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A Girl's Night Out

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Laurie and her daughter win big at the casino.
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Lisa was especially anxious to have another getaway with her mother. Lisa had discovered that Laurie's and my relationship was not the normal one she'd thought it was before last New Year's Eve. Then when they were together in New York last Spring, Lisa happened to walk in on Laurie and a masseur she had hired. Since then, mother and daughter had emailed each other occasionally, wondering what it might be like if they went out together to find a new friend or two.

When Lisa had received the email from her aunt, Laurie's youngest sister, suggesting a "girls' night" at the casino in Milwaukee with Lisa, Laurie and both aunts, it looked like they had the perfect opportunity.

Laurie made the arrangements at the hotel; the two rooms she reserved were on different floors and different sides of the hotel so there would be little chance of Laurie and Lisa meeting up with her sisters after they had 'called it a night' at the casino. The four of them met at the hotel about 6:00pm, checked into their rooms and changed for the evening. They met in the lobby and drove directly to the casino, thinking they would register for seats at a poker table and the grab a little dinner. When they got there and checked their coats, the aunts saw mother and daughter in a whole new light.

They had stopped on their way to Milwaukee at a large outlet mall on the way. They both walked away with outfits for the evening. Lisa's long, dark curly hair fell on bare shoulders. A soft, gray 'peasant-style' sweater, pulled low over the top of her breasts, outlined the fullness and the shape of her bra-less figure. She had on a navy miniskirt over sheer black hose and strappy black high heeled sandals.

Laurie's much shorter red hair was highlighted brilliantly by her diamond drop earrings and solitaire necklace. Also in a dove gray sweater, Laurie's was more the classic 'V-neck pullover' in soft cashmere. The wool was so fine; you could make out the bumps on her aureoles that surrounded her swollen nipples. She also had a navy skirt, not quite as short as Lisa's, but still inches above her knees. She completed her outfit with sparkly gray thigh-high hose and navy heels.

Barb said she thought they looked great - Linda was a little scandalized. Laurie said she and Lisa ignored most of the comments through dinner and by the time they were at the slots (still waiting for the poker table to open up) the comments had stopped - at least from the aunts.

Laurie and Lisa sat down next to each other in front of two slot machines based on the Monopoly board game. The seats in front of the machines were bar stools, and as they climbed up, they noticed each other's skirts riding high on their shapely thighs. Lisa had her hand on her mother's leg when a cocktail waitress came by for drink orders. As they ordered glasses of Merlot, Lisa kissed Laurie on her cheek and told her how hot she looked. The waitress left and Laurie returned her daughter's kiss - this time a quick peck on her lips and told her she looked great, too.

Laurie swiveled herself around to the machine and started to load it with quarters. She explained to Lisa that Barb had told her about this game and Laurie had won some money on it last summer, at a different casino, when she came along with Mark (my workmate) and me on a 4-day golfing trip around northern Michigan. Laughing and drinking her wine, she explained that she didn't really know how the game was played, she just kept putting in money and eventually she won about $150.

Both girls continued drinking, laughing and feeding the machines. Almost two hours had passed when suddenly, Lisa's game seemed to jump her to a different level. At the same time, Barb and Linda came by to tell them that the poker table had opened up. Laurie decided this was a good chance to separate themselves for the rest of the evening, and she told her sisters that she and Lisa were going to ride the Monopoly machines for a while and then probably go to bed. Mother and daughter watched as the two aunts walked away until they disappeared inside the poker room.

When they were out of sight, Lisa leaned into her mother and gave her another kiss, this one lingering just a second longer as she congratulated her on her quick thinking. When she turned back to her game, she bumped into the hip of a man standing very close to her stool. She poked Laurie to get her attention and the two of them gave him the once-over. Laurie told me later he was my age, but taller and very trim. He was smiling down at Lisa, enjoying the small gap in the front of her sweater, when he told her she had to continue the game before the timer shut it down. She had to make a move to try to go from $60 to $250. He introduced himself as Robert and said he worked as a crew chief for a power company who was doing work in the area. Then he pointed out a choice of buttons for her to push and Lisa just looked up at him, her eyes smiling as she asked him to do it.

He moved closer to her and draped an arm around her shoulder. She was impressed by the strength in his arm as he held her and explained the buttons. She was far more interested in his handsome, sunburnt face and his lean physique than in his gaming instructions. When she pulled the lever at his bidding, the game cranked and whirled and lights started flashing.

His strategy seemed to have paid off as Lisa was given another set of choices to make. This time, though, the payoff would go from $250 to $1000. He leaned down to her and whispered in her ear, asking what she wanted him to do. As he waited for her answer, looking deep into her sweater to see the firm, rounded tops of her breasts, he kissed her lightly on the neck. Laurie had moved around to see what was going on and heard Lisa tell Robert she wanted him to make the choice again and then give her a proper good-luck kiss before she pulled the lever.

As Robert pulled back to study the game, he saw Laurie sitting very close on Lisa's other side. He asked Lisa what her sister's name was and was very pleasantly surprised (or so he made it seem) when she introduced Laurie as her mother. As Laurie shifted to take his hand, the V-neck of her sweater gaped open, exposing most of her left breast. His eyes moved to it immediately and Lisa felt him start to get hard as he leaned against her shoulder. Lisa told him to give her mother a good-luck kiss, too. He complied happily, bending across Lisa to kiss Laurie long and softly on her barely open mouth. He pulled away as the counter was clicking down on Lisa's game. As he pulled her hand up to the lever, his erect organ pushed even harder into her side. She told me she could hardly concentrate on the game, he felt so long and hard against her. She pulled down and the machine started whirling again.

This time when it stopped, lights on top of the machine started to dance on and off and just a few seconds later, a casino attendant was by their side. He asked to see Lisa's ID (you have to be 21 to gamble) and then asked her if she would like the winnings in cash or in credit. With one arm around Laurie and the other around Robert's trim waist, Lisa told the attendant she wanted the cash, alternating kissing her mother and her new friend, laughing and drinking more of her wine. When the young man told her she had to come back to the cashier's desk to sign and collect, Lisa urged her mother to take Robert to the bar and wait for her so she could buy a round of drinks to celebrate.

By the time Lisa found them, sitting close together at the bar, Robert and Laurie were already getting more intimately acquainted. Lisa grinned to herself as she sat down on his right side, doing nothing to stop her short skirt from riding up and exposing the lace tops of her thigh-high stockings. She dropped one hand over his hard, muscled thigh as she reached for her wine with the other. And as she turned to her left, her sweated gaped open almost as much as Laurie's. Robert had to be in heaven, surrounded by these two hot and seemingly available women. He was only hoping he wouldn't have to choose between them.

Several drinks and an hour later found the threesome in a small circular booth towards the dimly-lit back of the bar, Robert again surrounded by mother and daughter. They had exhausted the small talk and jokes and had lost the giddiness of the big win at the slot machine. Robert leaned back in the booth, one arm around each of my girls. He asked them softly how they came to be dressed in such hot, complimentary outfits. When Laurie giggled and asked him if really thought they looked hot, he took his right arm from Lisa and pulled Laurie to him. As he kissed her hard and deep, he moved his free hand gently to her cleavage and started to caress the top of her breast with his fingertips. Laurie moaned into his mouth as he barely grazed her hardened nipple. Lisa's eyes glazed over as she watched her mother kissing this handsome stranger. She asked Laurie what he felt like. Laurie slowly disengaged as Robert kept circling her nipple with the callused pad of his thumb.

Laurie could hardly speak as she tried to describe how good it felt, the softness of his touch combined with the hardness of his fingertips. Laurie told Lisa he was a great kisser, too. Robert removed his hand from Laurie's sweater and draped it around Lisa's shoulder again. He said again he thought they both looked extremely hot, but he was still wondering why they were out together this way. Laurie, still breathless from his kiss, told Lisa to tell him. This time, he took his arm from Laurie and turned half-way towards Lisa. As she started to tell him about finding out about her parent's 'open marriage' and their trip last Spring to New York, Robert drew her closer, kissing her neck softly as she spoke.

He put his left hand on Lisa's thigh, gently rubbing his thumb across the lace stocking top and her exposed flesh. She never mentioned the family party last New Year, and she only said she had 'walked in' on Laurie while she was having a massage, but didn't mention staying and participating in the hot, uninhibited sex at the end of the backrub.

When she told him they had been emailing each other, wondering what it might be like to go out together, she picked his hand up off of her thigh. With her other hand, she guided his face away from her neck until he was looking into her eyes. She noticed her mother looking at her from across Robert's lean form. She told Laurie later that she almost climaxed, right there in the bar when she saw her mother's next expression. That came a moment later when Lisa moved Robert's left hand onto her bare shoulder. As she told him softly that he had brought her such good luck, she dragged his palm downward, not stopping when his hand covered the round, upper half of her breast.

Laurie gasped softly, drawing Lisa's gaze to her mother's expression of awe, shock and lust. Lisa kept speaking softly to Robert, telling him he deserved to share in their good fortune. As her hand brought his further down across her breast, she used her own fingers to drag the top of her soft, gray sweater down below her breast, now covered completely by his hand. They drew close and kissed, tongues dueling, hungering for each other. When Lisa broke the kiss, she whispered across to her mother. She said Laurie was right...he was a great kisser...and what his fingers were doing to her nipple was too good to be true. Then she told her mother to feel his cock. Robert groaned as Laurie moved her hand to his lap, tracing his hardness through his slacks. Lisa asked her mother if she thought he was hard enough and long enough to satisfy both of them. Laurie moaned her reply.

Lisa asked them both if they felt like continuing their celebration back at the hotel. Laurie said she was ready. Robert squeezed Lisa's swollen nipple one last time before he covered her up. Lisa looked at him and asked him directly if he wanted them both, together, that night. He kissed daughter and then mother and said it would be his honor and his pleasure. They straightened up as they left the booth and walked up to the bar to settle their check.

As Robert called the bartender over to get the bill, Lisa reminded him that it was to be her treat for his help earlier. He wouldn't let her pay and they started to argue, in fun, but their voices got a little loud. A moment later, they were surprised by a voice behind them, calling Robert's name. They turned to see a thirty-something man, a perfect specimen of the young, fit, outdoorsman. Robert introduced him as Jimmy, one of the men on a crew he supervised. The blond six-footer looked at Laurie and Lisa, his eyes resting where their nipples seemed to be fighting through their sweaters. Robert quickly told the young man how they all had met and that they were just off to continue the celebration. Neither Lisa nor Laurie missed the growing bulge in the young man's jeans. They looked at each other and grinned. Laurie had moved close to Jimmy as Robert finished his description of the night thus far. She slipped her arm around his waist and ducked under his arm, pressing herself against his rock-hard body. They could all see down the V of her sweater as she asked Robert if he thought it would be okay if Jimmy joined them to help celebrate. Jimmy was begging with his eyes as Robert seemed to think it over. When he said he thought Jimmy might add something special, it was decided.

Laurie laughed as Robert deftly handed Jimmy the bar bill, put his arm around Lisa and walked her out of the bar. Laurie waited for the good-looking young man as he settled the bill. When he turned to her, he put his arms around her and drew her into a kiss. They smiled at each other and arm-in-arm they walked out of the bar. As arranged earlier, they walked over to the customer service desk. There they found a note from Laurie's sisters, saying they wound up about even and were going to take a cab back to the hotel. They would meet for breakfast in the morning as arranged. Both Robert and Jimmy had gotten rides to the casino, so they collected their coats and the four of them drove back to the hotel together in Laurie's car.

They walked through the hotel lobby, arms looped around each others' waists. Laughing and kissing their way into the elevator, they moved to the back as another middle-aged couple got in. As the woman caught Laurie's eye in the mirrored wall, Laurie took Jimmy's hand and put it firmly on her breast. She watched, shocked, as Jimmy slipped his hand into Laurie's sweater and started to massage her swollen tit. When the door opened, her husband had to pull her out of the car.

The door closed and the four of them started laughing as the car moved upwards towards their floor.

The elevator opened again and the four of them fell out, laughing and kissing, and marched down the hall arm-in-arm on the way to the girls' room. Though together, Laurie was closer to Jimmy and Lisa was very close to the older man. As they got nearer to their door, they were passed by a middle-aged couple walking together holding an ice bucket. They all smiled and said polite hello's and good evening's. When the couple passed them, Lisa took Robert's hand and dropped it on her ass. She knew at the very least, the man had seen; she found that to be quite exciting.

When the reached their door, Laurie looked for her keycard in her purse, Jimmy standing close behind, his arms around her waist. Robert had pulled Lisa against the wall next to the door and leaned close to give her a deep kiss. Lisa knees started to shake...he wasreallygood! She pushed him back just enough to see the same couple returning down the hall.

They approached slowly, not wanting to miss any of the action. When they were in earshot, Lisa turned to her mother and loud enough for everyone to hear, she moaned "Oh, Mother, you were right. He is such an excellent kisser." The strangers slowed almost to a crawl. Lisa grabbed Robert's firm ass in her hand a gave him a squeeze. He started kissing Lisa again.

As the older man and the much younger girl were occupied, Jimmy decided to keep the dialogue going. He leaned in to Laurie, pulling her back into his very hard front. Again, just loud enough to be heard, hestage-whisperedin her ear, "Oh,Mother...I think you'll enjoy the kiss of youryoung mantonight." And then he planted a loud kiss on her neck to the audible surprise of the couple just several feet away.

Laurie couldn't resist. As soon as she heard them gasp, she turned in Jimmy's arms and slipped a hand around his neck. Pulling him down, she whispered back, "Oh yes, my handsome young man...give Mother a kiss." He did. A really good kiss.

The couple were both trying to get each other to walk away, but they were resisting each other's efforts. Laurie turned again and slid the keycard through the lock and opened the door. Lisa, Robert and Jimmy moved passed her into the room and as she started to step inside, she took one last look at the shocked and confused couple. She smiled at them and just couldn't help but giggle a little as she asked them "Don't you just love family vacations?"

She ducked into the room and closed the door behind her. Robert was chuckling and Jimmy was laughing out loud. Lisa looked a little stunned by her mother's comments – her brother had told them not to talk about their family activities in any detail before they had left. Laurie told her to lighten up, it was all in fun, and besides, Lisa had started it. Lisa was grinning and then laughing again as she congratulated Jimmy on his picking up the action. He stopped laughing as he took Laurie in his arms again. He looked at her, then over at Lisa and his boss. "You make a very cute couple, my new Dad and my new sister." Then he turned back to Laurie and said softly, "But this lady is the hottest MILF I've had my hands on in a long time." He kissed her lightly. "So if you two don't mind, Mother's young man is going to give her what she deserves right now."

Laurie leaned into Jimmy's side and kissed him with meaning. Then she pulled away and told Jimmy he would find a bottle of Merlot on the dresser with a corkscrew. If the men wanted something else, they should feel free to call room service. Robert did just that, ordering a bottle of scotch and a bucket of ice. And while it called a temporary halt to their playing around, as they waited Jimmy did manage to open the wine and pour a glass each for mother and daughter.

After arranging the lighting to everyone's comfort, Robert sat next to Lisa on one of the beds and Laurie and Jimmy occupied the other. The girls drank wine and the men asked them questions - lots of questions. Most of them were about how they came to be there that night...and what they thought might happen.

Did they plan on picking someone up?

- Yes.


- Yes, they hoped so.

Have they ever had sex together before? Either alone or with someone else?

- No. Never. (They knew it would be more exciting if their new friends thought they werethe firstto see mother and daughter together later on.)

Why now? Why them?

- (Lisa gave a short recap telling how she learned of her parents' open marriage, and told how she and Laurie wanted to explore it together.)

Why them?

- (Laurie spoke) "Well," she giggled, "it never hurts when a charming and ruggedly handsome, slightly older man helps you win a thousand dollars! And I'm sure it didn't matter to Lisaat allthat Robert bears a strong resemblance to someone she loves very much."

Lisa gasped at Laurie's implication. But before she could respond, there was a knock on the door. Robert jumped up and opened it. The waiter brought in a tray and set it on the small table. Robert took the check and slipped some cash in the leather folder and handed it back, pushing the young man out of the room. Meanwhile, Lisa took note of the way her mother was looking at her, with love and understanding and her warmest smile."She gonna say something," Lisa thought to herself, "and its okay!"

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