscles ripple and flex as Pat worked the ointment onto his skin.

Then pat unbuttoned his shorts and dropped them to the floor. Underneath his cutoff jeans, he had a white bathing suit. His cock and balls bulged out in the snug garment.

Pat squirted a second handful of the ointment into his hands and began applying the ointment to his legs.

Josh blushed hotly as he realized he had been looking at Pat's package, had been checking out his new friend's junk.

Pat finished off the application by coating his handsome face, making sure to get his neck and ears.

"Here you go," Pat said, handing the bottle to Josh.

Josh unbuckled his life jacket, hesitated a moment, then pulled off his tee shirt. He then squirted a generous amount of sun block into his hands. He smeared the gooey substance onto arms and chest and belly. He blushed again, realizing that he had again been looking at the bulge in Pat's skimpy swim trunks.

He coated his legs, then his neck and ears.

"Get my back?" Pat requested and Josh's hands trembled as he smeared sun block ointment onto Pat's muscled back.

"Here, let me get you," Pat said after Josh had finished.

Pat perched on the edge of his seat and spread his muscled legs apart. He put one arm around Josh's middle and gently rubbed the thick cream into Josh's back. Josh wasn't sure, but he swore he could feel Pat's crotch rubbing along his buttocks as Pat applied the cream to his flesh.

That funny feeling was in the pit of his stomach, and to his horror, Josh realized his cock was swelling, becoming hard.

"Got your face too?" Pat asked.

"Uh yeah, yeah," Josh mumbled, wishing with all his might that his cock would go down.

Pat helped Josh put his life jacket on again, then buckled his own on. Then Pat took the captain's chair and they took off like a rocket.

Josh was glad they'd put the sun block on. He could feel the sun really beating down on them as they hurtled along the open water. The sky was a brilliant blue, the waters relatively calm. In the distance, he could see some sailboats, other pleasure craft. But they were quite a distance away.

"Beautiful out here, ain't it?" Pat yelled over the powerful engines.

"Yeah, really is," Josh agreed.

"Getting thirsty?" Pat asked.

"Yeah," Josh said, realizing he was quite thirsty.

"Water in the chest; get me one too," Pat yelled.

Josh stumbled into the galley, found the bottles of water and brought two back up.

They both drained their water fairly quickly. Josh had not realized just how thirsty he had become. Pat obviously was just as thirsty; he emptied his own water bottle just as quickly.

Fifteen minutes after they'd drained their second bottles each, Pat again brought the boat to a stop.

"Now I got to piss," Pat laughed.

In front of Josh, Pat walked to the rear of the craft, pushed his skimpy suit down and pulled out a thick slab of meat.

Josh blushed as he realized he was once again checking out his friend's package. He pushed his own swim trunks and, after a moment, was able to relax his bladder enough to unleash his own torrent of urine.

Josh had a nice, fat cock. He had been in the shower at the gym, had covertly checked out the other boys' cocks and knew he was a little larger than average, a little thicker than average. Pat's cock, however, was a lot larger than average, a lot thicker than average.

He also noticed that Pat had no pubic hair. Pat had no hair at all on his body.

"When I'm out here by myself?" Pat said as he shook the last few drops from his cock. "Love to just ride around, nothing but a life jacket on."

"No kidding?" Josh giggled.

"God damn it! Quit!" he silently admonished himself. "Quit giggling like a little fucking kid! Like a fucking girl!"

""Yeah," Pat said.

He looked over at Josh as Josh shook the last few drops of piss from his fat cock.

"You uh, you wouldn't get all freaked out if I..." Pat asked, indicating his own swim suit.

"Uh, no, no, I mean, shit, it's your boat, right?" Josh stammered, face flushed.

Pat wiggled out of his swim trunks and walked back to the captain's chair.

Josh blushed hotly then wiggled out of his own swim trunks. His hard cock bobbled as he walked back to his own chair. He wanted to put his hands over his erection as he sat down on the very warm vinyl seat.

"Damn, Josh, that's a nice one," Pat commented as he eased the throttle forward. "How big is it?"

"It's uh, I'm seven and a half inches," Josh admitted.

"Nine," Pat said, indicating his own slowly expanding cock.

Because they were semi-nude, Pat kept away from the other pleasure crafts. He also kept the speed down.

"So uh, when you whacking off, what you think about?" Pat suddenly asked as he swigged another bottle of water.

"I uh, I what?" Josh asked.

"When you pound your pod, beat your meat, choke your chicken, spank your monkey," Pat smiled and again Josh giggled.

"I uh, Tiffany, I guess," Josh lied.

"Tiffany Broussard?" Pat scoffed. "Cunt's so stretched out there's a fucking echo."

"What you think about?" Josh asked, feeling his cock growing hard again.

Pat did not answer. He brought the boat to a stop. Josh looked around and could barely make out a few pleasure crafts in the distance. There was a buoy a few feet away, bobbing in the gentle waves.

He turned and was about to ask Pat again. Pat turned off the powerful engines. The sudden silence was startling.

"Can I, I want to suck your cock," Pat asked.

"You what?" Josh asked, then giggled again.

Surely the handsome young man was just kidding. But even as Josh was sure Pat was just kidding, his hard cock throbbed.

"Let me suck your cock," Pat repeated, blue eyes searching Josh's dark eyes.

The sun beat down, hot against Josh's overheated skin. Sweat gathered between skin and bulky life jacket.

"I uh, only uh, only if I can suck yours," Josh blurted out.

Pat smiled and leaned over. He kissed Josh on his mouth, then jammed his thick tongue into Josh's mouth.

Josh wrapped his arms around the man's powerful chest and returned the kiss with vigor.

Pat pulled away, then leaned over and looped a rope around the buoy, tethering the boat. He then pulled his life jacket off and dropped it to the floor of the cockpit.

Josh gratefully shrugged out of his own life jacket. Again, Pat kissed Josh, wrapping his muscled arms around Josh's waist. Josh could feel his hard cock trapped between them. He could also feel Pat's large, hard cock trapped between them.

Then Pat bent his head and sucked on one of Josh's nipples. Again, Josh giggled.

Then Pat pushed Josh so that Josh was sitting on the edge of his padded chair. Pat knelt on his life jacket. Kneeling between Josh's legs, Pat gripped Josh's hard cock in his hand and brought the mushroom shaped head toward his mouth.

"Pooh!" Josh moaned as Pat's hot mouth encircled the head of his cock.

Pat's tongue lapped insistently around the sensitive flesh. His right hand gently stroked the length of Josh's cock.

Pat then brought his left hand up and massaged and squeezed Josh's heavy balls. Josh groaned in pleasure.

Pat's middle finger tickled Josh's anus. Josh instinctively clamped down. Pat just continued to tickle at Josh's anus while he sank more of Josh's cock into his mouth.

"Oh God!" Josh groaned as Pat's middle finger pushed slightly into his rectum.

Pat did not push the finger in very far. He just twisted it slightly then wiggled it from side to side. When he had almost all of Josh's cock into his mouth, he pushed his finger a little deeper into Josh's rectum.

Josh was squirming on the hot vinyl seat. This was the first time anyone had ever touched his cock. The feelings were intense, wonderful. Pat's tongue was slithering and sliding all around his shaft. There was a delicious suction. There was a warmth all around his cock.

And the finger in his ass also felt great.

Then Pat added his index finger to his middle finger in Josh's ass.

"Ugh!" Josh cried out, head lolled back in pleasure.

Pat began fucking the two fingers in and out of Josh's willing rectum as he sped up his sucking of Josh's delicious cock. Josh's cock tasted of sweat, delicious salty sweat, and soap, and just a tinge of urine. Pat could also taste Josh's excitement as some fluid leaked out of Josh's piss slit.

"Ugh!" Josh cried out again as Pat began to corkscrew his thick fingers inside of him.

"God damn, Pat, I'm, Pat I'm going, ugh!" Josh warned.

Pat jammed three fingers into Josh's ass and massaged Josh's prostate gland. Josh let out a strangled scream and began pumping a torrent of sperm into Pat's mouth.

When Josh's cock began to soften, Pat pulled his mouth off and teased Josh's balls with his tongue. Josh jerked slightly, but mostly just lolled back in his seat.

Pat slowly pulled his fingers from Josh's stretched rectum and got to his feet.

Leaning over the prone Josh, Pat Kissed the still gasping boy. Then he sat back on his own seat.

Josh clumsily got to his feet, then knelt between Pat's spread legs. Pat's cock was hard and throbbing and there was some fluid oozing from the tip. Josh knelt on the life jacket on the floor and gripped Pat's cock.

Pat moaned as Josh started lapping at his large, hairless balls, then lapped his way up Pat's length. When Josh's hot tongue reached the head of Pat's cock, he sank his mouth over the fat cockhead and tasted Pat's excitement. It was a bitter, salty taste, a musky sweaty taste. Josh stroked Pat's thick cock as he sucked hard on the tip of Pat's cock.

"Damn, you uh, oh, damn, you ever do this before?" Pat groaned as Josh sank his mouth down further.

"Mm-mmm," Josh denied, shaking his head slightly.

He had fantasized about this moment for as long as he could remember, having a man's cock in his mouth. Josh had asked Tiffany out, only to prove to his best friend William 'Willie Wonka' Wentworth that he wasn't a fag. But when he beat his meat, pulled his pud, choked his chicken, Josh fantasized about sucking a man's cock.

Usually, Josh fantasized about sucking Willie's fat cock. They'd measured each other's hard cocks. Josh had almost shot his load when Willie's hand came in contact with his hard meat. He had almost stroked Willie's cock when it was his turn to hold the ruler against his buddy's cock. Willie had cute red hair, warm brown eyes, and acute giggle when he was excited or nervous. Willie had giggled his adorable giggle when Josh gripped his fat cock and Josh had almost kissed him right there.

Kneeling on a life jacket, lips wrapped around a hard cock, tongue tasting a hot cock was Josh's dreams, fantasies come true. Pat's cock tasted of sweat tinged with urine. There was a strong, manly taste to the young man's flesh. More excitement oozed into Josh's mouth and Josh moaned, enjoying the flavor.

With his free hand, Josh reached down and stroked his own hard cock. He matched his stroking of Pat's cock, matched his bobbing head as he stroked his cock.

"Fuck!" Pat whined. "God damn it, man, I'm not, I can't hold, shit!"

And Josh's mouth began to fill with Pat's semen. Pat's cock throbbed and twitched in his mouth and Josh swallowed all Pat had to offer. Pat put his hand on the back of Josh's head, gently pushing his cock further into Josh's mouth.

"Fuck!" Pat whined as his spurts slowed to just small squirts of semen. "Fucking hate that!"

"You hated, I wasn't any good?" Josh cried out, pulling his mouth from Pat's slowly deflating cock.

"Huh? Oh no, no, shit man, fuck you were great!" Pat hastened to assure Josh.

He bent and kissed Josh.

"No, dude, just hate how quick I come the first time," Pat explained.

He pulled Josh to his feet and hugged him. Josh put his arms around Pat. The two eighteen year old boys kissed, tongues dueling with each other. Pat dropped his hand down and massaged and squeezed Josh's pudgy bottom.

Pat could feel Josh's hard cock brushing against him and his own cock slowly began to grow again. He pulled away and looked down at Josh's beautiful piece of meat. His hand continued to fondle Josh's buttocks. Then he kissed Josh again.

"I need to fuck you" Pat begged.

It wasn't a question. Pat wasn't making a request. He was telling Josh he was going to fuck him.

Josh's cock jerked and he nodded his head eagerly.

Pat looked around and determined that they were still alone.

"But, fuck, it's just too fucking hot out here," he stated.

Pat reached over the windscreen of the boat, undid a clasp, then pulled an aluminum frame up. The awning clicked into place and now the two boys were shaded from the brutal sun.

Pat then disappeared into the galley again. A moment later, he reappeared, holding a large bottle of coconut scented suntan lotion. His nine inches of cock bobbled as he scampered up the two steps from galley to cockpit.

Pat sat in his now shaded captain's chair, squirted an obscene amount of suntan lotion into the palm of his hand and slathered the slimy liquid onto his cock. He generously lubricated his cock.

Josh watched, stomach knotting at the thought of what was going to happen.

Jenny, Josh's older sister had a hot curler set. She no longer used it, having decided to straighten her hair. Josh had stolen one of the larger curlers out of the set. In the shower, he loved to jam that large curler up into his rectum, imagining that he was in jail. He was in prison and being sodomized by a fellow inmate, someone bigger, stronger than him.


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