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Welcome to Literotica, your FREE source for the hottest in erotic fiction and fantasy. Literotica features 100% original sex stories from a variety of authors. Literotica accepts quality erotic story submissions from amateur authors and holds story contests for contributors. We offer a huge selection of adult fantasies to choose from, and are always on the lookout for new and exciting ideas. We encourage you to contact us with any comments or suggestions on how we can make this free sex story site more pleasurable for you. Have fun and enjoy yourselves while visiting Literotica Erotic Fiction! All story characters involved in sexual situations on this adult erotic web site are 18 years old or over.
No minors allowed.
03/06 - The Literotica Annual April Fools Contest Is on! Read all the April Fools tales (updated daily!) and enter your story for fame, fun, and a chance at cash prizes! Read all the awesome flash fiction stories from the 7th Annual The 750 Word Project! Congratulations to Rollinbones, thanagar, and Voboy - winners of the Literotica Annual Valentine's Day Story Contest! We're excited to show you a preview of the new Literotica Story Games. This is the third generation of our adult interactive fiction platform, and we'd love to get your feedback. For authors interested in creating your own interactive story game, please see our How to Publish an Interactive Story on Literotica FAQ. Happy 25th Anniversary, Literoticans!! The Literotica Podcast is Available Now, so give it a listen on your favorite podcast provider! Find great stories using the newly designed and . Please send all bug reports or other feedback. If you like sexy sounds, stop in at our Audio Section, updated weekly. Don't forget that Literotica now offers streaming full-length movies where you can pay by the minute at . If you haven't picked your favorite authors and stories, now would be a great time. We've launched a new version of the Literotica Favorites Portal. Literotica does not use pop-up ads anywhere on the site. If you see any pop-up ads or find yourself redirected to weird sites while visiting Literotica - or if you just want to check your computer for spyware, take our new Spyware Browser Test. The Literotica Mobile version is . The Literotica Book is out, so go get a copy and tell your friends too. If you're in the mood for something naughty, you may want to check out our online . Feedback is always appreciated. Take care.
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Literotica is a member of the Go Stories Erotic Network.