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A Love Changed Forever Ch. 02

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Natasha's trouble is brought home.
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Part 2 of the 2 part series

Updated 10/01/2022
Created 07/31/2006
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When I woke up the next morning I could hear the shower running and reality hit me again. It wasn't a dream, and now she was getting ready for work. She was going back to that office where another man had complete control over her. It was senseless to try to talk her into refusing him. She has a stubborn side that drove her into doing whatever it took to succeed in law school. She often studies through the night and on weekends, existing on pure determination. It's part of what I love about her, but now I didn't know what to think. There are still three months left in her internship. Could our engagement last through something so devastating as this? Could I go through a lifetime of marriage without the image of her naked beneath another man haunting me?

She came out of the shower wrapped in a towel. "How are you feeling?" she asked.

"A little better after a full night's sleep. How about you slip that towel off and come over here?"

"Oh honey I don't have time this morning. I'm already running a bit late", she answered as she removed the towel and started getting dressed immediately. "I'm sorry but I'll try to be home early today,"

"Is..he going to be there?"

"Oh baby don't torture yourself like this. He'll be there, yes. But I'm going to explain that you're back home and that this has got to stop now. I don't think he's such a jerk that he won't understand that."

"How many times..I this happening every day?" I had to ask her.

"No's..complicated. I want to be as honest with you as possible but do you really need to know details? Won't that make it worse for you?"

She was right and I knew she was right but I had to know. I was looking for something, anything that would make me feel a little bit better. Maybe it was just once. Maybe he was a little wimp who couldn't get hard enough to go all the way.

"I want to know. I think the honesty and openness is important if we are going to get through this together."

"Ok, uhhh, started 6 weeks ago, and I would say maybe a dozen times he..well, you know..made me do it, so it's not every day, no, but there other things that are almost every day, do you know what I mean?" She was tearing up again, and I felt like puking.

"He's, have to suck it?" I barely got the words out.

"Yes. That's been like 3 or 4 times a week. I'm sorry. I really think I can end this today, just give me a chance and we'll talk when I get back."

I hadn't even noticed, being caught up in the conversation, that she had gotten dressed. She was wearing a short black miniskirt, a white low-cut white blouse with a push-up bra, and 4 inch heals. The girl I knew before never left for her internship without a wearing a very professional looking business suit or very conservative looking dress. She looked..well..extremely hot.

"What...what are you wearing? I asked in surprise.

"Oh..this. This is ummm..he kind of bought this for me, along with some other stuff, and asked me wear it to work", she said blushing. "It's part of his ridiculous power trip. Don't worry, like I said I'll fix this", she said as she rushed out the door before I could get another word out.

"Don't worry, right", I mumbled as I fell back into bed.

That day was one of the longest days of my life. Nothing passed the time waiting for her to get home. I tried reading, watching TV, cleaning. It was torture. She called at 5 o'clock.

"Hey, I'm just a little late, I'll be home at 6."

"Are you ok?'

There was a brief pause and then she said, "Yes fine. I'll uhhh..fill you in when I get there."

I could tell she was trying to sound upbeat and confident but that something was wrong. Obviously this guy didn't care that I was home or we were engaged or any of it. I wanted so badly to just go down there and confront this asshole, but I knew that it would mean the end of our relationship.

She walked in the door and hugged me.

"Do you love me?" she asked, looking into my eyes.

"You know I do Natasha."

"Will you help me get through this, so that we can spend the rest of our lives together?", she pleaded.

At that moment, she was so tender, so much honesty in her voice and in her eyes. "I..yes, I will.", it came out without even thinking about it.

"So I take it he's not going to stop right away?"


"How did he react when you told him your fiancee is back home? He didn't even care?"

"He cared. Just not in the way we were hoping. The news actually seemed to, well, excite him. I'm sorry."

"Excite him? What does that mean? He's happy about it?"

"He..sort of."

"Fucking asshole. So what did he say exactly?"

"He..he wants you there. To watch." The tears were welling up inside her again. If I yelled it would only make things worse.

"Natasha..I. I don't think I could do that."

"Please, you have to. You know what will happen if he doesn't get his way." She was crying now.

I put my head in my hands. "I have to think. Shit. Watch? What's this guy's problem?"

"It's a power trip thing I'm sure", she said, her voice steadying. "These lawyers, they're all power hungry, they have to be to be successful, to climb the ladder."

"So what's to say this will ever end? We have to put up with him all of our lives? I know I couldn't handle that."

"No, I mean, I know what you mean, I couldn't either. The statute of limitation for this is one year. I looked it up. Four months have gone by. Can you..can we..survive this?"

"One thing's for sure, if we survive this we can survive anything," I said.

"I hope you can keep that attitude baby," she replied. We looked into each other's eyes. "Make love to me," she whispered. I was rock hard. I wanted her, but there was that nagging question.

"Did you..I mean did"

"Jon you can't be worried about that all the time. It will kill you. Would you not want me if he did?"

"It's's hard..thinking of him inside you."

"He didn't," she said, lowering her eyes. I knew something must have happened. "He wanted me to take him in my mouth. It was very quick. There, did you really need to know the details?"

There were too many words. I needed to fuck her, to claim her as mine. We both stripped, watching each other, and when we were both naked I pushed her down onto the bed and guided my cock to her slit. She was very wet, and moaned as I pushed into her for the first time in over 4 months. I fucked her hard. It felt like anger, hate even, and I was harder, bigger than I have ever been. She seemed to sense my aggression, her eyes wide looking up at me.

"It's ok, just let it out..take out your frustration..however you want to," she whispered. I was amazed at her again. This was the most intuitive, sweet, understanding woman in the world. My orgasm was intense, seeming to last a full minute, she ran her hands through my hair while whispering "yesss baby..yesss..that's it..I'm all yours.."

I collapsed on top of her and told her I loved her no matter what.

We held each other for what seemed like an hour or so when her cell phone rang. She got up to answer it as I watched her lovely naked body move across the room.

When she looked at the phone and saw the caller ID she took it into the bathroom. All I could hear was some muted arguing, she said something about it being a bad time, then silence. It was a minute before she came back out, still naked.

"He's coming over."


"Yes, unfortunately." I had no idea it would be this soon. I got up and started getting dressed hurriedly.

"He wants me to be naked when he gets here." It was all coming at me so fast. "I'll have to shower," she said as she turned on the water and got in. "If I smell like sex it might upset him."

I pulled my clothes on, my head spinning from the afterglow of sex with my beautiful fiancee to the realization that another man was going to do it with her in just a few short minutes. She was drying off from the shower when we both heard the front door shut.

"He has a key?" I asked in a surprised tone.

"He, was easier I mean...I better just explain later," she said, taking my hand and walking me toward the front room. She was still wrapped in a towel, her hair wet. With all of the shocking news I had been presented with in the last 24 hours, nothing prepared me for what I saw when I walked into the front room. He was black.

Natasha spoke first. "Jon, this is Derrick from the office." He reached his hand out. I didn't take it, just giving him a disgusted look.

"Suit yourself, but this will be alot easier if we're friends, don't you think?" he said casually.

"Fuck you," I barked at him.

Natasha stepped between us. "None of this is helping anybody. Now we all know what is going on here and why. Derrick I think you know you and him can never be friends. Now lets get this over with. You promised you wouldn't be rude and that you would leave right after." She pointed toward the bedroom. Derrick shrugged and walked in, with her following. She looked back at me. "It's ok. Come on. We're getting through this, remember?" She took my hand and led me in.

I was totally pissed that she hadn't told me he was black. Why does it matter? I'm not exactly sure to be honest. There's the size thing. Being in the Army and having stayed in barricks, you shower in large groups. About 70% of the black men I've seen have been very big in comparison. It was kind of a running joke among the guys. It never seemed to matter until now. I wasn't laughing.

Derrick pulled his shirt off as he gave Natasha a look that said "why is the towel still on?" She dropped the towel, standing facing him as I stood at the door. She got in bed, pulling the covers to just over her chest. "Uh uh," he said. "No blankets." I knew it was because he wanted me to be able see everything. She rolled her eyes and tossed the covers onto the floor. He stripped down to his boxers. His body was tall, kind of thin but very cut. Natasha was looking at me. I broke eye contact her when he pulled his boxers off. My worst fears were realized. His cock hung like alot of the men I had seen in the Army. I swallowed and looked back at her and she was still looking at me. She knew what I had just seen and was trying to give me confidence, but it was difficult. I knew that I wasn't small exactly, probably average, but this guy was still soft and was about my size when I'm fully hard.

He looked at me, giving a little smirk, and I looked away. He was loving this. I wondered if he had done this to other couples before. It all seemed so natural for him. He knelt down on the bed and strated running has hands over her naked body. I shut my eyes. Within a few seconds he must have seen me. "Jon, I think Natasha has explained what's going to happen here and why. I strongly suggest you keep watching." Grudgingly I opened my eyes. She spread her legs slightly as his hand went to her pussy and he started massaging it. She was leaning back on her hands. Her breathing got heavier but she never made a sound. I knew she was getting wet. I wasn't angry at her. I rationalized it by thinking that if almost any woman in the world was massaging my cock, I would get hard. He rolled his fingers together, showing me that they were glistening wet. Bastard. He was getting hard, his cock rising, growing. He was huge. I wondered how he would even fit inside her. But I knew he would. I knew that it had happened many times already. My guts were in a knot.

He pulled her arms from their supporting position, forcing her onto her back, and rolled on top of her. In this moment I realized he had never pulled out a condom. I tried to speak. Nothing came out. He positioned the head of his enormous cock at her slit. By the motion of his hips and ass I could tell he was working it into her. She whimpered. I moved around to the side so I could see her face. Her eyes were closed, tight, like she was in pain. He was only about a third of the way inside of her. A selfish thought came over me that maybe he would stretch her, that she wouldn't be as tight for me anymore. He started pumping, slowly, each push working a little more of him into her. He was kissing her forehead, her neck, her nipples. Her body began to rock forward on the bed, and I could see that he was almost burying himself in her with each thrust. Her eyes flew open when she felt him hit her cervix. She saw me off to the side and reached her hand out. I walked the few steps and took it. She squeezed my hand tightly as he began to fuck her steadily, harder. She was breathing alot harder, and every 3 or 4 breaths a whimper escaped her throat, and after a few minutes these changed to gentle, high pitched "oh oh ooooo.."

She looked away from me, knowing that her body was betraying her mind, and that this asshole was making her cum. Her grip on my hand was so strong it started to be painful. Her feet came up off the bed and wrapped around his back as she tried to be as quiet as possible. "Oh oh oh oh ooooooo shhhhhh shhhhhh shhhh" she tried to beat back the audible sounds as her body rocked in climax. I was humiliated. He never stopped. He kept fucking her right through her orgasm even though she begged him to slow down. In the next 40 minutes she came 6 more times. I had never known her to be multi-orgasmic before.

He withdrew from her and he was like a pole, still hard. He motioned for her to turn over, and as she did our eyes met. There was nothing she could do or say to make me feel any better at this point and we both knew it. She placed her head on the pillow facing away from me, and was on her knees, her firm young ass pointing up at him. He entered her from behind, his length disappearing inch by inch into her stretched, slippery pussy. He placed his hands on her ass and began to fuck her again. The contrast of her pale white skin next to his was shocking. He started to whisper, then spoke more loudly, "oh ya, dirty lil slut, so nice and tight, so young...your boyfriend seeing what you're really made of, watching you getting used by your black boss, mmm baby we've done this before haven't we? So many times when he didn't even know, thought you were home studying. I love you in this position, submitting to me, you're gonna cum some more aren't you? Oh lil white slut do you like when I touch you here..?" His thumb was touching her exposed asshole as he verbally assaulted both of us. She was sobbing softly, knowing that this was killing me. What career could be worth this?

Her knuckles were bright white as she was gripping the sheets on either side of the pillow. There was a low, guttural moan from her as she tried to force back an orgasm, but it was too intense. Her juices flowed out around his cock as she spasmed around him and he let loose, announcing that he was cumming, grunting as he sent wave after wave of his seed gushing inside of her. He was breathing hard as he closed his eyes, recovering from the physical exertion.

When he pulled out I could see her red, swollen pussy was leaking cum onto the bed. She collapsed onto her side. He gave me a thumbs up sign as he quickly dressed and walked out, saying "see you lovebirds next time." I locked the door behind him, and turned back to Natasha, a heap of sweat and sex, still as beautiful, maybe more so, than ever. We had alot to talk about.

To be continued

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fbm4u2fbm4u2almost 6 years ago

I love these story lines except for... the sobbing / crying parts. Sooooooo annoying! Why can't the slut enjoy the experience instead.

EgoTrixiEgoTrixiover 8 years ago
And..of course..the story never continued...´ve chosen the wrong nom de voyage...ForceLess would suit you better...

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 15 years ago

A piece of shit, in real life dickhead dies, stupid story.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 15 years ago
story per say isn't bad

though I'll never understand the motivation of the characters. The boss is clear, he gets to fuck some hot slut, the wife is clear, she's a slut who just loves cock (clearly she doesn't love her partner), but what about the partner? Obviously he gets nothing out of the deal, is he to stupid to see that the wife is manipulating him? He should be taking pictures to use in the divorce trail, ruining the career of the blackmailer, let the slut go to jail who cares? Hell, it's not like she's the only attractive woman on the planet. Nothing would be worth putting up with this without some quid pro quo. Maybe if he was getting some strange as well, for every sex act you performed for your boss, he gets to go outside the relationship as well. Hell, he could have fun catching up! Even then, I don't think it'd be worth putting up with that crap, especially as it hadn't been pre arrainged before hand. Partner swapping could be fun with discussions beforehand, but not in this situation where she hid things from him. Where's the loyalty one should be able to expect from one's spouse? Kick her to the curb and ruin her life as well as her lover's.

KOLKOREKOLKOREabout 15 years ago
Still haunted by the slavery complex

I wonder if this kind of writing is a form of therapy or if in fact it makes things worse...

Clearly there is still the internal need "to prove" that previous ancestory enslavement, rape and humiliation have not passed somehow into one's genes. So to wipe any such possibility the writer needs to mentally humiliate white men and women. <P>

The problem - all this time he does not realize that as long as he continues to obsses over this he is still mentally enslaved. How do you break this mental loop?

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