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A Foot in Her Court

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Ex ruins his championship chances with her gorgeous feet.
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The tennis championships took place on a sweltering hot summer day. As soon as I stepped up that morning, squinting into the sun, I could feel the heat shining down on centre court. Luckily, the heat favoured me because I was a good server -- it meant I could win some easy points and save energy without yanking myself back and forth across the court, exhausted.

'You nervous?' Coach said, as we walked onto the court for my last practice shots.

'Not really,' I lied.

Of course I was nervous. This was the championship match. If I won, I could go straight to the pros. And I was up against Ross, the second-ranked male player in my age group.

'Don't worry,' Coach said. 'You crushed him last time.'

It was true. Last time I'd defeated Ross in three sets easily. But there was another reason I cared about this game so much: my ex, Ruby. And as I let my eyes flicker across the stands, which were starting to gather with people, I spotted her sitting in the corner of my opponent's box, casually resting her slender bronze legs on the seat in front of her.

Ruby was easily the most attractive girl I'd ever met. With her angelic blonde hair, cherry lips, and wickedly sexy turquoise eyes, Ruby could easily wrap any guy around her finger -- something she never hesitated to do. If casual flirting was a sport, she'd be in the Olympics. She could always score a bargain on a new dress or ace an interview she was underqualified for.

Ruby had broken up with me two months ago and started going out with Ross a month after that. Somehow the breakup gave her beauty an ethereal glow that made her even more breathtaking. Her white T-shirt hugged her generous chest and her miniskirt showed off every curve of her legs.

'Oi!' Coach barked out. 'Are you listening, Brad?'

I jerked my head away from Ruby, trying not to think of her.


'I was saying, let's practice your serves,' Coach said as he jogged across to the other side of the court. 'Two serves down the T, two serves out wide.'


I had to get my head in the game. If I always got distracted by pretty girls, there was no way I'd win.

I went through my routine, bouncing the ball and coiling my body into the right serving position. It was just my luck that in my position, I couldn't serve without looking directly at her. Or maybe it wasn't -- knowing Ruby, she could've chosen that spot deliberately because it was in my line of sight.

I paused for a moment, bouncing the ball a few more times than usual so I could admire the way the sun shone off Ruby's shoulders. She luxuriously crossed her legs at the knee and dangled one of her sandals off her pretty toes.

Fuck. I definitely had a weakness for female feet, and my ex had the prettiest pair I'd ever seen. Ruby, like beautiful girls all over the world, knew how to use all her tricks to her advantage. She knew dangling a feminine shoe off was the best way to show off the high arches of her flawless soles.

Realising I was daydreaming again, I hurriedly swerved my body around and fired a serve down the court. It bounced horribly wide.

'Man, what the fuck was that!' Coach yelled from the other side of the court, as some of the crowd laughed. I hadn't done that in years. Even if I missed a serve, it was usually much closer than that.

'Sorry, Coach,' I mumbled.

'Are you even concentrating at all?'

Ruby chose that moment to look up at me, and I felt a hot flush creep over me. Why did she have to look at me now? Why not when I was about to do something special?

Ruby lifted one hand into her hair and kicked off her shoe completely, letting it fall onto the seat beside her. She pressed the sole of her foot against the top of the seat, scrunching her toes, rubbing them up and down, teasing her beautiful foot across the head of the empty seat.

Shit. Shit. It was hard enough ignoring my ex when I was just in front of her, but it was impossible when she was deliberately teasing me in front of hundreds of people. This was going to be a long practice.

Sure enough, I screwed up my serves in every way possible: out wide, long, short, into the net, and everything else. People were laughing at me while I was out there. Coach, getting despondent, stopped yelling at me and told me to leave early.

'Hope you're better than that when the match starts,' he sighed.

Ten minutes later, I sat alone in the locker room bench, both hands clenched together. Half the locker doors lay carelessly opened, revealing their now-empty contents. Polished floorboards reflected the fluorescent lights shining overhead. Most weeks this change room was full of loud whistles and salacious gossip, but in the championship round it was utterly empty. They did that to simulate the professional tour.

In these last ten minutes before my championship game, I had one last chance to calm down and get myself back in fighting shape. As any great athlete knew, your success wasn't just about your skills or athletic ability. The most important thing was your ability to control your mind.

But I wasn't doing well. My thoughts kept straying back to Ruby and how smooth her bronze legs looked under the sun. Sighing, I leant back against the locker room and massaged my temples. When I finally opened my eyes, I couldn't believe what I was seeing. I shook my head rapidly back and forth but the reality was clear: Ruby was leaning by the doorway.

'Wh-what?!' I stammered. 'What are you doing here?'

Up close, Ruby was even more stunning than I remembered. I hadn't seen her like this in so long that my mouth was dry just looking at her.

'Oh!' she giggled. 'I didn't know this was the boys' change room.'

She hopped onto the bench opposite me and sighed. Ruby crossed her legs at the ankle, pressed one foot against the other, and playfully kicked her legs back and forth.

'Hey,' she piped up, 'the boys' bathrooms are so much better than ours. Isn't that a bit sexist?'

'What are you doing here?' I whispered, glancing around, panicking, my heart hammering. 'Can you please leave?'

'No,' Ruby said promptly.

That was her favourite word around me. Whenever I asked her to do anything, it was usually no. On the other hand, I could never reject her. If Ruby had wanted me to buy her a new dress or drive her to some girls' night, she used to sit on my couch, pout her pretty lips, and dangle one shoe off her toes. Struggling to hide my arousal, I'd always give in quickly. Then she'd hide her knowing smirk with a giggle and reward me with a chaste kiss on my cheek.

Presently she did something similar: Ruby kicked her sandals off, scattering them far across the floor, and revealed her stunning soles.

'Oops! Could you fetch those for me?' she said sweetly. She pointed with her perfectly French pedicured toes at the shoes on the ground.

I knew it was a dumb thing to do. I had the most important game of my life in fifteen minutes; I hardly needed another distraction. But whenever Ruby used her feet to boss me around, I was like a servant running to do her bidding.

'Here,' I gasped, holding her shoes up for her and kneeling on the ground beneath her.

Ruby smiled down at me. She was so beautiful when she smiled. I remembered at once why I used to break my back just to make her happy.

'Put them on the ground,' Ruby commanded.

As I bent down to place her sandals carefully on the floor, I caught a whiff of her sweet, feminine, musky foot scent. She'd been wearing them barefoot all day and had just taken them off. With an enormous effort of will, I jerked my nose away from her and sat down on the bench, breathing hard. I was too scared to look at her.

'It's so hot today that my feet are sweaty. Could you help me dry them off?'

'I -- uh --' I began.

But whatever protests I had was instantly gone when Ruby put her feet on my lap and squeezed her toes against my thigh, sending a shudder of pure pleasure up my body. My dick twitched eagerly and took over my brain. Ruby grinned wickedly at the fierce blush colouring my cheeks.

With shaky, tentative hands, I pulled out my towel and wrapped them around her legs. I carefully leaving her feet bare so I could stare at them. I rubbed up and down gently, brushing her adorable small feet.

'Do you want to kiss them?' she said, giggling.

A strangled gasp closed my throat. Ruby rarely ever let me entertain my foot fetish when I was with her; she said it was unmanly. But that didn't stop her from insisting on walking barefoot everywhere and making me wash her feet later that night.

I pushed my face hungrily forward. But Ruby planted the sole of her feet firmly on my dick, squeezing it. I let out a yelp and doubled over in pain, gasping.

'HEY!' she said sharply. 'I asked if you wanted to kiss them. I didn't give you permission to do it!'

But my traitorous cock was growing even more erect in my shorts. If there was anything I liked more than pretty girls with stupefyingly beautiful feet, it was dominant girls who demanded what they wanted.

'S-sorry,' I huffed.

'That's another mistake you made! This is why I broke up with you, don't you remember?'

The way Ruby swung between her playful, flirtatious side and her sharp, regal side was so sexy. She'd always used to do that; she would ask me to buy her ice-cream, batting her eyes sweetly at me. Once I got it, she'd whip it out of my hands without even thanking me and march on, as though I wasn't her boyfriend and more of her butler. It used to confuse me to no end and I could never get a proper read on her personality.

From outside the changerooms, someone yelled out, 'Five minutes left!'

'Please,' I said desperately, looking up at my beautiful ex.

'Please what?' she taunted, as though she didn't know.

'I need to get ready.'

'I'm not stopping you. You can go on ahead without me.'

Ruby leaned back and let out some mix of a moan and a sigh. It was the sexiest sound I'd ever heard. She playfully pressed her bare soles firmly together, leaving a space in between them that was just enough for me to imagine my dick fitting in there ...

It was all so hopeless. No matter how much I strained and tried to think of other things, the sight of my ex's beautiful feet caused me to lose all reason.

Screwing up all my courage, I asked her, 'Please Ruby, can I kiss your feet?'

Ruby giggled and pulled her feet away from me. The sudden cold in my lap was almost painful. With a wave of despair, I realised she wouldn't make it easy on me. She never had; she always enjoyed taking whatever advantage she held over me and manipulating it until I knew she was the victor.

'Sorry, couldn't hear you,' Ruby sang. 'What was that? Say it louder.'

I licked my lips and glanced around, making sure nobody was here.

'Can I kiss your feet?' I said, as loudly as I dared.

Ruby giggled and slapped her bare soles on the bench.

'You've got five minutes before the most important match of your life, and here you are wanting to kiss your ex's toes? Are you sure?' she teased.

I gasped and tried to control my rapid breathing.

'Two minutes!' yelled the voice. 'Competitor Brad, please come out now!'

'Please Ruby,' I begged. 'Just once and then ...'

'Can you even play when your cock is hard like that?' she laughed.

Ruby pressed one toe forward and gently nudged the tent in my shorts. Even the slightest brush of her toe against the front of my shorts made me inhale sharply and set her off in another round of giggles.

'OK then,' she said. 'I'll give you two choices now. One: you go out and play your tennis match. But if you choose that, you'll never get to kiss my feet in your life. Ever.'

I squirmed and closed my eyes, panting. It was an impossible choice. Ruby's flawless soles were right up in my face and I couldn't deny my body. I knew I'd be kicking myself forever if I chose that one.

'Two: you get naked right now.'

I immediately tore off my shirt and placed one hand at the top of my shorts, ready to rip them off too.

'STOP!' Ruby shouted.

I froze in place. Ruby giggled, letting me wait in agonising silence, rubbing her adorable feet over each other to tease me. My dick throbbed painfully inside my shorts. I knew if she ever touched me again, I would spurt explosions of cum on the spot.

'Competitor Brad!' came the shout from upstairs. 'If you don't come up now, you'll forfeit the match!'

'Well?' she said, raising a perfectly lined eyebrow.

I stayed in place, refusing to think of the consequences.

'I can't believe this!' she said, delighted. 'You'll give up everything just like this? You've been working years and years for this, and you'll just let me take it all away from you?'

I wasn't even really listening to her. There was nothing I wanted to do more than dive down and press my devoted tongue underneath her heavenly soles in devoted worship.

'You really are enslaved by a girl's beautiful feet,' she said. 'Well ...'

She rubbed her foot over the swollen tent in my shorts. The touch was only for less than a second, and she was touching me over my shorts, but the shuddering pleasure was better than any orgasm I'd ever had. I was panting and clenching all my muscles. And suddenly she let her foot go and I gasped, my dick twitching uselessly in the air.

My gorgeous cruel ex winked down at me.

'Pants off now, foot boy,' she commanded.

I did as she said, setting my erect cock free for her.

'Get down like a puppy. And bark for me.'

I did it, feeling hopeless and stupid but oh so turned on.

'Louder!' she sang.

I barked loudly like a dog, not even caring who was up there and could hear the most embarrassing moment of my life.

In the distance, I heard the official announcement. 'Competitor Brad forfeits the match! Ross wins the championship game and will go on!'

Ruby laughed and pulled my ear closer to her. Her whisper in my ear sent shudders of erotic pleasure down my spine.

'Wouldn't it be so cruel if I just walked away now?' Ruby laughed. 'You've given up everything you've possibly worked for, just over the chance to kiss my feet ... but what if I don't let you!'

I whimpered and clasped my hands together, silently begging for her mercy. Ruby tapped her finger on my nose.

'You're lucky you look cute when you're begging pathetically like that,' she said. 'If you were ugly, I'd just walk away right now. But still ...' She paused thoughtfully. 'What's in it for me?'

A surge of resentment rose up inside me. I'd given up my chances in the championship match for her and she was still asking what was in it for her? I was about to lose everything for this bitch! But I quickly stamped down my anger, knowing she would surely walk out on my at once if I ever showed it. I'd made the mistake of doing that once when we were dating; I had to splurge all my savings on a designer dress just to get her to talk to me again.

'Here's the deal,' Ruby went on ruthlessly. 'You can kiss my feet if you agree to be my foot slave for the next year. That means whenever I click my fingers, you need to be at my feet, kissing them. Understand?'

'Yes, Ruby,' I said.

'And that's whether I have just gotten out of the shower or I've just walked barefoot on the dirty streets for an hour. Understand?'

'Yes, Ruby.'

'And you have to pay for all my pedicures and heels. In fact, make that anything I want. I point to it, you buy it. Understand?'

'Yes, Ruby.'

'Good.' She allowed herself a small smirk and looked down arrogantly at me, tossing her beautiful blonde hair. 'You may now kiss my feet.'

I eagerly pressed my tongue forward, worshipping her soles. My transformation into my ex's foot slave was complete.

'Oh, thank you so much, Ruby!' I gasped.

'You're welcome, foot slave. We're going to have so much fun! Well,' she giggled, 'I am, at least.'

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2fresh472fresh47about 1 month ago

Great story part 2?

oureltonourelton5 months ago

Truly an amazing story! Absolutely loved it! Please continue with it?! Please and thank you

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

Great story! Part 2 please

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