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A Fetish in the DNA?

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Tara learns that her mom and dad have a rubber boot fetish.
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It was a cool mid-April Friday. Our daughter, Tara, was flying in from Wisconsin for a long weekend. She had just finished her residency in anesthesiology and had accepted a position with a large teaching hospital not far from where we live in upstate New York. It had rained for most of the week and my wife, Eileen, had agreed to go pick her up at the airport. In addition, Tara is planning to get married this coming fall and was hoping that during the visit to work through some of the details with my wife, Eileen.

I sat in my office working on a project for a client and was in the middle of doing some cost estimates in one of the spreadsheets when Eileen came by dressed in a cranberry pencil skirt and bone colored turtleneck sweater. The outfit was then complete with her wearing her pink Hunter wellies.

"Well, don't you look cute," I said looking up from the computer screen.

"Thanks. I'm off to the airport to pick up Tara. It's such a wet day out I thought I'd go in and meet her at baggage claim with an umbrella so she won't get soaked."

"They're doing construction to the parking area so wearing your wellies is probably a great idea because the drainage there has never been that great plus now it could also be muddy. Besides I know how much you really love wearing them."

"Actually, it's you who likes to see me wearing wellies. Come to think of it any kind of rubber boots turn you on. But aside from that I was half thinking that I'd bring Tara my older wellies but didn't want to look like a kindergarten mom because I remember doing that a few times when she was small. But she's an adult woman now."

But she'll always be our little girl! Right?!"


"Come on, admit it. I know I feel that way about her."

"Yeah, you're right. Still, I'll resist the urge to bring her the wellies."

"Fair enough. But I also know that you are the one with the rubber boot fetish."

"Me? No, that's you."

"Look, we've had this discussion on and off for over 30 years. It's probably fair to say that we each have the fetish and, if I dare say so, I sort of like it that way."

"OK, enough of this conversation. But now if I don't get going, I'll never make it before her plane lands," said Eileen breaking off the conversation, getting her raincoat from the hall closet and then heading to the garage.

The weather was worse than ever and all the way to the airport Eileen kept second guessing herself saying that she should have brought her daughter that extra pair of wellies. At the airport she found that the parking garage was closed, but parking was available in the short-term lot although it was totally out in the open. Moreover, the walkway to the terminal had a couple of inches of rain covering it plus it was now literally pouring and the drains were overwhelmed. "I know that I should have brought Tara some wellies" Eileen fretted.

Once inside the terminal Eileen took note of the baggage carousel for Tara's flight and got there before any of the passengers or their luggage. A few minutes later the conveyor started, and luggage began to appear. A few moments later a petite young woman came down the escalator dressed in a yellow and white vinyl raincoat, tall gloss red Hunter wellies, and garnet tights. It was Tara, but still Eileen did a doubletake to see her daughter wearing the stylish wellies.

"Hi, Mom, thanks for coming to meet me," she said after giving Eileen a hug.

"I wouldn't miss it for the world. But I'm also glad to see that you wore your wellies today. The rain here has been unreal."

"It was like that when I left Milwaukee, too. But so long as you mention it, I'm glad that you're wearing wellies or was that Daddy's idea?"

"No, it was my idea. I almost brought my old pair to the airport for you, but at the last minute decided against it."

Tara just smiled but then admitted, "I don't think that I could get along without my wellies in Milwaukee. There are weeks that I wear them nearly every day and it doesn't matter if I'm driving or taking the bus to work. The med college is on a huge campus and parking is at such a premium that I have to leave the car in a remote lot and walk to my building. I think I bought these the first week that I was there."

At this point Tara's luggage appeared so they collected it and headed to the car. The rain had let up just a little, but there were still huge puddles that they had to wade through. When they finally got home, I was waiting for them in the kitchen and had poured some wine even before they walked through the door. I took one look at the two women and sarcastically said, "Well, if it isn't the arrival of the welly sisters!"

"Wes, don't be so snarky. The airport was such a mess that I'm glad I wore mine to go pick up Tara but was also both surprised and relieved to see that she had worn hers as well."

"I wasn't being snarky. It was a good idea that you wore your wellies and had told you as much before you left."

"Your father thinks that I have a rubber boot fetish, but I think it is really him that has one. He's always finding reasons for me to wear rubber boots."

"I suppose that there are many more troublesome and obnoxious fetishes that one can have," replied Tara.

"You might be right, but your father and I have had a lot of fun teasing each other about it. We've done that since before we got married."

"Actually, with having our wedding in mid-October outside at the old lighthouse on Sodus Point, I'm thinking that I just might decide that I should wear wellies with my dress. Even at 11 o'clock in the morning the grass there might still be damp plus we also need to figure out some contingency plans in case it is raining."

"Wellies with a wedding dress?!" I asked. "Does that mean that the entire wedding party will be wearing wellies?"

"Now don't get too excited, Wes," said Eileen knowing how much I really enjoy seeing women wearing wellies no matter what the venue.

"Certainly, the bridesmaids will, and we've already talked about it although it did take some time for us to agree on the emerald green dresses with dark green wellies."

"So do I get to wear wellies, too?" asked Eileen.

"Certainly, if you want to," said Tara.

"And how about the groom? What will he be wearing?"

"Good question," said Tara who then added, "I don't have a clue, which means that things could get interesting."

"Let me be a bit more direct, does Eric have a rubber boot fetish like your father?" Eileen asked.

"Gee, I sure hope so," I muttered under my breath, but loud enough that my wife and daughter could hear.

"I can't be certain," explained Tara with a giggle, but then added, "I know that he has several pairs of rubber boots though ranging from ankle high to hipwaders plus he likes wearing them whenever conditions warrant."

"That doesn't mean that he has any fetish," I said.

"I know someone who has several pairs and does have a fetish," quipped Eileen before realizing what she was saying.

"Daddy! Maybe Mom is right, you do have a rubber boot fetish. That's OK because I think I've got one, too. As for Eric, I'll have to think about which of his boots would go with a tuxedo."

"Enough of this conversation. Right now we could all use a nice glass of wine," I said pulling the cork from a well-chilled bottle of Gewurztraminer. I poured glasses all around, raised my glass and toasted Tara saying, "Here's to the cutest bride anyone will ever hope to see, whether she wears wellies at her wedding or not."

At that we all took a sip and the conversation switched to what Eileen had made for dinner, namely seafood scampi on a bed of angel hair pasta with a Caesar salad. The banter over dinner was focused on Tara's new position at the University Hospital. Both Eileen and I were thrilled that she was moving back east and we would be close to them. Nothing was said, but we were also thrilled that she was getting married and hoped some grandchildren would soon be in the offing as well.

The next morning everyone had a light breakfast, but being that it was still storming, albeit lightly, both Tara and Eileen decided to wear wellies as they ran their errands. On the wet walk from the parking lot to the mall entrance there were numerous puddles as well as small streams to negotiate, but the two elected to not avoid walking through them.

They had no sooner entered the mall when Tara turned to her mom and said, "I think it's sort of cute that you and Daddy accuse each other of having a rubber boot fetish. Is that something new because I never recall hearing about it previously?"

"No, it's hardly new. If you can believe that it first started about the time that I met your father when we each did a semester at the University of Cork in Ireland 35 years ago. Irish weather being wet and rainy means that you better have a pair of wellies or be frequently wet."

"That's the reason it is called the 'emerald Isle."

"I suppose. Anyway, your dad and I were seeing a lot of each other and it was no surprise we were often wearing wellies. It became a bit of a joke and one time he came to my flat and I was in my bathrobe but wearing my wellies. He could not help but make a snarky comment. That was the start and neither of us have let up on the other ever since."

"That is a sweet story, but to have a fetish usually means that there is some sexual element. You haven't said anything about that."

"I have probably said too much already. If you and Eric have a rubber boot fetish It is probably best if you two discover that on your own. That is assuming you haven't done so already."

"So, there is. I just knew it. Just the visuals of my mom and dad..."

"I'm not telling you anymore and whatever you do, don't ask your father about it. Promise?"

"OK, I promise."

"As for you, your husband will love that you are wearing wellies under your wedding dress. I can wait to see his reaction."

At that Tara let out a little giggle. "You're probably right. He's so crazy about any excuse for me wearing rubber boots that he'd probably enjoy me wearing nothing else."

"Sweetie, that's probably far too much information but your father is exactly the same way. Little did I know that years ago when I told you that you should find a man like your dad to marry that you would take heed my every word."

At that they hugged and then wondered where they should go for lunch. Both agreed that finding someplace that served alcohol seemed appropriate.

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chytownchytown8 months ago

*****That was a cute story. Thanks for sharing.

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