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A Holiday Movie

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Neglected wife learns what being an 'extra' really means.
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Don't let anyone ever tell you that sex stops once you reach 40, or even older. Provided you keep yourself in trim and take care over your appearance there's no reason why it can't just go on getting better and better. At 49 I've just had the most amazing experience of my life and I've realised that there's a whole world of new things to try out there and man, I'm going to go all out to try them.

Let me go back to the reason why I've decided to write all this. First of all, a little bit about me: My name is Elizabeth and I am a high school teacher, married to Pete who has a job in the City. Now you might get the impression that being a teacher I'm a bit of a frumpy old prude, but believe me, I just don't fit that mould. Everyone says that I look 10 years younger than my age and I work hard to keep it that way with yoga and dance which have helped maintain my 35D 26 36 figure.

Pete and I have been married for 23 years and you could say we have a relatively wealthy life style, but that comes at a price, and in our case it means that we rarely get to go on vacation together due to Pete's work. He also spends a lot of time away on business so the idea of getting on a plane for a holiday is a real turn off for him.

Given the fact that I have long summer holidays I often arrange to go away with a girlfriend for 2 to 3 weeks in order to chill out and top up my tan. Anyway, towards the end of the summer term, Luke, our 30 year old yoga class instructor, came up to me and asked if I was interested in working during the summer holidays as a film extra. Now in itself that doesn't sound too exciting, but what made it attractive was that filming was to take place in the south of France and would last for a month, all expenses paid. Apparently, Luke had done the same thing the year before and thought it would be ideal for me, although he himself wouldn't be attending the auditions.

When I came home and mentioned the idea to Pete I think he saw it as an opportunity for me to get away and stop nagging him to join me on holiday. So when I talked to him about it he said,

"You might as well give it a try. It could be quite interesting; certainly different and if you don't like it you can always quit and spend a week or two in Cannes or Monaco."

"Are you sure you won't mind honey," I asked, knowing damn well he wouldn't.

"No. I know how you like to get away in the summer and I've got so much on at work..........you know how it is."

Yep. I knew how it was. So it was either stay around the house getting bored or auditioning to be a film extra. Well what would you do?

What surprised me about the application form was that it was like one of those personality assessment tests - which of these statements best describes you - in such and such situation would you do a, b or c and so on; not exactly the sort of application you'd normally expect for a background part. Anyway, after a couple of weeks I got a letter saying that 'in view of the expenses incurred in film production, it is imperative that we select candidates who are entirely suitable for our requirements' and inviting me to attend an interview. I was getting a bit pipped off with all this, but was intrigued as to what it was all about, so I went along to see.

The interview was just as involved as the application form and the producer and director explained that as there were to be so few extras, it was important that those who were picked were going to be totally suited to the type of film which was to be shot. They were giving little away, except to say that it was to be an historic film about the Roman occupation of southern France. All those interviewed during the day were asked to stay and eventually, of the hundred or so who attended, some thirty, roughly half men and half women, were called back. I was one of them.

The director stood in the middle of the room.

"Congratulations," he greeted us, "You have been selected as being the right type of person for our production. Just so you understand; this will not be an easy going holiday. The days will be long and hard, but there will be time to relax and we will look after you. The area we are going to is beautiful and we want you to enjoy your time with us. For some of you it could lead on to further work with ourselves."

He then went on to tell us that we would be leaving in a week and that he looked forward to seeing us on location.

I felt as excited as a schoolgirl when I went home to tell Pete.

"Guess what? I got the job and I leave in a week." I told him

"What? Oh yea.........the job" As usual he was engrossed in some file or other.

"Come on Pete. Try and show a bit of interest in what I do for a change."

He looked guilty, "Oh I'm sorry darling. I will miss you, honestly I will so call me every night and tell me what you've been up to." and with that, he returned to his file.

My disappointment at Pete's response was soon overcome by excitement and before I knew it I was on the plane to Nice, from where we were taken to a little village called Tanneron, north of Cannes. That evening all the extras who had been chosen met the main actors and I was surprised to see Luke among them.

"Luke! You didn't tell me you were going to be here. I didn't see you at the auditions."

He grinned at me "I didn't need to. You see, once you've been through the interview process it doesn't need to be done again, so if they want you back they just call you, which is what happened to me."

I was pleased to have someone I already knew there and Luke introduced me to the nine men and two girls actors who were to take the principal parts. The girls were about 25 and 28, both very attractive, around 5'5", one blond and the other had long shiny black hair down to her waist. I soon got to chatting to them and it turned out that they were only part time actors who, like me, were married, but came away each summer to act in the production the film company was making that year.

We were all tired after the day's travelling and went off to bed. The following day we were taken down to the old manor house which was to be used as the film set and assembled in the great hall to be briefed by the director.

"Thank you all for coming and well done and congratulations on coming through the selection procedure. You were chosen because you are all fairly broadminded people who are prepared to push the boundaries and experiment with different experiences. Let me tell you about the film. It will concentrate on the Roman occupation of this area in the first century AD and will revolve around the life of the main character, Cassius, played by Luke. Before we go any further, I have to tell you that there will be violence, which will be simulated and graphic sex, which will not!"

There was a sharp intake of breath from us all at this statement. I don't know what I had been expecting but it wasn't this. He continued, "I realise that some of you will have reservations about this and you will not be made to do anything you don't wish to, so I will be speaking to you individually in a few minutes to ensure each of you agrees with the part I see you playing."

As you can imagine we had a lot to say to each other and I had a lot of questions in my mind when I was called in.

"Come in Elizabeth. I want to ask you some very personal questions before we go any further. I would appreciate it if you answer honestly and in detail."

I sat in the chair opposite him feeling as nervous as when I was up in front of the headmaster at school.

"Tell me. Have you ever been unfaithful to your husband? The truth please"

I coloured up and dropped my eyes. "Yes."

"How many times?"


"Tell me about the first time."

"Well, Pete and I had only been married a year and we went away on holiday with our friends Mike and Ruth. I had always fancied Mike and he knew it, and would rub himself against me if we were out in a club and I danced with him." I took a drink of water before continuing. "We had got into the habit of Pete and Ruth going down to the shops whilst Mike and I cooked breakfast. One morning I was late up and went to shower as Pete and Ruth left the apartment. Things were quite basic and the shower tray was surrounded by a curtain - not a screen. I had only been in about a minute when Mike pulled the curtain to the side and climbed in naked with me. Before I knew it, he was kissing me, I kissed him back and I could feel him getting hard."

"So did you let him fuck you?"

"Yes I did."

"How did you do it?"

"We were slippery with all the water, so I climbed onto him, wrapped my legs around him and we did it standing up."

"Was that the only time and how did you feel afterwards?"

"Well I fantasised about doing it with him again, but we never did. How do you mean, what did I feel?"

"Did you feel guilty, excited; did you orgasm?"

"I guess yes to all three"

"OK Elizabeth. The other three times you've been unfaithful - did you feel guilty?"

"No, not really. Pete and I have the sort of relationship where I have never felt bad about being unfaithful."

"That's good and just what I was hoping you would say. So if I say to you that I want to film you having full penetrative sex, fellatio and cunnilingus will you do it?"

I was totally floored by this and my mind was working overtime. Had I really been asked this? Why me? Was he joking? Could I do it? Before I could think any more I blurted out "Yes. I'll do it!"

"I knew you would" he grinned, "let me tell you a bit about your role. You will play the part of the local governors wife who takes a younger lover, in fact who takes many lovers. Unfortunately, her husband finds out and decides to punish her, and that's about all you need to know at the moment. It isn't a speaking part so don't worry about having lines to learn. Besides which, it's hard to speak when you've got your mouth full." and he laughed.

I walked out of the room in a daze. Had I really said yes to being filmed as I fucked another man, or should I say other men?

Needless to say, the main topic of conversation for the rest of the day was about what we'd all been asked. Of the extras, eleven of the men and three of the women had agreed to go the whole way, but the rest had at least said they would appear naked so to some extent we all felt as if we were in it together.

The following day I was called to the set and was amazed to see the actors and two actresses all walking around totally naked. The girls were really pretty and sexy and the guys were, well, they were big! Now I'm fairly worldly wise and have been on my share of nudist beaches but I'd never seen anything like this lot. Lots of different shapes and thicknesses, but one thing they had in common was that they were long. Just looking at them made my pussy tingle. Luke was among them and I wondered how he'd managed to keep a nine inch cock hidden in the tracksuit bottoms he wore for yoga.

"Elizabeth. Over here" called a stage hand "Take your clothes off, you're on in a minute."

As I stripped Luke came over and said "Look Elizabeth. This thing isn't scripted and I'll just give two pieces of advice. First make sure you put plenty of that lubricant in you" he said gesturing towards several tubes that were lying around " and secondly, forget the cameras, forget the stage hands and just do what comes naturally. I'll guide you through the rest."

I looked at him questioningly.

"Yes. I'm going to be the first one to fuck you this shoot. I think we'll both enjoy it." and with that we were told to take up our positions.

I lay on my side naked on a bed as Luke entered the room stripping off his toga and lay behind me. Instinctively, I turned my head back to see him and he started to kiss me. I could feel his cock pressing into me and I pushed my bum back to feel it grow as he squeezed and fondled my breasts. Turning round, I pushed him onto his back and began to kiss his chest, getting lower and lower until I could see his thick cock standing up from his balls. I started to tease the end of it with my tongue and with my hand I pulled the foreskin back to reveal its large, shiny head. I slid my lips over it and took him deep into my mouth, caressing and stroking its length as he took hold of my hair and pushed me further down onto him.

I felt Luke twitch and he pulled his cock from my mouth rolling me onto my back. As he moved himself between my open legs I caught sight of the camera positioned for a perfect view of his cock entering me and the thought of what a slut I was made me shudder with anticipation. I let out a moan as Luke entered me and slowly pushed himself in until his balls stopped against my arse. As he started to move inside me I could feel myself cumming and started to pant as my orgasm washed over me. Luke thrust hard until finally pulling out and spraying jets of hot spunk onto my stomach before collapsing onto me. We kissed passionately as the director yelled "Cut" and the crew began to disperse.

"I knew you'd be right for this sort of thing" Luke whispered "I just knew it. Thanks for a great fuck." and with that we went off to get cleaned up.

The next three weeks were spent being fucked by the actors and several of the extras; sometimes five or six times a day. Watching the others fucking was a fantastic turn on and I found myself masturbating in my room at night re-living what I and the other girls had done. As we approached the end of filming there was a lot of speculation about what the director had planned for the final scene. I remembered his outline of my role on our first day and guessed that my punishment for being an adulteress must form part of the last days filming but none of the cast had any idea - not even the main actors. Having been fucked something like seventy times in the weeks leading up to this final day I was not only pretty tired, but my cunt lips were quite swollen, stretched and well used despite the lubricating cream we all used. It was the sheer number of times, the length of time and the positions that I'd been entered, and I reckoned that I'd had the equivalent of a years sex with Pete over this summer.

The last but one day the director called me into his room.

"You've been great Elizabeth" and then he paused. "I take it that the people you've been filmed with are all better endowed than your husband?"

"Yea." I replied "Pete's a decent size, but this lot are bigger and thicker."

"Good. You know that as the adulteress in this film you are to undergo a punishment decreed by your husband, the governor."


"Well the others involved are being briefed now, but to ensure the spontaneity of your performance, you will find out as it happens. You will also have to be kept apart from the others tonight to ensure you don't find out. OK?"

"I guess so if that's how you want to do it."

"Good. You will sleep in the oldest part of the manor as filming will begin in your room. Have a good night Elizabeth." and with that, one of the stage hands took me down to the manor. My room was lit with a candle and after I entered the door was locked behind me. Moving into the small bath chamber I washed and when I came out realised that someone had been in my room and taken my clothes. The only item left in the room was a short roman shift used as a nightshirt. I was perplexed and lay there wondering about the next day's events and the crazy weeks during which I had willingly given myself to so many younger men.

Morning came around quickly and I washed again and made myself ready for the day ahead. I had only just put my shift on when the door flew open and two centurions accompanied by the man representing my husband, the governor.

"Seize her and bring her into the piazza.2 He shouted, and I was taken by surprise as the centurions grasped me firmly by the upper arms and marched me outside where a crowd was gathered in the square.

The governor addressed me. "You have purported to be my wife whilst at the same time taking pleasure with any other man you could get into your bed. You have brought shame upon me and my household and as your wish to rut like an animal is no better than the uncivilised slaves from our farthest colonies, then not only shall you rut like them, you shall rut with them!" Turning to four of his men he commanded "Put her in the harness and in with the slaves."

At this the shift was lifted over my head and I was left standing naked in front of the rest of the actors and extras. Then I thought; if all the people I knew were here, who were the slaves. Before I had time to think further the centurions began to fit some sort of leather harness resembling a bra onto me. It had no cups, instead there were two circular leather straps, each of which encircled the base of a breast and once the harness was fastened behind my back they started to tighten the straps. Tighter and tighter they went until my breasts were squeezed and forced forward in such a way that they became hard spheres and my nipples were prominent and erect. Compressed like this and pointing directly forwards they felt incredibly sensitive to even the slightest touch. Clips, attached to each other by a thin chain, were applied to each nipple. One of the centurions took the chain and pulled hard leading me by my nipples, which had now grown to an unbelievable length, around the square as the crowd shouted obscenities at me.

After they had all stared at me being paraded nude in front of them, a pair of wide leather manacles with a rope hanging from them, were fastened round my wrists and I was pulled by my nipples back into the manor. The crowd jeered as I was led away.

"Punish the slut! Whore! Let the slaves have her!" was all I could hear.

They took me deep into the ancient building and throwing open a heavy oak door pushed me into the room within. As I stood there in the dim light the blinds in the roof were pulled back and I took in the scene before me. The 'slaves' were finely muscled Africans who were renowned for their muscular physique and athleticism. I remembered that some Roman women took them as lovers for their stamina and size and as they took in my nude body they got up from their beds and gathered round me. All were naked and as they stared to touch my breasts and the rest of my body, I began to understand that the things they said about black men were right. These men were truly huge. How many were there? Eight, nine? More appeared from the dark recesses of the room and as the surrounded me I saw that there must have been close to twenty of them.

I began to realise what was going to happen as the rope was yanked , dragging me forward by my wrists and I was pulled to the table in the middle of the room. With my feet on the floor at one end, my body was forced down onto the table top and the rope holding my wrists was attached to the other end. Immediately I felt hands exploring my bottom and cunt, then my legs were dragged further apart and I felt a cock being rubbed in between my labia. Then it started to enter me. I had never experienced anything like it before as its thick girth stretched my cunt and thrust into me, dragging the lips of my pussy in and out with every stroke. Eventually, I felt hot cum being pumped into me and as soon as the slave withdrew his cock from my hole it was replaced with another and another and another. Relentlessly they took turns fucking my cunt and pumping me full of cum As I looked at the men surrounding me, stroking their big black cocks, I felt a shudder as my first orgasm began to build and I felt the muscles of my cunt squeeze onto the cock inside me. He felt it too and emptied his balls into my pussy.

Fourteen men fucked me this way, each stretching my cunt more than it had ever been before and their long penises probed the deepest areas of my vagina, when suddenly it stopped and I heard a voice say, "Bring the woman and fasten her up here. The rope was released from the table and the next thing I knew my arms were above my head as the rope was tied to a hook in the ceiling and my legs were parted as each ankle was fastened to metal rings in the floor. My nipples stood out hard from my contained breasts and I could feel the cum of the many men who had fucked me dripping from my cunt.


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