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A Betazoid Wedding on DS9

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A stressed diplomat needs some R & R. Jadzia Dax can help.
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It took several seconds of heavy silence for Griffin Mackey to realize he had been shouting.

"I'm sorry," he said before forcing himself to take a deep breath. "Stressful week."

"That's understandable," Commander Sisko said quietly yet deeply. "But let's make sure that never happens again."

"Still, that's an impressive command of Bajoran curses for someone new to the station," offered Commander Dax.

The tension cut, they each allowed themselves a moment of levity before continuing.

"I'm confident I can find a way to situate the Ferengi delegation far enough from the Dopterians so that extracurricular activities are kept to the minimum. Maybe if we move the Orions over to-"

"Mr. Mackey," the calm commanding officer interrupted. "I don't think we're going to solve the underlying nature of multiple species with room accommodations. We can play out every possible scenario 26 hours a day, but no matter what, what I've learned is-"

"A Ferengi's gonna Ferengi," said Dax, her sly smile and effervescent blue eyes the perfect tonic of playfulness and deviousness.

"Why don't we cut this meeting short and take a day away from the plans tomorrow." Sisko held up a hand as Mackey began to interject. "Your preparation is commendable, but I think we could all use a day away from this. I'll communicate what we have here to make sure the Starfleet and Bajoran Militia side of things are handled. You get some R and R and then we can come at things fresh in a couple of days."

It wasn't quite a question, and as Mackey role in the Federation Diplomatic Corps kept him out of the Yes-sir nature of Starfleet's chain of command, it wasn't quite an order, either. Instinctively, though, Mackey knew his protests would fall on deaf ears.

"I guess a day off would be nice," Mackey said after this moment of consideration. "Are there any holosuite programs you recommend?"

"Before Benjamin suggests a three-and-a-half-hour simulation of the 1927 Yankees against the 2030 Knights, might I offer the chance to get out and socialize with, y'know, real people," Dax said.

"I'll admit that sounds nice."

"Great! Meet me outside the conference hall at 2200."

"What type of dress do you recommend?"

Dax's slight smile spread wider. "It's a formal event, but let's just say that dress doesn't really matter."

* * * * *

Griffin Mackey wore fresh slacks and a light blue tunic that flatteringly fit his physique as he stood outside the sliding conference hall entrance. Though Dax had suggested he go inside to wait for her, he preferred the solitude of waiting to the potential of forced small talk with strangers. Diplomatic skills aside, he was off-the-clock and wanted to save his small talk abilities for when his profession required them.

"Griffin!" Dax yelled from down the corridor. "Are you waiting for me? What a gentleman."

As she approached, Griffin couldn't help but notice her lithe figure under a simple, casual jumpsuit. The truth was, the diplomat was immediately attracted to Dax upon their first meeting. While she was immensely attractive in her Starfleet uniform, he found himself swallowing hard upon the soft jiggle of her breasts under her off-work attire.

"You've been so coy with what we're attending, I figured you'd want to see my face when the surprise is revealed."

"Right you are," she said coyly, wrapping her left arm around his right. She pressed her body tightly against his for a brief moment to speak softly into his ear. "Now, how about we get to the unveiling?"

They turned and faced the sliding doors of the conference hall, which soon spread open and granted access to a tapestry of bright colors, welcoming scents, and a significant gathering of individuals. Together, Dax and Mackey stepped through the threshold and Mackey immediately realized the surprise: everyone was naked.

"Nothing like a Betazoid wedding for a nice reset," Dax said.

Mackey smiled and turned to Dax, "And I thought that my short sleeves were going to be too casual."

Dax laughed and Mackey immediately relaxed. They approached the host, a naked Bajoran woman with a short haircut and ample bosom. On both the left and right sides of the trio stood a series of small, square rooms that Mackey noticed people entering clothed and exiting nude.

"Leeta!" Dax squealed. "I didn't know you were hosting."

"Dax! I didn't know you were attending."

"Roxany is a friend of a friend, but I guess we're close enough for me to garner a plus-one."

"Yes," Leeta said as she turned to Mackey. He noticed her give a quick glance up and down. "What a nice plus-one he is. Let me see what room is available for you to undress and start the festivities."

Leeta looked down at her PADD, scrolling through it until she an unreserved room. She had them press their thumbs on the sensor at the bottom of the PADD, then pointed to the room further down the hall.

Dax kept her arm wrapped around Mackey's as they walked towards the undressing space. Mackey, ever the diplomat, kept his eyes up and focused on the destination. Any time he matched someone's glance, he never wavered from keeping his eye line professional.

He knew he had a decorum he must keep. He also knew that as someone going through a dry spell as work duties kept him in a state of self-preservation, he had to be careful to not become overexcited. As far as he knew, very few of the Federation's Senior Ambassadors, a position he hoped to achieve, sported erections at public functions.

They approached the room Leeta directed them to and placed their thumbs on the dual sensors on either side of the door. As the doors whooshed open, Mackey noticed the room's functional Federation style meant it was built after Starfleet began to command the station. There were several open closets on the wall facing the entrance door. A worn though comfortable-looking couch sat along the left wall. The right wall contained a small cubby of a sonic shower.

"Shall we?" Dax said and motioned to the lockers.

"I have to say, I don't usually get naked on a first date." Mackey walked to the lockers and examined the array of lotions, sprays, and perfumes that littered the top shelf.

"Who said this was a date?"

Mackey turned to Dax and saw that she had already unzipped the front of her jumpsuit. He caught the swell of her cleavage held by a black and surprisingly lacy bra. Her stomach was taut.

He felt a slight swelling in his crotch and immediately knew this could be trouble. After realizing he was not maintaining sufficient eye contact, he raised his gaze and found her smiling.

"I wondered if your neck allowed your head to swivel. You were so fixed on staring straight ahead out there I was afraid all this nudity made you uncomfortable." Dax said, as she pulled down the jumpsuit and revealed her black underwear. After stepping out of her clothes, she nodded at him and smiled. "You're falling behind."

Mackey swallowed deeply then pulled off his tunic. He was proud of his broad, chest and wide shoulders and took care to maintain them as well he could. As he began to unbutton his pants, his nerves caught up to him and he felt his cock swell further.

"Uhh," he stammered, an odd occurrence that knocked his confidence. "I guess I'm not sure how to put this."

"It's okay if you're aroused," Dax said, grinning. "Trust me when I say that's not unusual at a Betazoid wedding."

"I'm afraid that it may be unbecoming of a member of a diplomatic corps," he offered with forced casualness.

"Well, let's see what happens when you're naked. You could end up very," Dax looked directly at his crotch, causing his penis to grow further. Then she looked up and emphasized the last word of her sentence. "Be-coming."

Taking another deep breath, Mackey put his diplomatic skills to use and forced himself to adjust to the situation. He unzipped his fly and shoved his pants and briefs to the floor. When he stood back up, his hard cock bounced up. It was as straight and hard as a rod. While embarrassed by its state, Mackey stood proud of its size.

"Wow," Dax said as she stared at his erection. "I didn't know you brought your own plus-one."

"It looks like I've pulled into the lead," he said. He put his hands on his hips and gave a little wiggle, causing his cock to bounce back and forth.

Dax laughed. "My how quickly you've grown comfortable," she said as she reached behind her back and unsnap her bra. She shrugged the straps off her shoulder, revealing her perfect-sized breasts. She ran her hands flirtily down her sides as she snuck her thumbs into the sides of her underwear. She pulled them down and revealed her fully nude self.

Mackey was stunned. Her Trill dots ran the entire length of the body, from her forehead, down past her shoulders and taut stomach, eventually reaching her ankles. Her crotch carried a small patch of trimmed fur. As Dax did a playful wiggle of her own, everything jiggled perfectly.

"So," she said as she gestured at his hard-on. "What should we do about that?"

"I thought you said a little arousal was okay."

"I admire your humility, but that's more than a little arousal." She took a step forward then crouched down as she appeared to closely examine Mackey's cock. "I mean, look at this thing." Remaining crouched, she looked back up at Mackey. "Does it get its own diplomatic immunity?"

Mackey laughed, then gasped slightly as Dax began to run her fingers along his length. "That feels good."

"Good," Dax said. She then wrapped her entire hand around his cock and lifted the tip up. Her other hand curled around his balls. "And look at these balls. These are way too full."

She started stroking him slowly. Mackey watched as her first went all the way up to his head, brushing the corona of his penis and causing shivers to run down his spine. She then slid her hand all the way down to his hilt. Through all this, she firmly yet carefully massaged his balls.

Dax's boobs bounced to the rhythm of each stroke. She stared at his cock, seemingly mystified by it.

"I hate to say it," Dax eventually said. "But I don't think we're gonna make the reception."

Before Mackey could respond, Dax stuck out her tongue and drew it the entire length of his erection and back to the head. She licked the ridges of his cock, then engulfed his head. Through this she, picked up the speed of her stroking and firmness of her ball massage.

Being that it had been a while since anyone had done this to him, Mackey knew he wasn't going to last. "I'm going to... I'm going to..."

"Cum for me," Dax said after popping her mouth off his penis. Her stroking reached a peak pace. "Cum all over my tits."

Again finding himself following a chain-of-command he didn't belong to, Mackie exploded. He felt gushes of cum shoot out of his cock and he watch it splatter Dax's perfect breasts. She kept stroking, aiming to get every last drop out of him.

"Oh my god," Mackey said. His cock, though deflated, still hung pendulously low "That was incredible."

Dax got up and grabbed a towel out of one of the closets. She began wiping the significant amount of cum off her boobs. "I hope that, as a diplomat, you know that we'll need to reach a more equitable detente."

Staring into her eyes felt like staring into a vortex of ice and heat to Mackey. Immediately he felt his cock begin to swell again. He saw Dax's eyes dart down.

"Well, that's a good sign," said Dax. "Join me in the sonic shower."

She grabbed his hand and turned, pulling towards the small space. This was his first chance of staring at her ass and, of course, it was perfect. Plump yet tight. There was no excess weight to it, yet it was in no way small. Within the few steps it took to reach the sonic shower, Mackie was fully hard again.

Dax pressed a control panel on the shower's wall and it leapt to life. Immediately the space felt warm, spreading a tingling across Mackie's skin that turned his senses on fire. When Dax turned around to face him, he pressed against her, pressing her against the shower's wall.

They kissed openly, their tongues exploring each other as their hands went on a similar mission. His erection pressed up against her stomach, and he felt her boobs smashed against him. Realizing he needed a breath, he pulled back and breathed out "You're so incredibly sexy."

"Thanks," she said, as she began to softly kiss his neck. "You have to have the hardest cock I've ever felt."

Mackey nibbled on her earlobe and he felt Dax shudder.

"Oh my," she said. "I need you to touch me."

Mackey's right hand, which had transitioned to cupping her tits, dropped to her crotch. He moved two fingers along her slit and felt her wetness. His fingers danced along her mound teasingly. Then he plunged his fingers deep insider her, and felt her breathe in a deep breath.

"Oh fuck," she said. "Oh fuck."

His fingers curled inside of her and he slowly dragged them in and out of her. His thumb pressed down, finding a large clitoral hood and an engorged clit underneath it. He pushed his fingers as deep as they could go and made a beckoning motion with them, rubbing against her interior wall. While doing this he, firmly circled her clit with his thumb taking care to not adjust his rhythm once he found her moaning perfectly matched his touch.

Dax moaned into her deep kiss with Mackie. Creating just a smidge of space between them, one of her hands dropped down to his balls, where she playfully tugged on them.

"You're gonna make me cum," she whispered into his ear.

"I want to fuck you so hard," Mackie whispered back.

"Then do it, mister."

Mackie's hands moved to Dax's ass, grabbing a handful of each cheek and causing her to moan again. He lifted her and she wrapped her legs his posterior. Her hand that had been playing with his balls moved to his cock to better position it for entry.

He slid in easily, her wetness lubricated his path. He pushed in until he felt her against the base of his cock. She gasped again.

"You're so fucking big."

Mackie slowly withdrew his cock, letting the ridge of his head brush against the walls of her vagina. Then he slowly pushed it back in. He moved slowly yet effectively, making sure that they both felt every inch of him inside of her.

Soon her hips began to buck in rhythm with his. They picked up pace and he felt his balls bouncing.

"Oh shit," she said.

The pace increased again until she let out a loud, deep moan.

"Hold on," she said. "Hold on."

He stopped with him still fully inside of her and noticed the sheen of sweat on her forehead that matted her hair down.

"Fuck me from behind," she said.

Mackey withdrew himself slowly and let her down. After she turned around, he crouched slightly to better align himself. She reached down and guided him back inside her.

"Play with my tits," she said.

"Okay," was all he was able to say. His hands reached up and grabbed each boob. He switched between a deep massage and tweaking her nipples.

"Just like that," she said as he found the ideal pattern.

He continued to pump in and out of her with long strokes. He felt one of her hands reach back and grab his ass cheek.

Between the rhythm of their pace, her firm boobs, and the feeling of his balls bouncing off her with each thrust, he began to feel himself boiling over.

"I'm going to cum," Mackey said between thrusts.

"Me too," said Dax. "Oh shit. Me too."

It became too much for either to take. At the end of another deep thrust, he felt himself explode in side of her. Simultaneously, he felt her body shudder thoroughly.

He slid out of her, and they collapsed together, side-by-side. Dax blindly reached up and slapped at the control panel, turning off the sonic shower.

They breathed in unison as they surveyed their naked, sweat-covered bodies.

"That was incredible," said Dax eventually. She looked down at Mackie's softened yet sizeable cock, petting it softly. "Good boy."

Mackey let out a short burst of a laugh. "That was perfect. I think I'm officially R-and-R'ed."

"You still have another day off, you know. What are you going to do with it?"

"Any chance there's another Betazoid wedding tomorrow?"

"No," Dax said as she craned her neck to eye the chronometer on the far wall. "The good news, though, is this one's not even close to being over."

Both of them smiling, they turned to each other. Deeply, passionately, they kissed each other again.

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