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23 & WTF


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With a faraway look she turns to me. "Sisters.... brothers.... I have 3 sisters and 2 brothers." She says as she just points to the screen. "I have 3 sisters and 2 brothers right here in Indiana. As soon as I activated my profile on the website it said I had siblings!" She's now over her shock and is now moving on to joy. The kids trying to grasp the meaning of what she's saying. This leads to an involved explanation of their Mom's birth.

Andy being who he is couldn't help but ask. "Does that mean you were grown in a test tube?"

Patty slaps him in the back of the head. "No dufus!"

"Ha! No sweetie I was grown inside Grandma June." Cat said as she kisses our son's forehead.

"Well babe I guess I got my money's worth outta that birthday present, huh." Finding siblings born from the same sperm bank had just never occurred to us.

The next few weeks were a little crazy as she made contact with some of her new siblings. Two of which lived right here in Indy. One it turns out I already knew.

After all the emails and phone calls it never came up what anyone did. It was all just about how great it was to find another sibling. Every time Cat would talk about her new siblings, she would only ever use first names. Lucy and David were the ones local while Anna, Katie (Katherine with a K) and Ben were elsewhere in the state. So, getting together right away with them had seemed like a logical first step.

When we entered the restaurant and walked up to the table, I was stunned for a second. Not because Lucy was a smaller blond version of my wife. No, it was her brother, and as we looked at each other I could tell he remembered me as well. Wow what a small world. As my wife and her new sister hugged and greeted each other I went to shake her brother's hand. "How're you doing Dr. Alden." I'm not quite sure how to tell my wife her brother was the doctor who told me Karen had died.

"Good, and under the circumstances it's David. I never expected to see you again Mr. Simms."

"Hey I think I'm your brother-in-law now so call me Rion. Since this is about Cat and y'all finding each other let's not bring up the past just yet, agreed?"

"Agreed!" I then let the good doctor meet his sister for the first time while I give my new sister-in-law a hug.

"Wow sis sure does know how to pick them. You're just as handsome as David. Figures, all the good ones are married or gay, .... or my brother!" Lucy said with an infectious laugh. Definitely like Cat only turned all the way up to 11!

We then proceed to have an enlightening dinner. Turns out most couples who could afford IVF or in vitro fertilization, tended to be better off than most. So, it made sense that Cat and her siblings were all from white collar families. David, Anna and Katie were all doctors while Lucy was a lawyer and Ben was a stock trader. During dinner we had found out that David was the oldest, born in 75. While Lucy was the youngest, born in 83. They both thought it was cool Cat and I had the same birthday, Friday the 13th. We related how we meet and how we had both been widowed. That's when David and I told how we had meet and me assuring Cat it wouldn't be a problem being around her brother.

"Then it's settled we'll all get together next month." David said. "Katie, Ben and Anna will bring their families along with you two and your kids. While Lucy and I will, as always, be the favorite Aunt and Uncle."

"God I can't wait; this is all still so much to absorb. Too bad no one has ever caught any clue as to who our biological father is?" Said my wife.

"Well, whoever he is I'm glad he cared enough to jerk it for a payday!" As Lucy raised her glass in the air with Cat and David joining in. "Here's to you dad wherever you are."

The next month when all 6 siblings and their families got together was actually a really good time and it was quickly decided that it should turn into a regular event. The only tense moment was when Ben introduced us to his partner Kyle. This was defused when I just gave them both a welcoming hug and then said hi to their adopted daughter Sun Yi. Hey what 2 consenting adults do is their business, not mine!

With Cat, Lucy and David being local, naturally they would end up hanging out more. Mainly at our house, since they were single and we had kids they'd just pop over whenever. And true to what David had said, he and Lucy did become the favorite Uncle and Aunt

As always time marched on and graduation from high school lead to enrollment in to college and one hell of a big ask from my 'sister' Sara. "Come on Ri it's not like I'm asking you to pay for him to go just let him stay with you while he tours the school." See Jacob was thinking about going to Butler University since they were one of 2 schools offering him a basketball scholarship. With a catch in her voice like she's about to cry. "Please don't punish him just because you still hate me."

"Damn it Sara you know I don't hate you, hell you punish yourself more over that than anyone else ever will. Plus, you know I like Jake and all I said was I gotta run it by Cat. That's what married people do."

"Thanks Ri this means a lot to Jacob, and me too. Bye."

So, wouldn't you know Jacob chose Butler and oddly enough so did Bella. 'Things that make you go hmmmm'. Now with those 2 in college Patty becomes the new resident 13 year old teenager. Yeah, more hormones but thank God for Cat. She really is a wonderful mother and wife. It's like every day that goes by I fall more in love. That's when I decide to do a little surprise for her. See after I got her that DNA kit over a year ago, she's been wanting me to do one as well and I've just been putting it off. Well, I did it last month and I should be getting an email any day now.

I hear the front door close; Cat must be home. Tuesday night drinks with either Lucy or David. "Hey honey how was drink night?"

"It was good, but Lucy kept going on about how I got the last good man in Indy and she'll never find a husband. I kept telling her there's still good men out there but.... you wanna know a secret." She bends down to whisper in my ear. "She was right you were the last good man, and you're all mine!" Then she bites my neck as she gropes my cock.

Damn I love a tipsy Cat, a tipsy Cat is a horny Cat! I immediately lead her to the bedroom and lock the door then throw the spare blanket on the bed. By the time I'm done she's naked and tugging my pants down. Once they're off I'm throwing her on the bed lifting up her ass and putting her into a doggy position. Just marveling at how she's literally dripping she's so wet. 5 years later and as I enter her pussy, she's still able to amaze me with how tight she can grip me. If I wasn't so horny, she'd probably squeeze it limp.

She reaches over to grab a pillow so she can bury her face and scream. Knowing she's on a short fuse I pound for all I'm worth. Still screaming into the pillow as she orgasms. Her cum splashes back against me. Dripping on the blanket I have draped over the bed. Aside from her ability to squirt and having a pussy like a vice, I love that my wife has almost a hair trigger that makes her multi orgasmic. Which makes her pussy grip me even more. Damn life is good!

Grunting as I cum, I'm splashed again, as this time she just falls away from me collapsing on the bed my last shot landing on the already massive wet spot. "Damn baby, every time feels better than the last. Baby.... Cat?" Cat however is fast asleep. I just smile. "Sleep tight baby you earned it." I go to the bathroom and get a washcloth and clean her up a little then pull the extra blanket off and tuck her in for the night.

Heading back into the den to put my laptop up for the night I notice I have a new email. Seeing the header from the DNA website I eagerly open it up wondering if there will be anything interesting to share with my wife. Since first finding her siblings last year, they have found another sister, Wendy who had moved from Indiana to Seattle. I settle in to read my DNA chart. Huh, 2% sub-Saharan Africa, well that's from Momma's side, must be why I tan so much better than my whiter than white father. Should make for interesting dinner conversation next Thanksgiving. Hmm, click the link to see 57 people who share my DNA. Having seen the site before on my wife's profile I know tons of these 'matches' are less than 2% and classified as '4th or 5th cousins'.

I don't expect much when I sign in to my profile, which is why I almost shit my pants when I see the list of names that pop up! As a wave of physical nausea washes over me, I bolt to the downstairs toilet. As I'm heaving up what's not even there my mind is screaming at me. 'WHAT IN THE EVER-LOVING JESUS H FUCK! NO! NO! NO! NO! NO! NO! NO! THIS CANNOT BE HAPPENING!' Sitting down on the bathroom floor with my head against that cool porcelain bowl I realize something. I get up and almost sprint back to my laptop. Quickly I open settings, then edit profile, then change all my info. New name 'John Smith', birthdate 1/1/79, location United States only. Do I want to show my name or just my initials.... names fine it's fake. There, that's about as generic as I can make it.... and save.

With the shock and then the panic wearing off, I go back to that list of DNA matches. They always put the strongest at the top. And there's 7 names ranging from 24.7% to 22.9%, but it's that one in the middle that makes me wanna weep.

'Catherine Simms. 23.3% match'

What is she gonna do? How is she gonna feel? Just how is my wife going to react when she discovers that for the last 5 years she's been sleeping with her brother!

:::::::::: To be continued ::::::::::

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ToughSailorToughSailor10 months ago

Where do I start? For this genre this was one of the most beautiful and emotional pieces of prose I have ever read on this site. Needless to say this story kept me up well past my usual bedtime. You have such a superlative writing style that it way exceeds this limited star rating system. Full marks and Bravo Zulu (Navy speak for a job well done). More please.

rlrmiller1951rlrmiller1951over 1 year ago

this story was good, but not great, right up until the ending. Now i have to read part two immediately after posting this.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

I can't believe you aren't a professional author and this is your first story. It's way to good for a first story. I wish I could give you something better than 5 stars. Most stories here don't get me emotionally involved but yours did.

DBs_BroDBs_Broover 2 years ago

You commented on my story, and I finally had some time to check out yours.

I'll start by saying you have an incredible gift with characterization. I could see and understand their motives, and they were believable. I'm guessing you may have pulled on some life experiences here? They say to write what you know. Maybe I'm wrong. But your characters stayed true and separate.

You started with a warning that it was a slow burn, and it certainly was. Not just the buildups, but the emotional rollercoaster that your characters went on. You did a great job. I will be reading the next couple chapters whenever I find the time. Thanks for taking the time to write this story.

Ponyboyjohn37Ponyboyjohn37almost 3 years ago

Just when you start to thinks its s a drag,damn it's picks up better.for some reason got hard to see the pollen around here must a been bad my eyes started to water up (I'm not allergic to pollen) Good Job

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

There is too much character my head is spinning

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

Re: Jews practicing Judaism as Jewish people do

Being an small town Oregon raised boy, I had never been around observant Jews until I married one. While my wife is not nearly as observant as she was growing up, her NJ familly is, to her younger brother, nieces and nephews going to Jeshiva through high school. Her brother even did a tour with the Israeli Army.

So, when my mother in law was killed suddenly shortly after we got together, making my second trio to NJ sitting Shiva, and the funeral, you could say I was thrown into the deep end of Jewish life and faith.

When I next was sitting with my extended family for an Oregon Thanksgiving, I was telling them about my submersion in Jewish life. Mind you, my family is not comprised og world travelers.

I am the youngest of four siblings by 15 years, so they were more pain in the ass aunt and uncle types than anything, while I also had 6 true aunts & uncles on my Mom's side, so I knew how real aunts and uncles treated a nephew. I was the first in the family to graduate high school, then college and grad school.

So, as I was talking about how life is in an observant conservation Jewish family is, my complete confusion, and befuddlement with 'Keeping a Kosher Kitchen', the experience of Shiva in a NJ Jewish town/neighbor, (everybody lives within walking distance of the Temple, and some of the other cultural and religious experiences, I noticed most everyone had grown rather quiet, and had even stopped, or slowed down eating.

Except my Jewish bride... I thought back over what I'd just said, to see if I'd dropped an eff bomb, and missed it, when I realized I had expressed how seriously my inlaws took their religion, (polar opposite to my family; Mom had a late life religious discovery, at 60-something. The rest, nada mucho.)

I think the descriptive phrase I used was 'seriously hard corps Jews, they're really into their beliefs, and live them.' I must not have been at my usual peak performance that day, or I would have paused for a beat, or two, and added, 'religiously.'

It was then I realized they were reacting to the word 'Jew'. I'd said it 3-4 times maybe. It dawned on me, they were reacting like I had dropped an eff bomb in front of Mom's Episcopalian priest, or the N-word in front of effing MLK.

'What...?, I posed, 'There's nothing wrong with calling Jews, Jews. They are, and refer to themselves as Jews, even when they're telling self-deprecating, Jewish stereotype jokes. Not something I'll ever be comfortable doing, but I took my social clues from her.', referring to my wife, who was throughly enjoying some of the baked ham, which was part of the meal.

I realized, given their age, and social naviete, the majority of my family had only heard the Jew, as a pejorative. The realization gave me a much more accurate perspective of our society.

So, Jack, I think the inaccurate Jewish vernacular expert in the comments, is likely a distant relative, since that seems to be the theme, in these parts.

An excellant first foray into writing. Your instincts were accurate vis a vis writing dialogue, and on the importance of an editor. Both are 'secrets' of the publishing world, which turns out award winning 'auteurs', some of who are actually good authors.

Something drilled into me during grade school & junior high in the 50-60's was writing IS a form of communication; if you can't communicate well in your writing, you can't tell your story(ies).

Thanks for sharing, and for the work.


jay1964jay1964over 3 years ago

wow! cant wait for the rest

rcwilliamsrcwilliamsover 3 years ago

Please continue this. I'm sure along with me that the rest want to see what Cat's reaction will be and how this will play out moving forward.

Crusader235Crusader235over 3 years ago

Excellent story, and very well done First story. Five Stars! Can't wait for another chapter.

JacktacularJacktacularover 3 years agoAuthor
To anon

No distillery, but they did find time to to a little antiquing in Nashville lol

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Nice twist after twist after twist.

While using the cabin at Brown County, did they stop by Bear Wallow Distillery in Gnaw Bone?

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