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A Deserter's Tale

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A change of heart sets off a rescue mission.
3.1k words

Part 2 of the 2 part series

Updated 04/05/2024
Created 04/23/2022
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Hi everyone, Sorry for the long hiatus. I wrote this not too long after publishing An Orc's tale but I got really self-conscious about my writing. I went back recently and polished it up and I'm hoping to keep this series going. I also have some other separate stories I'll drop once I feel comfortable. Enjoy!

A Deserter's Tale

Tiran tosses a stone across the surface of the lake. The rock skips leaving ripples through the crystalline reflection. It had felt like an eternity since his encounter with that orc but it had been merely a week. All he had to keep him company was his thoughts. Ever since the orc was taken away, Liara had kept her distance and doubled down on her scouting duties. She had wanted to help but Tiran knew breaking an orc out of captivity was a fast way to a beheading if they were caught.

"She must think I'm a coward," he thought to himself.

The only thing that troubled the guard more than Liara's silence was The Orc's. He could have pointed the finger at any point and given him and the elf up for a chance at survival but he hadn't. He just sat there in his tattered rags waiting for certain death. Why? What was he hoping to accomplish? They shared one night. One...incredible night. There was no loyalty to be had. It was just pleasure, wasn't it?

The questions hung heavy in his head. The weight of this war, the senseless death and destruction the king brought to the land hung even heavier in his heart.

"How had things gone so wrong?" He wondered.

A nagging voice in the back of his head reminded him it wasn't too late. There was still a chance to make something right. Tiran knew his conscience would be his end if he let it get the better of him, but he wasn't sure he could live with himself if he let the orc become another casualty. The guard rises to his feet, takes a deep breath and exhales his decision.

"Fuck it."

The camp had fallen silent with slumber by the time Tiran returned. The caged wagon holding the orc was on the opposite side and If luck was on his side only one guard should be posted. He snuck past the tents, careful not to make a sound. Once he nears the cage he's caught off guard by the growing sound of ...snoring. The guard assigned to the cage was fast asleep. He couldn't believe it, this rescue might end up being easier than stealing candy from a baby.

Creeping up to the cage and peering inside Tiran spots The Orc propped up against the opposite end, his head hanging low as he slumbered. He deftly undoes the latch and carefully opens the door before climbing inside.

The closer Tiran gets the more he rethinks his rescue, The Orc's body was massive. If he had any hard feelings about his capture he'd have no trouble shredding him to pieces. Yet...something else even deeper inside told him this orc was not his enemy. Either way, he was in too deep to stop now. Hesitantly, Tiran reaches out his hand to rouse him from his sleep. Before he can touch him A large hand grips his forearm, causing him to gasp. The orc's head snaps up and their eyes meet. Tiran quickly brings his finger to his own lips signaling for the orc to keep quiet.

He points to himself, then The Orc and finally to the door hoping his intentions were coming across. The Orc seemed to be debating if he was worth trusting. Moments of deliberation pass like eons until at last, He nods and carefully gets up. Tiran sighs in quiet relief as he leads him towards the exit.

Tiran exits and circles around the passed out guard. The orc struggles to quietly squeeze out of the door, his weight shifts as he slowly lowers himself to the ground. He finally breaks free when the wagon shifts back into place letting out a short but loud-


Tiran and The Orc freeze, watching as the cage guard lets out a loud snort and sits up from his sleep. Wiping his eyes, he looks up to find himself face to face with an eight foot tall orc. He rises, mouth caught halfway between a gasp and a stutter. Thinking fast Tiran grabs his helmet from the ground and smacks him in the back of the head making him crumple to the ground like a sack of stones.

They both look around, praying their commotion didn't wake anyone else. The only sounds were that of the forest and the resumed snoring of the guard.

Tiran turns to The Orc, whispering, "Let's make for the trees and quietly this time!"

They take another path and soon disappear in the woods. The men race through the trees to grow the distance between them and the army, stopping now and then to listen for the sounds of angry soldiers. Eventually, they find themselves at the bank of the lake where they met.

"I think we're clear for now. Only scout out tonight is Liara and I don't think she'd-" Tiran's words are cut off by the sight of the orc immediately stripping off his clothes and diving into the water.

"You're Welcome" Tiran says quietly as The Orc swims laps around the lake.

He couldn't help but stare at the his form as it glides just under the surface, watching it break as he rises from the water, His pale green flesh glistening in the moonlight. Tiran's gaze follows the water cascading down the orc's body, little streams dripping from his hairy chest down to the dark green tip of his cock.

He shakes his head, "Snap out of it! You're in deep shit, stop thinking with your dick!" He thinks to himself.

"Sorry, I never got to finish that bath last week and that cage was filthy". The Orc says.

He bends over and swirls his clothes through the water to wash them. Once again Tiran's eyes wander to the orcs ass. The round green globes sit firm with A darker sack hanging below them. The Orc stands tall before ringing his clothes out.

" have a spot where you can dry those out" Tiran says. "Follow me."

He leads The Orc back into the trees, stopping at a large hollowed out stump. He reaches into it and pulls out a small sack and steps into a clearing. A small stack of firewood sits near the center. Tiran Stoops down and begins to set up a fire. The Orc sits down on a fallen tree and watches Tiran as he works.

"I'm sure you have a few questions for me orc," Tiran says.

"Gareth," The Orc replies.


"My name, it's Gareth. Remember?" The Orc says.

"Right, Sorry." Tiran mutters.

Gareth cocks his head to the side. "Are you going to kill me?"

Tiran balks in disbelief.

"You think I'd go through all that trouble just to kill you?" he asks.

"You weren't worried id rat you out to your companions?"

A fire roars to life between the two.

"First off, those people are not my companions, second, are you telling me you weren't tempted to throw me under the cart yourself?" Tiran barks back.

"No...I don't know why but I'm sure it's the same reason why I'm not ripping your arms off like the wings of a dragonfly," Gareth replies.

"Or why I'm not lodging this poison tipped dagger into your heart," Tiran retorts as he grasps the dagger at his belt.

They stare each other down intensely. The air hangs with a tightening tension until finally; Gareth breaks first, His face cracking into a smile before caving into an uproarious laughter. The Orc's mirth was infectious and Tiran couldn't help but join him, A sense of relief washes over them both.

"Well I suppose we might be on the same page after all," Says Gareth.

"Aye, Here" Tiran reaches into the sack and pulls out a bottle.

"Elven wine. Liara's secret stash. She'd kill me for sharing but honestly I think it's safe to say we're dead men anyway," Tiran chuckles.

The wine flows free and soon the air grows warmer. Tiran finds himself growing friendlier with the orc, no...with Gareth. The levity dissipates as quickly as it arrived when a question is dropped.

"So...are we ever going to talk about what happened that night?"

Tiran gulps down his wine. "What's there to talk about? You crashed the fun...and we...didn't stop." he mutters into his drink.

"So it was fun for you too?" Gareth pushes.

"We came didn't we?" Tiran replies.

"We did...Liara had quite the stamina didn't she?" Gareth responds.

"She has for as long as I've known her," Tiran says.

His eyes catch themselves on Gareth's cock. His clothes weren't dry yet so he was still sitting there naked. His already thick shaft seemed to plump up as Gareth recalled the memory.

"I think we all came together," Tiran says.

"I know...I felt it," Gareth replies, looking directly into Tiran's eyes.

Tiran's mouth felt dry. He didn't know where to fix his gaze but the rising pole between Gareth's legs seemed to have its own gravitational pull.

"Is that all you remember?" Gareth asks.

"Y-your hand...your hand on my was" Tiran stammers, His heart pounding in his chest. The shadow of Gareth's cock at full mast danced across his abdomen.

"Do you want me to touch you again?" Gareth asks.

Tiran rises to his feet. He may have been in completely uncharted territory but he'll be damned if he lets someone make the first move on him! He closes in towards Gareth, His cock straining against his own pants. Gareth reaches for his bulge but he grabs his wrist and stops him. The gaze between them holds as Tiran lowers himself to his knees. Reaching out he grips Gareth's meaty shaft.

The flesh is firm at its core but soft to the touch ...and much thicker than Tiran's manhood. He slowly pumps his hand up and down the shaft, watching as the pale green foreskin glides over his dark green tip. Tiran is mesmerized by the sight before him. The slow rhythm of the pumping was almost as hypnotic as the steady rise and fall of Gareth's hairy chest. Tiran looks down to see a single bead forming at the end of Gareth's cock. Instinctually, he leans in and licks the salty pearl from his weeping tip. The taste wasn't too far off from the times when he'd taste himself on Liara's lips.

The soldier's first taste would lead to another, and another and another. His lips wrap around Gareth's head, his tongue flicking the salty slit as it oozes on his tongue. Gareth lets out a low moan. "What the hell is coming over me?" Tiran thinks to himself. He grips the base of Gareth's shaft and strokes it while working the top half deeper into his mouth.

"God damn it how did Liara manage to swallow this beast?" he thought.

His frenzied sucking is interrupted by the feeling of a large warm hand cupping his chin and making him look up into Gareth's eyes. The hand brushes down his chest, grazing his nipples through the fabric. He pushes further down the trail until his large hand finds Tiran's hardness trapped in his pants. He yanks at the strings binding his cock and allows it to spring free before grasping it. Tiran's body tenses reflexively making him stand up straighter on his knees pushing his face closer to the Orc's. Gareth gently strokes him, trying to maintain caution with his strength. Tiran reaches down and grasps Gareth back. Both men lightly moaning and stroking each other, breathing hard into each other's necks. Tiran buries his face into Gareth's chest to stifle a moan. He hadn't cum since their last encounter and his balls felt the heaviest they'd ever felt in his life.

"P-please. Stand for me." Gareth moans.

Tiran rises as Gareth pulls his pants to his feet. The heavy dagger on his belt clanks against the ground. His shirt joins the rest of his clothes and now he stands before The Orc completely naked, his cock bobbing in the air with a silvery strand of precum dripping onto the soil below. Gareth caresses Tiran's pale thighs with his hands. They glide all the way up to his torso and back down, sliding around to cup his ass as The Orc pulls him closer. Tiran's tip kisses The Gareth's lips as he finally laps at the nectar he'd wanted to taste for a week.

Unable to resist he swallows Tiran to the root making him throw his head back into a breathless moan. His hands caress Gareth's head and help guide him up and down his hardness. He could feel his balls pressing into the orc's chin and every time he bottomed out it was heaven. Tiran's hips began to buck on their own, finding their pace with Gareth's sucking. The orc would alternate between swirling his tongue and licking the tight heavy balls at the base. Tiran felt a tight knot growing in his stomach; the edge was closing in on him. His release is denied when his cock meets the shock of the cold night air.

Warm kisses trail up Tiran's torso until without warning they find his lips. His eyes dart open as reality crashes back into him.

"I'm kissing an orc. Oh god I'm kissing an orc!" Tiran's mind screams...and yet he doesn't pull away.

He wasn't a bad kisser. His lips were stronger than any woman's he'd ever kissed yet...just as warm and inviting. Tiran pulls back breaking the kiss, lost for words.

"Please...I need to feel good. I need to feel something good. That night with you and was the best night I'd had in a long time and I don't think I'm the only one who feels that way." Gareth pleads.

Tiran searches for something, anything he can use to deny The Orc, but he couldn't find the words. Gareth was right. This god damn war had taken so much, the only happiness he ever found up to that point was in the random trysts with Liara. This...this thing that all three of them shared...he didn't understand it, there would be time for understanding later. But in this moment right now Tiran knew what they both needed.

"Lie down" he gently commands.

Tiran reaches into the sack and pulls out a bottle of oil and pours some into his fist. He spreads the slick oil onto his manhood as it throbs to his own touch. This would be another first for him. He had shared circle jerks with fellow soldiers before but he had never taken another man. He scoots up and rubs his purple cockhead against the crack of Gareth's ass. He feels around for an entrance when his tip finally grazes his target.

"Are you ready?" Tiran asks.

Gareth nods, biting his lip as he feels Tiran lean in. The head of his cock spreads The Orc open slowly. Gareth muffles his moans the best he can before gasping as the head pops into him. Tiran can barely hold his own moans in as he's gripped by the tightest hole he's ever fucked. He looks to Gareth for permission to push deeper. The orc grips the man's ass and gently squeezes it, pulling him deeper. The tight velvety heat milks Tiran as he pumps into the orc, his hands pushing on Gareth's hairy chest for balance.

The orc's massive legs spread wide allowing Tiran to go deeper. The soldier flexes his hips, feeling around inside and making Gareth arch his back in pleasure. The hole relaxes enough for Tiran to buck in longer, slow strokes. He reaches over and gently rubs and teases The Orc's nipples causing Gareth to release a low growl that almost sounds like a purr. Deep inside Tiran feels his head meet a small bump inside the Orc coaxing a loud grunt from him.

"Again...hit me there again!" Gareth moans.

Tiran concentrates his thrusting on the sweet spot. He hits his target hard enough to launch a squirt of precum onto Gareth's belly. He wipes it up and grips the Orc, spreading the natural lube over his shaft.

Gareth groans, "I'm not fragile Tiran...Give it to me. I-I ungh...I can take it".

The soldier drapes the Orc's massive leg over his shoulder and leans in thrusting harder. The sounds of their flesh slapping mix with the crackle of the dying fire and the harmony of their combined groans. Their faces draw closer as Tiran closes the distance. His focus locked into The Orc beneath him. The stroking between them grows to a feverish pace to match the thrusting. Sweat glistens on their bodies as they move together as one. Both men moaning in unison, their bodies synched in pleasure. A new fire grows between them, consuming them from the inside as the passion reaches new highs. This dance was nearing its end but they knew it was far from their last.

For the first time in a long time everything made sense to Tiran. This was what being alive meant. We were meant to share this passion, this pleasure. Nothing that felt this good could be wrong. He lowers himself and kisses The Orc, This time allowing the kiss to grow deeper. The men groan into each other's mouths. Tiran's thrusting grows erratic as Gareth's hole grows sloppier from the mix of the oil and Tiran's precum. Their moans grow in volume and pitch.

The throbbing of Tiran's cock inside Gareth finally proves to be too overwhelming for his senses. He erupts with a roar, his seed splattering all over his belly and chest. The clenching of Gareth's hole pulls Tiran over and he cries out as he unloads into The Orc in an explosion of heat. The men hold each other tight, riding out the waves of their climax.

Trying to catch his breath, Tiran collapses on top of Gareth, his face nestled against his fire red chest hair. They both laugh in the euphoria of their post orgasm high. The smaller man eventually braces himself on The Orc's chest and pushes up to meet his gaze. There was no more laughter. The future was now uncertain and both of them knew from this point on...nothing was ever going to be the same.


The sound of a broken twig sends Tiran leaping for his dagger as Gareth rolls to his feet, both of them ready to face whatever was coming their way.

To be continued...

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AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

really sexy! would like to read more about the characters and the world

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