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A Mother's Love in 1949 Ch. 03


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Carol pushed a finger into Edna's pussy. She was surprised to find it wet. Carol knew, vaguely what she was looking for. Rick had described it as a soft, spongy spot. With luck she found it quickly.

Edna gasped as Carol rubbed at her g-spot. She orgasmed quickly. In the excitement of cumming she pulled Carol to her and kissed her hotly on the lips. Carol was surprised, at first, but returned the kiss. Their tongues dueled as Carol continued to rub Edna's spot.

Edna was about to faint when she broke the kiss and pushed Carol's hand away. She looked at her friend, her eyes big.

"Oh my God." She moaned

"Let me do it to you," she told Carol.

"Let's do it to each other," Carol responded.

They turned about as if in a sixty-nine position. They both pulled their dresses up to their waists. Together they pushed a finger, then two into the other's pussy. Juices were soon flowing and the scent of hot women filled the air. Gasps of joy resonated as they both came on the other's fingers.

Carol's scent overcame Edna. It was too familiar, it reminded her too much of licking juices from her son's naked body. She took the orgasming Carol's clit between her lips and sucked.

Carol, cumming as she was, did not even think about refusing Edna's attention. She pulled her fingers from Edna's cunt and covered her vulva with her mouth. She licked at the soft red tissue inside the pussy lips and sucked up the nectar flowing from her friend's hot pussy.

The women ate each other. They licked each other's juices and sucked their clits. They brought each other to splendid orgasms. They sucked and licked until neither could take any more. They laid with their heads on the other's thigh as they recovered a little strength.

Carol's hand caressed Edna's head. "That was so good," she said softly. "I never thought we'd do that."

"I never thought so either," Edna spoke just as softly. "But I always had a vague feeling that may have been 'wanting to'."

Carol laughed. "Yes, 'wanting to' describes it perfectly."

They hugged and kissed and got up from the bed. They found their panties and sat on the bed to put them on.

"I'll make coffee," Carol said.

They went to the kitchen Carol got the coffee started and they sat at the table waiting for it to finish. Neither woman said anything until Carol had poured and they had taken a sip or two.

Edna spoke first. "I guess the big question is where do we go from here?"

"I guess it is," Responded Carol. "Or maybe, what do we want?"

They both laughed. They were relaxed from multiple orgasms and felt at ease with each other.

"Oh, I'm quite certain we'll do it again, Dear," Carol said. "Next time with a little more forethought."

"That's very likely," Edna agreed.

They sat quietly for a minute, each with her own thoughts.

Carol asked. "Are you going to tell Rick?"

"I hadn't thought about it, but probably not. It wouldn't help him." Edna continued. "Are you going to try to patch things up with Lucy, now that you've tried it?"

Carol smiled. "I hadn't thought of it either. It might be a good time to do just that, but I'd still like her to get together with Rick. She needs a man."

It was midafternoon, Carol smiled. "It's early. Shall we do it again?"

Edna smiled back. "Why not, we can use the practice."

They stripped this time. They laid on the bed with their faces at the other's pussy. There was no hesitation. They ate and sucked each other and brought each other to screaming orgasms. The screams muffled by the folds of hot pussy. They stopped by mutual consent and lay panting together. They recouped enough to dress. Carol made fresh coffee and they relaxed together at the table.

Carol drove Edna home. She came into the house to exchange a kiss and a hard hug. She left after another kiss.

Edna sat thinking. She had not planned any of what had occurred, but she did not regret any of it and looked forward to more. She ran her tongue over her lips tasting Carol's essences, and traces of her own. Once again it tasted right.

Carol arrived home and sat in her living room having thoughts of her own. There was her daughter Lucy to consider, to wonder about. It was time to do something. She didn't that night, though.


Rick came home from work and Edna was waiting for him with his dinner. He ate, showered and joined her in the bedroom. He was already half hard. Their kisses were hot, their tongues danced. He had been thinking of her all day. Between her splayed thighs he licked and sucked at her fragrant cunt. Even more fragrant today, he noticed. She had been well satisfied by her afternoon with Carol. His mouth on her cunt, though, felt different than Carol's. It aroused her all over again. His fingers in her vagina brought her to an orgasm and she knew she had to have his cock filling her empty pussy.

She rolled a condom onto his hard dick and guided him into her hot, wet pussy. He fucked her hard, thrusting his shaft deep into her. He stretched the walls of her pussy and brought her to several beautiful orgasms. She felt his cum surge from him, contained by the rubber. She could feel its heat. She wished she could feel its creamy slickness. She could taste it, though. When he had softened she pulled the condom from his, now flaccid cock and licked the cum from him. She felt like her day was complete then. She stroked his body and petted him afterward until he fell asleep. She smiled. He needed his rest.

Edna and Carol talked Wednesday, but they didn't get together again, not yet. Carol was nervous about talking to her daughter. Edna encouraged her to follow through.

She had told Rick that Lucy might want to get together with him. He objected, at first. She really wasn't very pretty he told his mother.

Edna got upset with him when he said that.

"I think you'd better rethink that remark, Rick," she was scolding him. "Looks have nothing to do with how good the sex is, or even more, with how good a woman is. You want someone who will stand by you in a long term relationship. Not someone who will be gone at the first sign of trouble."

Rick looked at her. "Why are you saying long term?"

"Because, Rick, sooner or later there will be a girl you want to marry. You must be sure it is the right one. If it isn't you will be stuck for life. And looks are the last thing you should base your choice on." (Remember divorce was rare in those days.)

I'll tell Carol. Sunday afternoon might be good. Or maybe she'll want to wait a week or so."

"No, Mom," Rick sounded adamant. "I don't want an arranged date. If she is interested she can let me know."

"I think you're right, Rick," his mother responded after a moment's thought. She was pleased at this sign of maturity in her son. "I'll tell Carol that. Of course if you run into Lucy you can make it easy for her, or even ask her for a date."

"I can do that, Mom"

Thursday Carol had screwed up her nerve and called her daughter. She invited her to visit Saturday. Lucy accepted the invitation, although she wondered why her mom had called. Actually Lucy was as anxious as her mother to restore the closeness that had once been between them.

Lucy recalled what had caused the fraying of their closeness. She had gone through her slutty period. She had her cunt eaten by another girl and had her best, ever, climax. Those she brought on herself seemed to lack something. But she was not attracted to other women; except for her mother, that is. The closeness that had always been between them had probably magnified the attraction.

Although Lucy didn't, out and out, try to seduce her mother she did make it plain that she would be happy to make love with her and that she wanted very much to do so. Carol had refused her advances with as much tact as she could muster.

The incident had caused a strain in their relationship. Lucy had moved to an apartment, so they wouldn't constantly be embarrassing each other. Their relationship survived in its strained state only because both women wanted it to. There was still love between mother and daughter, but they couldn't talk like they'd used to.

Saturday arrived. Rick went to work. He was assigned the job of straightening up part of the storeroom. Mrs. Gaffney made a walkthrough of the store about midmorning. It was her regular routine. She checked the storeroom when she was sure no one but Rick was in there. She told him that her back gate would be open for him if he could visit. Perhaps Sunday afternoon? Rick smiled and nodded.

Lucy dressed carefully for her visit with her Mom. She didn't quite know why she should. An impulse, perhaps? Or, maybe, just because she wanted to feel feminine.

She wore a pretty print dress, of modest length. She considered wearing a girdle. (Most women did in those days, when dressed up.) She decided that she didn't need it and wore a garter belt instead. She put on panties over the belt and drew on nylons. She wore moderate heels. After carefully applying makeup she checked herself in the mirror. She thought she looked as good as she could. Which in her opinion wasn't that great. Lucy had low self-esteem in that area. At midmorning she drove to her mother's. Carol greeted her at the door with a hug and a quick kiss on the lips. It was brief, but it was the first real kiss between them in a long time. Since the incident, as Lucy thought of it.

Carol was dressed somewhat like Lucy was. A nice dress, nylons and moderate heels. She didn't wear a girdle either. Like Lucy she attached her nylons to a garter belt.

They sat at the kitchen table and Carol poured coffee. The talk was chatty and friendly. Lucy had the feeling that Carol had something on her mind. She tried to be patient until her mother was ready to bring it up.

Carol didn't beat around the bush too long.

"Honey, am I right in thinking your love life is pretty lousy?" Carol asked.

"Mom, my love life is practically nonexistent. You aren't going to play matchmaker, are you?"

Lucy's tone was light, friendly. She really didn't mind if her mother played matchmaker. She didn't do it often, and it might just result in a nice night out.

"Well not in the usual matchmaker style anyway," Carol answered. She smiled too.

"It's a rather delicate subject," Carol continued hesitantly.

"You've got me curious now, Mom."

"Well, you know Edna's son Rick? He.., I heard he...Well I heard he will use his mouth on women. Down there," she finished in a rush.

In those years mothers didn't tell their daughters things like that. Well, not most mothers.

"That's interesting and surprising news, Mom. How do you know it's true?"

Carol blushed a deep red. "I just heard from someone," she stammered. This wasn't going as well as she had hoped it would.

Carol's blush gave Lucy the answer. She smiled.

"Why are you telling me?" Lucy asked.

"Well because," more stammering from Carol, but she got to the point after several false starts. "It's because I wondered if you might be interested in getting with him, to do it to you. That's why."

Lucy looked at her mother, she was surprised by what her mother had told her. She didn't want to put her mother on the spot, but she was curious.

"Mom," she said gently. "You've tried it, haven't you?"

Carol could only nod. And mumble "Yes."

"And you want me to try it too?"

Carol could only nod again.

"Mom, wouldn't I be competing with you?"

"No, Honey," Carol got her voice back. "You wouldn't. And you might like it."

"I probably would like it, Mom. Is this a peace offering? If so, why? I'm the one that should be doing that."

"I just thought you'd like to see how it is with a man." Carol told her daughter.

"I would, but Rick is pretty young."

"He's eighteen."

"Is there more, Mom? I think there is."

Carol looked at her daughter like a deer in the headlights. Then without forethought told her everything, but not who.

"Oh, Baby, I made love with a woman. I don't know why, but we both liked it and did it again."

Carol was sobbing. Lucy moved to sit next to her mother and put her arm around her.

"It's not the end of the world, Mom."

"Oh Lucy. Don't you understand? It could have been you."

"Oh Mom. Do you mean it?"

"Yes, Baby," Carol said through her sobs. "I really mean it."

Lucy stood and urged her mother to her feet. She led her to the couch. They sat together and fell into a close embrace.

Carol was still sobbing. Lucy kissed her face. And made soothing sounds. She repeated the kisses, many times. As Carol's sobs began to wane Lucy kissed her on the lips.

Carol's lips parted and she returned the kiss fervently.

There was no doubt in either woman's mind where this was going. Carol leaned back to look at her daughter, her face was tear streaked.

"I'm ready now, if you still want me." she told her daughter.

"Oh, Mom, I want you more than ever, I want to love you."

They went to the bedroom holding hands. Their dresses soon dropped to the floor for them to step out of. Since neither woman was wearing a girdle it was only a matter of opening the clasps of their bras and pushing their panties off. Lucy started to remove her nylons.

"Let's leave them on, Lucy. They look so sexy." Carol told her. She remembered what Rick had said when she had started to take hers off.

"I think they feel sexy too," Lucy responded. "At least they've always made me feel that way."

They laid on the bed in a tight embrace. The soft kisses they started with soon became passionate, hot and wet. Carol took her daughter's tit in her mouth and Lucy gasped at the sensation.

Carol kissed her way down Lucy's body. She had made a decision and wanted to follow through before anything might change her mind. Lucy's legs parted for her as Carols fingers danced over her vulva. She gasped again when her mother's finger slipped between the lips of her pussy. It had been so long since anyone but herself had played in her cunt.

Lucy was wet and flowing. Carol moved between her legs and covered Lucy's cunt with her mouth. Her tongue worked as she licked at the red, wet and very sensitive inner lips. She licked at her daughter's juices and sucked at her clit.

"Mom," she heard. "Mom turn around. Bring it to me. I want it too."

Carol didn't hesitate. She never took her mouth from Lucy's pussy, but she swung her body around so that Lucy could reach her hot pussy with her mouth. Lucy had never eaten pussy before. She had experienced it and had masturbated many times. She decided that what felt good to her when she played with herself would probably feel good to her mother if she did it to her.

It seemed to work. Carol came first and Lucy followed quickly. The thrill of feeling her mother cum on her face brought on her own orgasm. The room was redolent with the scent of hot women. The sounds of lovemaking filled the air. Gasps, moans, muffled cries of "Don't stop."

For Lucy the scent and taste of her mother's pussy was seductive. The first ever pussy that she had ever tasted she found to be beautifully aromatic and savory. The feel of Carol's slick juices on her tongue and lips was so sensuous that she wanted to rub her face in them. The shudders of her mother cumming and hands twisting in her hair made her body shiver with delight. Her orgasms seemed to invade her whole body sending waves of bliss through her.

Carol buried her face in Lucy's pussy with a strange feeling of liberation. Liberation from the near estrangement from her daughter. She wanted to please her. To make her feel beautiful and wanted. She knew the pleasures of making love with another woman. Knew the even greater exhilaration of doing it again.

Even as she wished to please her daughter she felt an orgasm building in her body. It tore through her and wracked her body with the pure pleasure that such intense climaxes bring.

They made love for a long time, they had much to make up for; both of them. They took a break and after a rest had a light lunch. They were back in bed after lunch. They made love again. It was more loving this time, not as frantic. They both had beautiful and fulfilling climaxes.

Later, rather than sixty-nine, they each ate the other's pussy. Lying between thighs that pressed against their faces with the sensuous feel of nylon hose. They brought each other to beautiful and satisfying orgasms. Both thought it gratifying to be held by the other, with nylon clad legs and hands urging them closer; in many ways that was the best.

They almost missed dinner when Carol showed Lucy her g-spot. Lucy, of course had to find Carol's in return. They forgot everything in a series of wild orgasms. Eventually they came down to earth long enough to have a sandwich together. Carol poured them some of her good wine, the kind she saved for company or special occasions.

Lucy spent the night and didn't leave until very early Monday morning. She had to go to work and needed to go home and change. They had made love many times. Both were happy with their restored mother-daughter love. The women kissed when Lucy was leaving and told each other of their love. Both knew they were only at the beginning of a new relationship between them.

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TSreaderTSreaderover 8 years ago
Very Hot

And very good ;)

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago
Correct Me If I Am Wrong

I may have to re-read but both Edna and Carol are still fertile and both have thoughts of having sex with Rick-the-Dick bareback. And it looks like Lucy may join his harem. And she is certainly fertile. Rick could start his own little baby boom. I think I would like this even better if it was Ed, Carl and Lucky enjoying Rachel.

Morlan502Morlan502about 9 years ago
What's next!

So far, three women, two still fertile, and a possible fourth fertile one on the horizon. Somewhere Rick is gonna have to sperm up at least one of these gals, if not all the fertile ones, getting someone preggo. (Mom first) Still trying to figure why you haven't had Rick bareback Mrs. Gaffney, after all she is sixty and her baby factory is closed by now. Overall, a few typos, but pretty decent storytelling so far.

GoodkatGoodkatabout 9 years ago

You shouldn't t base your choice on whether or not sleep with some one or get into a long term relationship with someone on looks? Yeah who cares if you are physically attracted to a person as long as your mother is friends with theirs.

For a character who seems to know everything about women and a woman's needs and desires she seems to know fuck all about men or just doesn't really care about what her son might want.

Then again "Rick" is basically just a 2D dildo in this story anyway so I suppose it doesn't really matter.

Hate the characters but your writing is VERY good, this just isn't for me.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago
Next, Edna, Carol, Lucy and Rick

It would be nice to have them all together at the same time.

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