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A Perfect Match Ch. 10

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The First Year.
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Part 10 of the 11 part series

Updated 10/27/2022
Created 07/25/2011
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Part Eighteen: The First Year

True to her word the next day Meryn took Jeremy out and they bought a very comfortable folding futon for him to use at her bedside. Their new sleeping arrangement was only one of several things that changed over the next several months. The first also occurred on that first day, when she asked him to stop referring to her as Miss, and just call her Meryn. She didn't want him to use Meri like everyone else, but preferred that he use the more formal Meryn. Other than her mother he was the only one she liked to have call her by that.

They began to go out more, to dinners, to movies, to concerts, to shows. Jeremy exposed her to a type of culture, classical music, drama, indie films, with which she had limited experience in the past. She, in turn drew him into her passion for classic rock.

She began to introduce him to her friends, and eventually at a holiday gathering' to her family. They all liked him immensely. He took her to meet his mother, whom she found to be an elegant lady, and with whom she developed an immediate rapport.

In public Meryn always went out of her way to treat him with obvious respect, and frequently asked for and relied on his opinions in front of others. He of course always treated her with the utmost deference, and, as she never acted as if she demanded it, everyone thought that he was just being a perfect gentleman, for which they liked him all the more.

She also began to take a much more active interest in his work. She knew that he loved his job, and she had no doubt that he was an excellent teacher. In conversations with him she discovered that he had many innovative ideas about how to improve his course material and his school, but either out of shyness, or more likely lack of self confidence, he never broached them to his superiors. She strongly encouraged him to do so, and when that didn't seem to work, she actually insisted. Given no choice he did cautiously approach both his department chairman and principal, and was greatly surprised when they liked several of his ideas and helped him begin to implement them.

As had happened before, Meryn had avoided contact with Natasha for several weeks. This time it was Natasha who broke the ice by calling her at work. By a tentative mutual consent they agreed that except for superficial and polite inquiries about their well being, the two women would not discuss Scott and Jeremy. With that potential issue out of the way, they soon found themselves enjoying each other's company frequently again, meeting for lunches and talking on the phone. Meryn once again realized what a dear friend Natasha was. Just not her best friend anymore. That person was now living in her home.

At home Jeremy and she settled into a comfortable routine. She was so busy at work that she found it easy to continue to allow him to be responsible for all the household chores. As time went on however, she not infrequently would do one herself when he was busy doing another. This did not please him, but she insisted that it was just more convenient at the time for her to do it. And after all, there were only so many hours in the day, and no matter how efficient and hard working he was he couldn't be expected to do everything, and she certainly didn't want him breaking down on her. This would only partially mollify him.

The body massages, pedicures and most importantly, the evening foot massages and Jeremy's devotionals remained the cornerstones of their relationship. Under the narrow guidelines established early on they continued to share intimate sexual activities, always initiated by Meryn, but always enjoyed by both.

As their first year together neared it's end, Meryn reflected often that it had been the best year of her life. She had a companion whose company she thoroughly enjoyed, who was committed to seeing to her every desire, and whom she genuinely liked and cared for. She was so content that she refused to investigate the nagging thoughts that had begun to creep into her mind, more frequently of late. That something wasn't right. That something was missing. She felt she was happy, so what could possibly be wrong? She refused to even try to answer that, afraid of where it might lead.

For his part Jeremy was filled with wonder and amazement every day. Why would a beautiful, vibrant woman like Meryn want to have anything to do with him on an ongoing basis? While their relationship wasn't everything he could dream of, it was certainly far more than anything he could have realistically hoped for. Every night during his devotional, when he fervently thanked her for allowing him into her life and begged her to grant him another day, he silently prayed to God for the same things.

He was determined to give her no cause to be done with him. He became despondent when his weekly weight loss slowed to a trickle despite his ongoing efforts. He had begun working out for an hour every day during lunchtime in the school gym, but despite that he had been unable to crack the two hundred pound barrier. For the past month he had fluctuated between 201 and 203, and could not seem to go lower. Meryn of course told him often that she was delighted with his new physique, and was very pleased with what he had accomplished. But he felt he needed to do more, please her more, or she would eventually grow tired and bored with him.

That was his constant dread, and as their first year anniversary approached it began to grow. He worried when Meryn began to do more and more household chores on her own, and he couldn't completely accept her reasoning that it made things more convenient for both of them. He noticed anxiously that she had periods of melancholy that seemed to be occurring more frequently. It was becoming more difficult to get her out of these moods with his gentle humor, which had always seemed to work in the past when she appeared down. Another point of concern was that recently she seemed to desire sexual pleasure less often, sometimes now only once a week. It wasn't his own pleasure that he missed, but far more the times lost to please her.

It was with great trepidation then that he told her one evening during her foot massage, of the opportunity that had been offered to him by his school. He had been selected to represent them at a statewide four day educational symposium. This was a singular honor, and many other people at school had sought it. But they had chosen him, and this would be a tremendous boost to his career. He just wasn't sure, given the timing, that he wanted to go.

"Of course you have to go Jeremy." Meryn exulted when he told her. "This is wonderful. You can't let this opportunity go."

When he told her the dates, hoping against hope that it meant as much to her as it did to him, she didn't seem the least concerned.

"I know it's our one year anniversary weekend, but this is just too important. Don't even think about not going. Anyway, you'll be home on Sunday, so I'm sure we'll be able celebrate then. This is great. I'm so excited."

So the decision was made and he had no choice. And she really did seem excited. Maybe too excited. He couldn't help but worry that it wasn't only about his possible career advancement. When the Thursday morning came and he was getting ready to start the four hour drive to the symposium, she helped him pack, and made him promise to call her every night at eight. It was one they both knew he would keep.

That night when she got home she recognized his absence immediately. Too tired to make dinner, she heated up some leftovers, and then didn't seem to know what to do with herself. She practically pounced on the phone when it rang precisely at eight, and for the next hour quizzed him on all the day's happenings. She realized how much more she would have enjoyed this conversation if he was massaging her feet at the same time, and she told him so. She could tell that this made him happy, and it made her so as well.

On Friday she had an important meeting with an investment team from another company. In the back of her mind she knew he worked for that company, but it took her completely by surprise when her former boyfriend Rick was part of the meeting. They both acted correctly and professionally during the meeting, but afterwards he lingered, and then urgently took her aside and asked if he could speak to her.

"You look wonderful as always Meri, and it's really impressive how you're managing this project."

"Thanks for the compliments Rick , but I'm sure that's not what you wanted to talk about."

"No, it's not. Listen Meri, there's something I've wanted to talk to you about for a long time, and I know there's no reason why you should listen to anything I have to say. But it would be really important to me if you just gave me a chance. How about meeting me for a drink after work. I promise I'll never bother you again if you just hear me out this one time."

Meryn was inclined to say no, but she was intrigued. Why not, she thought. After all, they had been a hot item for a long while, and no matter how it ended she had had strong feelings for him at the time. So maybe she at least owed him a meeting for a drink. She agreed .

"So Rick,it's your dime so to speak." Meryn started after they had gotten their drinks at the upscale lounge where they had arranged to meet. "What is it you so desperately needed to talk to me about?"

"Meri, you know that I'm not one to beat about the bush, so I'm going to jump right into this with both feet." He now had her undivided attention. "I was an incredible fool to treat you like I did. We had a great thing going, and I blew it big time. You had every right to dump me like you did. And then I made an even bigger mistake by not crawling back to you immediately, and asking you to forgive me. I was just too proud, and then I was too embarrassed. But I've changed, Meri, and I've spent a whole year thinking of you all the time, and hoping I could get another chance with you."

Meryn was completely taken aback. She didn't know what she had expected. Maybe a tepid apology, and an attempt at a pick up, which she could indignantly refuse, but nothing like this.

"It's not that simple Rick" she said hesitantly.

"I know. I've heard you're involved in a pretty serious relationship, and if it's the real thing Meri, I swear I'll back off and you'll never hear from me again. But if it's not, I just have to take this one last shot." He paused. "Meri, I think I love you. And if this thing you've got going is not everything you want, everything you need, then give me another chance to try to give it to you."

Meryn really was at a loss for words when she said. "I really don't know what to say."

"You don't have to say anything now. Just think about what I've said. That's all I can ask."

"You've certainly given me a lot to think about. And I will, believe me Rick."

Encouraged that he hadn't gotten an outright rejection, Rick pressed ahead. "Can I call you in a day or so?"

"No, I'll call you."

"Is that a promise?" He asked hopefully.

"I promise." was all she answered.

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ZakfarZakfarover 6 years ago

I know you wanted a twist to give it an end. But this reaction of Meryn didn't make any sense. As far as I've understood her character, at his first attempt, she would have simply told him that she was with someone. After all, she was with someone since a year. She should have rejected him at first, even though it had been 14 months now. Her agreement to 'think' about him just after one apology isn't according to her mind. After all, she had found him in two relationships.

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago

PLEEEEESE write the rest of it.

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago

Cant wait for more!

kuroukiphoenyxkuroukiphoenyxover 13 years ago
oh boy

Talk about a way to thicken the plot.....

Dun dun dunnnn

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