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A Box of Tricks


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"Look where you're going!" Becky snapped at the pair, before turning to stomp off towards the communal showers with a rolled-up towel and a bag of toiletries stowed under her arm.

"Bitch..." Alesha muttered under her breath, watching Becky go with a contemptuous sneer.

Becky and Alesha had actually been really close in their first year, right up until the moment Becky ruined everything by sleeping with a guy that Alesha had been dating. When Alesha found out about the betrayal she'd been heartbroken, and the former friends had quickly become archenemies as Becky inexplicably refused to acknowledge any wrongdoing. Even though two years had passed since then the two still hadn't made up, and every time they bumped into each other in the corridors they were barely able to contain their contempt for each other.

"Hey, come on, leave it," Zoe urged as she pulled her seething friend back towards their room. She knew all about Alesha's feud with Becky of course, and she knew that there was no point in letting the two squabble.

Alesha allowed herself to be led away, taking another sizeable swig from her bottle to soothe herself as she stomped down the hall, before a wide grin suddenly appeared on her face. "Hey, you know what Zoe?" she smiled as the fresh influx of wine provided her with a startling moment of clarity. "I just had a very good idea..."

Two minutes later Alesha confidently strode back up the corridor and barged into the girl's bathroom, and then, after checking that it was just her and Becky in there, loudly made her presence known. "Hey Becks!"

"What?" From behind the shower curtain Becky's confused face appeared, and she rubbed her eyes and blinked away the streaks of shampoo that were dripping down from her hair. When Becky saw that it was Alesha standing in front of her she immediately broke out into another ugly sneer. "What do you want?" she demanded.

"Well your clothes, mostly," Alesha grinned as she pulled Becky's towel from where it hung over the shower curtain rail, then began to scoop up her neatly folded outfit from the changing room bench.

"Hey, what the fuck are you doing? I'm going to call security on you!" Becky yelled. She briefly considered bursting out from the cubicle to grab her stuff back, but ultimately her modesty prevailed and she instead settled on shouting at Alesha from behind the privacy of the shower curtain. "Give me my clothes back, right now, or you'll be in so much trouble!"

"Oh Becky, I doubt that very much," Alesha chuckled as she quickly walked around the bathroom to check that there weren't any spare towels or other forms of cover lying around for her flatmate to use. Satisfied that there weren't she walked back over to her cowering victim and smirked at her. "Now this is for cheating on my boyfriend, you back-stabbing snake!"

Becky was left speechless as Alesha flipped her off, spun around on her heels, and then walked straight out of the bathroom, taking her flatmate's towel and outfit with her. As Alesha stepped out into the corridor she bumped into Luke, another one of their flatmates, and he looked down at her armful of clothes suspiciously.

"Are those yours?" he asked as they walked back down the corridor together.

"Nope, they're Becky's," Alesha replied cheerfully, "I just stole them from the bathroom while she was in the shower."

"Umm ok... should I ask why?" Luke frowned, unsure as to whether or not his flatmate was pulling his leg.

"Don't worry, you'll see in a second," Alesha laughed as she carried on down the hall towards her room, eager to enact stage two of her plan.

On the wall by the side of her door there was a fire alarm, and without a moment's hesitation Alesha reached out and slammed her fist into the glass to set it off. A piercing siren immediately filled the corridor, and as Luke called out to ask what the hell she thought she was doing Alesha quickly barged into her room to use the Forgotten Cage.

"I need the box, quick!" she called out to Zoe.

"What?" Her roommate was standing by the window with her hands clamped over her ears, grimacing at the fire alarm's high-pitched blare.

"The box!" Alesha shouted as she chucked Becky's clothes down onto the floor.

Zoe got the message and reached over to retrieve the Forgotten Cage from its place on her shelf, then she tossed it over to Alesha who immediately pressed down on the Jewel.

"Ok great," Alesha said, excited to see if her plan would work. "Now I guess we should evacuate! Come on, let's go."

"I assume you set this alarm off?" Zoe shouted as the two girls hurried back out of their room and headed for the emergency exit which lay at the far end of the corridor.

"Yep," Alesha nodded, watching on as the rest of their flatmates filed out into the hall. They were all groaning and complaining about the racket the alarming was making, which they incorrectly assumed was just part of one of the regularly scheduled fire drills.

"But why?" Zoe demanded.

Halfway along the hall Alesha noticed the door to the shower room slowly creeping open. "That's why!" she replied triumphantly, pointing along the corridor.

Up ahead Becky's face had reappeared, poking out of the doorway this time, as she did her best to keep her body hidden whilst hopelessly looking up and down the corridor, searching for someone to help her. Her hair was still dripping wet and covered in soap suds, and she looked a sorry sight as she forlornly turned to Alesha and Zoe for help.

"Umm, guys?" Becky clearly didn't want to appeal to Alesha of all people for assistance, but even she realised that in her current predicament she really couldn't afford to be picky.

"Becky?" Alesha stopped at the door and smugly folded her arms. She could see that the box had worked as Jinn had promised, and Becky clearly had no idea that it had been Alesha who had left her stranded without anything to wear. "What are you doing in there? We need to evacuate!" she teased.

"I... I don't have clothes on, or even a towel to cover up with!" Becky fired back, flinching as the siren above her continued to wail.

"What? You mean that you're completely naked?" Alesha asked, intentionally raising her voice above the wail of the alarm in order to attract the attention of the rest of their flatmates who were walking up behind them.

"Please, keep your voice down!" Becky hissed, self-consciously pulling the door back to better shield her body. "Someone must have come in and stolen all my stuff while I was in the shower!"

Alesha was about to reply with something suitably sarcastic but at that moment the trio were interrupted.

"Hey, what's going on?" Luke, Jermain, and five other members of the flat had caught up to Zoe and Alesha, and they quickly formed a small semi-circle around Becky as they studied her wet hair and flushed cheeks with interest.

"Becky's trapped naked in the bathroom," Alesha replied wryly, immediately drawing a few wolf-whistles and chuckles from the boys. "Someone stole her clothes and so now she can't come out..."

"Please, can someone just get me something to wear, and quickly?" Becky looked desperately around at the rest of her flatmates but unfortunately for her she wasn't a very popular figure in the apartment, even if no one hated her quite as much as Alesha. She was also very attractive, and so the boys at least weren't exactly falling over each other to find her some clothes to put on.

"Just get something from your room Becky," they all teased, daring her to walk out into the corridor in her birthday suit.

"Seriously guys, this isn't funny!" Becky begged, but her increasingly frantic pleas fell on deaf ears.

At that moment a campus security officer appeared at the fire exit, and when he Alesha, Zoe, and their group of flatmates milling around in the middle of the corridor he almost exploded with rage.

"Hey! What the hell do you all think you're doing?" he yelled, aggressively beckoning them towards him. "The fire alarm has sounded, so get out of there now! Move!"

"Sorry Becky but the building's on fire, we're going to have to leave you here," Alesha smirked, winking at Becky as she led the rest of the flat along the corridor towards the fuming security officer.

Becky tentatively leant out further from the safety of the doorway as she watched everyone walking away from her, and the security officer noticed her for the first time. "Oi, you in the bathroom, what are you playing at?" He made eye contact with Becky and glared at her in pure disgust. "This is not a drill! Get your arse down here, this instant!"

For all poor old Becky knew the fire alarm was legit, and so finally even she had to concede that burning to death would be worse than leaving her hiding spot behind the bathroom door. So she reluctantly covered her boobs with one arm, thrust the other between her legs, then burst out from the doorway and sprinted out into the corridor.

Alesha and Zoe turned to watch their naked flatmate streak her way down the corridor, stepping back out of the splash zone as Becky's wild, panicked movements sent droplets of water flying off her skin. The soap suds also slid down over her butt and legs as she ran, leaving a trail of bubbles on the carpeted floor in her wake.

Becky squealed as she passed by them. "Stop looking at me!" She cried, cringing as she imagined the unrestricted view of her bare, glistening butt that she was presenting to her flatmates as she tore along the hallway. As Becky reached the security officer she came to a stop and just stood there, awkwardly hugging herself tight as she looked up into the large man's eyes.

"Please, I can't go out there like this! Can I borrow your coat?" she said, hunching over as she tried to make her naked body as small as possible.

The security officer had clearly been expecting Becky to emerge from the bathroom wrapped up in a towel or bathrobe, and he certainly hadn't anticipated her running out completely naked. He seemed totally taken aback by the young student's nudity for a second, then he regained his composure and nodded sheepishly. "Err yeah. Here, cover yourself up." He shrugged off his coat and passed it over, and Becky tried her best not to flash her boobs as she fed her arms into the sleeves, then gratefully pulled the jacket closed around her.

"Ok, now everyone down the stairs, and quickly!" The security officer began to shout again as he led Becky, followed by Alesha, Zoe, and the rest of the flat, out into the car park where the students from the other accommodation blocks were waiting. "And if I ever see you lot failing to evacuate immediately again then you'll all be fined," he grumbled before disappearing off into the crowd.

As everyone waited for the fire brigade to turn up and inspect the building Zoe pulled Alesha to one side and nodded over at Becky, who was standing away from the rest of the group and looking very, very sorry for herself as her wet body continued to drip down onto the pavement.

"That was quite the trick you managed to pull there, so tell me - how does revenge taste?" Zoe asked, grinning at the devilish ingenuity of Alesha's clever plan.

Her roommate chuckled, stretched her arms out above her head, and then sighed contentedly. "I can't lie Zoe, it tastes pretty sweet! I've waited two whole years to get my own back on Becky, but it was definitely worth the wait."

Eventually the all-clear was given, everyone was allowed back inside, and the girls returned to their room to polish off the rest of their wine and laugh themselves silly as they relived Becky's humiliating ordeal. As she drank straight from her bottle Alesha held the Forgotten Cage up to the light and admired the Jewel's shine.

"I'm so glad you found this box Zoe," she murmured. "We're going to have so, so much fun with it..."

"Me too my friend," Zoe replied, reaching across the bed to clink her bottle of wine against Alesha's in a toast to their new toy. "To the box!"

"To the box!" Alesha cheered. "And to tricking idiots out of their clothes!"


The next day the girls spent the morning getting coffee with a few friends, then afterwards they went to the supermarket, used the box to shoplift a few bags full of food and alcohol, and headed to the sports fields for an afternoon picnic. They found an elevated sunny patch of grass, which overlooked a game between the university's cricket team and one of their local rivals, sat down, and laid out their stolen goods.

"Man, everything tastes so much better when its free," Zoe commented as she hungrily tore open a bag of crisps.

"You can say that again," Alesha agreed, reaching for an olive. "Just think, now that we've got the box we'll never have to pay for groceries ever again. Or clothes... or jewellery... or anything really."

"True," Zoe smiled, turning to watch the match that was being played out below.

Cricket is a slow and boring sport at the best of times, but some of the guys playing were cute enough to provide the girls with a bit of eye-candy, and Zoe and Alesha enjoyed watching them run around in their tight white trousers as they ate their lunch and basked in the beautiful weather.

"It is mad, isn't it, how we can just do anything we want now... and get away with it, no matter what," Alesha mused as she eyed up the latest batsman to step out on to the field.

"It's insane," Zoe agreed, popping a cherry tomato into her mouth as an idea occurred to her. "Hey, you know what we should do? Start giving each other crazy dares!"

"Oh yeah?" Alesha said, pulling out the box from Zoe's bag and placing it on the picnic blanket they'd spread across the grass. "What kind of dares do you have in mind?"

Before she could even elaborate on her first idea Zoe was struck by a second one. "How about though," she added, quickly building on the concept, "before we start we both agree that, no matter what the other person dares you to do, you have to say yes."

"That's a very dangerous deal to make!" Alesha laughed nervously, knowing full well just how competitive the two girls could become when they were trying to outdo each other.

"But we have the box," Zoe countered, confidently sticking out her hand, "so what's the worst that can happen? If anything goes wrong then we'll just wipe everyone's memories, no harm no foul. Deal?"

Alesha had to admit that the idea did sound fun, and so, safe in the knowledge that the Forgotten Cage gave the girls a permanent get out of jail free card, she agreed to play along. "Ok... alright, fine. Deal!" Alesha shook Zoe's outstretched hand and just like that the roommates' fates were sealed.

"Great," Zoe grinned as she immediately gestured down the hill towards the group of boys on the cricket field. "Then for your first dare I want you to go and hug the bowler - topless."

Alesha had gone in for another olive, and upon hearing the details of Zoe's outrageous challenge she did well to avoid choking on it. "Oh my God! You're starting straight off with that?" she spluttered indignantly, but Zoe just laughed.

"Yeah, why not? The first thing I did when I used the box was to flash my tits, and now its your turn!" she giggled.

"But Zoe, I'm wearing a sundress!" Alesha complained, even though she knew her friend wouldn't think twice about making her run around in only her panties.

"Well then you better start taking it off..." Zoe replied flippantly. "Now come on, we haven't got all day. Chop-chop."

Although Alesha had witnessed the magical effects of the Forgotten Cage on their flatmates she'd never had to rely on its powers herself, so for her this challenge was quite the leap of faith. She nervously glanced down at the cricketers as she tried to decide how brave she was feeling, then turned back to stare earnestly at Zoe.

"Do you promise that the box will work?" she asked.

"I promise," Zoe nodded reassuringly, "now get that dress off!"

"OK, fine..." Alesha muttered, reluctantly getting up to her feet. Although the idea of undressing in public was mildly terrifying Alesha had to confess that the idea was also exciting her far more than she'd have anticipated. "Shall I leave it here?" she asked as she hesitantly began to strip.

"Yep," Zoe instructed, "I want you to be topless for the whole run, there and back."

"I am so getting you back for this," Alesha said, nervously unzipping the back of her sundress until it was hanging loosely off her shoulders. "Ok, here I go!"

Zoe collapsed into a ball of laughter as she watched her friend wriggle out of her dress and let it fall down to the floor. Due to the heat Alesha had decided to forgo a bra so in an instant she was left standing there wearing just her trainers and panties, and without wasting a second more she gathered her boobs up in her arms, stepped out of her discarded outfit, and sprinted off down the hill.

Almost immediately one of the cricketers on the far side of the field noticed Alesha's pale body darting across the grass, and when he called out to his teammates all of the boys stopped playing and turned around to watch the semi-naked student streaking towards them.

"Oh God, sorry guys!" Alesha winced as she jumped over the boundary and ran past the first couple of fielders, before heading straight towards the bemused bowler who was standing by the stumps. As she reached his side she let go of her boobs and flung her arms around him, and after a moment she felt his hands cupping around her butt as he cheekily squeezed her back.

"You alright love?" he chuckled, grinning around at the rest of his teammates as they watched him and Alesha share an unusual hug.

"Yeah sorry, this was for a dare," Alesha explained as she broke away, smiling apologetically as she clamped her hands back over her tits. "Ok, bye!"

With her challenge completed Alesha turned tail and fled back the way she'd come, and the bowler admired her panty-covered butt as it swayed back and forth as she ran. With both teams watching her from below Alesha stumbled her way back up the hill and returned to Zoe's side, and her friend helpfully chucked her dress towards her as she got within throwing distance.

"There you go," Zoe laughed as she watched her friend gratefully reach for her clothing, "you can get dressed again now."

"Fucking hell, that was insane! And that hill is so steep!" Alesha panted breathlessly, keeping her back to the cricketers as she gratefully tugged her sundress back on. As soon as her boobs were covered up again she turned to Zoe and gestured for the Forgotten Cage. "Hey, give me the box!"

Zoe passed it across and Alesha slammed her hand down on the Jewel, then turned to peer down at the cricketers as she searched for any signs that the box hadn't worked. Fortunately for her it had, and after a pause the boys on the field all turned to frown at each other as they tried to remember why they were all staring up at the two girls on the hill. The umpire was just as lost as the rest of them, so after a moment he called for play to resume and the peculiar moment was quickly forgotten.

"Wow, what a rush," Alesha gasped as she slumped down to sit beside Zoe, her chest still heaving from both the running and the excitement. "I thought my heart was going to explode, that was so intense!"

"Scary but exhilarating too, right?" Zoe replied, pleased that her friend seemed to have enjoyed flashing the boys just as much as she'd enjoyed exposing herself to Mr Holgate.

"Yeah I guess," Alesha smiled, lying back on the picnic blanket as she stared up at the sky. "It was definitely fun... and a bit of a turn-on too, now that you mention it! Did you get a buzz when you showed your dad's friend your boobs?"

"Oh yeah," Zoe chuckled, "I was thinking about it for the rest of the night, couldn't stop smiling to myself."

Alesha puffed out her cheeks and nodded. "I can imagine... but anyway, enough about that - now it's your turn to do a dare!"


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