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A Halloween Party Love Story


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I smiled at her and said softly to her, "It's because I want you, Deena...... I want you."

She smiled as she looked into my eyes, then time stood still and the room disappeared as she said, "I want you, too."

When she said that, it seemed as if we were in a world of our own. Nothing else existed besides Deena and me.


"Pauly......" then she kissed me again, softly at first, then firmly as our passions built until Karen bumped into us with her dance partner.

"Hey you two, get a room!" she laughed as she led her partner off, back into the withering dance crowd.

Embarrassed a little, we walked off the dance floor. "Did you want to see the haunted house?" I asked Deena.

"Yeah. You said you'd show it to me."

"Come on. I'll walk you through. The guys put a lot of effort into it and it's really good." I smiled as I took her hand.

We walked over to the front entrance of the haunted house and I opened the door to the first chamber. It was very dark as we had wanted to set a mysterious mood right away. Actually, it was a small ante-chamber that only went in about five or six feet before a heavy curtain blocked your way. This allowed just enough room for the front door to close. And when it did, the room became exceeding dark!

"Shit!" Deena screamed as the door slammed closed behind us with a loud bang! And it was pitch black for a moment until our eyes adjusted to the dim, dark red light that came from just off the floor.

"Shit, Pauly! Where's your hand?" she screamed again as she searched for both of my hands.

"I'm right here, behind you." I spoke as I wrapped my arms around her stomach from behind. Deena twisted around until she could burrow her head into my chest.

"Damn, you could have told me it was going to be scary!" she yelled into my chest.

I laughed, "But Deena, this is a haunted house. It's supposed to be spooky."

"Yeah, right! Ok, I can handle this. Just don't run away and leave me. Ok?"

"Don't you worry. I'll be right here. Are you going to be ok?"

"So long as you're right here." Deena's grip on my hand was really tight as she unwrapped herself from me.

I led Deena through the heavy curtains into the next chamber. She tentatively stuck her head through the curtains and surveyed what lay beyond. And it looked fairly tame, so she allowed me to pull her through.

This next chamber was a grave yard scene with tombstones, a dead tree, and a fake mausoleum. We had a guy dressed up in a mummy outfit, waiting just inside the mausoleum until someone came through the curtains. And when Deena came through, he waited a few seconds then opened the mausoleum door with arms outstretched!

Deena screamed and jumped at the sight of the guy in the mummy outfit! If I hadn't been there, she'd probably have run out through the curtains and the front entrance! As I was there, I ended up offering the relative safety and protection of my arms to Deena.

She trembled a bit as I led her out of that chamber and into the next. This one was a little tamer, and it was a good thing that it was. Deena was still a little on edge from the mummy chamber. This next chamber was the one with the fake swamp gas that was made using dry ice in water. The fake fog swirled around our feet as we walked slowly through the tall dry grass.

The fourth chamber was going to be a doozie so I prepped Deena.

"Deena, this next one's going to be really bad. You want to go through it?"

"So long as you're holding my hands and move us through it. Ok? I'll be ok."

I could see that she was trying to be brave. So I spun her around and wrapped my arms around her, hugging her into my chest in the process.

"Ok, we'll go in sideways and you can duck your head into my chest anytime that it gets to be too much. Ok?"

Deena looked up into my eyes, smiled, then pulled my faced down to hers. As our lips touched, she kissed me softly..... once, ........ twice, ........ then searched for my tongue with hers.

When we finally parted to come up for air, she spoke in my ear, "Pauly, I'll always be ok if I'm with you." She looked at me again, then hugged me tightly. And I kissed her for good measure!

So we entered the next chamber and Deena was screaming from the get-go! It was blood and guts all over! Some guy had figured out a way to spurt fake blood from his neck as he lamely reached for Deena from behind a dead tree. Someone had borrowed a manikin from a clothing store and had disassembled the head, arms and legs, then painted them up to look as if they had been grotesquely severed. These appendages were strewn around the scene and they looked really morbid and real!

And the floor wobbled! Someone else had put in a fake floor that wobbled as you tried to walk along it. Deena's eyes were tightly closed at this point as she clung tightly to me with her head buried in my chest.

"Pauly! Pauly!" she was screaming as I held on to her and moved us through that chamber as quickly as I could.

I took us out quickly through the last two chambers as it looked as if Deena had seen enough. As we left the haunted house, I led Deena to a quiet and dimly lit corner off of the dance floor where I found several unoccupied chairs. I brought two of them together so that Deena and I could sit.

Deena climbed into my lap and hugged me tightly. I could feel wetness on her face. She had shed a few tears in fright in the haunted house. I wrapped my arms around her to comfort her.

"Deena, you ok?" I asked quietly.

There was silence for a few minutes as she calmed down. "Gawd, Pauly. That was too much." She spoke into the crook of my neck. I could still feel an occasional tremble go through her body. "I'm ok now," she mumbled into my neck just before she kissed me there.

I felt Deena take a deep breath as she settled down even further. I could feel the tension in her body begin to dissipate as her body relaxed further in my embrace.

"Thanks Pauly." She whispered. "I had to see it since you and the guys worked hard to put it together. But I was so scared. I'm just glad you were there." Deena hugged me tightly once more before she kissed me and relaxed her hold on me.

"I must be a sight. I need to go to the restroom. Can you get us something to drink while I fix my face?" she asked.

"Sure thing. And you look beautiful...... tears and all." I smiled.

She smiled back, "Flattery will get you everywhere...." before she got up and went to fix her face.

I got us two beers and was headed back to our chairs when Deena caught up with me. She took my hand and we mingled with our friends and fellow dorm residents for the rest of the evening.


We finally closed the party down around two in the morning. I was in charge of the clean up crew so it was another hour before we had things cleaned up. We left the haunted house as is, as the dorm managers wanted to keep it up for awhile longer. I sent Deena off to her room to get some sleep since she really didn't need to be there. Nothing for her to do. And she was tired.

So it was after three that morning when I finally crawled up to my room to take a shower and sleep. As I opened my door, I saw a dim light on. Funny, since I couldn't recall leaving any lights on. As I walked into my room, I saw that the light was coming from a small reading light that I had on my desk. Then I saw Deena asleep under the covers in my bed. I smiled. She looked like she belonged there.

I grabbed a towel and a change of clothes and took a quick shower and brushed my teeth before I returned to my room. With just my boxers on, I slipped into bed and lay there on my back wondering, should I cozy up to Deena or not? I couldn't make up my mind. But then Deena settled the question for me.

My 'slipping into bed' wasn't as subtle as I had hoped it would be. Deean had awoken and snuggled up to me. As our bodies touched, I felt her naked breasts as they pressed into my side.

"Deena," I whispered. She smiled and moved on top and laid her naked body on top of me.

"You have too many clothes on." She whispered back as she placed her arms around my neck. I slid my boxers off and as I did so, I could feel Deena's pubic hair on my cock, which by now was hard and erect.

"Deena, before we do what I think we're going to be do, you need to know that I'll want us to be a long term thing. Will you be ok with that?'

"You mean as in permanent, forever, long term thing?" she asked as she kissed my lips softly.

"Yeah, as in love you forever kind of thing."

"I like that. I could go for that." She smiled as she guided her lips back to mine.

"Can you handle being with just one guy?"

"Only if that guy is you."

"I know it sounds silly to think this at the moment but why the change of heart?"

"Because you never asked me out before and I was waiting for you."

"But all your other dates...."

"Were just that. Just an excuse to get out of the dorm. You never asked me out. Why?"

"I was afraid."

"Of what?"

"Of us going out one night, then seeing you go out with other guys after that."


"Yeah, that would have killed me."

"Pauly ....."

"I've had a crush on you for the longest time."

"Pauly, never be afraid that I'll leave you for someone else. I've been waiting for you to ask me for such a long time." She whispered.

"I don't know what I would have done if we had gone out and then you went out with someone else."

"Pauly ...." She whispered again, but this time placed a finger on my lips, "you talk too much at times. Now make love to me."


"Sshhhh .... make love to me."

I slowly kissed my way down to her breasts and slowly licked and kissed her beautiful mounds. Taking her nipples into my mouth, I licked and kissed them softly before scrapping my teeth gently over them. Deena moaned and whimpered; her body undulating as her stimulation grew and fed upon itself.

She grabbed my head and directed my attention from one breast to another until she arched her back and actually experienced an orgasm. I began working my way across her stomach, kissing and licking each square inch that I passed on my way to her pussy.

As I tongued her belly button, Deena screamed and giggled, "That tickles!" So I tongued her naval again and again until she was laughing and trying to dislodge me from her mid section at the same time. Eventually she succeeded and grabbed my ears to bring our faces level with each other.

"I love you," she whispered before she kissed me so sensuously; our tongues playing softly and gently with each other. "Make love to me Pauly. I want to feel you in me......"

Deena reached between us and took my hard penis in hand and brought it to her pussy. She slid the head of my cock through her slit several times, coating my erection with her juices in the process. Then she centered my shaft at her opening and urged me forward with her legs which were hooked behind my thighs. "In me, Pauly, please. I want you in me." she whispered.

I slowly descended into her warm and wet pussy about an inch or two until I came across her maidenhead. Deena winced slightly as I looked her in the eye. My Deena was a virgin.

"I've been saving myself for the right person."


"You're that person, Pauly....... I love you......"

I looked into her eyes and just saw love and sincerity. I kissed the tip of her nose, her forehead, her eye lids and her lips.

"I love you Deena," I whispered before we kissed again.

I pulled back a little and noticed tears trickling from her eyes. Deena was smiling.

"Pauly, you make me so happy....." she said softly, before she brought my lips back to hers. "Now love me, Pauly. Please. Make love to me."

I applied a little more pressure with my cock and plunged deeply into her vagina taking her virginity in the process. Deena winced as I did, so I lay still, waiting for her to give me the go ahead.

"How are you feeling darling?" I asked.

"It hurt a little, but I think it's ok now." She replied as she flexed her hips in an attempt to get my hard cock deeper into her pussy. "Oh, now that felt good." She said as she smiled.

Taking that as my cue, I began to slowly stroke in and out, keeping our rhythm slow for now, and going as deep as I could. As I bottomed out, I tried to rub my pubic area against her clit. Deena moaned her approval.

"Oh Pauly, you feel so good in me....... oh ...... yes ........ love me Pauly, love me ......."

Deena's moans grew in their intensity and passion as I plied my hips back and forth. Attempting to bring her to the brink, I cupped one breast at a time and rolled her nipples. She threw her head back and arched her back as the sensations grew intense.

"Oh! Pauly! Fuck me! Hard, Pauly! Harder!" she screamed out!

I rammed my dick as hard as I could and as fast as I could into Deena's wet pussy until she wrapped her legs around me and hugged me tightly to her as she screamed her climax to the world!

"PAAAUUULYYYYYYYYY!!!!.......ugh..." before she went limp and passed out.

Although I had been on the edge, I was somehow able to keep myself from an orgasm. Probably because I was so focused and had concentrated on my efforts to make Deena's first time as enjoyable as possible.

I was still hard and still in Deena's pussy so I slowly began pumping my erection in and out of her. Keeping most of my weight off of her by propping myself up partially on my elbows, I was able to look into Deean's eyes when she opened them a few moments later.

As she smiled at me with tears in her eyes, I told her, "Deena, I love you."

Tears began flowing as she looked into my eyes and told me, "I love you, too."

As we continued to make love, Deena experienced a series of small orgasms. She told me later that she was still so worked up that she needed just a little stimulation and she would climax. So it was that eventually I could not hold myself back any longer and slammed into her hot and wet pussy several times before I deposited my cum deeply in Deena's pussy.

Deena came again as my hot ejaculate spurted into her womb; one -- two -- three spurts, then a fourth dribbled out as my orgasm ran its course. My semen burst from my dick and painted the insides of her womb with gobs of hot, white, sticky cum. We hugged and kissed passionately as my cum mixed with hers and filled her pussy to over flowing.

"I'm yours Pauly, forever and ever." She said softly with a smile.

"Then marry me?"

The momentary look of surprise on her face was followed by a huge smile, "Yes! I love you, Pauly. I love you. Yes!" I would remember this moment for the rest of my life! It was priceless!

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texlootexlooover 1 year ago

Short and sweet!

SouthernCrossfireSouthernCrossfireover 4 years ago
Very Enjoyable

Very nice tale. I liked how it took us through Deena’s apparent development as their friendship grew and particularly how she revealed her surprise for Pauly at the end. It could have been a little more developed but good enough as it is for 5*. Thanks for writing.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
Too short

I didn't get as emotionally attached to the characters as I felt I should have. Felt like there was a lack of build and depth

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