lyrics for my old neighbor - RIP Percy my friend.
A parent's message to a teenager.
A rambling message with no meaning I hope it touches you all
You keep getting let down by those who are meant to love you
2Who do we choose to love? As hard as we try, it can never be
Domestic violence must end.
A short poem to a lovely woman.
Remembering my first encounter with another girl.
for those of you in love for the first time
The loneliness of a lost lover.
A sad lament for a friend, a lover, feeling sorry for myself
A sweet little piece, and the poem is nice too.
When you realise you can't live without her
when every thing else fails, turn on your music
Looking back at a life wasted.
A dark piece - no one has to face this alone.
Autumn is like a lover when she decides that Summer has gone
Falling in love, not for the first time