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Three Days of Watching my Wife Fuck


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He violently slammed inside her as his scrotum smacked against her ass. She instantly let out a scream unlike anything I had ever heard. Brian rolled off the other side of the bed and jumped up, practically falling to the other bed. Gina was in a state I had never seen before.

She had her hands on Stan's ass, and was spread eagle with her knees bent up almost to his arm pits. His pelvis was slapping so forcefully against her beautiful ass. Every third or forth thrust they would grind with him fully inside her. It was breathtaking watching his thick cock stretch her pussy as they squished their genitals together, between the greased mess between her thighs and crotch.

After about a minute into this, she tightly held one of his thrusts, digging her fingernails into his ass cheeks, she began moving her ass and hips in the most animalistic way imaginable. As she did, she began moaning in a way that freaked me out completely uttering, "DON"T MOVE... AAAHHHH GGODD... DON"T MOVE... AAHHHOOOHH MY GGODDD."

At the end of her last forceful moan, I watched the space between her ass and pussy begin to rythmetically pulse. They both remained absolutely still for at least ten seconds as she entered a backbreaking orgasm.

There was no way to count, but it seemed like after perhaps the fourth or fifth time her vagina constricted in orgasm, vaginal liquid began seeping from her and running down her ass. With her ass slightly off the bed, it ran down to the back of her ass and to the sheet. As it did, it would drain in a small stream off the middle of her ass cheeks close to perhaps her tailbone, and then quickly drip, instantly it would run more, and then quickly drip again in perhaps a one second rhythmic pulse.

After ten seconds or so of her orgasm, she began moving her ass and he began moving his cock inside wildly, but with almost no thrust. He kept doing this for about twenty more seconds when he ground out several forceful hip movements and practically yelled, "AAAAHHHHH YEEEAAAAA, AAAHHH FFFUUUCKK YEAHHH."

They slowly ground their genitals together in this sticky seminal and vaginal cocktail, as he flooded her with his seed. If I had even touched my cock at this point, I would have made a colossal mess. I just watched in awe. They remained in this sexual trance-like state, clenched together as if trying to insure she was fully impregnated.

A while after he completely stopped shooting his come in her, he finally began to remove his cock. Gina quickly grabbed his ass and said, "No please, just lie on me for a second." Although she was at the end of her quaking orgasm, she was still extremely sensitive, and wanted to keep him inside her until it was ultimately over.

Several minutes later, and after they began finally talking, he slowly leaned to his left and his half limp cock exited her. As she remained slightly gaped open, his thick load slowly built at the bottom of her vagina and drained down her ass.

She lay there for about a minute with her feet up and knees bent rubbing her hands over her eyes, when Brian began to move over to the bed. I'd like to say that she fucked him too, but she quickly said, "No, not now. Not now, maybe later."

Stan and Brian both began saying they needed to go get a change of clothes, but would be back. Gina just kind of waved as if exhausted beyond belief. She just collapsed onto her back, and pulled the bedspread over her saying, "I absolutely have to take a nap. Can you please keep them outside for a couple of hours, or lock the door so I can sleep?"

I quickly replied that I would and went through the front door on my way to the car to grab my wallet I had locked in the glove box. I got back to the room and slowly crept by her as I walked out to the back porch. To my relief, as I too by this time was tired but not exhausted, found that the pool area was practically deserted.

Stan and Brian came out of their room about ten minutes later, but shouted to me that they were going to grab a bite asking me if we wanted anything. I told them no as they waved and said they would be back.

I don't really know how long I lay there before falling asleep in the lounge chair, perhaps ten minutes, but began hearing Gina speaking in a low tone. The suite's sliding glass door to the porch from the living room was very hard to completely close, so if in a hurry or if just lazy like I had been at the time, it usually remained open about an inch or two.

I wasn't sure if she was talking in her sleep or what, but rose from my chair and walked to the crack in the door. As soon as I put my face up to it, I saw one of Stan and Brian's friends lying beside Gina on his left side with his back facing me.

From all that had taken place over the last couple of days, I was what you might call addicted, so I was always ready to watch her fuck. However, this time I thought I might watch and not let her know I was watching. It was almost a heightened turn on knowing she didn't know anyone was watching. I quickly left the living room porch and made my way out around the landscaping to the bedroom sliding glass door.

As I got to them, I very cautiously opened it. It must have taken me thirty seconds to open, because it sounded like there was sand in the tracks, and made a loud racket if you slung it opened. After getting in the room, I walked to the door of the bedroom, and by this time, Gina had her legs pressed together and he was practically leaning against her knees begging her to let him play with her.

I could tell instantly that Gina was way more in the sleep mood than the fool around mood, and this would be the first time I hadn't been right there, which I'm sure to her made it a different thing altogether. I suppose there's a fine line between fucking with your husband watching and loving it, and fucking someone without him knowing.

She continued insisting that he needed to leave and he kept pulling his swimming trunks down. After a few more seconds, his swimming trunks were down to his ankles, as Gina continued holding his hands from getting to her crotch. It was very benign in that I knew she was okay, and completely in control.

Just as soon as I thought he had given up, he rather forcefully began pushing Gina's legs apart, as she sternly began saying, "I told you this isn't happening, so you can stop."

As she was saying it, he forcefully spread her legs almost as if not playing any more, and leaned on top of her. In a millisecond, I saw him position and shove himself against her. I came from around the door and just before entering the room, Gina let out a moan and went completely spread eagle.

He was thrusting and slapping his body into hers and, as he was frantically fucking her, I kept noticing Gina look towards the sliding glass door leading to the porch off the living room that she knew I had originally left.

As he fucked her insanely, she began gasping, "Hurry and come." I knew she was frantically trying to get him to ejaculate quickly, not wanting me to walk through the door she continued glancing at. After thirty seconds or so, she began pulling at his ass and moving her ass in unison with his, repeating, "I want you to come in me, come in me, OOHHH FUCK YES, come in me."

This must have triggered what Gina was trying to get him to do, because within ten seconds, he slammed into her and began to ejaculate deep inside her. He strained and shot every drop of sperm he possibly could for around half a minute, when Gina immediately said, "Ok, you're done, now go. If you tell a soul about this, I'll say you forced me, and it'll be your ass."

I guess after he came, finally coming to his senses, he began profusely apologizing thinking he completely overstepped his bounds, which he did in one way and didn't in another, if that makes any sense at all. I knew for a fact that she could have kicked him through the wall if necessary.

I came so very intensely on the floor as I watched him flood her, more than the other times up to this point. In a new and bizarre way, it blew my mind more than if she had known, or if I had been sitting there with it completely planned.

I never told her I watched it, but she later told me about it, but left out a great many details. I was in no position to judge considering I had basically coaxed her into any and all of it from the start. I was basically responsible for another guy even touching her. Besides she would have probably slapped the nose off my face if she knew I watched the entire thing and didn't walk into the room and throw him out, before it became intercourse.

Stan and Brian eventually came back and we all small talked for a while, relaxing and not doing much of anything. As the night progressed though, we all found ourselves between her legs and doing things married couples aren't at all supposed to do. I did notice that Stan by this time had become completely infatuated with Gina. I think he fell in love with her over the course of the unbelievable last days.

I began to notice that Gina was acting odd about it too. I had thought about it for a few hours off and on when I realized that I should announce that it was over. I figured I would say that it was a once in a lifetime experience for everyone, Gina and I included, but it's over. I finally asked them to take off so Gina and I could have some time together, and they were very understanding about it.

As they left I looked at Gina as she was giving me a very concerned look not knowing what insane thing I was about drop on here now, and asked, "Why don't we get the room for a couple more days, just us. No more insanity, just us. Let's go a few places and get out of here. Let's have some fun." Gina looked at me almost in a concerned manner. I knew she was about to drop a profound statement on me, and as it turns out I'm glad she did.

Gina at this point finally brought me back to reality. It goes without saying; level headedness left me the night she took her bikini bottom off in front of several young men during that card game. As I stood there staring at her waiting for her to drop a profound statement on me, she leaned back against the wall and simply began staring at the ceiling, when after a few seconds she calmly said, "Scott... This has been the wildest experience we have ever had, of that I'm sure. We'll probably never behave this fucking insane ever again... But know... it's done. It's now over and I'm not doing it anymore."

She paused for a second or two when she stared right into my eyes and said, "Scott, when we were experimenting and I was indiscriminately being fucked God knows how many times now, it really was exciting and I've actually enjoyed most of it, trying to fulfill every fantasy you ever had, and maybe one or two of my own, but if you'll open your beautiful eyes for half a second, you might notice than Stan and I stopped fucking a while back. He's now making love to me. My moral foundation is fucking unraveling every time I'm with him now."

She continued, and by this time had my full attention, "Did you think I could continue being intimate with you and two other guys and human nature not eventually take over? Women aren't like men when it comes to that. Yes, it was just nasty sex in the beginning, but you need to know that it has become more, and well, I don't feel comfortable with how Stan is behaving, and I don't feel comfortable with how I'm feeling about it. I feel myself becoming ok with it, and that's not how married women are supposed to feel about another man. Somehow I think we've misplaced our marriage vows somewhere between here and Ohio, and I want them back."

It's amazing how sometimes the most obvious is so incredibly obscure when you are so driven by such a powerful experience. As every word left her lips I became stupefied that not only was she clearly speaking facts, I actually saw it, and yet didn't see it.

She continued to sternly lay it out for me saying, "Listen to me, Scott. We can't stay here another night whatsoever. Here I am a married woman and making love to another man. That's not what I signed up for when we took our vows."

She then gave an example that wrapped up perfectly her already perfect moral synopsis saying, "Try imagining us being in a room with two attractive twenty-one year old females, with you fucking them both time after time, after time. Once you get past the sex for a second, you might realize that it's possible that you could begin to develop feelings for one of them, and married people don't do that, Scott. I certainly don't like the feelings I've had here recently."

Feeling like a bionic jackass by now, I walked over and pulled her to me apologizing to the maximum. We hugged and held each other for at least five minutes. I began telling her how much I loved her and continued apologizing for pushing the situation and the fact that I purposely kept it going with no regard for her feelings whatsoever.

The reality of what she was saying was crystal clear. I'm sure it would have been different if we hadn't kept it going. Several times I did notice them overtly caressing one another as they made love, passionately kissing, caressing, and holding onto one other. When this all started, they simply fucked and when it was over, it was over. But in hindsight, if I had snapped into reality for a second, I would have noticed that it truly did develop into more than sexual intercourse between her and Stan.

As she explained her position, it was like a light bulb went off in my mind. I think it was more of a situation where I basically ignored it, choosing to keep the experience going rather than face facts. But the writing was clearly on the wall, and she was right.

Gina then said she was going to take a much needed shower and off she went. Not more than a few minutes after emerging from the shower, she began packing our things and, within thirty minutes, we were in our car driving home. She was utterly exhausted as she curled up in the passenger seat and fell fast asleep. She slept for six hours straight barely moving at all. I too was flat smoked and barely able to keep my eyes open as I drove, but I continued, thinking that if I just got us back home, we would somehow be back to normal.

It took many hours getting back home, but after consuming what I'm sure equaled three gallons of coffee, we made it.

I thought it might be weeks before she and I made love again after how many times she had intimate intercourse with me and the young men we had met, but a few hours after arriving at our home, we both rubbed up against one another as we passed in the hallway, and instantly began violently grabbing and tearing at one another taking our clothes off. We just dropped right in the hallway and had the wildest animalistic sex we had ever had in our home.

I'm sure some have skydived, bungee jumped, driven a Lamborghini 200 mph, or even flown on the space shuttle, but they never experienced what Gina and I did during last year's vacation.

I can't tell you how many times we've discussed that vacation since. Funny thing is though; we've never got more than a few minutes into the conversation before we both wildly begin sexually attacking one another.

We discussed trying it again next vacation, but every time we get worked up we find ourselves fucking. Somehow we always come to our senses telling ourselves, "It was a one time experiment. It was a one in a trillion series of events that fell into place. Our marriage is still intact, and we'd like to keep it that way. Why on earth would we risk anything else?"

Yes, we always talk the good talk, but who am I kidding? The power of that experience will never leave our minds, and inevitably the tumblers will someday fall into place again... and I'm certain neither of us will be strong enough to fight it.

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AnonymousAnonymous1 day ago

I cannot stress enough that this story is not only patently ridiculous and brainless but offensive to me as a woman. The couple ends up at a small motel and long story short, the cuck husband wants to share his hot wife with a couple of teen guys. Both of them are total alcoholics and drink to excess but completely irresponsible. The wife who openly says I haven’t had one damn orgasm because none of you even cares. So one of the kids ends up making her cum. Oh joy! One cum I. 2.5 days. Nobody had very good sex on the whole. Fine. Then at the end the wife says honey, we need to go home immediately. Ok why? Cuz we as women don’t function like men. We don’t have recreational sex and zero emotional involvement. Guys can do that but women, we don’t. The kid I’ve been fucking stopped fucking a long time ago. We’ve been making love!holy shit! A teenage boy. Use have thought this up. What’s sad is some of the readers think the story is very real and love the realism. Ummm yeah. Women don’t fuck recreationally. Men do but we women can’t do that. I can’t stress how wrongheaded this is and it’s laughable. So if I understand her, 48 hours after sex with a guy she thinks is nice, for a kid,, we women stop fucking and fall in love. All women who read this shit should be pissed at this completely false idea. If you fall in love after 48 hrs or you think you have then you have truly huge problems. Ofc it’s a downright stupid and demeaning idea being offered as a serious look at a one off for a couple. This writer does very similar things in their other moronic tales. They use one basic story line for all the stories and then change a couple of things here and there. Making all of their stuff incredibly repetitive and is outright lazy. Don’t attempt to bring in some kind of idiotic and half baked psychological falsehoods and sell it as realism. Sorry but rule one in writing a story or writing music is, write what you know about. Your problem is not knowing anything about what you want to serve up for mock realism. I’ve been a nurse in clinical psychology for 18 years and you are so far out of your depth. Stop making up shit you know zero about and write a story about pathetic individuals who want people to think they know something. That’s in your wheelhouse.

AnonymousAnonymous3 days ago

These guys will have a great and fulfilling future. NOT. She's just a piece of meat now and she knows he doesn't value her to the level he did to begin with. He would allow her to do whatever she wants. What is her own psychological self worth thinking about the level of worth her husband places on her. But they "LOVE" each other. I've seen so many of these married people who play like that over the years break up. Either the egos and feelings are compromised and hurt or they end up finding something more glittery and shiney up ahead and trade up to the next model. You don't throw something so precious away like that for the sake of a fantasy. You can never fully earn that level of respect you originally had back again with your partner.

Freudzslip69Freudzslip696 days ago

I first read this story on a different site about five, or six years ago. I loved it then, and I love it now at least as much as before. It’s still sizzling HOT.

AnonymousAnonymous9 days ago

As a woman I’m deeply offended by the idea that after a couple of days of sex with some strangers that she is concerned about their marriage. Why? That’s what I said, too. She explains women don’t operate the way men do. With a guy there isn’t the same concerns because it means nothing other than some recreational sex. Women aren’t built the same way. We are more susceptible to an emotional connection. She informs her spouse that what was just fucking two days ago has become lovemaking. Give me a fucking break. That’s a man saying that cuz a woman woukd not say such an idiotic thing. It’s offensive and the story is garbage too. Women don’t fall in love after fucking anyone for a day or two. Too many readers think you have written something so real when in fact it’s anything but realistic. It’s moronic

GuywhoreadsthisstuffGuywhoreadsthisstuff19 days ago

This is the hottest story I have read in the last 3 years.

Holyfuckingshit Great job!!!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

One of the few voluntary cuckolding stories I can tolerate. Ususlky I read through some of then to see how messed up people are. But his one had nuance and character, and the wife correctly dousing the fire, realizing their marriage was close to unraveling was quite well done. 5 stars.

nearsomehillsnearsomehillsabout 1 month ago

A very enjoyable and believable story. Great at the build up. The ending seems so realistic. A few days of wildness that was separated from you daily lives. Thank you

nixroxnixroxabout 1 month ago

1 star - just one more cuck/slut crap story.

Not even a decent dream - more like worst nightmare.

MtRseMan99MtRseMan99about 2 months ago

Read this before and enjoyed reading it again. I could see if they did this again she might not only develop feelings for the young guys but add some additional excitement like stopping any birth control. Could get interesting.

gabe_playsgabe_playsabout 2 months ago

Never ever. My version of this story ends in felonies and divorce.

Campus77Campus77about 2 months ago

Similar situations have occurred with my former wife and I. Though nowhere near the intensity of this story. I is fascinating to watch your woman with another man as equally as her seeing you with another woman. The feeling is electric. A good tale with good scenes.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

Great, my wife was a stripper and on occasion we would take a few airmen from the near by air base smoke a fatty have a drink and party. People always think stripper means slut trashy whore. Not so. My wife is a great mom and home maker. We have many friends uninvolved with sex. Our children are well cared for. They have never been exposed to any of our pot smoking in or sex. None of our sex partners have ever been to our home. Four of the stripper rent a large home where there is always a party. I've watched and took part in every kind of sex with my wife and the other girls. Many men from the air base bring drink and pot for our party. Great fun great sex

Andyman99Andyman99about 2 months ago

I believe this is the best story on this site. I don't read cuckold stories, but Scott was never portrayed as one and Gina was never described as a slutty wife. Like many others who commented, I too saw my wife as Gina. Thanks for your great stories.

HornyHub54HornyHub54about 2 months ago

Incredible story. Great buildup, pace, details. I jerked off and came reading the first encounter, had to recover and had another one when they went back to the room for round 2.

I pictured my wife as her, becoming so cock crazy in front of me. It was incredible when she told him sex with Stan became love making and not fucking.

I liked even better than “wife’s unusual first time” which is still a “go to” for me when I need to cum. I wish you kept writing stories. Anyone wanting to chat about fantasies like this, contact me

AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

I loved it. Very sexy. I imagined my wife being Gina through the whole thing. I came twice in the same day as I read it. Kept coming back to it until I just finished it.

buelahbuelah2 months ago

Great story. I love the description.

lucy_sometimeslucy_sometimes2 months ago

It got me going. Usually prefer hubby to be more reluctant or completely oblivious

LisaMayTurnerLisaMayTurner2 months ago

What a lovely sexy read!

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

Loved it! Absolutely amazing. The poor maid service 😆

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

Man, a lot of sad people in these comments lol. I read it and fucking loved it. Great writing, great story, keep going!

sims71sims713 months ago

Fantastic story. Loved it from start to finish. Keep up the great work

FlamethrowFlamethrow3 months ago

A great description of a married couple letting go of all control and just letting the wife indulge to her heart's content. I loved the way they talked through it before escaping the madness.

robertjohnrobertjohn3 months ago

I loved this story. I especially liked the way she really got into it eventually, and she just let the guys have her whenever and however they wanted her. Good raunchy story. Please write more.

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

It was a excellent ending but also the perfect set up for 10 years down the road when they run into a much more mature and refined Scott in their own hometown where he now lived.

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

Too long

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

What an amazing cock hardening story , wow i just loved it , well written few spelling errors but thats passable for such a horny story , 1 thing you said in this story , that is absolutelyl true , you never know how beautiful your wife is till you see her a man fucking her , My wife at the time was just a 22 yr old blonde goddess slim perfect boobs long perfectly shaped legs , we met on her 20th birthday married her when she turned 22 i was 24 ,when we met a couple of older gentleman in a restaurant bar , both were just head over heels for my wife jenny , and she really enjoys flirting i found the sex after a night of her flirting was mind blowing , plus we enjoyed telling each other our fantasys while fucking , 1 of her fantasy's was right in front of us , flirting and teasing older guys , and this was leading to my ultimate fantasy of watching her fucking some older guys , and everytime i left for the toilet i would watch them from a distance and she was really playing up in my absence , my heart was pumping palms sweating hoping this could be the night , anyway we were all getting quite drunk , the bar was closing and i asked jen if she would mind inviting our new friends a nightcap , everyone agreed , we walked back to our room both guys were getting a feel of her ass , she didn't seem to mind both and apologizing to me for their behavior , i whispered i'm enjoying watching her flirting and teasing you guys and said i'd love to see where she goes with this , anyway after a few drinks and watchinn her get drunk and happy ,the guys asked if they could have a dance with her , of course if its ok with her , she loved to dance anyway and flaunt her Gorgeous figure , it wasn't long before they were pawing all over her then started dirty dancing and watching them rubbing their crotches on her gave me a rock solid boner , she looked at me for my approval , i pointed to my hard on , she knew i was enjoying this as much as she was , then i asked her in front of the other guys if she would model some of her new sexy lingerie we had shopped for , the guys were ecstatic and we were encouraging her to do it , and then she agreed , well that was fucking mind blowing what she did , after 3 changes & drunk enough when she blurted that we got her all hot & bothered and horny , thats when i told her my fantasy was to watch her fuck some guy , thats all she needed to hear , and said she was horny enough that she wanted them to fuck her , my fantasy is finally happening right now and it was mind blowing watching my little Gorgeous wife getting absolutely fucked by these guys , oh by the way , my wife fell in love with one of these guys massive cocks , the whole night we fucked her she wouldn't leave Rons cock alone , i woke up in the morning 1 guy had left but Ron & Jenny were still fucking , what a beautiful sight that was , watching her riding that huge cock , even getting down inbetween to watch his cock stretch her little pussy was out of this world , and watching her enjoy it was the ultimate , the three of us ended up at Rons house for a extended weekend of fucking my wife , we are still happily married to this day , and my wife does look even more gorgeous & ravishing when she is getting fucked , so come on all you stuck up jealous prudes of husbands , let your wife go out and fuck someone , we still do with our open marriage , and the storys she tells me when we are having sex is simply mindblowing , so thank you for you reminding me about that first of many , which we still talk about to this day , i even asked her if we should go to the city again hoping to meet up with Ron again , we did , but thats another long story , oh and i gave this a 10+ out of 5 , thank you , and we both now love storys from erotica , maybe 1 day i will tell the rest of our sexy adventures .cheers James .

adegeromeadegerome3 months ago

Bretty good writing, plot development. A bit long and redundant in places.

cynthia0920cynthia09203 months ago

I disagree with all the naysayers - I usually have some nit picky comments and criticisms about what should have happened or how the story should have progressed but in this case I thought the development was plausible, how she slowly acquiesced and submitted and got into fucking the 2 guys and also appreciated how it turned her husband on

One of the best I've read

Helen1899Helen18994 months ago

The drink spoiled it, after drinking all day at the speed they were going at, they would have been pissed and unable to fuck.

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

I agree. It’s the same shit over and over without one shred of plausibility. There is not a single character in any of the author’s stories that is remotely likable. Too many issues to list and not one of them is good.

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

Another weak degenerate cuck husband and a modern American cunt. Not novel. Borinf.

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

very erotic and well written. i especially like the buildup nd the nice bakgound as being a professor and seemingly slight reluctnce to gettng into the debauchery afterwards and the erotic description of the sex act.

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

I Too had a Three Day Marathon of 15 Men Fucking Me in Pussy and Ass and Mouth...Plus Smacking my Ass ,, Boobs,, Pussy,,Face Stomach and Back...All the Smacking happen after the Cream pie Gangbang Every night...I end up with a Very Lot of Bruised Boobs and Bruised Pussy and Bruised Ass and Very Red Face and Red Stomach and Red Back...After a Week of Resting...I went back for More and Harder Smacking causing me to Bleed

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

Just another dumbass cuckold.

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

Now there's a dumbass husband.

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago


I have loved your stories for years. My favorite is THREE DAYS OF WATCHING MY WIFE FUCK.

​The way you shared what you saw and how you all felt, really is effective and exciting.

My wife and I have enjoyed your stories for years. Just wanted to let you know.

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

I found the story interesting, but repetitive to the point where it became somewhat boring. All the weird bs at the end of their vows etc. was sort of psycho- babble. Sounds somewhat like an episode of Dr. Phil solving a show guest's problems in 1 hour. "We acted stupid and impulsively for those three days, but we got better." These two late 30 somethings were extremely childish in some ways. You had a sexual adventure. No harm, no foul. So don't dwell on it. I agree with JVS27's comments as well.

JVS27JVS275 months ago

Some of these comments are bizarre.

Why are they expecting great literature with flawless character development and logical behavior? This is fantasy erotica. It's deliberately over the top and unrealistic. It's not War and Peace. It's porn. Get a grip.

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

Some comments are more lodgeical than the story.

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