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A Mother's Help Ch. 10

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The wives were back in business.
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Part 10 of the 10 part series

Updated 09/29/2022
Created 07/20/2004
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Chapter 10: The Ending

As the two women's lovers left the beach house, after being caught by the husbands in the middle of the sex act, each couple went into a separate room and talk.

After about an hour, Angie and Frank came out and told her mother and dad that she was going to try and work it out so that they could stay married. Both parents were happy to hear that their daughter and her husband were going to stay together at least for now. Angie had promised she would never see or talk to Tom again. While Frank didn't trust her he did want to stay married to this beautiful woman.

Tom and Betty had been married a very long time and while she didn't tell her husband how long she had cheated on him she did say she wanted to stay married too. Tom was happy but told her he had lost all trust in her and he didn't know if he could ever get it back. He told her she had one chance and only one. If she ever cheated on him again he would make her leave and give her nothing. She promised on the life of her daughter that she wouldn't see Bud again.

The men called the women's lovers and told them they were all going to stay together. They also told them that for their own health they should stay away from the women not try to see or call them. Each man said they would respect the wishes of the ladies.

Then the 2 couples drove home. Tom put the beach house up for sale and got rid of it in 3 days making a sizable some of money from the sale. He placed the funds in a separate account, which didn't include his wife name, and she had to sign a waiver that if they ever parted she would not claim any part of the funds. She didn't resist and wanted to show her husband she was glad the entire ordeal was over.

As the months passed there was no signs or indications of the two women having any contact with the men. But neither husband trusted their wives and usually went with them everywhere or made them wait until they could go with them.

Finally Tom allowed Betty to start going to a quilting club once a month. And Betty didn't break that trust she went there and then came straight home. She got involved in making quilts for everyone in the family. Tom could see her work and knew she had been where she said she would be. And she became very good at it.

Meanwhile Angie and Frank weren't getting along as well. Angie wanted to go out and when Frank wouldn't allow her unless he was with her, she and him had fights about it almost once a week. Finally Frank told her that was how it would be if she wanted to stay married. She agreed and with less than two months left before Frank was to go away again, things became somewhat normal again.

Frank however, did separate their joint investment account that he had with his company and where most of their excess funds housed. He removed her name without Angie knowing it and made his poor old mom the beneficiary to that and his large insurance policies.

As the days went by he finally agreed to let Angie go with her mom to shop at the grocery store or the mall, places like that. But every once in a while he would follow and check on them or Tom would go. Neither husband had seen anything to make them think the ladies were up to something or meeting other men. Frank would even sneak upstairs and check Angie's panties to see if there were any signs of cum in them. He still didn't rust his beautiful young wife at all. Tom was bad but not that bad. He did check on her by calling the quilting class on more than one occasion using some lam excuse. Betty never said a word about it.

Angie had told Frank that she was going crazy because he insisted on going everywhere with her. But when she saw him waiting outside the lady's room for her at the mall rest rooms after they had dinner, she got really upset. Finally she told him, "Look Frank you were hurt and hurt bad I know that! But baby if you can't trust me a little now, then I don't see much future for us. Besides you'll be leaving again in 5 weeks. Either you trust me now or you don't. What are you going to do have my dad follow me around or maybe you'll have another friend of yours? What? We can't stay together like this. I can't live like this, you're driving me nuts!"

He agreed to allow her some added freedoms but insisted that he would be the one who decided not her on how much. She was the one who had cheated not him and he was the one who would have to recover from the hurt. She told him as long as he didn't go crazy that would OK with her. So he began to easy up just a little.

Then as football season began in September Frank allowed Angie to go with her mom to some afternoon quilting classes that lasted most all of Sunday afternoon. She had been asking and begging him about them for weeks now and he finally gave in. The school was ran by an old woman that received most of her income from the classes she taught year round. The class that Betty went to was held twice a week and lasted from 6 PM to 9 or sometimes 9:30 PM.

But the Sunday class was from 1-6 PM and only on Sunday. Frank had checked it out and felt it was safe and he could always check on her if he wanted too. So the two women began quilting Betty 3 times a week Angie only once.

One Sunday, Tom noticed something strange as Betty was loading the car with her sewing machine and material for the quilting meeting she was attending. Tom was sure he saw what looked like a new dry clean bag laying flat in her truck. And it looked like it had some fresh clothes in it. But before he could say anything, or asked about it, Betty pulled out waving at him and headed to Midland where the meeting was to be held.

At the same time across town Angie was loading her new sewing machine Frank had let her purchased. He put it in her back seat and she put a bag of material in next to it. She kissed her husband goodbye and said, "Enjoy the game in piece hon. I'll see you at 6:30PM or there about tonight and off she drove heading for Midland to. Frank wondered why Betty and she didn't share a ride. But he waved and went inside to watch the game.

At the quilting store parking lot just outside of Midland, the two women met. They waited across the street for any sighs of the husbands or their cars. There were none and so they went into the store for coffee. The only other person in the store was a little old lady who looked a lot like the one who taught the quilting classes. She sat there drinking coffee and looking out the window.

Finally about 20 minutes and two cups of coffee a large van pulled into the parking lot next to the coffeehouse. It was Jack, Betty's old lover. Angie said, "He's early! Must be very ready for you mom! You're so lucky."

Betty laughed and said, " If you think he's ready for me, you should feel how wet my pussy is for him Angie. God it's been months since I have had a decent lay! I didn't think your father would ever let me out again without him."

Angie said, "Well you should be married to Frank. He's crazy with checking me out. Did I tell you I caught him outside a lady's room waiting for me?"

They both smiled as Angie watched Jack walk towards the store. What she didn't know was Bud her old lover was in the back of the van waiting for her too. Jack came into the store seeing the two ladies sitting there waiting and said, "Well you two look great! And Angie you were able to get away after all. Good! I have a little surprise for you in the van. And it's one I'm sure you're going to enjoy tremendously!"

The old lady looked over for a few seconds and at her watch and finally back out the window. She smiled as if she was remembering the days when she would meet her boyfriend and they would go out. She watched the three people walk to the van and then she saw a fourth person. She smiled again as she saw the young woman hug the young man and laugh as she got into the back of the van. The older lady got into the front passenger sat. She kissed the driver and then they pulled away. As the van turned out of the parking lot another car pulled up and the old woman was waiting to get into the passenger side of the car. They dove away in the same direction as the van.

Angie didn't know it but her mom had called Jack and told him to bring Bud with him. She told Jack that she was pretty sure Angie would be able to get away with her for the afternoon.

When the three of them walked out of the coffee shop and Angie opened the back door of the van and saw Bud sitting there smiling. She yelled, "Buddy!!! Oh God! Bud! Oh my God! I'm so glad to see you!"

She jumped into the van and wrapped her arms around him squeezing the air out of him. She kissed him hard and felt her body give her away immediately! She let her tongue go into his mouth as if they had never been away. She broke the embrace and said, "Jesus Bud! Have I ever missed you!"

He smiled and said, "I've missed you two Angie. Missed you a great deal too! I'm so glad you were able to get away!"

Betty got into the front passenger seat, kissed Jack and they drove away towards the beach.

Jack had purchased a place there when he heard that Betty's husband was selling the old one. As they parked the van the four of them got out and arm in arm. They had just reached the door of Jack's new house when the small gray car with two women in it pulled up at the stop sign across the street from Jack 's house. One of the women was the old lady from the coffee shop. The other one was much younger maybe 35 years old. Both of them watched as the two couples walk into the house.

The young woman picked up her cell phone and made a call! The older woman picked up a notebook and recorded the time.

Tom was just stepping out of the shower when Frank called. He said, "Well Tom you wanted proof! I got proof, I'll pick you up in 20 minutes."

Frank picked Tom up and they drove to a restaurant that served mostly breakfast. It was closed on Sundays and there was only one car in the parking lot. As the two men got out of their car they walked over to the other car and an old lady got out carrying a notebook. Another woman got out of the driver's side. She was much younger and carried a camera. Frank introduced them to Tom and said, "This is Mrs. and Ms Miller. They are a mother and daughter Private Investigators (PI) when they aren't doing things like quilting or working for the ASPCA and their church. I hired them last week when Angie demanded I give her more freedom and joined the "quilting club" that Betty belongs too. So what have you got Maryanne?"

The old lady read off hat she had recorded in her notebook. Her daughter showed both men pictures of Betty meeting Jack weeks before. They had pictures of Angie and Bud meeting now too. They didn't have any pictures of them having sex, but that was a minor problem, which was going to change before the evening was over. The ladies had rented a room that looked down into the windows of Jack's new beach home. They had already taken pictures of him and Betty and now would capture some with Bud and Angie. Once they had them all was left of their contract with Frank was testify in court if needed. But with the information that Maryanne had in her notebook and the pictures they would collect, there wasn't much chance either woman would contest the impending divorce.

The men were told to go at dinner and meet the ladies back at the parking lot in one hour. As they left the ladies went to their rented apartment. Sure enough as the women looked down from their window there was Angie on her knees sucking Bud's cock. Within the hour the women with their zoom lenses had been able to take photos of Angie having her clothes taken off, her legs spread wide as she sat in the chair and Bud kneeing on the floor eating her pussy. They also took pictures of him picking Angie up and carrying her to the big bed. That's when they got a great series of shots of Bud fucking her in three different positions.

When the women returned to the parking lot they told Tom and Frank what had happened and what they had as proof now. Not only did they have Betty nailed with records and photos of her infidelity, but now they had the same type of proof for Angie. Both men wanted to go to the house and destroy both the men and women. But, they were advised not to go there. They were told to go home and use this time to get their personal business in order. Each husband was informed of what they should do and to make sure all the accounts are either switched or emptied. They were to leave a small amount in the checking account to cover only the basics. They agreed.

The PIs told them that once all that was done, there should be a meeting with all parties. They suggested that maybe the husbands should tell the wives it was going to be a small dinner party for the four of them. The men should make every effort not to give away what was going to happen at the dinner. They should invite the PIs to the party claiming they were real estate agents using a story of perhaps buying a joint piece of property for investments and vacation. The PIs felt that the wives would definitely go for it since it would give then another place to meet their lovers. The party would be the time to expose all of this with photos and copies of the recorded times and dates and places. The women told the husbands this had worked like a charm in over 30 cases they had handled. Ms. Miller, the younger of the two women was also an attorney so she could ask handle any problems.

Everyone agreed and they left. At 10PM Betty came in with a Cleaner's plastic bag with a completed quilt under it. She showed her husband what she had been working on.

Meanwhile Angie came in and told her husband what beautiful things the women and made and that she was so happy he had let her go with her mom to the classes. When Frank asked where it was, she told him she would bring it home when it was finished in about 3 weeks. She also told Frank she would like to continue with another class, an advanced one, while Frank was away in the oil fields again. Frank agreed she could go.

Then two weeks and one more visit by the wives to the class on the next Sunday which turned out to be another fuck session at Jack's new beach house and things were ready for the men.

That night when the wives got home, each husband told them about their idea of joint investment in a beachfront property. Frank and Tom had already set the appointment up with the Millers a very well respected real estate family at the beach. The dinner was to be held on Friday night and Tom was having it at his house. The PIs were right in there thinking, both Betty and Angie were super happy about the idea and even worked and cooking a fantastic meal for the party.

For the men the time went by slow and the evening of the party, each and received the paperwork for the divorce from their lawyer. They had the same one to keep it simple.

Then that night Frank and Angie came to her mother's house around 6:15PM. The two PIs got there at 6:45 PM and dinner was served at 7:30PM. The meal was great and the conversation was mainly about real estate but not to the point of dropping the hammer on the wives, not yet.

When dinner was over and the dishes cleaned off the dinning room table Ms. Miller, the younger woman, stood and said, "Well ladies, we know you enjoy the beach. We have watched you go there every Sunday now for weeks. And we know you like houses with two or more bedrooms because we have seen you both in separate bedrooms every Sunday for the same amount of weeks."

Angie blushed immediately! Betty however said, That can't be right Ms. Miller, Angie and I go to quilting school every Sunday. You must have seen someone else."

Mrs. Miller smiled and said, "Well mom, what do your records say?"

Mrs. Miller, the older PI, opened her notebook and read the course of events on the travel by the two wives. Betty said, "That's not right! I'm telling you we haven't been to the beach since.... since the month of September when my husband sold the old beach house we use to have."

Ms. Miller looked at the two wives and didn't say anything. Angie said, "That's right! Mom and I have been in class every Sunday for weeks now. You must have us mixed up with two other women."

Both PIs were smiling and Ms. Miller reached into her briefcase and took out another folder. She said, "Well Angie, do you have a tattoo on your back that looks like... what was it?"

Mrs. Miller looked in her book and said, "A hummingbird!"

Ms. Miller said, "Yes! A humming bird Angie. Do you have one of a hummingbird on your shoulder?"

Angie knew she knew since Bud had purchased it for her about 5 weeks ago and she loved it. It was the one thing she had that Bud had given her."

Her dad, Tom said, "Well Angie doesn't have any tattoos do you hon?"

Frank her husband said, "Yes she does Tom. She got it about a month ago and it is a little humming bird and it's on her shoulder."

Mrs. Miller said, "Left shoulder, isn't that correct Angie?"

Frank shook his head yes and Angie blushed and didn't know what to say.

Then before Betty could say anything, Ms. Miller asked her, "And Betty, you have a birth mark on... how do I say it?"

Tom said, "Oh the right cheek of her ass and it goes down to the top of her thigh! But! How the hell do you know that Ms Miller?"

Betty and Angie both looked like a deer in the headlights of a speeding truck now! Ms. Miller passed out the pictures one at a time of Angie first. Sure enough the hummingbird was very clear as the photo showed her bouncing up and down on Bud's cock as she rode him with her back at the window. Then the next picture showed her facing the window as she rode him. It was Angie. Then there was another photo with her down on all fours facing the window as Bud fucked her from behind. Another very clear shot of both of them! The one that really showed Angie was the one where she sat in the chair and Bud was eating her pussy. She was wide open for the camera! There were about a dozen photos in all, one better that the other.

Angie was stunned. She held her head and said, "NO! Oh God no! Frank! I'm so sorry."

Frank said, "Shut up and sit there!" She did as she was told!

The Mrs. Miller produced a photo of Betty kneeling on the floor sucking Jack's big cock! The one that showed her birthmark was the one where she was laying on top of Jack and her nude body was in full view. Sure enough there was the oblong birth make. They also had a picture of Jack driving his cock into Betty's body as she fucked him missionary style. There were about a dozen shots of her too.

Both women sat there and listen to the record of their infidelity over the five weeks. When the Millers were finished, Mrs. Miller asked the husbands, "Do you have something you each want to give your wives now?"

Each man presented the divorce papers to their wives. Then Tom said, "Both Frank and I want you out of our houses by midnight. So Angie you better go home now and pack your bags. Betty get up and do the same. We don't care where you go or what you do but you can't stay here."

Frank said, "And you can't stay at my house. Oh by the way. There is about $50 dollars in each of our checking accounts, that's for you. Use it sparingly it's all you'll get from us. If you fight this we'll bury you. Now get the fuck out of our house and sight."

The Millers sat down and the wives tried to say something but were stopped by the husbands. Betty packed and she and Angie left. They went to Angie's house and packed some clothes for her. Then they went to the super 8 motel for the night! The men thanked the Millers and said, "See you in court."

Mrs. Miller said, "I don't believe the ladies will contest it. But if they do here are your options."

The four of them sat for over an hour and discussed what to do and not do between now and the day of the divorce. The men thanked then and the ladies left.


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