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A Dirty TASK Needs Doing Pt. 01

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Kimberly Woods is not your average high school senior...
7.1k words

Part 1 of the 6 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 03/15/2018
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"Oh, oh, yes! Yes! Ah!"

The sounds of flesh slapping against flesh filled the locker room of Middleton High School's woman's locker room. Blond hair spilled along the side of a locker, while pale hands grabbed onto and desperately clung to the rust-red colored lockers. A pair of perfect, perky, eighteen year old titties bounced, a crucifix nestled between them like a naughty exclamation point. The girl's head turned to the side and her cheeks were almost as red as the lockers and her hiked down P.E shorts, which dangled from one of her twitching feet.

Her name was Melinda Splay, and she was currently wondering how exactly she had gotten into the situation.

My name, by the way, is Kimberly Woods.

I was the chick with the dick and that dick - all twelve inches of rock hard girlmeat - was buried to my hairless balls right into Melinda's pussy. My breasts and hers pressed together as I leaned forward, whispering quietly.

"How do you like that, huh Lindy?"



Yeah, most girls and boys I meet are. The boys I can usually talk into at least trying the cock. But the girls usually sort into one of three camps. There are the girls like my bestie, Tabitha, who basically sees that I'm packing more heat than most quarterbacks, and basically become my eagerly stuffed fuckpet. There are girls like Melinda, who are like: Oh nooo, I'm not a lesbian, we can't! while eagerly spreading their legs, dropping their panties and forgetting to ask if I've got condoms. And finally, there are the theoretical girls who aren't actually interested in what I'm packing.

I...haven't actually met one yet.

My lips and Melinda's pressed together and my tongue plunged deep into her mouth as I thrust once more, feeling that delicious spike of pleasure that I was so addicted too. It started at the base of my cock and rushed upwards and my balls clenched hard as I shuddered and filled my senior classmate to the brim. Her pussy hair became matted with my cum as it sloshed out from around her cuntlips, dripping along my balls, pattering onto the locker room floor as I shuddered and panted. Our mouths split and a line of spittle connected tongue to tongue as Melinda's eyes went unfocused.

"Muah..." she mumbled.

I grinned, my arms tight with the effort of keeping her ankles spread as she milked my dick, her sex squeezing and fluttering around my cock. Her back twitched, causing delicious quivers to tingle along her breasts. At that moment, I felt like I was at the top of the world - my mind buzzed with the excited happiness of not just fucking a girl, of not just cumming deep in her cute pussy, but also of the additional delicious thrills of the fact that I had timed it perfectly. We had exactly thirty six seconds - exactly the right amount of time - to get our clothes on before the P.E teacher noticed we weren't on the track. Not that I needed P.E, I was in better shape than most of the school. And-


I jerked out of Melinda, my cock slurping out of her pussy and leaving her dripping. She was too cockshocked to do anything but mumble under her breath as I grabbed her around the back, setting her down on the bench that spread through the locker room. I spun around to face the voice that had spoken, yanking my P.E shorts up and trying unsuccessfully to conceal my hard-on. I tried to keep it quiet - since, well, the last thing I wanted to do was become a Jerry Springer sensation. Come one, come all, see the girl with the amazing twelve inch dick. Unfortunately, my dick had entirely other plans - like most times I had nutted a girl, it was ready for round two, three, was straining against my shorts, pointing directly at the man who had slipped into the locker room.

He was about twenty something, only a year or two older than me, and dressed sharp. He wore a perfectly folded suit, lean and tight and creased within a T. His eyes were gray and slightly folded, his face having a Chinese or Japanese cast to them. His hair was raven black, save for a white streak he had clearly dyed there. But rather than looking like an affection, he sold it. His skin was somewhere between dusky brown and golden perfection, like a man who was in the sun a lot. But under that suit was the athletic build of a born gymnast. I sized him up in a second...and realized that he was the first man I had ever met in my life I didn't think I could beat the ever-loving shit out of.

"Who the fuck are you!?" I asked, lifting my hands, sliding into my stance - growing light on the balls of my feet.

The man smirked. "I could tell you, but then I'd have to kill you. Oh, also." He reached up, then tapped one of the button on his lapels. The distant screech of the fire alarm started and I heard students throughout the high school crying out in surprise. As the evacuation started he inclined his head. "Privacy."

"Neat trick..." I said, slowly.

He inclined his head again. "Kimberly Woods. Born in the year 2000, on Christmas Day to Martha and Sean Woods. Top of the class in elementary, middle and high school - but paired with this sterling academic record, I've got a list of infractions as long as my dick." He smirked, walking slowly to the left - pacing around me in a circle. I kept on following him with my stance, my eyes. But my combat readiness was relaxing slightly with every word. "Fighting. Drug smuggling-"

"Weed doesn't count!" I scoffed.

"Hacking school records, public indecency," he continued.

"Hey, if the choir teacher didn't want me to fingerbang the Delaney Twins, then maybe they shouldn't have sat me between the two cutest altos!" I said, defensive.

"And lets not even get into the Spinelli incident," he said, smirking. "Disarming a heavily armed school shooter...with a pen." Before I could open my mouth, he added. "A pen that you turned into an improvised fragmentation grenade."

I spread my hands. "Hey, he was wearing a flack vest. Who brings a flack vest to shoot a bunch of unarmed fourteen year olds?" I paused. "So. You know me, you know what I'm about. Is that supposed to impress me?"

Cause, I had to admit. It kinda was. And his smooth, predatory movements were kind of turning me the fuck on. I hadn't...been...fucked. Ever. I had fucked people, but I'd never really been the one on the bottom in that ancient dance. And I had to admit, this guy was kinnnnnnd of making me wonder how that'd feel. What that'd be like. As he paced around to finally be standing beside me and Melinda, he smirked slightly.

"How would you like to know you're not alone?" he asked.

I blinked. "What do you mean?"

"Come on, Kimmy," he said. "Don't play dumb."

I bit my lower lip. All my life, there had been this nagging feeling. Sometimes, it had been obvious. Sometimes, subtle. But it crystallized as I looked into his eyes...and saw he was thinking the same things I did. He thought the same way I did. That crackling, rapid fire need to do something. To be better. To push the situation, the envelope. To be. Those two words had dogged me my whole life. They cropped up after I had nutted the jock's boyfriend, hundred percented the last test, done all the extra classwork, got the top scores in all the video games. When I had exhausted every place I could excel at, those two words floated through my brain.

It was times like those were my mind slid to thinking how easy it'd be too...say...

Rob that bank...

Kidnap that cute girl...

Take over this fucking city...

I licked my suddenly dry lips and nodded slowly.

"You're special, Kimmy," he murmured. "And the world needs you. Come with me...and you'll never end up like you did, back in 2015..."

My eyes widened. "H-How did-"

"I know what happened because we were observing you even then." He stepped closer, his hands taking my hands. The strength of them made my back stiffen. My nipples perked to attention and I breathed in a short, quick gasp. His breath was hot in my ear. "We saw what you did. And we know you don't want to do that again."

I nodded, my breath stilling, my heart hammering.

"So..." he smiled. "Come on then."

And with that, he took my hand and we both moved like shadows - darting into shadows, evading the glances and looks of streaming students heading for the evacuation points. Before I knew it, we were at the school's edge, hopping the fence, and sliding into the limousine parked next to the school's left side. Somehow, I hadn't noticed it - and as I slipped inside, I saw the interior was as cushy and well appointed as I had ever thought. There, the man leaned back and kicked open a mini-bar. He tossed me a coke, pulled out his own, popped it, then grinned at me. Knowingly. I tensed, ready for something to happen. I had a dozen predictions what it might be.

Not a one were right.

Because as we sat there, the limo wheels rotated so they faced the ground, unfurled into ducted engines, and whirred to life. Almost silently, the limo shot into the skies, taking me into my new life.


"My name is Alex," the mystery man said. "And I work for a discrete part of the United Nations called the TASK force, or just TASK if you don't feel like using the full name. We exist to channel and combat the single greatest danger and opportunity that the human race has ever faced..." He smirked at me. "You."

"Me?" I asked. "Or do you mean people like me? And you..."

Alex nodded. "We call it the S-Gene. Its a unique genetic condition that has three ramification. One-" he lifted his pinkie. "Extreme physical attractiveness and a near seventy eight percent tendency towards hermaphroditism. Two-" He lifted his ring finger. "Extraordinarily high physical and mental faculties. Genius intellect, Olympic level physicality, that kind of thing. And finally, three-" He middle finger. "Energy." His eyes glinted as they met mine. Knowingly.

I squirmed slightly. "Energy liiiike-"

"Like how you once fucked an entire swim team," he said, casually. "Or, more alarmingly for the United Nations, the energy to apply your intellect in the field of world conquest. Since the early 1940s, there have been a series of S-gene individuals who have threatened world security, and they are invariably only stopped via the application of S-gene agents for the other side."

"Soooo, TASK takes S-gene types like moi-" I said, pointing at myself, my eyes darting out the window, at the city skimming by underneath us. "And trains us to fight bad S-Gene types?"

"Pretty much!" Alex said, beaming at me. "You get a skintight suit, world class travel, cool gadgets, and a license to kill."

I pursed my lips.

"Oh, and you will get to nut a series of exotic women in beautiful locals, including princesses, presidential daughters, senators, waitresses, spies..." Alex said.

"I'm in!"

"As if you were ever going to say no," Alex said, chuckling as he leaned slowly back in his seat. He reached out with his foot to kick the small mini-bar between the seats in the limo. A small, whirring drone emerged from the top of the bar, bearing a pair of glasses that looked like alcohol of some kind. The drone buzzed over my head and dropped the cup into my hands. I sniffed it - and grinned.

"Jack Daniels?"

"I've got taste," Alex said, catching his cup from the air without looking at it. He sipped. "So, TASK works fast. We're going to test you, get you hooked up with your team, and then throw you in the deep end."

"I see..." I said, slowly, sipping the bourbon. It buzzed along my tongue. I closed my eyes and felt the stinging warmth crackle down my throat. I grinned, fiercely. "Sounds fun."

Alex chuckled as the limo zoomed towards a cloud bank. But something about the poofy whiteness struck me as odd, now that we were coming closer and closer too it. I breathed slowly in, my excitement ratcheting up bit by bit as I saw just what was odd about the clouds. Then a chunk of the cloud opened smoothly, as if the poofs were solid and connected to a doorway. Sitting within the clouds was a rectangular hangerbay, filled with sleek fighter craft, helicopters, cars, motorcycles, and stranger vehicles. Men and women in bright blue jumpsuits gestured with batons to help guide the limo inside as the camouflaged door closed behind us.

The door opened and Alex and I emerged from the flying limo. I knew I wasn't dressed for this situation - I was still in my freaking PE clothes, after all. But I stood as if I was in the fanciest dress I had ever worn, and saw several of the women and men who were moving to start refuel and handle the limo eyeing me. Alex grinned, then whispered in my ear.

"Regs got...relaxed over time," he said. "Basically, you can nut anyone you want - but if you disrupt our work schedule, people won't be happy. But enough S-genes are in the administration and we know how the urge gets."

I shivered then grinned at him. "So, all S-genes have those urges?"

"If I go fifteen minutes without seducing a girl, I do get a bit cranky," Alex said, the skin around his eyes crinkling with amusement. He jerked his head. "Come on! Lets get you a tour."

The hanger-bay led into a series of broad corridors. Men and women in different colored jumpsuits hurried by. I noticed that most of them were...not humans. That was the wrong term. I was human too. Baseline, I guess? They didn't have the S-gene. It wasn't that they weren't hot. A lot of them were. It wasn't even that they lacked energy, as they all looked busy as bees. It was a more subtle note, something that read in my brain as clearly as a book. Alex, meanwhile, was gesturing: "That way leads to administration - where reports are written up. We report to the Security Council, and they're all baselines, so those reports need some editing. A lot of normal people just...don't understand us."

I nodded, then looked back at him as he led me down another corridor. "There's the locker room," he said, nodding to a pair of doors. The gasping moans of two women echoed from behind the door. "And I bet Suzy is back from Afghanistan, maybe with a few new conquests." He grinned. "Suzy collects women from third world countries like most people collect trading cards."

I arched an eyebrow at him. Alex spread his hands.

"Hey, most of them head to new homes. Some stay. We have 1.5% of the budget allocated to keeping each of our S-gene's operative's harems taken care of," he said.

"Do youuu have a harem?"

"A gentleman never says," Alex said, casually. "But two cute Chinese girls named May and Tracy, a princess from Norway named Amelia, whose supposedly attending college in the United States, and this adorable piece of hunky man-meat from Wisconsin named, I shit you not, Mac."

I snorted. "So, not a gentlemen?"

"This is an organization for spies," he said, then nodded. "And here's the tech-lab."

As he spoke, the door opened with a quiet hiss.

And to my absolute fucking shock...Tabitha walked right out. My Tabitha. My best friend. The girl who had been my fuckpet since I had first realized I could have sex. She was dressed in a lab coat and nothing else, and her skin had been dusted with a kind of purple paint that made her look like a walking grape - a sexy as fucking sin walking grape, but still a grape - and was holding a clipboard. Smoke rose from her shoulders and under her hair, while her glasses looked knocked ajar. "Note to self," she said, sounding distracted. "Explosive bra effective in disarming enemy, effective in removing clothes, bad for hair-"

"Ah, this is T," Alex said. "She's one of our-"

"Tabby!?" I squealed.

Tabby looked at me. Her eyes widened and she beamed. "Kimmy!"

I blinked. And then it clicked. "You were the one observing me!" I thrust my finger at her. "Youuuu total bitch! You're an S-gene too!"

Tabby tucked her clipboard against her side, where it seemed to attach to her lab-coat automatically. "Yup!" she said, cheerfully, and I saw her shifting her stance, adjusting her expression. Minute changes that left her looking the same, save for the fact that a crackling energy surged through her. "I'm one of the 3% of our kind that's both female and doesn't have a dong." She blushed. "I...I was so tempted to tell you, Kimmy, but I had to know for sure-"

Seeing my expression, Alex cut in: "Kimberly, TASK can't just leap in and recruit the instant that we find an S-gene person. If you're developing, we have to let you develop. There were experiments run with trying to raise an S-gene in a controlled environment. It went...poorly. No matter how well constructed, an S-gene will batter its way out." He spread his hands. "It gives us white hair, though. Holy shit." He laughed.

"Beeeeecause there's a chance one of us snaps and runs off to become the next Doctor Evil," I said.

"Exactly," Alex said.

Tabby, still looking chagrined, sighed and said. "But, hey, you're here...a-and we're...okay?"

I smiled at her, then laughed. I stepped forward and hugged her. Then kissed her. Then my hands started to fondle her purple breasts, squeezing them. I drew my mouth back from hers, panting as I whispered. "Ah, paint-able dermal armor, really clever..." I tweaked her nipples, feeling the faint difference between normal Tabby and the purple-painted Tabby. Tabby giggled, then hissed with pleasure as my hands slid along her back, then down and cupped her rump. My cock was achingly hard and I looked at Alex.

"Can...can I tour after I fuck Tabby's brains out?"

Alex was already sliding his pants down. Tabby giggled, then squeaked as I pushed her back into the lab. Other techs were inside, working on various gizmos and devices. They glanced at the three of us as I grabbed my shirt and tugged it up, freeing my breasts to the slightly cool air of the TASK skybase. My nipples were puffy and hard, matched only by the growing hardness of my dick. That was freed a moment later by Alex's hands, his palms cupping and squeezing me. I had never had a boy touching me there, and had never imagined that the first pair of male hands to cup and squeeze my balls and cock would be so...


Then Tabby was pressed against me. Her mouth matched mine and our tongues didn't meet. They dueled. She had always let me take control back when she had been pretending to be a baseline, but now, every bit of expertise she had was on display. Alex had my shorts down and my cock in his hand and was stroking me with alternating pumps - hard, gentle, hard, gentle, squeezing the base, lifting my cock to grind against Tabby's bared, purple pussy. I broke the kiss, gasping heavily. "H-Holy shit, Tabby..."

She chuckled, throatily. "Do you know how hard it was to restrain myself..." She cupped my own breasts, lifting them. She leaned forward and started to kiss and suckle on my nipples as Alex kissed my neck, then my ear. His voice was a soft purr, and the sheer masculinity of him sent my head reeling. Pre spurted from the tip of my cock, splashing against Tabby's thighs, dripping to the floor with wet paps.

"So, if you look left, you'll see some of our laser research division," he said, quietly, his hands going to join Tabby's on my breasts. I was kinda glad I had so much titty to toy with, because the feeling of four hands, moving in near perfect unison, made me almost cum right then and there. But every time my balls tried to clench and spurt their cum all over Tabby's belly and thighs, Alex would squeeze my cock just so, preventing the orgasm from actually ripping through me. He'd hold me while licking a pressure point on my neck, forcing my pleasure back and away from the peak. I knew what he was doing, and I fucking loved it. He was revving me up, winding me tauter and tighter with every cycle, even as Tabby knelt on the ground and started to kiss worshipfully on the tip of my girldick.

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