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A Day with my Doggy

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A day with my two-legged Doggy.
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They say a Dog is a man's best friend. I suppose they meant it to be gender-neutral, but regardless, Doggies are great for us women as well.

I have always wanted a Dog. Ever since I was old enough to start dating, I have wanted a Doggy. A Doggy that would cater to my ever need. Oh! I guess you are wondering about breeds. My only condition is that the Doggy is male and has only two legs.

I seriously don't understand why any woman would want the four-legged ones. You had to feed them, fuss over them, take them for walks 3 or 4 times a day, and worst of all, clean them. Now, look at my current Doggy. I did not waste one moment in training him and yet, it caters to my every need. I don't even remember the last time I used his name. I have been calling him Doggy for 3 months now. It opens and closes doors for me, fetches and lights cigarettes, massages my legs, licks my shoes clean, licks my ass clean and most importantly, fully toilet-trained. And, of course, Doggies don't wear clothes. Not for 1 second. Doggies are naked and mine is no exception. He has to be naked all the time.

Doggy wakes up in his kennel at 6 AM sharp. Yes, he sleeps in a kennel with a bowl of water to keep him company. He has to be up by that time. His leash has a time-lock.

It unlocks at 6 AM and then re-locks at 6:01 AM. If he is not out of his leash by that time, he is secured to it again. And then, he has no release. I love those days when he doesn't wake up and gets locked. He knows he will get punished and the fear and anticipation in his eyes as I majestically walk towards him with my leather belt is a huge aphrodisiac for me.

Oh yeah! When he gets belted, his squeals just make me wet. OF course, he gets beaten up at least 2 or 3 times a day but when he inconveniences me by making me walk all the way from my bedroom to his kennel early in the morning, the belt goes against his balls. Of course, I don't put him out of his misery that easily. I take my time. I tell him to stand up and put his hands behind his head. Doggy is already starting with the tears. The early morning, the fear, the anticipation all causes him to get fully erect and his gigantic cock stands tall. While he is waiting, I check my messages. I twitch my hands and Doggy shudders. I then caress his balls with the belt and Doggy cries in horror of the pain while I smile contemptuously. Sometimes, he throws caution to the winds and starts apologising despite knowing that only increases his punishment. And then, Thwack! Thwack! Thwack! I don't hold back one bit and he is down after just two or three hits. He clutches my feet and begs for mercy.

If Doggy wakes up properly, he brings my coffee to bed. There is a flask and a kettle and Doggy waits for me on all fours. I don't mind what he does for the whole time but I have warned him repeatedly that when I open my eyes, his tongue should be out and he should be on position. I gladly take my Coffee, beckon him closer and slap him. I am far stronger than him and a single slap from me makes him dizzy. But, of course, Doggy needs to snap out of it by the time I am done with Coffee. Or Else!

Doggy then kneel-walks behind me while I go to the bathroom. This is one of the few times in the day that Doggy is really happy. I sleep naked. I learned very early on that Doggy loves asses. He loves staring at my ass. My Pussy, surprisingly turns him on far less. Anyway, works for both of us. Since he is walking in a kneeling position, the ass is quite at his eye-level. Doggy waits patiently on all fours while I brush my teeth and do my business. It also gives us time to go over anything important. We have a startup. He is the CTO and CFO - basically the brains behind it - and I am the CEO. Doggy is very smart and can build anything. However, ask him to explain our product and sell it to prospective customers and just watch as the terror - and tears - fill his eyes. If he were a real Doggy, he would pee himself hard. Doggy's stage fright is that bad. That is where I come in. Doggy builds the product and I sell them and we are a fantastic team.

With the pandemic, our company was one of the first to go fully remote. Doggy was once again the one who scaled the required infrastructure and in fact, many other companies - even the big titans - started using his model. It turned out that that was a shot on his own foot. With the office out, Doggy has now been naked continuously for 2 months. We wanted to see how long we could ride this out so I started taking more and more meetings leaving him with no necessary human interaction. Doggy hates it! Boy! I wish he could crib. His balls would be in pain for a week. We had two more sales meetings today and I was already warning Doggy that it was his responsibility to ensure the product was flawless. Doggy, in turn, would give the same warnings to the Engineering Manager.

Then, I start my workout. I have a religious workout planned. Doggy takes a smaller set of exercises but I go first. That gives Doggy some time to complete some other chores.

Once the morning activities are done, Doggy and I shower together. I then put on an elegant business suit while Doggy stays naked. I do not lift a finger around the house. The house was massive. But, no servants. That was Doggy's job. Yeah! Work 10-12 hours everyday on the company and then start working on the house chores. The house needs to be spotless. Doggy sometimes begs me to have some help. At least for cleaning the house. Earlier, it would lead to a belting session. Now, I just look him in the eye and say sure but you are not wearing clothes. Doggy cries but caves. And, of course, that leads to a 2-hour shoe-licking or ass-licking session before I allow him to go to sleep. I do sometimes feel bad when I see Doggy in pain while cleaning the huge house. But, I am careful not to show it.

I still do the cooking. Doggy is good at it. But, I love cooking. I love the feel when the ingredients come together to create the perfect smell, the consistency and then I relish them. Doggy loves my cooking too and has to thank me by licking my feet until I allow him to eat. Doesn't matter how hungry Doggy is. Sometimes, I finish my food and order Doggy to clear the plates. Doggy has to resume his shoe-licking immediately. Not a peep until I myself tell him that he can go have food. I can hear his stomach and I can see from the reduced intensity of licking that he is fatigued. But, Doggy is admirable in that he never once slips up in this area. He has infinite patience and waits until I give him my permission. Once I do, he thanks me by kissing my feet and fetches his food. I am aware of some women who would keep him hungry and force him to skip meals. However, that is just plain stupidity in my opinion. A well-fed Doggy serves you far better.

However, sometimes, I have fun with it as well. I prepare the meal in two containers. One for me and one for Doggy. The one for Doggy, I make it as bland as possible. No salt. No spice. Just plain cooking and then, deliberately overcook or undercook. These days is when I also simultaneously make him wait the longest with the result that Doggy hates every bite. But, of course, Doggy cannot take it's time in finishing. Or else! There was one time when I took things too far. As a surprise, I bought some Dog biscuits. When I poured them into the plate, there was silence. Something felt eerie about it and when I turned, Doggy was looking at me. The eyes shocked and scared me for the first time in our married life. Doggy did not say a word. Just went into the room and started getting dressed. I knew I had crossed a line. I bounded over and hugged him. Doggy ignored and was ready to move out for food. I cried and apologised over and over again and Doggy finally forgave me. As a punishment for me, I allowed Doggy to stay clothed for the next two days while doing all his chores. While I still did not lift a finger, it was agonising not being able to slap, kick or spank Doggy.

Other times, I cook wearing an apron. Just, an apron. Doggy loves watching me in that. I allow him to watch for a couple minutes before snapping my fingers. Doggy knows what to do and uses his tongue up my ass. I have the spatula with me all the time. Doggy will be licking my left cheek. I splat on his head and he knows he needs to switch. He moves to the other ass cheek. I let him lick for some more time and then another splat! Doggy puts his tongue up the crack. Of course, I keep moving around and it is up to Doggy to keep the balance. Failing which I have the paddles ready. The paddles go right on his balls and Doggy crumbles up in pain. Doing this before eating is especially satisfying. He has to eat with the taste of my ass in his tongue and no matter how good the meal is, the ass taste is mixed and Doggy knows it. Then, I get to watch and hear him wince and moan in pain while doing the dishes. Initially, I could see that Doggy still liked such times since he could watch my ass move and bob around. Unacceptable! So, I had Doggy stitch an additional pair of threads into the lower area of the apron. When those get tied, the thread lies horizontally at my ass. Doggy hates it and I just smile at him evilly. Of course, that still means 98% of the ass is visible but it is just not the same and Doggy hates itself for giving himself away.

Once the breakfast is done, we start working. I have my own room and Doggy has it's own. And, I am of course not talking about the Kennel. Don't think that idea did not occur. However, work is work and Doggy is allowed to do his work with minimal interruption. I happily make that sacrifice where, no matter what happens, I don't call him more than 4 times for spanking. Customer interaction is never easy and sometimes, when the idiot customer curses me without understanding what I am doing, I take that frustration out on Doggy. Spanking, kicking or simply pinning him with my boot leg. Doggy apologises profusely before I finally let him get back to work.

When it comes to work, however, Doggy is a total ball of fire. He works vociferously and expects the same level of perfection from his underlings. Oh, don't get me wrong. Our company has gotten highest ratings on work-life balance for startups. But, the quality of work expectation from Doggy is too high. Simply because that is the level of work he delivers. The level of domination I have on him has no bearing in the work. Of course, he gets punished but Doggy has no qualms overriding me on work. He treats me no different from his underlings and openly blasts me when I make a mistake. That is still fine, because, I do the same with him. Of course, only his ass gets spanked in both of those scenarios later at night.

I sometimes have to work later and later. Doggy does not have that privilege. Doggy needs to keep strict timings to start working the house chores. However, most of the time, I sign off at the same time as him. I watch TV with my legs crossed while Doggy finishes most tasks. Doggy then joins me and lays down at my feet. Sometimes, actually most of the times these days I beckon to him and he gets on me. We make out with my hand firmly on his cock. Doggy initially feared but kept getting more and more brave and starts pulling my shirt. WE either dry-hump or sometimes have sex. It is really funny to see Doggy under these circumstances. I look him in the eye and smile and I give no indication whether I am giving permission or not. Doggy wants it but is scared and the emotions on his face are a treat to watch. Eventually, Doggy cannot take it anymore and puts his hand on my bra. Sometimes, I allow him.

Other times Doggy gets kneed in the groin. Being so close, and with my strength and with Doggy already at a high level of arousal, the pain is instant and massive. Doggy falls on the floor clutching it. I add insult by throwing my bra at him. Doggy picks it up with it's mouth and gags itself shut knowing what will happen. I stomp and grind his balls fiercely and Doggy cries uncontrollably. It is usually about half hour before I can safely allow him to remove the bra. I have no use for it knowing it has been in his mouth. I walk around topless. The balls are in pain and now that he is watching me topless, Doggy gets turned on. However, this is a problem. As soon as it gets hard, the pain kicks in. The pain causes it become flaccid and then it starts again as I warn Doggy not to take his eyes off my breasts. I revel in the idea that I can torment him without moving an inch while he simultaneously bawls into tears at the same notion.

Finally, it is time to go to sleep. I add the leash on Doggy and drag him on all fours outside. Our house is secluded enough and also has a tree thereby ensuring no one has direct visual. I was religiously careful with this. I had selected this house specially for the garden work they had done. The first two weeks, both I and Doggy were very nervous. I was a hundred times more nervous than him. If Doggy had been exposed, it was my failure and I would never be able to live with myself after that. In those two weeks, we invited some of the more nearby neighbours, especially the bitch with the nearby 7th floor apartment at least 3 or 4 times. I kept watching their body language. There was no knowing smile. No sarcastic quips or winks or nudges. It seemed like we had done it. Nobody would know and I could continue enslaving Doggy in peace. Doggy seemed to secretly hope that the plan would fail. The slight twinge of disappointment made me feel like God as I forced him to go down on me that night. Going down on a woman is itself emasculating for a man. I don't even give him a small respite there. I grab his hair with my hand and step on his balls. Then, when he is least expecting it, I tighten my thighs and Doggy is in sever pain. Unable to breathe, hair singing, balls on fire and then, just when it is too much, a strong kick and Doggy falls back. Coughing, retching, tearing up, Doggy is in sever pain and fatigue. I calmly watch until he gets his breath back and then say just two words "Round Two!". Doggy pleads for mercy despite knowing that would only increase his spanks after we were done.

Doggy crawls along as fast as possible but of course, cannot keep up with me in four legs. Anyway, unacceptable and I eventually end up dragging him. Doggy is no match for my strength and Doggy squeals. The leash tightens around his neck and the hard floor is unforgiving, but that is not my problem. However, once we reach the gardening area, I fully slow down. Doggy catches his breath again and crawls carefully through the mud. We finally reach the kennel and Doggy kisses my feet and thanks me for the water I so generously have provided. I fasten the other end of the leash to the kennel and say good night to him. Doggy is of course exhausted and goes to sleep quickly. I have told him that, if needs to pee or poop in the middle of the night, he can go wherever he wants. However, he has to dig well and cover it up. Or else! As Doggy enters the kennel, I can't resist giving one last kick for the day to his butt and walk back. I go to sleep peacefully knowing full well that I can wake up whenever I want while Doggy has to be up at 6 and by the time I am up, he should be in front of me, in his position. Naked, on all fours, with his tongue out like a Dog and with my Coffee ready.

We do have an agreement. All this stops the day I get pregnant. I definitely don't plan on that anytime soon. We are very careful with condoms and the after-pills. The pills are bad and is sometimes painful. Of course, Doggy will suffer during those times. But, until then, Doggy is - well, my naked Doggy slave. I had told him that the day we started dating. Doggy fully accepted it. Initially, I was contemptuous but I slowly came to realise I love Doggy just as much as he loves me. I need him just much as he needs me. Sure, Doggy gets punished by me all the time but our love never reduced. When we go outside, I fawn over Doggy frequently getting him small gifts. Doggy loves me equally and serves me with all his life every day. Nothing changed when we moved in together except that Doggy stayed naked more and more. Now with the pandemic induced stay-at-home, it is total clothing deprivation 24*7.

Right before marriage, I insisted on a pre-nup. Doggy was vehemently against it but I put my foot down. Both figuratively and literally as I had him under my feet till he agreed. Whether I divorce him or he divorces me, Doggy gets everything. The house, the car, the company, the investments, the lot. I only get what I save up from whatever I get out of the company. Doggy hated that document but I was firm. Doggy could leave me whenever he wanted but I knew, and he knew I knew that would never happen. No matter how much I torment him, how much I punish him, humiliate him, Doggy would never leave me. And, ditto with me.

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indsub89indsub892 months agoAuthor

Thanks for the feedback...

Well try to avoid such in future stories...

LeoLewinskyLeoLewinsky3 months ago

Nice story and well written. But it lacks some important details: Where is the leash fastened, and why is there no collar on doggy? How can he go potty somwhere when he is leashed to his kennel by a timelock? The whole enforcement of rules is very unclear and leads to some unrealistic thoughts while reading. But all in all it is OK to read it. Seems that the author is no native english speaker? Thanks for sharing.

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