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A Man's Job


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"Wow, if that's a line it's a damn good one. Are you for real? "

"Definitely, I've been running around the ship for a week looking for you. I've been divorced for more than a year now. There has been no connection with the women I've met on this trip until I felt the magic between us. I hope I'm not coming on too strong, but that's how I feel."

"What do you mean, looking for me?"

"I mean you're special. I felt it as soon as I saw you."

"If you don't mind me asking, what happened to your marriage?"

"I take loyalty and honesty seriously. My ex didn't feel the same way. I don't think I ever really trusted her even though I loved her. She cheated on me with an old boyfriend and tried to keep both of us. She should have known that would never work with me. How about you? What brought you on this cruise?"

"I'm divorced also. I was married for five years to a man very much like your ex wife. The only good thing to come out of it is my daughter, Sheila. She's two and cute as a button. My mother is taking care of her. When I get back, I'm looking to relocate to another state. I was hoping that getting away for a while would clear my head while I make a plan for our future."

"Maybe I can help. What kind of work do you do?"

"I'm a CPA. I like the company I work for, but like I said, I need to start fresh."

I gave her my business card. "I have some influence in the company I work for. Would you consider coming to Florida for an interview? I know we could find a place for an intelligent talented lady like you."

After that conversation, we spent the rest of the cruise spending every available moment together. I missed her those brief times that she was not with me. My body ached for her, but I wanted her to know that I was willing to get to know her and have her know me. It was no doubt in my mind that when we did make love, it would be worth the wait. I felt at peace in her presence. Just talking to her brought out the best in me.

Brenda Sue and her daughter did come to Florida. When she came in for the interview, she was surprised to find out I would be the one responsible for hiring her. The first words out of my mouth were, "I've missed you. What took you so long?"

"I've missed you too, Jerry, more than you can imagine. " she answered and flashed the smile I loved so much.

We started dating and three months later we were engaged. I Loved her and her precious daughter. She looked just like her mother. Her eyes were green with her mother's raven hair. After a few weeks, she started calling me da da. I finally had the family I'd always dreamed of.

One night after we had just finished a mind bending love making session, we were snuggling, trying to catch our breath, when my phone rang. It was Shay. "Jerry, I'm sorry to bother you, but I need your advise."

"What's the matter? Lover boy is not home again tonight?"

"Oh, Jerry. I made a big mistake when I cheated on you. I'm so sorry. He's drained my bank account and he's never here. He convinced me to take a second mortgage on the house for some kind of investment and the money has disappeared. I'm afraid that I'm going to lose the house. Lately, he's gotten abusive and I'm afraid he's going to hurt me. What am I going to do? You were always good at dealing with problems." She started crying. I could feel no sympathy for her. At one time, her tears would have pained my soul, not anymore.

"I can't believe you're calling me for advise. You sacrificed your marriage for that unemployed piece of trash and broke my heart. Did you really think that boy could take my place and stick with you for better and for worse? I can't help you. You put yourself into this situation and you're going to have to deal with it. I told you before, you're on your own this time. You were right when you said he's everything I'm not, goodbye Shay." Brenda Sue smiled at me and we cuddled close. The call was not discussed. She was mine and I was hers, that's all that mattered. We slept well.

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AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

loved the outcome, maybe the few discrepancies just needed more work but in the end the good guy gets revenge a good btb story right there

trucker1965trucker19656 months ago

she's the one that should have divorced him. he's a pos and was a pos to her before she did anything. he's a worthless sob.

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

Odd. Both with jobs, equal pay so no alimony and no kids. So why does she get the house? Almost always in such a situation, she would have to pay for his half of the equity or they sell and split. That seems weird. And Shay was surprisingly good at saying exactly the wrong thing for reconciliation. Besides if the guy was an old boyfriend there were no signs whatsoever of this asshole's slick maneuvers with money or violence? No signs of greed or rage? She is only 28 and the asshole 25 when the story began. So were they lovers in college? But then she is 3 years older. Not unheard of but not common (senior dating a freshman). If after college, woukd suspect some of his behavioral patterns would have shown up. Surprised he didn't do something with the asshole. He is an ex-Marine.

RePhilRePhil8 months ago

Unfortunately this writer never wrote again

RePhilRePhil8 months ago

Btw it’s heartening to see writers pushing back for a newbie to this shark tank we call LW

RePhilRePhil8 months ago

Well said below !!! I stand with you!! Having been here for over 14 years I have read all manner of reader pond scum tearing apart talent solely based on their jealousy of not having any talent whatsoever. It’s the age old adage my Dad always told us kids. “There are two categories of Humans, builders and destroyers, which one do you want to be”.

Buster2UBuster2U9 months ago

This Story must be written in the "Loving Wives" cat because almost all these comments seem to come from such sanctimonious bastards who think they "Know More" than the writer. Of Course, they are all "Harvard" Grads trying to lecture the rest of us on how to write a proper story. When these asshats should appreciate that we are all getting what we've paid for with these great stories. If it isn't one thing to complain about it is another. By all rights, Lit shouldn't even bother to permit asshat "comments", especially from "NONWRITERS" who have "NO Concept" of what is involved in writing and publishing a story on Literotica. I would guess that the "Editors" on Lit. that read every story to either approve it or deny it has many more guidelines than they say they do and publish. Example: I have a "Feb Sucks" story waiting for approval that I have altered over and over to attempt to get it approved. At the moment, LaValliere, Linda, and Dee are bound and gagged, in a hole in the backyard. Laying in a couple of inches of water and covered by a tarp covered with 3 to 4 inches of dirt. With my goal in mind of "Scaring the Shit" out of these assholes with nightmares for the rest of their lives about being buried alive. STILL NOT approved! LOL, I guess the next option is to "Just write them a letter, and tell LaValliere, Linda, and Dee how upset Jim is by Linda's night of debauchery with LaValliere. LOL (Team America reference) This story was a lot of work to put together. So many morons have NO concept of what it takes, to come up with the storyline, and idea, then to check to be sure all the important parts of the plot were written, double check spelling, and size of paragraphs. Double-check the plot a final time and then "submit" to Literotica. The fact that so many of us, happily, volunteer our time and energy to make this website successful is AMAZING if nothing else. We wouldn't have this wonderful place to spend our time on if it wasn't for the Head Guys (Manu and Laurel?) whose site this is, hadn't put in countless hours of hard work and who knows how much heartache to make this place successful. Just to have all the hard work by the countless writers who derive some sense of satisfaction from getting a story published, being a work of 50+ hours, constantly complained about, is disgusting and disheartening. We all have a past. It is a fact, that "practice makes perfect" and someone who has spent his life in more "street fights" than the next 100 people that you know, without being in prison at the moment, has a unique perspective on how to settle things violently. I have to tell you, during a disagreement, that when you are putting severe pressure on someone else's sensitive part of their body, that they will tend to shorten their argument with you. 10 stars for an interesting story. I liked the happy ending when the MC found his true love on the 3rd attempt. If we could all be so lucky and fortunate it would be a much happier world. Thanks, Buster2U

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

I think I would have helped her, just for access to get revenge on the dirtbag boyfriend.

MasterKoteMasterKote10 months ago

Sorry but the ending was what should've happened after her disrespect. Most writers would've had him help her out but glad he didn't. U reap what u sow bitch and goes to show u that she still only thought about herself.

SorchakSorchak10 months ago

A couple of nitpicks. When he's splitting with Shay, you have him say "they'll be no alimony'. They'll is short for they will. So 'they will be no alimony' is how it would come out. Read it out loud. Does that sound right? No, because it should be 'there will be no alimony' or 'there'll be no alimony'. Second, it's advice, not advise. When you advise someone, you give them advice. Makes a big difference.

RePhilRePhil10 months ago

Introduced, developed and summarized in 2 pages. Now that’s a professional writer having a little fun in his/her sandbox.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Well done.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

MC needs some help dealing with his trust issues. Even if he doesn't love Shay, or even like her, when he hears of abuse of a woman, he has a responsibility to at least advise that she report it to the authorities. If he stays as he is, sooner or later, his issues will wreck this marriage even if his wife doesn't cheat. Get them fixed, now.

XluckyleeXluckyleeabout 1 year ago

Good story. 5 stars from Xluckylee

Texican1830Texican1830about 1 year ago

Advice? Sure - call the cops and charge him with every kind of theft, assault, sexual assault, and whatever else you can. You dumped me for a con man who cheats on you, you dumbass.

mndhanson017mndhanson017about 1 year ago

I don't know the Anon is talking about anger management classes, the MC didn't do anything violent to warrant it, he walked away and when he saw the dude, bartender helped him contain it. He's probably seen the ex wife's lover there multiple times, but doesn't care because it's not worth it. At some point, the lover will get what's coming to them, but not for the MC.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago


He was going to let the hammer down then she comes home very wet and he has sex with her. You made him an absolute imbecile.


AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

IDK: so many commenters saying the story's unfinished; I disagree. I'm happy with how the story panned. But reading about 2 flopped marriages, I missed something in the reading. Unless they're referring to his future wife's divorce. Could've had more dialogue, perhaps more believable dialogue. Especially when he meets Brenda Sue. "I know a talented lady when I meet her." Guess he's got some super powers working.

>> He immediately knows she's an intelligent woman within minutes of talking to her & gives her his business card? Perhaps in a couple days after knowing her a bit, but not as fast as it went. Also hard to believe- the call from his ex. She divorced him but wants his opinions, when they left under less than good terms?

>> Not too bad for a 1st time but writing needs help. Being the 1st story, 3 stars. Bob

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

All of these stories have a few characters seeing a therapist. This is one dude who definitely needs one. And don't forget the anger management classes.

jflindersjflindersover 1 year ago

I didn't like this. The conversation was awkward and the settlement included that inexplicable LW legalism where the wife gets the house for no reason whatsoever. The call from the 2nd ex at the end was well beyond believable.

HighBrowHighBrowover 1 year ago

If Femdom agitprop happens to you twice, guess what?

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Thank god you wrote only one story! It is so insipid and shallow... i actually feel u took parts from various other stories and put them together!,,

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago


When a person looks for lasting love the way the MC did, he gets exactly what he selfishly desired.

I thought the story line was a disaster and I hated.

On a positive note it was well written and carried a strong life lesson. The author deserves a 4 for his fine effort.

FlynnTaggartFlynnTaggartover 1 year ago

4. Not a bad story especially for a first time author even if it feels unfinished. Just sad this was a one hit wonder author who hasn't posted anything else in over 10 years.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

It's a story which teaches us that loving someone like a blind is full of risk since cheating becomes a trend.

ZippityDoDaDayZippityDoDaDayabout 2 years ago

Good thing you only wrote one story...

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

You need to finish it... stopped in the middle !

AmbivalenceAmbivalenceabout 2 years ago

"I know we could find a place for an intelligent talented lady like you." - And he knows she's talented because he can tell just by looking at her.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

The way you wrote the beginning was very wtf

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

As soon as you know you’ve been exposed to another man’s fluids, file sexual assault charges!


AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Very good story - good descriptions of the angst that Jerry felt. Enjoyed it

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

This story seems to have been written by an emotional teenager and portrays the "trials and tribulations" of an emotional teenager ... No wonder the wife strayed - how could she cope!!! The ending could not have been more unimaginative. Bad story, bad prose but hey... it could be worse.

juanviejojuanviejoover 2 years ago


AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Why would he give the slut the house? In all states he would have been entitled to half. And he's not exactly a prize if he's a two-time loser. No Mother with a small child dump's them on her Mother and takes a singles cruise.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Good story! Anons, without trust there can be no marraige.

betrayedbylovebetrayedbyloveabout 3 years ago


Cheating cunts deserve just what she got. Fuck you bitch.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

Living with a perpetually mistrustful and emotionally guarded man sounds like great fun. He is right not to accept infidelity but hopefully recognizes the most desirable candidates for a third wife won't be knocking on his door. The less desirable ones would certainly not be above using their young daughter to manipulate him. A detailed background check as part of Brenda Sue's evaluation as a job applicant sounds like a fine idea.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

Why do people put up with being called son? The bartender was not his father. I consider that to be patronizing and disrespectful.

iameaseliameaselover 3 years ago

For many reasons this was a bit of a bomb.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago

The story SUCKS!

ReedRichardsReedRichardsabout 4 years ago
Any man who has been able to get it up and . . .

. . . fuck his wife or girlfriend a second time knows what sloppy seconds are and what they feel like. He would have known the second he stuck his dick in her that she had just been fucked by someone else.

lee5456lee5456about 4 years ago
Bros before hos

Don't you just love cheating skanky bitches

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
He is on high alert.

Knows she has been inapproriate and she still gets to give him a creampie. You can't fix stupid.

snarkstersnarksterover 4 years ago

He's been married and seriously cheated on twice and he meets a chick on a cruise ship, moves her to Florida with her kid and marries her before the ink's dry on the divorce decree? He doesn't have trust issues, he has mental health issues.

Just_WordsJust_Wordsover 4 years ago
I liked it.

I'd like to know more about them getting to know each other. They seem interesting.

26thNC26thNCover 4 years ago

Again. Not a great story, but I enjoyed it again. Love the ending enough to make it a favorite.

jtwheelsjtwheelsalmost 5 years ago
Help sure what account should I send the penny for your loss

Good story

No coming back for anything

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago

There was hurt and sadness in this story. It was a deep hurt and a prolonged sadness. That was masterfully done, great job.

For me i like to see passion in a loving wives tale. I saw none of that in yours. His break ups were done by the numbers, as if afraid to get too close to the pain. The romance shown in the new relationships were deadened, i quote "Well, I'm a pretty sexual guy, but I'm definitely not a creep. I can't really blame these guys for wanting to sleep with you." Way to sweep her off her feet. For me to get into a lw story i have feel passion, love and hate. History tells us that before treason was a state crime, it was another way of describing infidelity.

someoneothersomeoneotherover 5 years ago
Terrible writing and no real plot development

I am sorry that I wasted my time reading this crappy story. Bad writing, and nothing is really developed developed. Merely common declarative phrases strung together.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago

Too much talking when there should have been action.....walk away, don't pontificate over it when you are a self-admitted hardass.

JoeVerdeJoeVerdealmost 6 years ago
Well Written But Predictable

Four Stars: The character development and descriptive writing were riveting. The plot, however, was shallow and predictable.

I thought that it was obvious from the beginning that this vulnerable macho man would be vindicated. He trusted a woman and was betrayed. He catches her in her cheating ways, punishes her, suffers emotional pain, and then finds a third woman to trust implicitly. The final part "One night after we had just finished a mind bending love making session, we were snuggling, trying suffers,to catch our breath, when my phone rang. It was Shay." is contrived. What a coincidence? It makes you feel so good that he has sexual satisfaction and vindication at the same time. It is a fairy tale ending.

Shame that such literary talent can't make this story more real.

YouamiYouamialmost 6 years ago
What's the common denominator?


I had no real problem with your story telling skills. I thought you took the husband's character into a interesting direction. You played him as the victim of two cheating sluts who both did him wrong...But I would have viewed things somewhat differently. For instance, he had two totally disastrous marriages to two different partners. So what was the common denominator in both failed relationships? He was!!!!! I wasn't too convinced with the way you concluded the tale either. I think you were trying to portray him as having cajones at last. For me though I don't think it succeeded. A whiny little bitch would be a fair description of him. Makes me think that before long Brenda Sue may begin to lose respect for him also.

26thNC26thNCabout 6 years ago
Good one

Enjoyed the story a lot. Can't understand why anyone would expect him to go to the aid of Shay after what she did to him. He owed.her less than nothing. He had more control than I would have had when he saw the other guy. Good for him. He won.

jharpjharpabout 6 years ago

While I feel for the Husband I also can't help but think he's at fault. He was remarried inside of 2 years to a cheating slut after getting creamed in divorce to a cheating slut. Logically we can assume his ability to verify the women in his life is complete shit. While I commend his strategy of keeping some money on the side in case of a rainy day, I find his ability to engage his wife honestly very flawed. He did not have a heart to heart with her about what was important to him nor did take action that made himself look strong in her eyes (certainly not ours). He subtly 'hinted' about a friends awful divorce. Rather than have the strength and the courage to speak plainly and directly so that there was no confusion on how he felt on the subject. He also tried to ignore the very real threat of the other guy rather than confront her directly on it, and it came back to bite him in the ass. This is pure weakness here, and women have an uncanny ability to sense it.

He was weak, insecure and overly paranoid. The paranoid part is understandable, but from the sense I got, he took it too far. Women can sense that shit and it's a huge attraction killer. The more insecurities he displayed the less attractive he became, the more she latched onto to what she perceived as a confident and attractive man in the form of the Lothario. Despite knowing he was a cheating bastard who was unreliable.

Granted she's a complete idiot in her own right with no loyalty, honor or integrity in the marriage. And her excuse of being 'unable to help herself' is just that. An excuse. It's like an asshole. Everyone has one and they all stink. So she got what she deserved in the end. But I wonder if the protagonists new girl is about to be EX number 3 considering how quickly he jumped into a relationship with her and where he met her. And...given his track record on this, I'd certainly go to Vegas with those odds that she will be before too long.

Author, you tried to portray a smart sensible guy who hedged his bets to ensure the didn't go through that hell again. But what we got was a weak, insecure fool with a tendency to rush in who is setting himself up for failure. AGAIN. I know it wasn't your intent, but it's what we got. Sorry, can't give it a pass.

schulz777schulz777about 6 years ago
stupid story

no simpathy for the husband......way too whiny


sas6446sas6446about 6 years ago

Two cheating wives and the guys a pussy! He doesn't do ANYTHING about the second wife's lover but wimps out! But what's worse is he DOES have sex with her even though he KNOWS she just came from fucking the ass-hole!


AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
Blah, blah, blah!

This seemed really rushed from start to finish. Absolutely nothing new, another cliche' in every sentence.

widowedidiotwidowedidiotover 6 years ago
Two cheating wifes?

First thing. Did you take this concept from "In Her Eyes"? Your story sounded much to close to that one in that the blinded husband suddenly developed the ability to decipher the wifes thought process. Also what gets me about this stories is that they seem to end the same. Whatever happens to the exes after the divorce is insignificant. The question this stories raise is if you are such a good man and lover as you pass yourself out to be? oh!! and lets not forget ladies man since you seem to find them in any corner you look around. Why then did you lose two wifes to some other guy? What happens when wife number three really gets to know you and finds somebody else? Are you going to write a follow up? Don't get me wrong. The story was good. I liked it. Except the ending sucked for me. All this stories have the same ending. Reconciliation has a better feel to it because it shows the intelligence of a husband to forgive and get on with their life.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
Doesn't Work

Jerry is too much of a sanctimonious turd,in serious need of seeing a shrink. AND the approach and line he dropped on Brenda Sue during the cruise?Horn dog city. Instead od Da Da,Brenda Sue's daughter should have started calling him Dip Shit!

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
I wonder,,,,,

It's said that if a prison inmate spits on a guard that's a 2nd Degree Felony Assault.

Using that as a basis, if a woman had a lover and intentionally gave her husband a "cream pie" from another man if that could be grounds for 2nd Degree Felony Assault using a liquid as the same logic?

penneydog55penneydog55over 6 years ago

What happened to R*E*V*E*N*G*E ! Sheeeiitt Lover boy got everything? His wife , house money and the cucky revenge! You could at the very least have him Fuck Up and Die! .............Sorry! This is not My Type of Story ★★☆ WOOF!

You know His 2 Ex.s are Big Hole Moles, Big Bore Whores, Loosie Loosies, etc etc etc! See Ya!

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
What is a BTB story?

Here a good example what does it make a good BTB story.

1. The husband did secret deposit so he saved a little money from the divorce.

2. The cheater ex wife got an abuser loser.

3. The husband got a better woman.

4. The exwife phoned for help.............and total BTB without Mexican whorehouse and Seal attact.

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