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A Bedtime Story

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Sweet little virgin meets a big, bad wolf.
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Once upon a time, a little girl (okay, so she was actually eighteen... bear with me here) went to a new school. She didn't know anyone there, and was nervous walking around the hallway, but she just clutched her books tight to her chest, and tried to figure out where her classes were.

When she finally got to her math class, she opened the door-and was so embarrassed, because class had already started! Everyone was looking at her. Especially one guy - she could feel his gaze as though he were actually touching her. And when she met his stare, he grinned like a wolf. She shivered, but wasn't sure if she should be scared or not. Actually, she felt kinda warm and her private places were tingly.

She could feel his eyes sliding over her dark red hair, lingering on her huge blue eyes. She shifted her books, and felt his eyes drop down to her tight little top, the ones with the buttons missing. She'd forgotten all about those buttons when she'd put it on, but she was running late and didn't have time to change. Now his eyes were following the smooth expanse of creamy skin left visible by those naughty buttons...and she liked how that made her feel. Down, down, down over those soft, white swells his eyes went...and his eyes got dark and dangerous.

She shifted her books again, getting nervous...and it pulled her top, popping off another button. She was almost scared to take a breath, or she'd tumble right out of her shirt! She could feel herself quivering...and his dark eyes were laughing at her...almost daring her to take another breath... a nice, deep that would strain that last little button...

* * * * *

Just as she was about to fill her lungs with air, he glanced away, for just a second-and her soft creamy swells trembled with release as the pressure was taken off that last little button. She still felt all tingly though...and for some reason her nipples were hard as rocks! Oh, they felt so good, pressing against her shirt. She almost wanted him to look at her again, wanted him to make her tumble out of that tiny little shirt and into the open...wanted him to see her.

As a blush shimmered up her cheeks, she swayed a little, side to side, not sure of where to sit. That soft, swaying motion made her short little skirt flip and flutter, and the breeze across her bare little pussy was making her gasp in pleasure. Mmm... she felt naughty, with that cool air blowing across her moist little slit. Closing her eyes she wondered how it would feel if he touched her there, touched her in that spot that was wet and achy. The spot that only she had ever touched before.

With a gasp she realized that her fingers had been inching up the hem of her skirt...without her even realizing it. She had gotten lost in the dark, magnetic power of his eyes again... the eyes of the wolf, the boy with that big, feral grin. He looked like he wanted to eat her right up. Her eyes closed and her fingers tugged at the edge of her skirt again, taking it higher...and higher...until the hem of it brushed right against her bare little pussy, and she gasped.

Her eyes flew open, and her skirt dropped back down. Everyone was staring at her, but the only one she saw was him. As if he were commanding her, controlling her. As if he owned her. She shivered, knowing it should be a shiver of fear... but it wasn't. It was pleasure. Wicked, wild, wanton pleasure.

* * * * *

With her eyes half closed and burning with the heat building up inside of her, she turned to the teacher and asked where she was supposed to sit, since all the seats were taken. Before the teacher could even answer, the wolf did. The wolf with that smile. The smile that said 'I could eat you all up.'

"Cum back here," the wolf said, scooting back on his seat and offering his lap. She felt a shiver run through her. She liked his dark skin, those satiny blue shorts, the white edging. Mesmerized, she walked over to him, the hem of her skirt swaying with every step, offering just a quick glimpse of smooth, wet pussy from the front...and soft white cheek from the back. He watched her walk closer, and grinned.

When she got to his chair, he motioned for her to lean down. When she did, her last button popped right off, went pinging across the room. The sides of her tiny little top peeled back, relieved of the pressure, offering those soft, creamy breasts up for his pleasure. He noticed that her nipples were still rosy red and swollen in pleasure.

He made her stand like that for a minute... knowing all the other boys in the math class were getting a close-up view of her tight ass and wet little pussy. She didn't even seem to realize how on-display she was --- she couldn't look away from the wolf's eyes, those dark, compelling eyes that made her want to do such deliciously naughty things.

Finally he reached up and barely brushed a fingertip over her rosy nipple. She closed her eyes, arched her back, and shivered along the length of her body. As if from a distance she heard some boy's voice comment on how she had just sent a rush of juices flowing from her pussy down her creamy thighs, but she was under the spell of her wolf, so nothing else really sunk in.

* * * * *

Seeing how hot she was, he changed his mind, and instead of his lap, she had to sit on his desk. Facing him. So sliding her leg over his lap, she straddled him...and felt the hot, wet heat of his tongue on her soft white breast...the breasts that no one had seen before now...the breasts that were fully on display to her wolf, and to anyone else in the room. She arched her back to offer him another taste of her rosy nipple, not realizing this would push that wet little slit right up tight to his sexy chest.

The feel of his slippery shirt against her superheated pussy made her gasp and draw back. Stumbling in her high heels, she fell onto his desk, arms braced behind her, leaned back and completely exposed to his dark, hungry gaze. Her head fell back, those dark red curls spilling onto and tumbling over his desk. Her full white breasts trembled with the force of her fall, soft skin quivering with need, rosy nipples tight with excitement. The shirt was almost off her shoulders, more of a frame than a protector. Her taut stomach trembled as she gasped for air, knowing such exposure on her virgin body was naughty, but wickedly aroused that her wolf was looking at her so closely.

And her pussy. Oh, her pussy. When she fell her skirt flipped all the way up...and that red, black and white tartan plaid framed those sweet, swollen lips to perfection. Soft, wet, and pulsing gently with arousal, her tight little pussy was begging for the wolf. He blew gently against that soft, wet slit, and watched as her hips jerked...and began to rock, and undulating motion that mimicked what he wanted to do to her.

* * * * *

With a low growl, he wrapped her hips up in his big paws, and buried his face in that wet little pussy. At the first lick of his long, talented tongue, she exploded, coating his sexy dark face with her creamy girl juice. Her legs gave out, and she fell flat on her back across his desk, fully displayed to everyone in the room. He lifted her legs up over his shoulders and kept sliding his tongue across that bare, soft pussy, licking and sucking, making her mewl and moan in pleasure, her hips rocking.

Her head hung off the edge of his school desk, her soft white breasts bobbling in time with his artful ministrations. She was gasping, panting, moaning. She needed release, but didn't have experience enough to know what she needed a release from. Her wolf did, though. With every stroke of his tongue and every gush of her cream, he knew he was getting her tight little pussy ready for his big, strong cock. He grinned as he licked her, and the feel of his teeth against her sensitive flesh made her grab his head and shove him deeper into her, her screams renting the air.

Lifting his hips slightly, he slid out of his shorts...and as she trembled her way through another orgasm, he sucked hard on her clit, then slipped her down off the edge of the desk, and right onto his dark, throbbing cock. With her legs spread so wide around him and her pussy so wet, she slid all the way down in one smooth stroke, her virginity gone in an instant. She trembled once at the invasion, but her wolf had done his job well, and she was achy for his big dick to own her.

Putting her soft white hands on his dark shoulders, she lifted herself up, and slowly, softly slid back down, pleasure shining in her big blue eyes. Gasping, she lifted herself up again...and as his hands slid under her and lifted her higher, she mewled, thinking he meant to slip out of her. But he kept it right on the edge...teased her weeping pussy with that hard throbbing dick, until she was begging for it, begging him to take her, to fill her, to claim her.

Pulling his hands away, he dropped her hard onto that solid ridge of flesh, going deeper than he'd been yet...and feeling her tighten, gushing around him, flooding him with her juices. Growling deep in his throat, he wrapped his hand in her tangle of curls, and pulled her mouth to his, thinking what big eyes she had, what soft lips she had, what sweet tits she had. Pushing down on her shoulders he ground even deeper into her, wanting to ruin her for any other man, wanting to know her pussy belonged to him.

* * * * *

As she opened her lips and offered her sweet, hot mouth to his plundering tongue, he throbbed, deep inside of her. She flexed in response, unable to control herself. At his moan, she began sobbing and screaming, howling her intense pleasure at his ownership of her soft body. Her wolf let loose the animal inside, and he surged up from his chair, sending it crashing into the desk behind him.

Laying her flat against his desk, he held her ankles wide apart, spreading her completely, so that he could take her deep, hard, fast. His hips smacked against her thighs, his heavy balls slamming against her tight little ass. Her big breasts wobbled all over the place. Her hair nearly dragged the floor, her mouth open in a long, continuous wail as she coated him with her cream, each forceful thrust spewing another splash of hot, creamy juice over both their bodies, fusing them with the slick liquid. It dripped off his balls, splattered from the desk onto the floor, splashed up onto her breasts, her neck, her face.

Leaning forward, his long, strong tongue licked her clean, the feel of him tasting her most intimate juices making her splash even harder, and giving him more to clean up. He felt her nails digging into his back, and surged deep into her, abandoning his hold on her ankles for one on the desk which was about to flip over. As soon as he let go over her legs, they clamped around his waist, pulling him deeper into her. He moaned at the incredible heat of her tight little pussy on his dick.

Nearly howling with his own release, he pulled back, and in one smooth motion, flipped her over, her softly rounded hips on one side of his desk, her creamy breasts hanging off the other. Roughly he jimmied her legs apart, then put the tip of his cock at the wet, slick bud of her tight little ass.

* * * * *

Steadily he pushed into her, hearing her moan, seeing her wince...and feeling her push back against him. He growled his pleasure that this sexy little virgin had willingly become his slutty little vixen, willing to do anything for him, with him. He slipped a big, dark hand under her belly, lifting her up and into him... and sliding all the way into the hot tightness of her creamy ass.

Leaning forward, he braced his elbows on the desk, and started sliding in and out, listening as her cries of pain turned to cries of pure pleasure. She begged him to take her, to fuck her ass, screamed in pleasure while he claimed that cherry, too. Before long he was rocking in and out of her, making her scream and cream as his heavy nuts swung against her swollen clit, banged against those wet cuntlips, sending her over the edge again and again and again.

Finally, when he felt he could hold back no longer, when he was sure her pleasure had guaranteed that she was his and only his, he slipped out of her tight, hot ass and (after a quick, cleaning swipe) back into the creamy, churning depths of her sweet cunt. Sliding in deep, he ground against her, listening as her screams of pleasure shook the room. His long, dark dick bumped up against her womb, nudging it, pressuring and pleasuring it, preparing it for the load he was about to give her.

Wrapping his hand tight in those curls her snapped her head back, tilted it around to face his, and ravaged her sweet, swollen lips with his teeth, tongue and lips. His other hand was still braced under her stomach, feeling her soft tits bounce off his arm with every forceful thrust. Her cream was everywhere, an explosion with every ferocious plunge into her incredible heat. Her nipples dragged against the wet, cool desk top, that sensuous friction ensuring their continued hardness.

As she reached one hand back to hold his hips tight into her, and the other reached up to cup the hand holding her hair, as her tongue slipped and slid against his and her eyes burned into his soul, as her breathy 'wolf' slipped from her moist mouth to his and her cunt tightened up around him in one last raging torrent of cream, he exploded deep inside of her, flooding her with his own cream, marking her as his for all time.

As their movement slowed, they became aware of the spellbound class watching them. Feeling a tingle of pleasure at having so lewdly displayed themselves, they kissed... and kissed again, softly smiling.

As she slipped her shirt back over her breasts to cover what she could, she felt his thick cream dripping down her thighs... and standing there, not even touching him, just looking into his dark, dangerous eyes...she trembled and came, knowing that her wolf had given as much as he'd taken.

Grabbing her hand, he tugged up his shorts and pulled her out of the room, secretly thrilled when her shirt billowed open and she made no move to adjust it. As the sound of her heels his soft laughter filtered back down the hallway, the teacher turned to the class, and said "and that, students, is what happens when one plus one makes three."

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sissyskyrocket78sissyskyrocket78about 10 years ago
Other comments...

I hope the others who commented don't think I'm being rude, I just wanted to say that well, first off... It's a fantasy. Things like this don't really happen in real life (but if they do I was definitely at the wrong school growing up!!)...

And secondly... Of course its a bedtime story!! Its a kinky take on 'Little Red Riding Hood', a story that I've read to kids at bedtime (obviously not the kinky version)... But for those adults amongst us that still enjoy having a bedtime story read to us... This is a *great* bedtime story!

Thank you for listening!

sissyskyrocket78sissyskyrocket78about 10 years ago

I absolutely adored this story! I wish someone would take me like that... Or at the very it to me in bed with their fingers teasing me and their breath tickling my ear! Fantastic! Absolutely fantastic!!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 15 years ago

This is one of my favorite stories on Literotica. I love how descriptive it is and it gets me wet every time I read it. I kinda don't like the fact that people are watching; it just doesn't work with the rest of the story to me. Anyway good work.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 17 years ago
Needs more student participation

The whole class was watching but didn't participate? And what was the teacher doing? Well written in terms of sex but the rest of the story is crap.. Bedtime Story huh? Where's the relation to the title to the story?

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
Good Job!

Great story!! Well written and great descriptions. But i agree with anonymous. It turned me off a little bit at the fact that the whole class was watching them, im not into voyeur. But keep up the good work!!

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