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A God of Old Ch. 08

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He shows more of his priestesses what it means to serve him.
8.5k words

Part 8 of the 11 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 03/09/2016
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Ancient Egypt:

The training pit was filled with the sounds of combat, wood smacking against wood, grunts of exertion coupling with quick footsteps on the packed sand.

Hefzi was training new priestesses.

"Wonder how many bruises they'll have when she's done with them," Yaseha murmured to Senak, the two women sitting on the edge of the pit, watching the proceedings.

"Probably too many to count," Senak replied, her feet dangling over the edge, swaying in the empty air.

"Again," Hefzi commanded.

Three battle cries sounded, and the older woman, with decades of combat experience and honed skills, easily handled the oncoming trio. One was whacked on the head with the practice sword, another was tripped up, and the third was kicked over the second one. All three ended up in a heap on the ground.

Yaseha and Senak could not hold back their giggles.

"Do you two wish to come down here?" Hefzi asked them, a disapproving look on her face.

They quieted, still grinning but unwilling to provoke the older woman.

As good as I am, Senak thought, I still wouldn't want to fight the Lioness.

"Again," Hefzi said to the training trio.

"Senak," came a voice from behind them.

She turned to see Hanas, the high priestess, backed by two attendants.

"Come," the high priestess bade her, "we must discuss the details of our trip."

"Of course," Senak said, nodding a good-bye to Yaseha, quickly standing and following the three as they walked away from the training pit.

The two attendants were new. Senak recognized one as Enet, the older brother of Arhekh, a priestess who had been inducted into the ranks the previous year.

"Can you go find Shaya and Tehi?" Hanas asked her.

"Of course," she said, heading off to search for the two other priestess.

"Meet us at the Grand Fountain," Hanas said.

Senak nodded back as she walked away.

The four priestesses, several attendants, and a few warriors were leaving in three days to visit one of Enkartep's new subject cities. The transition from ruling themselves to being ruled had been difficult for the elite of the city, so their master wanted them there to make everything smoother.

Around the next corner, Senak passed two warriors on watch, their canine characteristics by now familiar to her, arousing a heat in her loins instead of the terror it might provoke in one unfamiliar to them. She had spent many hours entangled with warriors.

The warriors were conversing in their guttural tongue; they nodded at her as she passed.

A few paces past them, the conversation ceased, as if it had never been.

Senak turned back to see empty space where the warriors were.


She strode over, confusion reigning in her mind, reaching out to touch the empty space.

From around the corner she had just turned came a cry.

Senak sprinted towards the sound, rounding the corner to see the two attendants standing over Hanas' corpse, each one holding a bloody knife.

"No!" she cried, the two attendants spotting her, heading towards her with an obvious intent.

She ducked back behind the corner, managing to push the confusion and anger back, summoning the coldly logical mindset that Hefzi had instilled in all her trainees.

The first attendant came around the corner boldly, his rashness costing him his life as Senak struck her palm into his throat, grabbing the dagger from his loosened hold, plunging it into his chest.

The second followed straight after, so Senak kicked his gurgling compatriot at him. The several seconds he spent stumbling back from the momentum allowed her to approach swiftly and slash the blade across his neck.

She threw the dagger to the ground and ran towards Hanas, already knowing that the high priestess was dead. Deep furrows ran across the older woman's chest and stomach, blood oozing slowly from the wounds, a painfully ignominious end for this respected and powerful woman. Tears brimmed at Senak's eyes as she closed the dead priestess'.

From a few other parts of the compound came barely audible cries of anger and pain.

Senak picked up the daggers the attendants had wielded, and made for the training pit, her mind filled with images of Hefzi holding off attackers, marshalling the other women to action.

Instead, she arrived at the training pit to witness the conclusion of a bloodbath.

Archers had taken up positions around the pit, and in short order had killed all but one person. The Lioness was crawling towards the doorway in the wall of the pit, one of the main entrances and exits that the priestesses used. Her body was riddled with arrows, her progress to potential safety marked by the trails of blood she left behind on the packed sand. The fact that she was even moving seemed a minor miracle. She was mere feet from the doorway, when another archer emerged from it. Her defiant snarl was cut off when his arrow plunged into one of her eyes.

Senak screamed in impotent rage, already turning to flee even as the desire for revenge gripped her. Her scream had drawn the attention of the archers, who sent arrows towards her as she raced away, a few flying very close to her. Tears streamed down her cheeks, blurring her vision, the priestess throwing an arm up to clear her eyes.

Less than a minute later, she rounded a corner, another group of the archers in front of her, several yards away, presumably patrolling for priestesses to kill.

They spotted her immediately, and nocked their arrows.

She snarled, and brandished the two daggers.

Motion registered from the bushes behind the archers.

A cry of 'For Enkartep!' pierced the air. The archers turned, only to be hacked quickly to pieces by Arizi, Sesehet, and Mahar.

"Get the bows," Senak told them, gesturing back towards the archers she could hear running after her, "there're more coming."

The three priestesses quickly took up the dropped bows, Senak joining them, the quartet aiming, waiting for the onrushing archers from the pit to appear.

They did, moments later, and were treated to their own deaths, riddled with arrows in the same way as their victims.

"What is going on?!" Senak asked once the archers were all slain.

"We have been betrayed," Sesehet snarled.

"How could Master let this happen?!" Mahar wailed.

"Something must have happened to him," Arizi said, waving for the others to keep moving.

"We must find him!" Senak exclaimed.

"No," Arizi said quickly, "we must find and protect the broken."

"Of course," Sesehet said.

The quartet headed deeper into the compound, seeking those whose minds had been wrecked by their master's desires, those who existed only for pleasure.

At the foot of the staircase that led up to the dormitories, the quartet was met by two more priestesses, Saqqeh and Ruhul. The two women were splattered with blood, grim expressions etched across their tear-streaked faces.

"What happened?" Sesehet asked.

"Rea and Akeneb," Saqqeh murmured dully, "they were hacked to pieces."

"They were helpless things," Ruhul lamented, "who could do that to them?"

Arizi growled.

"Now we find Master," she said.

The six of them headed back into the grounds, skulking around, occasionally running into several attendants or soldiers, easily overwhelming and killing them. A more worrisome sight was the numerous corpses lying around, many of their fellow priestesses.

"Sisters!" came a voice from behind them at one point.

They turned to see Eqqeh, Saqqeh's biological sister, wiping a bloody dagger on her robes as she approached.

"I know where Master is," she told them hurriedly, "one of our betrayers told me."

"It could be a trap or a lie," Arizi warned.

"He did not give the information freely," Eqqeh replied darkly, "I had to cut it out of him."

"So we go help Master," Sesehet said.

They set off, Eqqeh leading the way.

She brought them to the temple, the entrance to the venerable building guarded by more soldiers; on the ground around them were several corpses, more priestesses who had sought to help their Master.

"They said he was inside, in the sacred chamber," Eqqeh told them.

"What do we do?" Ruhul asked nobody in particular.

"We need to help Master," Sesehet said firmly, "so we need to get inside."

"If you distract them," Arizi said to the group, "Senak and I will go inside to find Master."

The priestesses nodded.

"Wait until we engage them," Sesehet told her.

The other five slunk away, Arizi and Senak also skulking around, stopping in the shadow of a nearby building.

"For Enkartep!" came the cry, the five priestesses bursting out, charging the soldiers.

The moment the sound of clashing blades rang out, the two priestesses ran for the entrance.

They made it safely, but several soldiers noticed them and gave chase.

"Get to the chamber," Arizi told her, stopping just inside the entrance.

Senak nodded, running hard, hearing the soldiers shouting as they neared. The sounds of combat echoed in her eyes as she rounded corners and rushed down steps, venturing deeper into the temple.

The entrance to the sacred chamber was unguarded, so she dashed inside.

But when she went to go down the next set of steps, something blocked her, an invisible barrier. Her fists beat uselessly against it, the daggers proving just as unhelpful.

"Master!" she cried out, her intuition telling her that he was somewhere on the other side.

Footfalls sounded from down the hall.

Present day:

"Are you in there, Amina?!"

Amina was frozen in terror and despair.

Waiting outside was her lover, Yussef. In the bedroom with her, still nude, was her master, who had just used his powers to render her defenseless against his desires.

"Amina? The others told me you came down here."

Her master moved out of the bedroom towards the door; a plea to not open it stuck in her throat.

His hand found the doorknob; as it turned, she could feel her heart drop to her feet.

Yussef was speechless, the implications of a naked Enkartep and a hastily dressing Amina in the bedroom obvious.

"It's not what it looks like," she said lamely.

He glanced from her over to her master, who stared back impassively.

And then he turned and left, his footsteps echoing from further and further down the hall.

Amina panicked, finally galvanized into action, pulling on her trousers and throwing her shirt back on.

"Yussef!" she shouted as she dashed after him, "wait, I can explain, please!"

"I guess I shouldn't be surprised," he spat, rounding to meet her, "he is your master."

"It wasn't like that!" she cried, but he shook his head vehemently.

"I bet you couldn't wait to get him alone, huh?!"

"No, please, let me explain!"

"Explain what?"

"He was using his powers. He was too strong for me to stop."

His gaze shifted to just above her, and she felt a sinking feeling in her gut, sure she knew what, or rather who, he was looking at. The disdainful curl in his lip only made her surer.

She turned to see Enkartep walking up to them, now wearing a fine white robe. Behind her, Yussef stormed off, Amina glancing back to see him turn onto a nearby balcony.

"He does not understand the depths of your duty to me," Enkartep intoned, in that same calm manner with which he said anything.

"You said you would give me time," Amina said, flinching as he brought a hand up to stroke at her shoulder.

"I admit I did not expect this choice would be so difficult for you. I must say I am disappointed in that fact."

Amina bit back an angrily sarcastic remark.

"I can't make this choice," she told him instead, "please don't make me."

He watched her solemnly, a look of regret crossing his face.

"You wish me to take this choice away from you?"

She nodded, trying not to be so immediate and vehement with the gesture.

"Very well."

A sigh of relief was impossible to hold back. As much as she was taken aback and feeling violated by his breach of her consent, she knew, as her mother and grandmother had told her, that Enkartep would be a generous and gracious master.

His hand moved from her shoulder to her forehead, Amina flinching again. She was unsure of his intent, but she stayed still.

"What are you doing?" she asked, a tinge of nervousness in her voice.

"Removing the choice," he answered, his eyes closing.

A strange warmth radiated from his palm, seeping into her forehead. The nervousness became fear as she whimpered, trying to move now, rooted in place by his unseen power. Even though the warmth was invading her mind, she had no idea what was happening.

It lasted only a few seconds, but she had a sense of dire change, of Enkartep having altered something about her.

"What did you do to me?" she asked, more curious than scared, feeling somehow secure in the knowledge that whatever he had done, it had been for her own good.

"Think about Yussef for a moment," he said, "think back on a cherished memory."

It was easy to come up with one.

Their first few rendezvouses had been furtive and desperate, meeting for a few hours under the pretense of late-night work.

But a few weeks into their dalliance, they had stolen away on a weekend trip to Barcelona. There, unfettered by the chance of being seen and recognized, they could act like the lovers they were, kissing and canoodling in public. Even with the great sights and attractions of the city, they had simply spent many hours in bed, enjoying each other without worry or anxiety.

It was one of her favorite memories.

Now, when it came to mind, there was a feeling of naivete, as if that time had been before some great epiphany, some great knowledge.

And when she thought specifically about Yussef, the same feeling sprung up, the idea that this was the man who she had loved before her master had returned.

"You took away my love for him," she realized.

"Indeed," he said, smiling gently.

"I should probably be horrified or feel violated," she thought aloud, "but all I can think is that it was necessary."

"It was."

She nodded.

"Thank you, Master. I was weak."

He nodded back.

"If my high priestess needed such encouragement, I have much work to do with your sisters."

"Of course, Master."

"Perhaps you should help Yussef to see the truth of his situation."

"I'll try to make him stay," she told her master, already walking towards where she knew Yussef was.

Enkartep walked with her for part of the way, continuing towards the common area while she turned onto the balcony.

Yussef was looking out over the grounds.

When he noticed her, a look of relief crossed his face.

"I'm so sorry," he told her, "I was an idiot."

"It's okay," she said soothingly, "don't worry about it."

"No, no, we were both in the helicopter, I saw what he could do. I should've listened to you."

She smiled gently.

"Honestly, it's okay, Yussef. There is nothing to forgive."

He smiled back, leaning in for a kiss.

But she leaned away.

"What's wrong?" he asked.

She hesitated, trying to figure out the best way to break the news to him.

"I have something to tell you," she said, "and I don't want you to get mad."

"What is it?"

She paused, trying to read his expression.

"I don't love you anymore."

"What?" he asked flatly.

"I don't love you anymore."

"What do you mean?"

"Earlier today, my Master gave me a choice between him and you. I was too weak to make the choice, so he made it for me."

Yussef stammered in confusion.

"He...w-what did he do to you?"

"He took away my love for you."

Yussef stared at her for a few long seconds.

"I know it's going to hurt," she said quickly, "but it's for the best."

His confusion changed to anger.

"How is that for the best?!"

"Because now I can serve him unfettered."

He gaped at her.

"I still fail to see how that's a good thing. He fucking brainwashed you!"

She shook her head firmly.

"No. He changed my mind for the better."

Yussef glowered, but as he fell silent for a few seconds, she tried to plead her case.

"And now you can go back to your family."

He reacted as if she had slapped him in the face.

"You know how I feel about her," he said darkly, "we were both forced into it."

"Yes, but you love your sons, and now you can be a better father to them."

He threw his hands up in disgust and anger, pushing past her.

"Please tell me this is a sick fucking joke!"

She shook her head.

"It's the truth. I don't love you anymore."

"Then I'm leaving," he spat, "I have no reason to stay."

"Wait!" she said, reaching out to grab his arm.

He threw her off him, but stopped for a moment.

"You can still be a part of this," she told him.

"Why would I want to?"

"If you help us, you will have rewards beyond your wildest imagination. You and your family will be well taken care of. But if you leave now, you forfeit all of that. You would be wise to stay, and be our ally."

He stopped, an ugly look plastered across his face.

"We still need your help," she said.

"Fine," he spat, "but if he tries to brainwash me, I'm leaving."

He spun on his heel, stomping away, fuming.

Amina watched him go, feeling nothing but gratefulness for the good times he had given her, knowing that he had taken care of her when her master had been dormant.

Once he disappeared, she headed back to the common area, where more priestesses had arrived.

But her master was nowhere to be seen.

"Where did he go?" she asked Salome, who was conversing with several priestesses.

"He took Iris and Nathalie into his room. Said he had some work to do."

Amina smiled, surveying the room and all the priestesses already here, many more to arrive throughout the day.

He has a lot of work to do.

Back in his bedroom:

"Tell me priestesses," their master asked, "what do you know of your service to me?"

Iris and Nathalie exchanged a glance.

"What do you mean?" the latter replied, her soft French accent underlying her words with a foreign elegance.

"I mean, what is the nature of your duty to me?"

"Well," Iris began, sharing another glance with her fellow priestess, "I am a representative priestess, tasked with acting as your herald and diplomat."

"And you?" he asked Nathalie.

"I am one of your martial priestesses. We are to lead your armies."

"And what of the carnal priestesses?"

Iris shared a third glance with Nathalie.

"Your carnal priestesses are expected to pleasure you."

He nodded, seemingly satisfied.

"It would seem that I have a lot of work to do," he said softly.

"What do you mean, master?" Nathalie asked, a concerned expression on her face.

He smiled at her.

"It is indeed true that you are one of my martial priestesses, and that Iris is one of my representative priestesses. But all my priestesses are expected to serve me carnally, not just the ones you call 'carnal priestesses'. There shall be no distinction between any of you in that regard."

They were both silent for a few long moments, trying to digest this statement.

"But master," Nathalie said, "we were not trained to please you. The carnal priestesses have that experience."

His smile did not waver.

"That is not important. All of my priestesses are expected to serve me carnally."

Iris' first thought was of her beloved Fiona.

"Master," she began, carefully choosing her words, "we cannot serve you this way."

"Why not? I am your Master, am I not?"

"Of course you are," Nathalie cut in hurriedly, "but I'm married, and Iris is with Fiona."

"And even if I weren't," Iris added, "I don't like men."

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