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Zombies, But So Much More


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Jenifer started speaking, "Now Mom, feel the earth below us, Think of it as an endless supply of energy. Picture your Root chakra sucking energy into you, now let it flow up you body, don't fight it, let it flow with your breath, Feel it going into your stomach, now your chest, into your throat and now into you third eye, going up to above your head but still within your energy field. Now direct that energy to me, thinking about my Energy field sending it to my hand. Now I take that energy in, and let if flow back to the earth where it connects to me, and this energy flows back to you, with an added flow from the earth, now let if flow again, yes.. I can feel it.. and again. Can you feel it mom?"

Katelyn could feel the energy pulsing, she could sense the universe opening up. Katelyn was euphoric her whole body teaming with energy. She then understood, how people could think this flow was sexual when in fact it's so much more, opening up the universe to her allowing her to sense everything around her, to be in the moment and yet be outside of time.

Jenifer could feel herself and her knowledge expanding, the power in her pulsated as energy flowed into her from her mother joined with that of mother earth. For a moment everything was crystal clear.

When the two released the connection they just sat there, trying to understand all they felt for the next hour or so.

Katelyn was the first to move saying, "Come on baby, lets get you to bed."

Jenifer said, "Thank you mom for coming out her with me. I love you and dad so much."

Getting Jenifer to her room Katelyn tucked her in kissing her on the cheek and saying, "Thank you baby for sharing that with me."

Jenifer replied, "Go get some sleep too."

Going into the bedroom, jack was just getting into bed, naked as usual. Katelyn looked over at her father, admiring his body she noticed how much of a hunk he was. It looked like he had been working out. and she said something about it.

Jack replied to her, "I think she did more than just heal me, I feel like I'm 20 again."

Katelyn then relayed there session outside to her father telling her she feels like a teenager again to be honest. The two mentally exhausted from the events of the day did as Jenifer did suggested and got some sleep. They fell asleep in each other's arms and both dreamt of the things related to their daughter's new powers. Jack was dreaming of her healing ability, and the intense need he had afterwards. Katelyn was dreaming of the future, kids like Jenifer with knowledge and powers beyond belief.

Back in her room Jenifer was busy sending these thoughts to her parents through a new ability she had acquired that she never shared.

Chapter 5 - A New Battle

Over the next few years the world changed, more kids were being born. Katelyn now had a little brother, conceived from the day of the accident, born 9 months later to the day. At 2 years old the kid was amazing. Hhe was already able to read his children's books and showing an interest in the stars and anything space related.

One night shortly after turning 18 Jenifer came into their bedroom late night crawling naked between her two completely naked parents asking, "Can we talk?"

Something she had never done before, actually Jack can't ever remember the last time he even saw Jenifer without clothes. Maybe when he bathed her as a toddler. He was speechless. Her body was perfect from what he just saw of it. Both of Jack and Katelyn turned in bed facing their daughter.

Katelyn spoke, "Sure honey, our door is always open."

Jenifer said, "Mom, Dad, we all know the world has changed from what you knew, but can I show you something?"

Jack said, "Anything."

Reaching out Jenifer said, "Don't be shocked by this." She then grabbed jack's already erect cock in one hand and slipped her hand into her mother's crotch laying her finger directly on her clitoris.

Jack said, "What the ..."

And then their minds opened, and they were seeing that their daughter was projecting. They were seeing into the past, a solar flair was headed for the earth when seemingly out of nowhere it was stopped by some invisible force, they were now seeing the human genetic DNA code on an atomic level being bombarded by elections. Then they saw the genetic changes being made, causing some people to become what they knew as zombies, and dying off. The could tell this was how the nature of things was meant to be, there was some greater force at work. Followed by the electrical storms that finally shut these animalistic zombies down.

Next they saw survivors, families, having sex, and again at the sub atomic level, DNA being changed. Knowing that the survivors related DNA was special. Their urges bringing Father and Daughters, Mothers and Sons, Brother and Sisters together for a greater yet unseen good.

The next images showed advancement these kids have made over the last 18 years of their short lives. The Fuel cell rocks, Levitation plates, levitation vehicles, even advancements in food technologies using a Quantum Bio-enhanced computer and electrical energy matter from any source could be used to create food.

The final set of images showed the three of them on a dirt covered hill top with a full moon above them. Katelyn was on the ground naked on her back, John face up laying between her legs with his erection in the air, Jenifer was naked in front of him. Her body glowed in the pale moonlight,her breasts were full and supple, her hips wide, her pussy was shaved bald, and she was guiding the two, The scene jumped to his seed finding her egg, Followed by what as a scientist he thought was impossible, the three dna strands combined, selecting each of the best genes from the three to make a single pair of genes for the new life. The Scene Jumped again, to the birth of a baby girl, then to the girl at puberty showing amazing talents even from those show so far. The Final Scene was of a Solar Flare headed towards the earth, being halted by a point of light from the earth.

Being done Jenifer releases her parent's genitals, puts her arm around them and from exhaustion the three fall asleep. The next morning the three were very confused. Jenifer was mortified at her nudity, knowing it's only skin but also knowing this is not a normal thing for her. She has never been nude with anyone, or even seen another person totally nude besides her mother a time or two and now here she is with her naked father laying on one side of her and her mother on the other. She can feel the heat from her father's penis pressing into her leg and her mother's breast into her other side. Her fathers hand is laying on her stomach, his fingers barely touching the line of her pubic hair. Then it all came back to her in a flash. She thought, "My dream, but this time it wasn't a dream."

Her movement woke up Jack and Katelyn, who were also a little surprised at first to find their naked daughter snuggled between them. The Three of them lay in bed naked for most of the morning talking about what she showed them. Jack found their daughters body exciting to look at, any man with red blood would. She was petite at 18 probably having reached the end of her growing. Her breasts were as in the images shown to them, full and supple, he wanted to taste them, he wanted to feel her pussy. But he was afraid, that was not the kind of father he was. But then what about his daughter Katelyn, he was her father and they fell in love. He told himself, 'out of survival' but he knew that he was aware that when the lighting storms hit, they no long needed to do anything, but they still had sex.

Sensing this Jenifer took her father's hand and placed it on her bare chest saying, "Feel this, its my heart beating, the heart you help make. It belongs to you as I belong to you." She moved his hand lower, to the crimson colored hair between her legs again saying, "Feel this, soon you need to make love to me, only a baby of love can save us."

Katelyn touched her father's hand, between her daughter legs the both felt the warmth and wetness. Katelyn said, "Daddy, will you pwease love our baby girl the way you love me?"

Jack said, "You know how to get me to do anything don't you Katelyn! But I so want to be with her anyway."

Jack started moving his fingers on Jenifer's little nub. Having never been touched before she squirmed a little, when her mother took a nipple into her breast Jenifer let go with the first orgasm given to her by anyone. She had experienced this feeling before, but not to this extent. Her toes, fingers, and nose all went numb as she arched her back to the heavens.

Jack said, "The moon if full tomorrow night, I think we should wait for more until then and I think I know where that hill top is."

Jenifer said, "I want to do something for you daddy."

Jack thought to himself, "There is that line again. Daddy... how could I ever turn daddy down."

With that Jenifer moves around and takes her father's cock into her mouth, drawing the whole cock in, feeling it grow in her mouth to the point where there is just too much cock for her small mouth. She was no expert at cock sucking like her mother, but she soon had him close. When he came, he filled her mouth and she swallowed, saying, "Tomorrow night, daddy we will be one."

Katelyn was looking on kinda feeling like a third wheel before Jenifier added, "With you and Mommy.

Katelyn then thought to herself, "So that like works on me too." Reaching up to feel her daughter's furry pussy, bringing a finger to her mouth and tasting it said, "I can't wait my dear daughter. But as much as I hate this, we need to shave you bald, and get you ready."

With that the girls left Jack to his own devices for most of the day. Upon shaving her daughter bald Katelyn asked, "Jen, can we, I mean can I ah..."

Jenifer started saying, "Mommy I would love it if you... Oh my... that oh... " as Katelyn attacked her smooth pussy.

Katelyn noticed how much alike they tasted as she had tasted her own pussy juices on Jack's cock several times. Not being experienced at eating pussy, her tongue was getting tired when finally the young girl let herself go and came.

Jack was taking care of their boy for the day, They went out fishing in the lake by their house being grateful that they were not depending on the fish for food. This son, Jack Jr. was unique in his own way too. He had an amazing ability to attract teenage girls who wanted to baby sit him, and the next day one of the brightest wanted to watch him over night and take him to the Eastfork Wild life and National Zoo on Saturday. This was perfect timing for what they now had planned with their daughter Jenifer.

Thursday night came with the now threesome sharing the bed together naked. Jack hated to see the Red hair gone from his youngest daughter, but it was gone in the vision shown to them. No one really did anything sexual, although jack did wake up spooning Jenifer with his erection nestled between her thighs. He had to go pee so he tried to pull it out and woke her up. Following him to the bathroom she asked, "Can I hold it?"

He let her, why wouldn't he. Well to be honest they made a mess in the bathroom is why. Its not easy to pee when you are hard, let along control it. Jenifer lost control of it and sprayed the bathroom. The laughing woke up Katelyn who also shared her experience with morning wood with her daughter. "No matter what he says, don't think he can pee in the toilet at the same time you are sitting on it, he tried that with me once, and it almost worked until he started getting hard and then I got shot in the face."

Jenifer said, "That's gross guys. Who wants to join me in the shower?"

Katelyn said, "I do, but let your father have this one, I got a lot of your time yesterday. I'm going to go feed Little Jack."

Jack and Jenifer turned on the shower, and got in, soaping each other up very well. Jack was getting close as Jenifer was washing his cock, almost to the point of no return when Jenifer said to him, "I'm sorry daddy, but I think our baby is in this batch of your sperm..." She Tippy Toed and gave him as kiss, getting out and drying off, saying, "Don't you dare waste it. I'll be in my room for a while."

Jack turned the water to cold, he really need to cool off. He had a feeling that having 2 women was going to be rough. He could not have been more wrong.

The day went fast, Jack spent part of the day downstairs while the girls and Jr. went 'shopping' Their mall was not close to the survivors so hardly ever got any attention by anyone else. Even to this day though, Katelyn will not go near the Starbucks.

Looking at his notes, and with the upcoming events he wondered where the human race will end up over the years. He also wondered if this was all some sort of natural defense against the end of the world. So many questions that he was not meant to know the answers to left him feeling a little down, but now he was part of the solution. Life has come a long way, actually better than it was before the zombies.

When the girls got home, the girl came by to get Jack Jr. and they all headed to Serpent Mound where they prepared themselves for the moon to be overhead like in the vision. They were at least 4 hours early so they hung out enjoying the night. The sky was dark except for the moon because there was no more city light pollution. They could actually make out the Milky way.

Jack started to point out a few features of the night sky, one of which was plant Mars, Jenifer started to cry a little as she told them what she knew about the red planet through her mediations or whatever cosmic connection she had. She claimed that Mars was once just like earth before a round of solar flares, and they went through almost the same thing as they did but their genetic code was different. True the males still had to have a female involved, but instead of half of the baby's DNA being provided by the females, the male provided 100% of it. This means that each male was basically a clone of his class, there were 7 classes on mars. The females were breeding stock in some forms, very sentient and caring for the babies. This lack of diversity proved a strong trait in the early years, there was always workers, thinkers, etc. In the end this was their downfall as the cosmic rays did not affect their DNA line in the same manner as it has the humans.

When the time came for the coupling they went to the head of the snake which represented Kundalini. Doing what seemed natural Katelyn sat down on the bare earth of the mound her bare bottom connecting with the cool soil as she spread her legs inviting her daughter to sat between them at the sacred tunnel that brought her into this world. Laying back onto her mother's breast, the life giving mothers milk flowing again, dripping to the earth below them.

Taking is place between both his daughter's legs, The creator of both of these lovely creatures his kissed first Katelyn and then Jenifer. Taking his penis into his hand, the giver of life and pleasure he places it onto the flower of his youngest daughters vagina, placing himself at the very entrance to her jade garden, the fountain of life it's self awaits him.

With a single thrust he is inside her incredible warmth. The blood of her hymen leaking out onto the sacred ground as he thrust into her. The two girls drawing energy up from the powerful earth allowing it to ignite their energy center until finally finding the Root chakra of Jenifer, who lets the energy build and build until at last it is too much for her to control. Jack releases his seed into her waiting womb, true to her word within hours the one sperm that is their new son finds it's way to the egg and life begins. When Jenifer released the great power that has been building inside her, the entire snake of the mound glows a hot bright white, and the threesome find themselves floating in midair, still coupled until the glow dies and they are lowered gently back down to the eye of the snake.

Jack asking, "So we did it right I take it."

Jenifer and Katelyn said at the same time, "Yes Daddy, yes daddy we did."

Nine months later, on the same mound she conceived on, Jenifer gave birth to their son, Luke.

The years passed, the three had become come lovers, the world changed in so many ways. One noticeable absence was war. This doesn't mean war is genetic but it does raise that question. Maybe there was just not enough people for war. It also seemed greed was gone. With the energy rocks and the matter converter material concerns were gone. Knowledge and the seeking of knowledge was the important thing.

Technology improved in leaps and bounds. Mundane tasks were given to artificially intelligent machines freeing people up to think and to make more people. The population grew and grew. The pre-event people were not able to keep up with all the advances but their knowledge was beyond value in leading the new generations who were now reproducing themselves.

The real advances happened when a group of the new generation teenagers get interested in a TV series called "Star Trek" they found on disks in a library. Asking themselves, "Why not", They set themselves on a "5 Year mission." To have this technology figured out. At the end of the 3 years they actually had a craft capable of space flight, they took it to the moon, and back. It had a magnetic pulse drive as they called it, but they have been working on quantum drive they claim will allow them to travel faster than light using a magnetic field generator to create a bubble around their ship that reversed drag actually causing space to actually pull the ship at unbelievable speeds.

The first trip was to Mars, it took 9 minutes and they claimed the process wasn't even up to 1/4 speed. On mars they found evidence of a past society, stored records that were not accessible until years later.

Continued trips were made to different places, more ships were made, even one they named Enterprise - It was mostly built like the one in the old TV series, but the functioning was different. The technology was actually nowhere near what the series portrayed. The most bulky part of the ship was the crew's living quarters. The Engine consisted of a set of coils mounted on the outside hull. Anyway it was cool.

Soon after the ship was built, another great advancement come to again thanks to the fiction of the past. The Ringworld series of books had A systems of stepping disks they used for Transportation. Luke and Jake Jr were working on a transporter type technology and they kept missing the target due to movement of the earth and the objects they were transporting would wind up scrambled when they reassembled. What they developed was a simple quantum locator, where they could beam the locator first, it would report back the location between packets so they could be adjusted for this rotation. On a larger scale they developed transporter disk that were connected people could step on one and appear on the next in line. They were limited range but they work for distances of about 500 miles.

Then the big breakthrough came just as Luke was turning 16, they developed a quantum transporter. All you had to know was the coordinates you wanted to go to at the exact time of the transport. There was no delay in the transportation as before. Unlike before a failed transport would not in itself scramble whoever or whatever was transported but it could put you into the center of a mountain, or drop you over the side of a cliff. On earth this was not an issue as preprogramed locations could be computed from a known location and there was now no distance limitations.

In outer space it was much simpler, you could transport an entire ship instantly 1000's of light years with the only danger of transporting yourself into the center of a planet, or some other form of matter. This was leading to great adventures and exploring.


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