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A Helpful Fertility Clinic Doctor

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Mary's husband is infertile but the doctor offers to help.
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Mary nervously sat waiting for the doctor to look up from his computer. She had been in this room many times, both alone and with her husband. For the past 3 years, they had been trying to have a baby, but with no success. A few months ago they finally decided to see a specialist.

Dr. Taylor had the best reputation amongst couples looking to conceive. They booked the first available appointment and prepared themselves, not knowing what to expect. She had undergone a lot of physical tests to see if there was any reason she couldn't have a child, and the last time, her husband had begun to be tested too.

Mary shifted restlessly in the chair as she waited for the Doctor to finish reviewing her file. Being called here without her husband left her with an ominous feeling. She watched the doctor to see if his expression gave anything away.

She knew he was over 50 judging by the dates on his degrees, but he looked about 40. He had rolled up his sleeve, allowing her to get a glimpse of his strong muscles under very little fat. Even at 50 he hadn't allowed himself to gain the inevitable middle aged tire around his belly, and she could only see a few streaks of silver hair at his temples. In all, he was a strikingly good looking man. Even though she was happily married, she felt a tingle of desire when she saw him.

"I'm sorry about keeping you waiting. I wanted to make sure I checked your file again." Dr Taylor smiled at her, causing her cheeks to flush.

"Oh no, I completely understand."

"I'm sure you're wondering why I asked you here today without your husband."

Mary paused, taking time to gather herself. "I thought about it, and it must mean that there is something wrong with me. I'm the reason I can't get pregnant." She looked down at her hands folded in her lap, twisting her fingers together. She couldn't face him.

"On the contrary, you're in perfect health." Her head shot up, not quite believing him. "For a 33 year old, you're in excellent health. Your hormone levels are good and your cycle is regular. There is nothing physically that would stop you from getting pregnant."

"Really? If there's nothing wrong then why haven't I been able to get pregnant?"

"We focused on your tests for a while without finding anything. Last time we decided to run tests on your husband. The results we got back yesterday gave us the answer. Your husband is infertile."

Mary sat back in her chair, stunned. "What do you mean? Can we never have a child together?"

The doctor looked back at the monitor, clicking between pages. "Looking at his history, he revealed he was sick when he was around 16, but couldn't remember what caused it. It turns out he had contracted mumps. For most, the mumps can seem like a flu, but in some cases complications can arise. In your husband's case, the infection affected his testicles, causing them to swell. Though the swelling went away quickly, the damage had already been done. He was left permanently infertile. We couldn't detect any viable sperm in his semen."

The news began to sink in. He husband wasn't able to have children. There was no way she could ever carry his baby. They were never going to have a child.

Seeing her lost in thought, the doctor quickly continued. "There are other options, of course, if you still wanted to have a child. There's always adoption, or using donated sperm."

Mary's head quickly shot up. "Donated sperm? What do you mean?"

"There are many clinics where sperm from carefully screened men is used to help couples in situations just like yours. There is complete anonymity. You choose based on the donor's characteristics, background and health factors. Once you've selected the candidate, the donated sperm is inserted into you at the optimal time." His professional way of describing the event made it seem nothing out of the ordinary.

"So I would would be pregnant with another man's child?"

"It would be your child. Yours and your husband's. Just because it isn't his DNA doesn't mean it isn't his child."

"The biological father would never be involved? My husband and I would raise the child as our own?"

"Yes. I also brought you here to propose something else that might make it easier for your husband. I haven't told him yet that it is his lack of viable sperm that isn't allowing you to become pregnant. If you wanted to, you could have the procedure done without him ever knowing."

Mary was puzzled, "What do you mean?"

"We could impregnate you with donated sperm and your husband would never know. We could tell him that we had used his previous sample to impregnate you. He would never know that the child wasn't biologically his. Understandably, this isn't quite above-board, so I wanted to speak to you privately about this."

After a minute of silent consideration, Mary came to her decision. She wanted a child, desperately, and so did her husband. She knew him well enough to know that he would love any child they had, but if he was unaware the child wasn't biologically his, he would be happier.

"I'll do it. I want my husband to think the child is his."

"Excellent. Now there are some additional costs associated with artificial insemination and sperm donation. There is also no guarantee that it will take the first time it is done. It could add up to a considerable amount. Would you be able to finance the cost without your husband becoming aware of it?"

She thought for a moment. They shared a joint account and their credit cards were linked. Any spending out of the ordinary would definitely arouse suspicion. Her heart sank as she realized it was impossible. "No. I can't think of a way to pay without him finding out."

The doctor sat back in his chair. "I'm sorry to hear that. I guess it only leaves us with one option if you don't wish to tell your husband."

"What option is left?"

The doctor put rested his arms on the desk and looked into her eyes. "I chose this field because I love to see the joy of people having the children they desperately want. I don't feel good when money is the only thing standing between them and having a child. In extraordinary circumstances, like your own, I have on occasion offered my own service at no cost."

Mary couldn't believe she was understanding him correctly. "Your own service. What do you mean?"

"I offer to get you pregnant myself. It would be the old fashioned way."

"You mean that you and I would have sex?"

"Yes. In our case, it is purely physical, our emotions aren't involved. I would do a few more tests to make sure you're at the perfect time to conceive and then I would deposit my semen inside you. That's it. Just like other donors, I would have no further part in your, or your child's life. This way you can have a child, but it won't cost you anything in medical fees. Does the arrangement suit you?"

Mary scrutinized the doctor. She couldn't detect any hidden agenda, his expression was kind, not crafty. He genuinely seemed to want her to have a child in any way and was willing to help her, even at his own expense. She had already accepted being impregnated by an anonymous donor, why not from someone she knew? As far as intelligence, Dr. Taylor's ivy league degrees attested to that. Looks wise, she couldn't do much better. Even though he was over 50, he looked much younger. He was a prime specimen of a man, and he was offering himself to her.

Looking down at her lap, she nodded, indicating her acceptance of his proposal. At the slight movement, he rose from the chair.

"Good. Now, let's do a quick exam to see where you are in your cycle. We only want to do this when you're ovulating. Can you lay down on the exam table?"

Mary sat down on the raised exam table, the sanitary paper covering crinkling as she positioned herself. Dr Taylor quickly poured over her files on the computer until she was ready.

Seeing her stretched out on the table, he approached. "Perfect. According to your files, you may be ovulating right now. I'll do a quick test and take your temperature and we'll be able to figure it out." He put a thermometer in mouth and waited until the result came on the screen, nodding as soon as he saw it.

"You temperature is right where we want it to be. It's a good sign. Next, we're going to do an ultrasound. Thankfully you're wearing a skirt today, so it will be easier. Why don't you raise it up and take off your underwear while I get the equipment ready."

"What do you mean, take off my underwear? Don't you just need to put gel on my stomach for an ultrasound?" She unconsciously clamped her legs together.

The doctor was busy powering up a machine and wheeling it over to the exam table. "For a traditional ultrasound, yes, but we're going to be doing a different type." He grabbed a slender white rod that looked suspiciously like a dildo. "This is the ultrasound wand. It goes inside of you and can get a much clearer picture. I'm going to be looking to see if your ovaries have released an egg. If they have, you are ready to be fertilized, if not, we'll have an idea of when you'll be ready to." He rolled a condom over the wand and then covered it with gel.

Mary shyly rolled her panties down and tucked them on the table beside her. She folded her skirt up so the doctor could have access. Too shy to look at him, she watched the monitor beside her as he began to work the wand into her tight passage. The gel was cool and caused her muscles to contract, but he soon managed to position the wand inside her.

"There! Do you see this dark spot? This is your ovary, and this other one is your fallopian tube. Their positions change depending on where in your cycle you are, and right now, this shows me your egg has just been transferred."

She looked at the screen, trying to make sense of the grey blobs. "What does that mean? Is it a good thing?"

The doctor smiled as he slowly pulled the wand out of her. "It means that you are ovulating right now. It is the perfect time for you to get pregnant. We can try to impregnate you tonight...unless you wouldn't like to wait for another month."

Still on the table, her skirt around her hips, Mary quickly went through her options. She didn't think she would be able to keep the secret from her husband for a month. He was already worrying about his test results. If they attempted to impregnate her today, she would be able to tell if she conceived within two weeks. Surely she could hold him off that long.

"Let's try today."

Dr. Taylor smiled. "Wise choice. If it doesn't work this month, we can try again next month. Get yourself comfortable. I'm just going to prepare a few things."

Mary felt uncomfortable being uncovered from the waist down, so she pushed her skirt down so it at least covered her crotch. She watched as he moved around the room, closing the curtains and locking the door just in case. He walked closer to her and began to untie the string on his scrub pants. Even before they fell to the ground, she could see the material tenting a bit.

He wasn't wearing any underwear under his scrubs, and once they were gone, his cock was bare for her to see, and it was an impressive sight. Only semi-hard it was already bigger than her husband, and especially thick. He didn't seem to notice her staring at it, or was too professional to let on.

Squeezing some gel onto his fingers, he approached her. "This gel will act as a lubricant, but it will also increase your sensitivity. It is important that you have an orgasm today. The contractions of a woman's womb help to draw semen into the womb and closer to the egg." He slipped his hand under her skirt and she felt his fingers slowly spread the gel inside of her vagina. Instantly, she began to flush, whether it was from the gel or his intimate touch, she couldn't be sure.

He eased his finger further inside of her, curling it upwards so he could massage her g-spot. He hips began to move against his hand, guiding him to where she needed his touch most. Opening her eyes she could see him lazily running his other hand up his cock. Growing as it got stiffer, it was now nearly 8 inches long and incredibly thick.

He pulled his fingers out of her and she whimpered in protest. "Put your legs in the stirrups."

Hooking her heels in the stirrups, her legs were spread wide for him, locked in place. He moved between her thighs and rubbed his cock against her clit. "Remember, it's important for you to orgasm."

She felt the blunt end of his cock pressing against her swollen labia. He slowly pushed forward as her body accepted him, adjusting to his presence by stretching around his girth. She felt incredibly full as he moved inside her, she had never had anything that large inside her before. As he moved, she was so tight she could feel the pulsing veins of his bare shaft scraping along her walls. Mary looked down at where he was entering her and was shocked to see he still had another 4 inches to go.

Dr Taylor kept pressing his pelvis forward, "Just relax. Enjoy yourself. Remember, at the end of this you're likely going to be pregnant. Close your eyes and imagine it's your husband inside of you right now." He moved more until she could feel his thighs against hers.

It was easy for him to say imagine he was her husband, but in reality it was too difficult to do. Her husband's cock had never filled her to this point. If she looked at her stomach, she could swear she would see it bulging out from his presence inside her. Every time she shifted, she could feel his fullness inside her and making her body to stretch to accommodate him again.

He stopped when he felt her cervix against his cock. His cock had filled her completely, stretching her, owning her pussy. Her passage was quivering around him already, massaging him even as he held still. He rested his hands on her knees that were pulled up high beside him and began to slowly thrust.

Her body arched off the table as he moved inside her, the crackle of the sterilized paper echoing through the room along with the faint creek of the table moving. He pulled out until just the tip of his cock stayed inside her, then he thrust forward again, fully planting himself inside her passage. Against her will, she began to moan and her hips moved to meet his thrusts. Sweat broke out on her body as he fucked her.

Mary opened her eyes and watched for a moment as Dr Taylor thrust away between her legs. Both of them were completely dressed from the waist up, but from the waist down, they were joined, literally. He saw he watching her and smiled. Letting go of one of her knees, he moved his hand between her legs. Resting his hand on her pubic mound, he worked his thumb down her slit until he found the hard nub of her clit and massaged it. Mary let out a gasp and quickly covered her mouth before another one could escape.

Watching him stimulating her clit was going to be too much for her, she closed her eyes and her head moved restlessly on the table. Turning her head to the side, she opened her eyes and focused on his desk. Turned towards them was a framed picture of two women, one older and one younger. She could only assume they were his wife and daughter. Mary stared at the picture of the older woman, knowing that at that moment, that woman's husband was thrusting his hard cock deep inside her. Already she could feel his precum coating the walls of her passage. He was starting to move faster between her legs, his pelvis bumping against hers, his hair roughened thighs rasping against hers. Each thrust of his powerful cock was bringing her ever closer to the edge.

"I'm going to cum soon. Are you close to orgasm?" He asked, his breath uneven and his thrust becoming jerky.

"Yes." She breathed. She was barely holding on. He moved faster against her, his balls bumping against her as he bottomed out inside her. She could feel his shaft swell even more as his cum rose from his balls.

At the first shot of his cum inside her, she came. His liquid warmth spread inside her as her body milked him. Her pussy tightened around him, locking him tightly against her womb. His fertile sperm flooded her and began to leak out around his cock. Exhausted, she lay limply on the table, her legs still held open by the stirrups.

Dr Taylor held his pelvis locked against hers until he felt the last bit of semen pump into her. Before he pulled out, he adjusted the angle of the table so that he hips were raised. Gravity would help bring his semen toward her egg. As he pulled out, a long thread of sticky cum stretched between them, connecting her juicy pussy and the tip of his still hard cock. It finally snapped when he was nearly a foot away and its milky essence fell to her thigh.

He walked over to a cabinet behind his desk, his cock swaying in front of him, still shiny with their cum. He found what he was looking for and returned to her side. Ripping open the sterile packaging, he quickly inserted something inside her pussy.

"This will stop my cum from leaking out. We want to give you the best chance of getting pregnant today. You're the last appointment this afternoon, so stay like this for 2 hours and then I'll transport you home." She nodded and looked away from him. It was hard for her to reconcile what she had just done, and staring at the doctor with his hard cum covered cock staring back at her was too much for her.

"Sperm can impregnate you up to 5 days after sex, so don't clean your privates up too much, we want it to stay inside you. We'll tell your husband about the insemination attempt, lie that it is his semen, and that you should stay in bed for a few days. With any luck, you'll be pregnant."

Mary did everything the doctor advised. Her husband was surprised, but understanding of why the insemination attempt had to happen without him. The timing was just right, they didn't have a chance to call. She stayed in bed for a few days and avoided any baths. Two weeks after her solo trip to the doctor, she missed her period.

She tried not to get excited, she had missed her period before and it had led to nothing, simply stress. When she began to feel nauseated at the smell of coffee, however, her suspicions grew. An early home pregnancy test came back positive and her husband was delighted.

They made an appointment with Dr Taylor a few weeks later. Mary was nervous, but she didn't need to be. Dr Taylor was professional through and through. If she didn't know any better, she could have sworn the incident had never happened. He gave nothing away as she lay down on the same exam table he had fucked her on a few weeks earlier.

He spread gel over her belly and moved the ultrasound device around until he found what he was looking for. A tiny dot was on the screen.

"Right here." Dr Taylor pointed to the screen, "This is your baby. 4 weeks old. Congratulations. You're going to be parents!"

Her husband grabbed her hand and squeezed it, but Mary was looking into the doctor's eyes. The dot on the screen was their baby.


I hope you enjoyed the story. Feel free to message me if you have comments or ideas for other stories. XOX

imhaplessimhaplessover 6 years ago
Entertaining, and isn't that what it's all about.

5* from me.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
I liked it

But I wish he would have licked it. 5 stars.

smartmalksmartmalkover 6 years ago
multi-child father


I guess this Doc is father of many babies what he made in his office.

Nice story! Lucky Doc .....

Well what he does not know Won't hurt him

A good story with a genuine character wanting to help, but i'm curious as to what led to do the things he do, maybe a story on him would be quite interesting.Anyway, keep up the good work ^^ !!

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