July 16, 2022
I'm Back!
Yo! How are you!? I’ve been swamped and busy! Gained a whole lot of weight. But that’s all rubbish. Let’s talk about what we are going to do about the unfinished stories…
So let me see the two most popular series are: The Anderson Woman and Magic, Love, Family. First let’s talk about The Anderson Woman.
Right now we have the story at a cliffhanger with the mystery woman. Many of you might have already guessed who it is! So there’s not much story left there so we only have one chapter left for it.
Now about Magic, Love, Family. Story is at chapter 6 right now and I have written up till chapter 7, I think. The thing though is that the story isn’t even at 20% yet. I mean there’s a whole lot of plot left and a lot of world to explore. We can speed up the process if I wean out the sex scenes, however, even then it will take a considerable time for it to finish.
Let’s also see how much time I can actually dedicate to writing these. Currently in my final year of Master’s in English Literature and want to go for a PhD… so a lot of networking and preparations left to do. I mean, A LOT! So as you can guess, I won’t have much time on a daily basis. Still I think I can write about 500-1500 words a day. But to find the motivation is the real hurdle. Now there are things which can get me motivated and you already know what they are!
So to conclude: I don’t have much time to dedicate to writing fiction as I’m currently busy toiling to find ways to amass fees/scholarship for my PhD in English Literature. And since, there’s only one chapter left to finish “The Anderson Woman” I would write and publish it first. And unless something changes, like your comments, emails, and the like, that’s the plan. I’m setting up a time line of August end for completing The Anderson Woman. But it’s a fluid one.
June 15, 2022
Hello everyone! Hope that you've been well and enjoying yourselves. Before I get into it I would like to thank all those who have sent me messages and left comments on the stories: truly, I'm very grateful for your support and encouragement. Now coming on to the stories and updates. Right now I'm busy finishing my Master's in English Literature and then I will be busy writing my research proposal and applying for PhD at various institutions. There is also one other exam that I have to write before all this is done. So as you can guess it's a bit busy schedule for me. By my estimation this should all be resolved by Decemeber and I'm hoping, praying even, that I get admitted to my choice of school (with Scholarship, of course!) and that will free up my time and mind so that I can write the following parts to the unfinished stories. The Anderson Women Part 4: Conclusion will be the next thing I write. Thank you all once again! Your kind words kept me going and always put a smile on my face. Hope everything works out well so that I can finish the unresolved stories. (Also if you can help me in any way please do so! 😉)
December 21, 2021
Those who want to read the next part of 'Magic, Love, Family' it's up on my website. I don’t know right now when I would be able to upload it here or write the next parts as my exams are going to start soon. I am also working on making this story incest free and then maybe publish it as a book. It will have more focus on the magical aspects as well as on Raymond’s relationships of course.
August 31, 2021
Launched my own website. Uploaded a new story there, titled "Quest For Harem"