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A Family Affair

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My wife wanted a favour and I got more than I bargained for.
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"Yes dear."

"Do you love me?"

"Yes, of course."

"Will you do anything for me?"

"Yes, name it."

"Will you have sex with my Mom?"


It's not the sort of request I was expecting, a new dress or shoes, maybe a weekend away anything but that.

Jane and I are lying in bed after having sex, to have my wife ask me to have sex with another woman, especially when that woman is her mother is beyond bizarre.

"What are you talking about?"

"Mom has been very depressed since her breakup with Darren and I'm scared she might do something silly."

"The only person doing anything silly is you, your Mom's fine."

"No she's not, she's lonely and unsatisfied."

"She told you that."

"Not in so many words but I can sense it, a woman knows these things."

"I think your overreacting, but just say you are correct and she needs sex to satisfy her why don't just take her out to the club or even get a male prostitute for her?"

"No I don't want some stranger to have sex with my Mom and she's over all that dating nonsense." I could see from the look on Jane's face that she is deadly serious, "I think if you were to have sex with her it would be better."

"Jane do you understand what you are saying, have you thought this through, how are you going to feel knowing I've cheated on you, cheated on you with your mother?"

"That's all I've been thinking about for the last couple of weeks Chris, I know it's a lot to ask of you, but it's my Mom and I'll do anything for her."

"This is beyond insane Jane, it's wrong on so many levels I don't know what to say, what did Cindy say?"

"I haven't mentioned it to her yet, I thought I'll ask you first so as not to get her hopes up."

"Hopes up, fuck Jane."

"Don't say anything Chris, just please promise me you'll think about it at least, please."

"I must be mad but alright I'll think about it."

"Thank you," Jane says as she leans over kissing me before wrapping her arm around my chest cuddling me as she drops off to sleep.

I lie in bed thinking about Jane's mother Cindy, she's 58 with a great body, she walks twice a day, swims and goes to the gym. She's about 5 foot 6 or 7 with shoulder length blonde hair, her breast aren't large but are still firm and perky, her stomach flat with round hips, her legs toned and slender. Her best asset is her ass, it's round and firm, and in her swimmers or leggings look absolutely magnificent.

Cindy been living with us for about three years now, not in the same house but in the same yard, she built a granny flat in our back yard. Cindy's husband, Jane's father was killed about eight years ago, Jane's the only child, she talked her Mom into selling the family home and moving closer to us and her grandchildren, we have two children David and Beth. Cindy has dated a couple of men since moving here, her last boyfriend Darren lasting the longest, nearly a year, they broke up about nine months ago.

To me she seems happy with her life and what's she's doing.

"What did you say to your daughter?"

"I say a lot of things to Jane, you need to be more specific."

It's been a couple of days since Jane popped the question, this is the first chance I've been alone with Cindy since then, Jane has gone to the office and the kids are at school.

"That you need more sex.."

"I don't think I said that, but there's no such thing as too much."

"She wants me to fuck you."

"And will you."

"Not sure if your my type."

"Cheeky bugger, what did you say?"

"Nothing yet, I'll get her to ask you first, I want her to think it's totally her idea and we're only doing it because of her."

"And what do you want me to do."

"Don't give in too easy, be offended, insulted for her offer."

"But I will give in?"

"Yes, as will I."

Leaning over I kiss her, my hand leaving her tits, moving over her stomach between her legs to her pussy, it's still full of my cum as I push my finger inside. I scoop cum from her pussy rubbing it around her asshole.

"Get on your hand and knees."

Moving behind her I fuck her ass, the bed rocking as I pound her, luckily her cottage is soundproof as she squeals with pleasure from both my cock and hand as I spank her bouncing cheeks.

I've been fucking Cindy for the past six months, it was nothing intentional, the first encounter was purely by chance and it just grew from there.

It began when a parcel for Cindy was delivered to our door by mistake, I was home on a day off and took it to her cottage, as usual the front door was unlocked and I walked straight in.

It's not a big place, from the front door on the right is the kitchen off that is the laundry, to the left a small living room, her bedroom and bathroom. I was just going to put it on the kitchen table but it was already covered with boxes so I took it into the living room.

Cindy's bedroom door was wide open, she was squatted on her bed naked riding a dildo, I stood staring at her and she sat staring back at me.

I couldn't take my eyes off her I was frozen to the spot, she looked amazing, my cock got hard as I watched her climb off the bed walking up to me. Before I knew it she took hold of my hand and was leading me into her bedroom, she didn't say a word, she just undressed me pushed me onto the bed and straddled me, she rode my cock until I came inside her.

We didn't speak afterwards, Cindy climbed off me going to the shower, I got dressed going back to my house. For the next two weeks we didn't talk about it, it was like if we ignored it then it never happened but it did happen and it happened again.

Jane had taken the kids to a birthday party, I spent the day in the garden and had gone for a shower to clean up. As I washed the shower door opened and Cindy stepped in, she kissed me then sank to her knees taking my cock in her mouth and sucking me off until I came.

Turning the shower off she took my hand leading me out of the shower into my bedroom, she laid on my bed spreading her legs telling me to eat her pussy. I got on my knees between her legs moving my mouth to her pussy, her hand grabbing the back of my head. She held me firmly against her pussy grinding against my face until she came, by then my cock was hard again, I took her there on my bed fucking her until we both came again.

This became a regular thing, every opportunity we got we fucked, her place or mine. Recently we're finding it hard to get time alone, Jane is working from home more and with 2 teenagers we seem to be constantly inundated with other teenage children.

It was Cindy that had an idea that she said would get us more sex.

We discussed the plan agreeing that Cindy will plant the seed and I would run with it as I see fit when Jane approaches me.

It's Friday night as Jane and I lie in bed, we've just had sex, her head is resting on my shoulders as her fingers run through my chest hairs. "Have you thought anymore about my question?"

"What question dear?"

"You know, about you and my Mom."

"You were serious, you want me to fuck your Mom."

"Yes I was serious, she's not in a good place and needs you."

"And what does your Mom say about your plan."

"I haven't said anything to her."

"Well I'm not going to commit to anything until you talk to your Mom and she knows it's your idea, I don't want her to think it's me trying to cheat on you."

"Alright when you take the kids to sport tomorrow I'll talk with her."

On Saturday night Jane told me she spoke with her mother, she said it didn't go well and that her mother was very upset with her.

It's Wednesday before I get to be alone with Cindy, the kids are at training and Jane is at a meeting at the school and will pick the kids up on the way home. That gives us 2 hours, the first hour is spent fucking then as we lie together I ask "What did you say to Jane."

"Your making a habit of this Chris."

"Habit of what?"

"Talking about my daughter after we fuck."

"Well it's the only time we are alone."

"Yes true, I assume your referring to the conversation about you fucking me."

"Yes, she was very upset."

"I simply told her I didn't need her meddling in my sex life, I'm more than happy as I am and I don't want her match making me with any men especially my son-in-law."

"And how to you propose we proceed from here."

"Quite simple, you lie there and I'm going ride you until you come," she says as she climbs on top of me.

"Not that, Jane, what's the next step with Jane?"

"Send her to see me tonight after you have dinner, now shut up and fuck me."

By the time Jane and the kids get home I have dinner underway, half an hour or so later we are sitting around the kitchen table eating and talking about our day.

After dinner the kids go to their rooms to supposedly do homework but I seriously doubt that's the case. Jane and I do the dishes, it's then I suggest she should go talk to her mother.

"Jane I think you should go talk with your mother again."

"I don't know Chris she was pretty upset last night."

"That's why it's important to talk it through now and not let it fester and get worst."

"I suppose so."

"Worst case you apologise for suggesting it and it's all forgotten."

"I will, your right."

"Take this," I hand Jane a bottle of wine as she turns to leave. I watch from the kitchen door as she walks across the lawn, the outside light at Cindy's house turning on moments before the door opens and Jane disappears inside as the door closes.

It's 7.30pm, I settle down to watch TV as I wait for Jane to return and update me on the situation.

At 11pm Jane's still not home, I was expecting her home long before this.

I can't stay up much later as I need to get up early tomorrow for work I decide to give her a call, she always has her mobile with her, I'll just let her know I'm off to bed and will leave the kitchen door unlocked.

I ring her phone no answer, I try again still no answer straight to message back, I leave the message about the door.

I'm concerned and curious, why has she been gone so long and why didn't she answer my call, I decide to ring Cindy.

"Cindy it's Chris just checking to see if everything is ok, Jane didn't answer her phone." Cindy picked up her phone on the first ring, it's sounds like she's panting and I can hear noises in the background but can't quite make them out.

"Thought you'll try my number, everything fine, actually it's better than fine. Jane won't be home for a while yet but you'll be pleased to hear I said yes, bye."

Cindy hung up, I got no idea what is going on there and at this moment I don't really care anymore, I'm excited knowing that the plan has worked and that I'm going to be fucking Cindy more often. All I need to do is wait for Jane to ask me and the fun begins.

Jane's in bed asleep when I wake next morning, I'm not sure what time she came home, she looks so peaceful and content as she's lies in a deep sleep. I'm eager for her to ask me the question and half think about waking her, instead I decide to leave her asleep and ask tonight.

It feels like an extra long day as I wait for knock off time to head home and talk with Jane, to make things worst the traffic is terrible tonight making the trip home long and tedious.

As I walk in the door I can smell dinner looking, I glance at my watch thinking that I know I'm late but not that late. It's just after 6pm, for some reason Jane has dinner ready early.

"Hi Jane," I say walking into the kitchen.

"Good your home, go wash up dinner nearly ready."

"Early dinner tonight."

"Yes, I want to get to Mom's early."

"Oh, it went well last night then?"

"She's coming around, I want to talk with her again tonight, now please get washed up."

I'm a little confused, Cindy said she said yes, Jane's saying she hasn't said yes. Maybe Cindy changed her mind, though she did sound definite last night, I need to talk with Cindy and find out what's going on.

It's going to be the weekend before I get a chance to speak with Cindy privately, Jane's got a hairdressing appointment Saturday morning and the kids will be going to sport with one of the other parents this weekend. It's Wednesday night, that's only two days, I can wait that long.

Dinner is waiting for me when I get back to the table, both the kids are there but no Jane, "Where's your mother?"

"She's gone to Grans," Beth tells me.

"Yeah took a bottle of your wine too," David says.

Kids disappear after dinner and I spend another night alone in front of the TV, early start again tomorrow sees me in bed asleep before Jane gets home.

Next morning I awake to find myself alone in bed, thinking Jane's getting breakfast ready I shower and get dressed for work then make my way to the kitchen. It's empty, no Jane or kids, though from the mess left behind the kids have had breakfast, I assume Jane must have taken them to school.

Outside I'm puzzled to see Jane's car in the driveway.

After cleaning up from the kids I find myself running late and don't have time to go back inside to find her. I send her a quick text as I walk to my car, 'Morning, is all ok, miss you.'

'At Mom's, love you,' she texts back almost immediately.

In the last couple of days Jane has spent a lot of time with her Mom, I'm taking this as a positive sign and that my fucking adventures will begin soon.

Thursday night is all normal, Jane stays home, we have dinner around the kitchen table as a family, the kids go to their rooms, Jane and I tidy up before deciding to watch TV in our bedroom tonight.

I've no idea what's on TV, it's real purpose is to muffle the sounds of our sex. Jane and I have a active sex life generally having sex at least three or four times a week, add in the times I'm with Cindy I can have sex every day each week, occasionally twice on the one day.

To say I'm horny after having no sex since Monday afternoon is an understatement, I'm also finding Jane hornier than usual tonight and it's nearly midnight before we collapse, bathed in sweat and exhausted into each others arms.

"You haven't told me how things are with your Mom and your plan,' I say as Jane head rests on my arm her fingers running through the damp hairs on my chest.

"It's fine now, she forgiven me and we ae back to normal."

I'm surprised, from what Cindy said the other day it's all systems go, Jane isn't giving me that impression she seems quite blasé about everything, I decide to be more direct.

"So commonsense has prevailed and you no longer want me to have sex with your mother?"

"Hmm, maybe, I don't know, I'm not sure what Mom needs."

"Oh you seemed pretty certain when you first asked me."

"Yeah, but things have changed in the last few days, I'm just not sure."

"Oh, alright then."

"You sound disappointed, do you want to have sex with my Mom."

"No, no it's not that, it's just..... it's just you were so concerned about her and seemed so certain that it was what your mother needed."

"I just don't know anymore, I'm tired, good night dear," Jane says rolling over.

"Good night sweetheart see you in the morning," I say staring up at the ceiling confused and now a little resigned to the fact that I won't be having regular sex with Cindy.

Friday night finds me walking into an empty house, I find a note on the kitchen table, 'Kids having sleepovers, I'm at Moms, Dinner in microwave, Don't wait up. Love You Jane.'

After last night I was hoping for round two tonight instead it's just me, the TV and bed.

"Who was that on the phone?"

Jane's already up and getting dressed, it's just after 8am, I've been lying in bed awake for a while thinking about the Jane and Cindy situation when Jane's phone rings.

"It was Jenny wanting to know if David could spend another night, the boys want to camp outside in the tent and do some stargazing, I said yes."

"And what's Beth up to?"

"She's staying a Ruth's again."

"Ah just you and me for a romantic night."

"Sorry Romeo not quite, Mom's having dinner with us and spending the night."

"Spending the night!"

"Yes her place is getting fumigated this morning and she'll be staying with us for the next couple of nights."

"Oh, ok no worries, do I need to do anything?"

"It would be good if you can give the guest room a quick tidy up."

"Ok no problem."

Jane leaves about 9.30am, I wander across the yard to Cindy's knocking on the door.

"Fuck finally, get in here and fuck me now," Cindy says as soon as she opens the door.

Stepping inside I close the door moving Cindy into the kitchen, I push her up against the kitchen table kissing her before turning her around and bending her over the table. She is wearing a pair of leggings, grabbing the waist band I pull them and her panties down to her knees, with my hand pressing on her back I force my cock between her legs and fuck her.

"It appears I wasn't the only one needing a good fuck," Cindy says as she makes a coffee.

"Yeah being waiting all week for this, why haven't you agreed to Jane's request?"

"I did on Tuesday night, she told me you were having second thoughts, I assumed you were still toying with her."

"No, she told me you weren't interested but she was still hopeful of bringing you around."

"The conniving little bitch, so that's why she coming every night, my toy box."

"Toy box?"

"Follow me," Cindy says leading me into her bedroom, "This is my toy box," she pulls her bedside table drawer open to reveal a multitude of different sex toys.

"What these got to do with Jane and us getting together?"

"Well when I told her I didn't need a man I showed her my toys, she became very interested in them and before I knew it she's lying on my bed using them."

"Fuck you watched your daughter masturbate."

"To start with but you know after a few glasses of wine and not seeing you for a couple of days, well I was feeling horny myself and one thing led to another."

"Are you saying you started masturbating as well?"

"That and more."


"Yes, as I said one thing led to another and before I knew we were fucking."

"Shit Cindy, you were fucking your own daughter, fuck."

"Hey don't you start getting all high and mighty mister, remember I also fuck my daughters husband."

"Fuck," I don't know what to say, I just stand staring at her with my mouth open, "Umm.... how often?"

"Yes well... umm... every night she visited."

"Every night!"

"I wasn't expecting it anymore than you, I was surprised when she turned up again Wednesday, I didn't know what to expect when she walked in with more wine. She took the wine to the bedroom, poured two glasses sitting them on the bedside tables, selected a couple of my toys, stripped and started fucking herself."


"Yes well and truly, the sex is incredible, not as good as having a cock come inside you, still it's extremely pleasurable and when she said she was coming back Friday I was more than happy."

"So what happens now?"

"We get her back on track."

"Back on track?"

"Yes I'm an sad woman that isn't fully sexually satisfied unless I get a real cock and feel cum fill my pussy and ass."

"And how do you plan to convince her of that?"

"I'll tell her over a glass or two of wine, with my place getting fumigated and no toys to distract her, I'll get sad and teary telling how much I miss real sex."

"When do the fumigators get here."

"What fumigators, now fuck me again then we can go to your house and wait for Jane to get home."

There does seem to be a lot of games going on and not necessarily with Cindy's toys, I'm not sure who's manipulating who at the moment but I'm starting to feel like the meat in a sandwich.

Jane gets home at lunch time, we eat then Jane and Cindy sit around the table talking, I'm politely encouraged to leave the room with suggestions of some outdoor chores that need doing.


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