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A Move to Daddy's


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"No! God, baby, no!" he moaned, "No, it's not right."

I took his cock in my hands. I felt it. I caressed it. It was warm and smooth, and felt so good against my fingers. Then, using both hands, I slowly began stroking up and down its length. Daddy's breath was now coming in short, deep gulps. His hands gripped hard into the cushions of the sofa.

"No, baby..." His voice was now a low, gasping moan, "No, baby, don't!"

I moved my head forward until it was just inches from daddy's cock. I looked at the little slit at its tip and my head moved forward until my tongue moved against the little hole, trying to push itself inside.

Daddy moaned, louder this time.

"No, baby! We can't," he hissed.

My hands continued their up and down strokes as I gently kissed the head of daddy's cock, then I parted my lips a little more and took it in my mouth. I caressed its round head, swirling my tongue around its surface. It was smooth and warm against my tongue.

Then, I felt a little shiver go through daddy's body. Then the shiver became more pronounced, and as I continued to stroke his cock with my hands, and caress the head of it with my tongue, I suddenly felt a blast of liquid enter my mouth, a blast of his hot, wet cum. Startled, I instinctively drew my head back and felt another blast of cum spurting onto my face, squirting across my eyes, dripping down my nose.

Daddy's hips jerking up uncontrollably, his cock continuing to spew his cum out, wave after wave on my face.

"Oh, God! No, baby!" he screamed out, "God, no! Oh, fuck!"

He let out a long, low moan and then daddy's hips fell back into the sofa, his balls emptied of their load. I could feel his cum dripping off my cheeks and looked down as it formed in little white puddles on the top of my breasts. I reached up and wiped his cum from my eyes.

Daddy's heavy, panting breaths died down, his chest slowed its furious up and down motion. A minute passed, then another and I watched as his erection slowly deflated in front of me. He stood up, his cock hanging down between his legs, still covered with a coating of his white cum.

"I'm so sorry, baby," he whispered to me, "I'm so sorry. I'm so very sorry."

And with that, he grabbed his pants and hurried out of the room.

For a moment, I continued to kneel motionlessly in front of the couch, confused and surprised by what had just occurred. I felt another drop of daddy's cum fall from my chin onto my breast and then, I felt the familiar tingle in my pussy.

I'm not sure what came over me at that instant, but I reached down and undid the rest of the buttons on my blouse, then unhooked my bra and let it slide to the floor. With the tip of my finger, I made tiny circles through the little pools of daddy's cum. Then I placed my hand flat against my chest and began to massage my breasts, covering them with a thin layer of cum. Using both hands, I wiped the cum off my face and spread it like lotion across my stomach, then my thighs. I reached back and spread it over my ass, massaging his cum into my skin. Then, my hands moved to my front and met at the juncture of my thighs and my wet fingers had barely touched my clitoris before I felt my body begin to shudder and I threw my head back and opened my mouth and let out a long, low moan as the intense orgasm took control of my body.


Not a word was spoken by either of us about what had happened that night. We passed each other coming and going, each morning and each evening, but nothing was said of it. It was if it hadn't happened.

My classes didn't start for a few more days, so I mostly just sat around the house during the day. I was lying in bed reading one evening when he poked his head in my room.

"Erin," he said, "I'm going out. I have a date tonight. Don't worry if I'm late."

My first impulse was to say something like 'congratulations', or even 'way to go, dad!', but before I could open my mouth, he was gone. I read little bit longer, then changed into my nightie and went downstairs. Thinking I might watch a movie, I opened the door under the TV. There were ten or twelve old tapes on the shelf, probably purchased by mom before she'd left. I'd seen them all. Then I noticed a cardboard box at the very back of the shelf. I pulled it out, and inside it were ten or fifteen more tapes. I pulled one out. Then another. They were all porn movies. I smiled. Daddy wasn't a saint, after all.

What the hell, I figured, it was only eight. I went to the kitchen and poured myself a glass full of Scotch, then popped one of the tapes in the VCR.

I fast-forwarded through two or three of the tapes, pausing when it seemed like something interesting was going on. The movies, of course, didn't have much of a plot, just lots of moaning and screwing and sucking. I glanced at the clock on the wall. It was only eight-thirty. With nothing better to do, I decided to watch one the whole way through. I went to the kitchen and refilled my glass with Scotch.

As I sat back on the couch and watched the naked bodies writhing on the TV, I thought about my father and his date. I wondered what she was like. Where would they go? A fancy restaurant? Dancing? To a movie? Would they go to her place afterward?

I had a visual image of my dad on the couch next to her, looking into her eyes. And I saw them kissing, and daddy slowly undressing her. And I saw his date unzipping his pants and pulling out his huge erect penis and putting it in her mouth.

As I thought about these things, I found myself tugging my panties down over my hips and kicking them onto the floor. And one hand went to my breasts, massaging them, then gently pulling and tugging on my nipples. And the other hand was on my wet pussy, stroking up and down against my pussy lips, then gently pinching and caressing my clitoris.

A whimper came out of my mouth. Then another, and beginning in my pussy, I felt the familiar shudder begin to spread outward through my body, and I felt my orgasm start to build until it seemed like my entire body was trembling with pleasure.

And then it all crashed down on me.

"What the fuck!"

I opened my eyes, and there was daddy standing over me. I blinked. Once, twice, to make sure it was for real. It was real. There he was, looking down at me, my panties on the floor, a half empty glass of Scotch on the table beside the couch, a porno movie blaring in the background, with one hand tugging at my breasts and the other hand furiously stroking my pussy.

"What the fuck!" he repeated.

I could see his face beginning to turn bright red from anger. He stabbed his arm toward the VCR to turn it off. Without thinking, I leaned forward and held one arm over my crotch, the other over my breasts, trying desperately to hide my nakedness from him.

"Look, God damn it," he yelled, "This is my house. And when you're in my house you obey certain rules, not acting like you're some kind of fucking slut."

He picked up my panties and threw them at me.

"Is that understood?"

I looked up at him and nodded.

"Put the damn tapes back where you got them and get up to your room," he commanded. And with that, he turned and left.

My first feeling was one of shame and embarrassment. Daddy was a good man. I knew that. It was different with mom. She didn't care if I got drunk, or had boyfriends in my bedroom until all hours of the night. She didn't care about anything. But daddy did. He was a decent human being, that's why they'd gotten a divorce. Mom wasn't. I had known long before the divorce that mom was sleeping around, telling us she was going out with her girlfriends, and coming back late at night drunk, and I could tell, even in high school, when she had been with other men. I could just tell. And I could remember asking myself, why did daddy put up with it? Why hadn't he thrown her out years before?

I put the tapes back on the shelf and made my way up to my room. I crawled into bed, but I couldn't sleep. Maybe I was my mother, I thought to myself. Maybe I was destined to be the alcoholic who had to have sex all the time, just like her. And who was he to tell me otherwise? To command me around like I was some kind of baby? I knew I wasn't always good. Sometimes I couldn't help being bad. But that was the way I was. I closed my eyes, and soon fell asleep. In my dreams, I saw God and the Devil wrestling each other on an exercise mat in the basement.


You always hurt the ones you love...

I didn't wake up until noon. I moped around most of the day, not bothering to change out of my nightie. Five o'clock came, then six, then seven, and daddy still wasn't home from work.

I went to my room and changed. I put on a short skirt, the shortest one I could find, and a low-cut blouse. In the bathroom, I put on bright red lipstick, dark eye shadow around my eyes, and some rouge, too much rouge, on my cheeks.

There was a bar near the mall. 'Restaurant and Sport's Bar', the sign said. I knew I could get in, I'd never had trouble getting in a bar before. I closed the front door of the house behind me and headed toward the mall, not exactly sure what I was doing or why I was doing it. I would show him, was the only thought in my head, I'd show that son-of-a-bitch.


The next few hours were a blur. Guys buying me drinks, and me smiling back at them, and 'have another drink' they said, and finally it was late and I was drunk and one of them offered me a ride home.

I could remember him stopping the car in front of the house, and a kiss, then the sound of his zipper coming down and him pushing my head down to his crotch, forcing his cock into my mouth. And I could remember his hand at the back of my head, pulling my head up and down, until I felt his cum gushing into my mouth. I opened the door of his car and fell out onto the driveway.

I took one step inside the living room before I stumbled, falling to my knees on the carpet. Daddy was standing there in front of me as I unsteadily got to my feet.

"Who was that?" he demanded.


"Who do you think? The guy who dropped you off!"

I could tell daddy had been drinking too.

"I don't know, some guy," I answered, "some guy I ran into at the bar."

"You let some guy pick you up in a bar?" daddy asked. His face was red.

"Yeah," I answered, "I let him pick me up. So what?"

"I thought I told you..."

"Told me what?" I interrupted, "Who are you to tell me?"

Daddy took a step toward me. He put his hands on my shoulders and shook me.

"What kind of whore are you?" he shouted in my face.

Suddenly, I lost my sense of self-control.

"You don't know anything!" I screamed at him, "You don't know anything! You act so self-righteous and good, but I bet you watch your fuck movies you have hidden away, and then I bet you're not so good. Look here, daddy," I said, opening my mouth wide, "Look at my mouth. I just sucked a guy off in front of the house. In front of your house. His cum is probably still in my mouth."

I could feel daddy's grip tighten on my shoulders. His eyes glared at me for a moment, then he violently threw me backwards. I landed on the couch, my skirt thrown up to my waist.

"You're a slut," he screamed, " just like you mother. You're a drunken slut."

"And you," I shouted back, "what kind of perverted mind do you have? With your sick fuck movies. I bet you watch them and get off thinking about..."

Before I could finish my sentence, he took a quick step toward me and pulled me up off the couch.

"What kind of fucking slut are you?" he yelled in my face.

"The kind who admits it," I shouted back, "Not like you, pretending to be so good, like your some kind of saint."

Suddenly, daddy reached his arm out and with one strong, downward motion, he ripped the front of my blouse open.

"So what...?" I screamed, my face just inches from his, "You want to see my tits, you sick pervert?"

His face was a livid red. He reached down and grabbed the front of my bra. With one yank, he pulled it off and my breasts pushed out from the front of my open blouse.

"You're nothing but a whore," he hissed, "a whore just like your mother, a whore who can't think of anything but sex."

"And you," I shouted back, "You're a sick pervert who gets a hardon looking at his own daughter."

I don't know why, but I raised my hand and slapped him, hard, on his face. I wanted to hurt him. I wanted to hurt him bad.

"So what... " I continued, "So what if I'm a whore? What business is it of yours?"

"It's my business because I'm your father," he yelled back.

"So what? Who are to tell me how to run my life?"

I completely lost it then. I moved toward him and began slamming my fists up and down against his chest.

"Who are you to tell me what to do?" I screamed.

He grabbed my wrists and held them tight. With all the power I could summon, I took my foot and kicked him hard in the shin. He grimaced with pain and released his hold on my wrists. I pulled one leg back to kick him again when suddenly I lost my balance, falling flat on my back on the carpet.

Momentarily stunned, I lay there, looking up at him as he towered over me. I could see his chest heaving up and down, his breath coming faster. And then I watched as daddy began to undo his belt, and I saw him kick off his shoes.

"No," I moaned, "No."

Looking up, I watched as he undid the front of his pants, and in one motion, pulled his pants and underwear down his hips, then kicked them off onto the floor. A loud moan involuntarily escaped my mouth. There, above me, was daddy's penis, huge and hard and erect, sticking out above me.

I suddenly realized all the fight had left my body. I felt humiliated and defeated. I just gave up. I could feel tears forming in my eyes.

"Daddy," I sobbed, "I want to be a good girl, but I can't. I do bad things sometimes, I know that. I can't help myself. Daddy, sometimes I'm a bad girl. You need to help me be good."

I looked up at him as he towered over me.

"Take off your panties!" he commanded. His voice had a raspy, almost guttural sound to it.

I knew at this point it was useless to disobey him. I reached down and pulled off my panties. I felt helpless now, lying on the floor naked in front of daddy. I could see my breasts swaying back and forth on my chest as my breaths came in short gaps. With my legs slightly spread, I knew my pussy was fully exposed to daddy. I didn't understand why, but I could feel a little tingle there, and I knew I was wet.

His body slowly lowered.

"Oh, my God!" I whimpered, "No!"

He was now kneeling between my legs. I raised my head and saw his hard penis clutched in his fist. He pushed it down until it pointed straight at me.

"Tell me what you are!" he said, "Tell me what a slut you are!"

"No... No," I moaned, my head rolling from side to side.

Daddy suddenly slapped the inside of my thigh. I cried out, more in surprise than pain.

"Tell me!" he shouted.

"I'm...I'm a slut," I sobbed softly. I could feel a tear run out the corner of my eye and down the side of my face.

"And tell me what kind of whore you are," he commanded. His breath was coming in heavy, short gasps.

"Oh, God!" I moaned, "I'm a whore. Your daughter is a slutty little whore."

"And tell me, slut, tell me what you did in the driveway. My driveway, just ten minutes ago."

"I...I...I sucked a guy off," I whispered, "Your slutty daughter sucked a guy off. I sucked him off until he came in my mouth."

"And how did that make you feel?"

"It made me feel...like a whore, like the slutty whore I am," I whimpered.

"And what should daddy do about it? What should daddy do to punish his slutty whore daughter?"

"Oh, my God!" I moaned. My chest was heaving up and down, "He should, daddy should...do it to his daughter."

"Do what? Tell me!"

"Daddy should...fuck his daughter. He should fuck her hard. He should put his big cock in her and fuck his slut whore daughter."

A long, low groan came from the back of daddy's throat. Suddenly, he fell forward. His hands cupped my breasts, and I felt his cock push hard against my pussy lips. Then, with one powerful lunge, he thrust his cock deep inside me, stretching me, filling me.

I screamed. Daddy groaned and held himself deep inside me for a moment, his pelvis pushing hard against mine, then he began to move his hips, slowly stroking in and out of me.

"Oh, my God!" I cried out, "Oh, shit! Oh, shit!"

Daddy's hands were on my breasts, kneading them like dough, massaging them, pulling and pinching my nipples. His breath was coming in short, sharp gasps.

I let out a series of little, uncontrollable whimpers.

"Oh, God!" I gasped, "Oh, fuck! Yes! Oh, fuck!"

His cock was now plunging hard and deep into me, filling me completely with each forward thrust. His hands left my breasts and reached behind me, cupping my ass. I could feel his fingers digging into the cheeks of my ass as he pulled me tight with each downward stroke.

"Fuck me, daddy!" I screamed out, "Fuck me! Fuck your little slut whore daughter!"

His body was covered with sweat as he continued to pound his cock into me. His breathing was now nothing more than a series of quick, low grunts.

I threw my legs around him, locking my feet behind his ass. Now, my legs flexed and I met each of his downward thrusts with an upward thrust of my own, causing our bodies to pound together even harder.

"Fuck me, daddy!" I whispered, my voice almost a hiss, "Fuck me hard, daddy!"

I'd lost all control. As our bodies pounded against one another, I continued to cry out, not even knowing what I was saying, not knowing what was coming out of my mouth.

"Yes, daddy! Fuck me! Push your cock deep into your little girl's cunt!"

I could feel the tingle beginning to form in my pussy as daddy continued to slam himself against me.

"Yes, daddy! Do it! I want to feel your cum in me! I want to feel your hot cum spurting into my cunt. Fill me with your sperm, daddy!"

Suddenly, from the back of daddy's throat came a long, low grunting sound. I could feel his body tense up for a moment.

The tingle in my body was strong, then it became even stronger. With its epicenter in my pussy, I felt it build in intensity until it exploded outward to every part of me.

Daddy moaned again, and I could feel the first blast of his hot cum spurting into me. And then another blast.

"Yes, cum in me, daddy! Fill me with your sperm!"

My entire body began to shake uncontrollably as the orgasm shook through me. From deep in daddy's throat, a sound formed, a low, guttural, primeval roar. It rolled it's way out of his mouth as his balls emptied the last of their cum into me.

I felt my body go through one last violent spasm, then I suddenly went limp, my body feeling like it was melting into the carpet. Daddy let out one last groan and collapsed on top of me, his penis still deep in my pussy.

A minute must have passed, maybe two, before daddy's breathing returned to normal and I felt him pull out of me. He stood, his now sagging cock glistening white with cum. I watched as he picked up his pants from the floor and pulled a twenty-dollar bill out of the pocket. He wadded it up into a ball, and reaching down, roughly pushed it against my wet pussy.

"Here's your pay," he said, "You're my whore now."

He turned and walked away.

End of Chapter One

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x_pac6969x_pac6969almost 7 years ago
Sorry cant get into this story

Cant get into stories about RAPE

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Not very good...

...like some of your others. Gave it a 2.

Corco763Corco763over 10 years ago
Schade ...

... Alles hat so gut angefangen. Ich habe mich auf eine zärtliche Liebesgeschichte eingestellt, aber der weitere Verlauf der Handlung hat mich gelinde gesagt sehr verwirrt.

Trotzdem habe ich 4 Sterne gegeben, weil die Story gut geschrieben und die Entwicklung interessant ist. Ich bin gespannt, wie es weiter geht.

AnonymessAnonymessalmost 11 years ago
The end ruined it

Started off in a good direction but ended up being such an ugly story. What a shame as it was getting good until the end.

C2J2C2J2over 11 years ago

Dont understand your story.... He calls his own daughter a whore at the end? WTF... I didnt even read the last page, just scrolling down.... Thats messed up

dliterdliteralmost 14 years ago
no purpose, erotic or otherwise

This story served no purpose, either as erotic material or as jerk off material. It had no hidden moral and wasn't stimulating sexually on it's own. If he had found out that she was a virgin after he raped her that might have made it better.

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