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1, 2, 3.. As Easy as ABC Ch. 07

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So who's really in control? Tess or Dr. Willie.
4.3k words

Part 6 of the 21 part series

Updated 10/29/2022
Created 07/19/2011
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"Oh, I got the job, by the way," Tess cooed softly as she and Soo lay languidly in her sex-messed bed in post-coital bliss.

"Mmmmmm, that's good, baby, I'm happy for you," Soo cooed in reply, loving how Tess, her sweet, sweet Tess, was nuzzling her neck and nibbling on her ears.

"I'll let you know what the work schedule is when I find out, okay?" Tess added, cupping Soo's girlish-boob in her hand, running the tip of her tongue around Soo's large, thick nipple.

"Okay, baby, whatever.....," Soo cooed in reply, her mind not really wanting to concentrate on anything else right now but the horniness that was ramping up in her belly, between her thighs, from Tess's oral stiumulation. I mean, Soo thought in passing, even though I just got off there's not orgasm-limit rule, is there?

It was a Thursday afternoon and as happenstance had it, an 'off' afternoon for them both, no classes, no labs, no one else in Tess' house but them.

"Night stand," Tess instructed Soo between bites of Soo's nipples, "get the strap-on, I'm going to fuck you before my meeting with Dr. Willie."

"That's what I'm talking about," Soo said happily as she fumbled the night stand drawer open, reaching in and wrapping her small hand around the thick faux-phallus.

"Ass or pussy?" Soo asked as Tess slipped the harness of the strap-on around her waist, lubricating the dildo with K-Y, after it was attached.

"Ass, baby; I want to fuck your ass," Tess replied at the same time she flipped Soo over onto her stomach with a hand on Soo's hip.

Raising her ass to Tess as she got onto her knees, Soo's head lay on the pillow, her hands gripping the sheets of Tess' bed, her back arched as she offered up her ass for Tess' pleasure....and, her own, of course.

Soo and Tess were not a couple; were not exclusive in anyway. Had you asked either of them, both would have said that in answer to the question. Simply put, it was pure, raw, sexual pleasure with the other that kept both of them coming back for more.

Rec-sex; recreational sex, nothing more for either of them. Soo had had a few other flings with a couple of other coeds on campus since Tess seduced her on the night of the party. And Tess, well, Tess was Tess and had quite a few flings herself.

So, no; no exclusivity, just unbridled, lustful sex is why they continued to fuck each other. Not really complicated in the whole scheme of things.

"Tess, this is Dr. Pollard," Dr. Willie said when she asked Tess into her office, "She'll sit in on the meeting since we'll be sharing you."

Sharing me? What the fuck? Tess thought in the moment.

"I'm sure you realize that with the economy, higher education institutions have been forced to seek areas where cutbacks can be made," Dr. Willie continued, "and to that end, the powers that be in administration have approved an assistant for the department, the caveat being, that two full professors must share one assistant," Dr. Willie concluded.

Oh, 'that' kind of sharing, Tess thought to herself quickly. You are such a slut, Tess thought again after hearing the explanation, trying very hard not to laugh at herself.

"The game plan, at the moment," Dr. Pollard said as she picked up the conversation from Dr. Willie, "is that Willie, Dr. Willie, will have you on Mondays and Wednesdays; I'll have you on Tuesdays and Thursdays, adjusting that as necessary, as circumstances dictate, clear?"

"Yes ma'am," Tess said demurely.

"As I'm sure you are aware, Dr. Pollard is the department head for the Studies of African Culture and since her office is right next door, we'll both have easy access to your talents as our student assistant," Dr. Willie said further, picking up the conversation from Dr. Pollard.

There she goes with those fucking double-entendre remarks, Tess thought again, not sure in her own mind if that's what it really was.

"Any questions?" Dr.Willie asked Tess.

"No ma'am," Tess replied.

"Good; well you'll start 'officially' on Monday, in my office, but it wouldn't hurt for the three of us to get together before then to go over some basics of the job, of what we expect from you and what you expect of us," Dr. Willie continued, "What's convienient for you, Tess?"

"Well, I'm free tomorrow night or late afternoon, after classes, if that works for you and Dr. Pollard?" Tess replied.

"Tomorrow night, around six'ish, we'll order in," Dr. Willie said, sounding as if she was concluding the meeting, "dress casual and we'll get to work right away, working as we eat, okay?"

"Yes ma'am," Tess answered, standing, then leaving through the opened door, her eyes quickly darting towards Dr. Pollard who was holding the door open for her, the meeting clearly over.

"So, that's Tess," Dr. Pollard remarked to Dr. Willie as she closed, then locked the door of Dr. Willie's office.

"Yes. Smart young lady, very quick in picking up the bare-bone facts in class and able to expound upon them in essays," Dr. Willie said in answer.

"But," Dr. Pollard said further as she sat on the small divan of Dr. Willie's office, pouring tea for both of them as Dr. Willie joined her on the divan, "Can she really be that good of a lover at that young age as you claim her to be?" raising her cup to slowly sip the hot, herbal liquid, her eyes over the lip of the cup, showing interest.

"Experienced beyond her years," Dr. Willie answered her friend, and lover, Dr. Beatrice Pollard, taking the cup and saucer from Dr. Pollard's hands.

"You'll see. Tomorrow night. You'll see for yourself," Dr. Willie commented further while unbuttoning Dr. Pollard's blouse, then yanking it open, part of it pulled from the skirt waistband, revealing the firm, coffee-colored breasts of her younger, but equal, colleague.

"You'll see for yourself," Dr. Willie reiterated, leaning forward to slip her lips over the gorgeous, thick brown nipple, sucking it quickly into her mouth...............

Interesting lady that Dr. Pollard, thought Tess as she walked the few short blocks across campus to Dr. Willie's home.

One of the youngest department chairs on campus; she was what? Twenty-six? Seven? Had her PhD at the tender age of twenty-two, Tess believed she had heard when she started at the college a year or so ago .

Certainly not bad-looking, Tess thought further as she made the turn onto Dr. Willie's street. Her skin was smooth, almost flawless, a beautiful shade of Mocha. Tess guessed her to be 'almost' as tall as Dr. Willie, maybe an inch or so shorter; one-thirty'ish? medium-sized breasts from what Tess could judge based on the blouse she wore at the meeting yesterday. Loved her 'do'; buzzed, close to the scalp, African-tribal buzzed, big hoop earings to complete the 'look'.

Gay? Well, Tess wasn't sure. She got a ping on her gay-dar, and her gay-dar was never wrong, but it was more of a 'maybe? ping', a 'not sure? ping' Confusing, to say the least, for Tess. Oh well, she was pretty sure there'd be no play between she and Dr. Willie tonight, not with a guest joining them.

Tess dressed casual as Dr. Willie had suggested, choosing a long-sleeved rugby-type shirt and jeans; no bra, she hardly ever wore one at her age, and the thong that Dr. Willie loved so much, you know, 'just in case'?

Approaching Dr. Willie's door, the delivery driver was leaving, Dr. Willie still at the door with a large, paper sack in hand.

"Tess, there you are; remarkable timing, the food just got here, so now we won't have to reheat it. Hope Chinese is alright with you?" Dr. Willie said, stepping back to allow Tess to pass, to enter her house.

"Love Chinese, Dr. Willie," Tess smilingly replied, her mind thinking of both Soo and the cuisine and proud of herself for her own double-entendre thoughts.

"I've told you; call me Willie, off-campus," Willie chided her young lover.

"I know," Tess said, her voice low so that only Willie could hear, "But, with Dr. Pollard here and all, well, you know...." leaving the rest unsaid.

"Not a problem, my darling, you'll see," Willie responded a bit mysteriously, piquing Tess' curiosity a bit.

"So good to see you again, Tess," Dr. Pollard said, taking Tess' hand in hers softly, a slight caress rather than a hand-shake or squeeze, her demeanor clearly less formal than at their meeting yesterday.

"And just so we're clear," Dr. Pollard threw out into the air, "away from school, please, call me Bea," smiling at Tess, her eyes warm and soothing, Tess thought, and captivating.

Bea's eyes were a mesmerizing yellow/green, clearly a sign of white blood in her gene pool at some point of her family's existence. So unusual was it to find in Afro-Americans, it captured, and held, your attention when you did.

"Thank you, Bea," Tess stammered out, " great to see you too."

"Well, let's eat and get that out of the way, shall we?" Willie announced, "here, in the kitchen nook and perhaps we can get the work done while we feed our bodies," she suggested further.

The food was to die for, Tess thought, trying hard not to seem like a piglet as she sampled from every box of the 'family-style' meal that is Chinese cuisine.

They were able to get the minutae dealt with fairly easily, the job really not all that complicated. Prepare tests for distribution; help with the grading of said tests, and varying miscellany of tasks. No, not difficult at all.

"Well, that was quick," Willie said as they sipped their after-dinner Irish coffees, expertly prepared by Bea, "I hope you don't have anything pressing that would prevent you from staying for a while?" Willie asked Tess, her eyebrows raised in question.

"Well, no, I don't actually," Tess answered, more curious now, wondering, now, as to exactly what Willie's plans were for the rest of the evening.

"Outstanding!" Willie beamed, "Well, you two go get better acquainted while I just neaten up the kitchen and all that rubbish," smiling at Tess and Bea as she said it.

"Bea, be a darling and open that bottle of Merlot we talked about, and pour some for all of us; I'll catch up with you two in just a few minutes," Willie concluded as Bea and Tess got up from the kitchen nook's table.

"A lovely idea, Tess and I getting acquainted," Bea said softly, taking Tess' hand in hers, gently pulling Tess to follow her to the entertaiment space of Willie's home.

Those damn green eyes, Tess thought as she mindlessly followed behind Bea, those fucking, mesmerizing green eyes.

Reaching the large couch, Tess sat as Bea opened, then poured three glasses of the excellent Merlot. Sitting at one end, Bea raised her glass to Tess who returned the gesture, both sipping as they stared into each other's eyes, Bea winning that battle.

"Willie says that she's extremely fond of you, as a student, as a new friend, that she appreciates your 'special' talents," Bea said, breaking the silence of the moment.

"Special talents?" Tess questioned, even more confused now.

"Do I really need to spell it out for you, sweetheart?" Bea asked with an amused, crooked little grin, "Do I really need to be clearer?" setting her half-finished glass of wine onto the coffee table before them.

Well, okay then, Tess quickly thought, smiling broadly when the idea fully sunk in, I get to pleasure the profs.

"Oh no, I'm very clear, now," Tess replied, her smile now one of excitement as she viewed Bea in a completely different light.

"Good, now sit closer to me so that I can taste those lips of yours," Bea replied, patting a spot right next to her on the sofa, "I want to kiss you for a deliciously long time, okay?"

"I can do that," Tess replied as she slid closer to Bea, her horny motor having been switched on now, finishing her wine quickly before moving.

Fuck, I really am such a slut, Tess thought to herself as her lips neared Bea's; thought it and, as always, was okay with that view of herself.

Slipping her hand behind Bea's head, Tess pulled them closer together, feeling a jolt of electricity when her lips first touched Bea's, that, along with a jolt to her snatch at the same time. Closing her eyes as their lips opened for each other, Tess slowly rubbed her hand over Bea's buzzed head, getting hornier by the nano-second.

"Mmmm, taste scrumptious, sweetie," Bea murmured as she sucked Tess' tongue into her mouth, sliding her hand, at the same time, under Tess' rugby-style shirt, her hands drawn to Tess' larger breasts as if by a magnet.

Tess didn't reply, didn't want to reply, she just wanted to feel the heat of Bea's mouth enveloping her probing tongue. Mimicking Bea's hand, Tess slid her hand under Bea's peasant blouse, her hand finding and fondling Bea's tits quickly, their kissing making loud, wet sounds in the silence of Willie's entertainment space.

They are smaller than mine, Tess thought in a flurry of other thoughts as she continued to kiss and be kissed. B-cups, with large nipples sitting on raised areolas. Little bumps on larger bumps, she thought excitedly, her lustfulness taking control of her, of her actions, of her desires as it always did.

"Raise your arms, babygirl, I'm going to take your shirt, then your jeans, off of you," Bea instructed Tess when she broke their kiss.

"Ooooh, nice," Bea said just before leaning forward to quickly suck a nipple into her mouth, her hands unsnapping Tess' jeans at the same time.

Bea pulled Tess' jeans from her firm legs quickly, returning to suckle on Tess' breasts while cupping Tess' pussy in her hand. Sucking hard with her mouth on Tess' tits, her hand squeezing, rubbing the pussy in her hand with a frenzy of want.

"That feels sooo good," Tess cooed as she rubbed both of her hands over Bea's closely-shorned scalp, throbbing bolts of excitement in her belly from Bea's mouth on her breasts.

Neither of them had heard Willie walk into the room so busy were they in their foreplay. Sipping her wine slowly, Willie watched them, her excitement building quickly from the live sex-play before her.

"Getting started without me?" Willie's said, her voice breaking into the tableau in her entertainment room, "Can't have that now, can we? You'll both need to be punished, understand?"

Lifting her mouth from Tess' breast, Bea continued to rub her thumbs across Tess' nipples, her eyes burning into Tess' eyes, answering, "Yes, Willie, we do, don't we, Tess?"

"Yes, yes I, I mean, we, do," Tess answered after a short pause, a pause in which she wondered where this was all going.

Not that she wouldn't want to go, but she was just curious as to where she'd be going with these two, tonight.

"Upstairs, now," Willie's voice commanded, her tone not one that Tess had heard before in any of her trysts with Willie, and there had been quite a few of those with Willie and others.

Sure, she's had threesomes before with Willie, even foursomes, but, never in their light bondage sex play had Willie ever sounded quite like this, Tess thought.

Shit! Her mind registered, I'm the only one naked here, as Bea and Willie led her up the stairs to Willie's bedroom, her hands in theirs, a path that Tess had come to know well over these past several months. Sure, I still have my thong on but, seriously, do you count a thong as having clothes on?

"Here, turn around," Willie commanded Tess. Doing as she was told, Tess felt her hands being shackled behind her back, not a whole lot of movement available to her, afterwards. Willie's fingers slipped into the almost non-existent waistband of Tess's thong, quickly pulling it down, then off of her.

Afterwards, while she stood there, naked, hands restrained behind her back, Tess enjoyed, yes, enjoyed, watching Willie and Bea get out of their clothes. Both naked now, Willie and Bea kissed each other in a lover's embrace, their fondling of each other's bodies meant to excite Tess.

It worked.

"Over here, babygirl, on your knees, over here," Bea said, sitting down on the side of Willie's bed, "I want to see for myself if you're as good as Willie says."

Walking the few short steps to the side of Willie's bed, Tess slowly kneeled, her eyes focused on the prize. Leaning forward slowly so that she wouldn't lose her balance, Tess moved her head forward so that her tongue could flick over Bea's perky, aroused nipples.

Lowering her head even further, Tess ran her tongue slowly up and down the dark lips of Bea's shaved pussy, having to use her tongue to separate those lips since she didn't have the use of her hands to do so. As she busily used her mouth and tongue on Bea, she sensed Willie behind her and in a swift movement, she felt the collar as it was slipped around her neck, clasped, then shackled to her hand restraints, restricting her movements even further.

It was in that moment that Tess wanted so much to be free, to have her arms and hands unshackled so that she could feel, fondle,and touch Bea while her mouth and tongue tasted Bea's sex. The desire to do so and the realization that she couldn't because of the shackles, gave Tess a mini 'ah-ha' moment of the thrill of bondage. She had been restrained before, with scarves and the like that, had she tried, she could have gotten out of. But this was different, very different; there was no getting out of these restraints unless freed by her 'captors'.

And, she liked it.

Not being able to use her hands just made Tess redouble her oral skills to please her partner and, afterall, wasn't that the point?

Bea made it somewhat easier for Tess to pleasure her by sitting with her ass on the edge of the bed, her feet raised from the floor and propped on the side slat of Willie's large, california-king bed and her legs spread wide.

Feeling movement on the bed as her oral efforts became noisier, Tess raised her eyes upward, seeing Willie now kneeling behind Bea, fondling Bea's breasts as their lips were welded together in a lustful kiss. Bea kept one hand on the back of Tess' head, holding it tight to her pussy, her other hand behind her, holding Willie's head and lips tight to her own, their tongues dancing in each other's mouth.

"Awww, that is sooooo good," Bea cooed to Tess, her hips moving faster now, in concert with Tess' excellent mouth and tongue, the first signs of climax making itself known to her now.

Willie was now reclining on the bed, behind Bea, her head on a pillow watching, her eyes glazed over with desire and lust as she watched her student perform cunnilingus on her colleague, her friend, her lover. Willie, of course, had one hand playing with her own increasingly moist cunt while the other hand played with Bea's tits.

When her orgasm erupted suddenly, Bea grasped Tess' head between her hands, gripping it tightly as she humped, pushed and rubbed her pussy in a frenzy against this young coed's experienced mouth and tongue. Collapsing backwards when it was over, Bea enjoyed Tess' post-climax licks of her pussy with her head resting on the thigh of the reclining Willie.

"My turn," Willie said matter-of-factly as she switched places with Bea, her ass and legs positioned as Bea's had been.

"Now, earn that A+ grade you want so badly," Willie commanded Tess, "make me scream with delight, you little cunt-munching slut," Willie's voice almost a grunt when saying it.

Cunt-munching slut? Tess quickly thought, the sting of the barb quickly giving way to the thought that Willie was very much correct. Tess was a cunt-munching slut and accepting that as a truth, Tess closed her eyes and gave Willie the best pussy eating that she had ever had before in their brief, but moltenly hot, relationship.

Tess lifted her head and mouth from between Willie's thighs after Willie experienced the "mother of all orgasms" she had said afterwards, Tess' mouth awash with the juices of the two professors. Laying on her bed, her body still quaking and Bea leaning over her, lovingly sucking on Willie's breasts, Willie simply smiled in the afterglow of outstanding sex.


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