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Click herePart One of Two...
The Master stood there laughing,
his minions were by his side.
The bleeding walls were alive
in his dungeon as souls cried...
for mercy from the Dark Lord
but he stood his ground there.
His laugh echoed off the walls
in the darkness everywhere.
With a voice deep and raspy
he said " come to me my child. "
The presence of the young soul
made The Master widely smile.
He asked " why are you here boy?
What did you do to deserve this? "
" I killed my whole family " the boy
said " and The Master was in bliss.
" How many did you kill? " The Master
asked of the teenaged lad.
" Five sir " the boy said loud and clear
" all the family I had. "
" So the Lord sent you to me, so
now you must surrender and kneel.
I will bring you here into my fold,
I will truly make you reel and feel. "
" What is your name? " The Master
asked the trembling young boy.
" Damian " he said shivering and The
Master said " you are now my toy.
I want you to sleep for now and later
we shall talk the night away. "
" Yes Master " Damian said as the Dark
Lord left saying " I've much more to say. "
To Be Continued...