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A Halloween Party Love Story

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A college dorm romance.
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It was the first of October and the signs announcing the annual Halloween Costume Dance were going up all over the place in our dorm. In all the hallways, the bathrooms, the Common Room, the bulletin boards, the cafeteria, on the soda machines, just about everywhere. It got to be a big thing about two years ago. That's when Deena and I took over as social co-chairs for our dorm.

We're a coed dorm with guys on two floors and gals on three floors. The social life here is second to none and as a result, this dorm has a waiting list of students waiting to get in. Very unusual as most kids usually can't wait to get out of most dorms and rent a place of their own off campus.

We're kind of fortunate as the Resident Assistants here have historically given us a lot of leeway. Well, so long as we don't abuse the privileges; as in no orgies allowed. But otherwise they were a pretty tolerant bunch. Well, they also got to enjoy the parties and stuff also so they looked forward to our parties also. They benefited from giving us a little more leeway than others might.

Deena's the driver behind the fun and games. Never at a loss for an idea for a party, Deena had a knack for putting things together and getting people to help. I was her go-fer and helped to organize the guys, although truth be told, the gals really didn't trust the guys to come through on anything that required creativity and ingenuity. And I'm kind of glad that they didn't. We knew, or rather the girls knew what we were good at and what we weren't; if you know what I mean!

Kind of like, never ask a guy for directions when it looks as if you're lost. Right! Or, like, never ask a guy whether he likes sex. Hey, it's a foregone conclusion. Guys think with their small head when it comes to sex. We're so damn predictable. Yep.

Although Deena and I have shared the job as co-chairs for the past two years, we have never gone out with each other. Not that I didn't want to, but Deena was kind of a free-spirit and was kind of known for having a 'boyfriend d' jour' at various functions. She changed boy friends with great frequency.

I think that a lot of people thought we were going out with each other. And I wouldn't mind for that to really happen. She is very attractive and is a fun person to be with. But it just didn't seem to be in the cards that I had been dealt. I'm a dork and kind of quiet. She's Miss Popularity and has more friends than anyone else that I know.

I learned later through a mutual acquaintance that Deena usually never dated the same guy more than once as she didn't want to get serious with anyone. I gathered that she was having a lot of fun as social co-chair and didn't want that to come to an end with a boyfriend hanging around her neck at these events. Plus being quite attractive and outgoing, she had no problems in the dating department.

And I guess I've been looking for 'the one'. Maybe I'm just a hopeless romantic. Deena tagged me with that moniker in our freshman year, about a month or two after we met and perhaps she's right. We were playing Truth or Dare and I picked Truth. And she asked me what I looked for in a date. Well, I told her that I wanted to find my soul mate and was in love with the idea of being 'in love.' Deena laughed at my thinking that night. She was the one that hung that label on me. But I guess it fit.

So I'd go out on a date, but they usually never went very far. I just never felt that we clicked for some reason. And I knew the reason why. Although I hated to admit it, even to myself; I really liked Deena. I wanted to get to know her and be more than just a casual friend. But as she also flitted from one date to another, I also didn't want to see myself as the boy friend of the moment only. It would break my heart to have her move on to another guy if we ever dated.

Once I had to go to some sort of dinner affair and Deena volunteered to go with me as my date. But I nixed that idea quickly. I think she was a little surprised but I told her that I was unsure of whether I could manage myself around her.

"Look Deena. I really want to thank you for volunteering but you know my history. I'm the hopeless romantic. I'm afraid that sometime during that evening that my feelings toward you might get intense and that would cause all sorts of problems. I mean, I like you a lot as things are already and ....... well ..... a date with you might push my feelings about you forward in a way that you might not appreciate."

She looked at me a little weirdly and said, "Yeah Pauly, you're probably right." (she calls me Pauly cause 'Paul' is my middle name and no one calls me that except her.) "Don't want you getting all hot and bothered do we?" she laughed and punched me on my arm, but followed that up with a hot, smoldering kiss on my lips!

That left me confused as heck and completely hot and bothered without even having the benefit of a date with Deena! That girl had gotten to me in a very big way.......


This year's Halloween Party was going to be the best one that she had ever organized. At least that's what Deena intended. She even went so far as to arrange with the campus chapter of the Future Farmers of America to put in a pumpkin patch the day before our event in the Common Room.

And she had me get the guys together to build a mini-haunted house motif out of scrap lumber and cardboard. I even coerced the art majors in the dorm to do all the painting and other 'creative' stuff! We had seven chambers all together and it was dark and spooky! We had a couple of the guys' girl friends run through it after we had it 95% completed and they all ended up screaming throughout the haunted house. So we knew that we had something good in the works.

The day before the event Deena and I were to meet in the Common's so she could take one last look at the decorations and go over the plans with me one last time. I had gotten there first and had turned off the overhead lights and turned on the dimmed party lights that were either really dark orange or the black light type. It served to create a really creepy, but exciting environment.

As Deena opened the door and walked in, I could hear her take a breath and pause; her footsteps stopped abruptly. I had my back to the door as I fiddled with the pumpkin patch a little, but stood up and went to greet her. Deena's mouth was open as her eyes took in the decorations that had been put up.

As I went to give her a hug in greeting, Deena jumped into my arms and gave me a full on kiss! Made my toes curl, that girl! And left me wondering what was going on with her.

"Pauly, this is absolutely amazing! It looks great!"

"Glad you like it."

"Like it? I think it looks great! I love it! I think this is going to be the best Halloween Party that I've ever been to."

"I'm hoping so, too."

"So anything left to be done?"

"Not at the moment. The refreshment crews are bringing in the drinks and stuff tomorrow afternoon and the entertainment guys will be setting up their equipment at the same time. So hopefully everything will come together by the time the party starts."

"Great! Thanks for getting this stuff coordinated. I appreciate your help, Pauly." And then she kissed me again and I hugged her in return. Damn! What is going on with Deena? Why the kisses all of a sudden?

"Say, can I get a preview of your haunted house?" she asked as if everything was normal between us. She was confusing the hell out of me.

"Nope, I'm going to save that for tomorrow night so you get the benefit of the full effect."


"Yeah, there are a couple of special effects that are kind of one-time type of things. Like the dry ice. Once it's gone, it's gone."

"Ok, I see what you mean. Well, then tomorrow night you're going to have to give me a special, personally guided tour!" she smiled at me.

"And that, you lovely girl, will be my extreme pleasure." I smiled randily as I said that.

Deena smirked in return, "Don't get your hopes up too high, now!" and laughed. "We don't want someone to get any ideas now."

Ok, now I was even more confused. What did her earlier kisses mean? Maybe nothing at all.

But then Deena changed the subject and told me that she was so excited about the party! She and a couple of her friends were going to go as harem girls, "you know, like how the girls were dressed in Aladdin's Lamp and Ali Babba and the 40 Thieves?"

"Oh shit. I forgot to get a costume."

"Pauly! How could you?"

"I know, I know. Well, I'd better get to a costume shop as soon as possible then."

Deena smiled. "See you later, hot stuff."

So I ran off to the nearest costume shop and came up empty. Went to Wal Mart; they always have stuff. Nope. Nothing left. Nadda. Zilch. Zippo. Looks like we were going to have a ton of people showing up and the costumes were all taken. The clerk at Wal Mart suggested that I try another place on the outskirts of town in a small shopping mall. So there I went.

Took me about thirty minutes to get there. The traffic was the pits for such a short drive. And I was already a little more than anxious at having forgotten to get a costume. So I must have looked pathetic when I arrived. The sales clerk must have sensed my state of mind immediately as she asked, "Need a costume right away?"

"Yeah. I forgot about getting one until this afternoon and the party's tomorrow night." I moaned.

She giggled, "Well, let's see what we have left in your size." And then she started pawing through her costume racks.

Out came a Barney the Dinosaur, which no adult in his right mind would wear, so I nixed that without giving it a second thought. Then a Sponge Bob, which I passed on also for the same reasons. There was a Dracula costume but I'd need to put on a ton of makeup and hair gel so I wasn't too keen on that. The Frankenstein outfit that they had was too small for me.

After about a half hour of looking through their costumes, I was about ready to give in and take the Sponge Bob (heaven forbid) outfit, when the sales clerk pulled out a Braveheart costume. A Celtic warrior. Now that had potential even if it was nothing more than a plaid kilt or skirt, a linen shirt, and blue face paint. I figured, ok, this one's adult enough that I won't be totally embarrassed, even if I have to wear a skirt. At least I'd look 'manly' in it. Maybe not a Mel Gibson look alike, but a heck of a lot better than Sponge Bob. Shit, anything's better than a cartoon character from a kiddie show.

"Ok, here's the outfit. You can have it for five days so no need to rush it back in. Just be sure to have it dry cleaned before you bring it back." The sales clerk said as she handed it to me.

That worked for me. I could take care of the dry cleaning a day or two after the party and still get it back in time.


The next day, my classes seemed to drag. I guess I was looking forward to the party and was more concerned that everything came off as we had planned them to. My last class ended around 2:30 that afternoon and I managed to get back to the dorm by 3:00.

The guys in charge of the music had started setting up when I got to the Commons, and I could see that they would be done shortly. The refreshment guys were due in shortly but the tables had already been set up so their set up should go quickly also. Everything seemed to be coming together nicely.

I saw Deena checking on things and went over to see her.

"So everything ok?" I asked.

She smiled, "Yep. Everything seems to be ok." She hugged me as she said that.

She took my hand in hers as she dragged me over to the reception table and sat us down. Or rather she sat me down, then climbed onto my lap as she continued to consult with her checklist of things that needed to be done.

For a girl that didn't want a long term relationship, Deena was confusing the heck out of me. First the hugging and the kisses yesterday, then the thing about not getting any ideas. Now the hug and her climbing onto my lap today. I didn't know how to take her apparent affection. Was it real or just the way she was with other guys? She's never been the touchy-feely type with me before. I had this weird feeling that I had lost it.

But I figured, what the heck and go with the flow, so I put my arm around her waist; and she placed her arm around my neck as she finished checking her list. More confusion.

"Ok, Pauly, I think we're all set. Can you think of anything that we might have forgotten?"

"Nope. But even if we did, it's probably too late now to do anything about it. Let's just enjoy the evening and have some fun." I replied.

Deena smiled and gave me a quick kiss. I smiled back and kissed her back. Deena smiled and just glowed, then she hugged me, pressing her firm little tits into me.

"Oh, did you find a costume?" she asked.

"Yeah, I lucked out and found something decent to wear. But promise you won't laugh, ok?"

"It can't be that bad."

"No, it's not. Just that it has a skirt." And Deena laughed!

"A skirt? Pauly!" she giggled. "What kind of costume did you get? A cheerleader's outfit?"

"Yeah, right! You'd like to see me in one wouldn't you? Too bad they didn't have my bra size." I teased back. Deena laughed as she poked me in my chest. "I'm going to be Braveheart." I threw my chest out as I said that; and Deena laughed again.

"A Mel Gibson you're not."

"Oh...... yeah. Well ......." Well, just pop my balloon again, why don't you, I thought.

"Oh Pauly, I'm sorry. I know I shouldn't have said that."

"That's ok. Well, it was either that or Sponge Bob."

"I'm sure it'll be fine."

"I hope so, cause that's all that was left at the costume shop."

"Are you going to paint your face and all that?" Deena asked.

"Yeah, it came with face paint."

"Do you need help with that?" she asked.

"I could use the help if you're offering." I figured that I had nothing to lose by agreeing to letting Deena help me. So Deena agreed to drop by after she had dressed up in her costume, just before heading down to the party.

I went back up to my room and showered, then broke out the costume. The linen shirt and sash weren't a problem. But the skirt didn't really work with my boxers so I had to opt for a pair of speedos which I normally don't like to wear. They're like wearing spandex around your balls.

Just about that time Deena knocked on my door. As I opened the door, Deena came in dressed up in her harem girl outfit. Talk about sexy! Wow! Her costume was made up of several layers of some sort of gauzy material over what looked like a skimpy, flesh toned bikini top and bottom. It almost looked as if there wasn't anything under the gauzy stuff. Wow!

She walked up to me, gave me the once over and proclaimed me suitably dressed for the party.

"Heeeyyyy Paaauuulyyyy. Looking good."

"Hey, you're looking very good yourself." I said with a smile. Deena blushed a little.

"Do you think it might be a little too sexy?" she asked.

"So what if it is? You look fantastic! You're going to be every guy's wet dream tonight."

"Shut up!" she laughed.

"No way. You look fantastic."

"Am I going to be your wet dream tonight?" she asked as she came closer to me.

"Most definitely....." I answered just before she wrapped her arms around me and kissed me.

As our lips parted, I looked into Deena's eyes, "Deena, you're confusing the heck out of me and I don't know how to act."

She smile back, "You mean you don't know what to make out of my kissing you?"

"Well,..... yeah. I thought you weren't looking for a relationship."

"Maybe. But what about you?"

"You had me pegged from the very beginning. I'm just a hopeless romantic."



"Yeah, good."

I looked at Deena, more confused as ever. "Does this mean that you're interested in me?" I asked.

"That depends."

"On what?"

"On what you think about me." she said quietly; the uncertainty in her voice surprised me.



"I more than like you. I hesitate to use the 'L' word as I don't know if we're there yet. But I know that my feelings for you are well beyond 'like'."

She smiled, "Pauly, I think I feel the same way about you." And she kissed me softly. I hugged her slim waist to me and reveled in the way her body molded itself to mine. I felt her breasts as they pressed into my chest. I'm sure she felt my arousal right through the plaid kilt as she slowly ground her pelvis into mine.

"Deena......" I whispered just before she kissed me again. She sent me into orbit! She likes me! She more than likes me!

After a few minutes, we broke apart. Time was becoming an issue as it was past four in the afternoon and we needed to get down to the Commons. As I gathered the last of my stuff, Deena reminded me that I needed to put my face paint on.

She sat me down on a chair then grabbed the face paint and a couple of tissues. She straddled my hips and damn if she didn't settle down right on top of my dick! She smiled and kissed me quickly before she rocked her pelvis back and forth and got me hard all over again.

"I like what I feel."

"You witch." I laughed. "See what you do to me."

She smiled as she slowly rocked back and forth and began applying my blue face paint.

After a couple of minutes, she had my blue face on. Her own face was flushed as her rocking on my dick must have gotten her worked up as well. I know that she had gotten me pretty worked up also. I grabbed her hips to stop her rocking before I lost my control, then kissed her; our tongues playing with each other. Deena moaned her approval, "Oh Pauly...." she whispered in return.

As we separated, I had to laugh a little as some of my blue face paint had rubbed off on her lips! I pointed her to the mirror on my dresser and she laughed as well but decided that she would leave her 'blue lips' on.

We straightened ourselves up and left my room and walked down the stairs to the Commons. As we entered the Commons we met up with Deena's friends, Tracy and Karen, who were dressed as harem girls also.

"Hey girl. Looking good!" Tracy yelled from across the room. She and Karen were flirting with the guys playing the music.

Then Karen noticed Deena's blue lips, "hey, cool lip gloss. What ......." And that's when it dawned on Karen that Deena's blue lips matched the blue face paint that I had on.

"Hey girl...." Karen said with a smile, teasing Deena with her tone.

"Hey, well, what can I say," Deena replied as she smiled and hugged my arm and I put my arm around her waist. I guess we were unconsciously announcing to the world of our more than casual interest in each other. And it felt good to be doing that.


The party went off without a hitch. Everyone had a great time. Tracy, Karen and Deena played hostess and made sure that everyone knew where the drinks and food were, and they pulled people on the floor to get everyone dancing. I was kept running around making sure that our food and liquid refreshments were replenished and trash receptacles emptied as needed. After about an hour, the party began to fly on it's own and the girls and I began to relax and enjoy ourselves.

I was standing just off the dance floor surveying the drinks and food, when Deena grabbed my hand and led me to the dance floor. We must have danced to several upbeat tunes before a slow one came around. When it did, I found Deena's arms around my neck.

"Hey handsome." She whispered as she kissed me.

"Hey yourself you sexy, beautiful woman, you." I replied. Deena smiled at me as I hugged her tightly to me.

She leaned closer and whispered in my ear, "I can feel you." I pulled back slightly, but she put an arm around my waist and pulled my pelvis back into her groin. "I like what I feel."


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