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A Ruined Life Ch. 02


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When I suddenly find her in my arms I'm startled for a second then the warmth of the hug settles the last doubt I might have had.

"I knew it!"

I turn her lose and look over my shoulder. Mr. Sandle is standing there with a grin.

"I knew you were after my wife all this time." He grabs a wooden spoon from the counter. "Arrant nave! I shall duel the with...spoons...AT DAWN!" he strikes the pose that I had so much trouble leading recently for the play.

The three of us start laughing.

"What's all this?" asks Sandy stepping into the kitchen.

"This sad rogue is trying to seduce your mother." Mr. Sandle starts tapping the spoon on the palm of his hand like he's thinking of spanking someone with it.

Sandy's eyebrows climb slowly as she turns to face me. She grins when I step into pose as well.

"Nay good sir stay thy blade, Tis a mistake most common made. I did but see thy lady fair and took her in her youthful appearance for this equally fair lady, thy daughter."

Mr. Sandle tosses the spoon into the sink and turns away.

"I quite, have them both, but I give a warning the older hath a tongue sharp as steel upon a time."

"I heard that you...tap dancer!" Mrs. Sandle grabs up the spoon.

Sandy and I watch her mother go after her father both of us grinning. It quickly turns into full laughter when we hear him being chased around the living room.

I hold out my hands and Sandy steps into my arms. I tilt my head just slightly down as our lips meet in a soft kiss. One of the only lessons my mom couldn't send me somewhere to learn was how to kiss but...I think my little dancer here will give me all the practice I need to become an professional.

I tuck her head under my chin and shake my head at the fact that I can do that. I seems like just a month or so ago that we were eye level.

"You get any taller your going to start hitting your head on ceiling fans." She says snuggling into my chest. I stand there holding her to me for the longest time just loving the feeling of her in my arms.

Opening my eyes I see my dance instructor stopped by the door just standing there looking at us. A smile slowly makes his lips twitch. Then Mrs. Sandle slips in under his arm and they both stand there watching us. I see her look to her husbands then back to me. She gives me a slow nod.

I look down at Sandy. My moving makes her look up at me. Her beautiful eyes rove around my face then her eyebrows crinkle in.

"What?" she asks softly.

"I love you." I tell her. My hand comes to the side of her face and brushes back a stray hair that escaped from her ponytail.

"I love you." She says with a smile making her lips twitch. "But that's not what your face was showing. You're wanting to ask something. Is it about tonight?'

My eyes go to her parents and seeing that she looks over her shoulder seeing them watching. I see a slight blush come to her face. When she goes to move away I pull her back gently. She turns to look back at me.

"I have something to ask you." I say after a second. "I don't know how to say it though."

"There is a traditional position that might help your thinking."

I glance up at Mr. Sandle and smile when I see his wife hit him in the head with the spoon she's still carrying.

I chuckle watching him rubbing at his receding hairline. When I look back at Sandy I can see a confused look on her face. I smile.

Stepping back I ponder for a second then agree with Mr. Sandle. Traditional is best for things like this.

As I pull the ring box out my pocket I sink to one knee in front of her. I see her eyes widen as I bring the little velvet box into view and open it.

The ring is simple yet when I saw it in the store I felt it almost call to me. The others were bigger or more expense but this one...this was the one. I knew it the moment I touched the little band of white gold with is diamond and two small rubies. Her birth stones.

"Sandy..."I smile up at her standing there with her hands covering her mouth and tears starting to flow. "Will you marry me?"

I see her start to nod her head with an almost frantic haste like if she doesn't answer fast enough I might change my mind. I pull the ring from the box and slip it upon her finger. Her hands and mine both tremble slightly. Then she's dropped to her knees in front of me and is wrapped around me. Smiling I kiss her back when she slams her lips into mine. I lift us to our feet and hold her as my tears start to silently join hers. I look up at the man and woman who's daughter I've asked to me mine and see them both smiling at me. He's holding his wife tight to him with her tucked under his arms. As I watch she looks up at his face and then with a smile wipes tears from his eye. Mr. Sandle looks down at her and places a light kiss on her lips.

When he looks back up at me I see a grin.

"Champagne!" her turns giving Mrs. Sandle a spin out of his arms and I swear all but dances to one of the bottles that were left sitting in the ice buckets after the party.

I look down at Sandy and see her watching my face.

"What?" I ask after a moment of that scrutiny. She comes up to my ear.

"Did your asking me have something to do with what we have planned for tonight? You didn't have to asks me to marry you for us to do that you know?" she gulps then. "Not that I don't want to be your wife ... I do, I really do, I just don't want you to feel like I..."

I place a finger on her lips to silence my little dancer.

"It had nothing to do with tonight. In fact if your like we can wait till the wedding night for that if you like." I make the offer with some part of me deep inside standing there with its jaw open.

Sandy looks up at me and I see her tilt her head slightly then she gives me a little shake and a smile. She leans into by my ear.

"You're mine tonight, my lord a leaping."

I grin back at her.

Looking up I take a flute of champagne from my future father in law. I look down at my fiance's eyes. Fiance...I have to move the word around in my brain a few times to make it feel right.

"Let me be the first to offer congratulation to the happy couple." Says Mr. Sandle lifting his glass. "May you life be happy and interesting."

I lift my glass thinking at the same time there is a Chinese curse that says almost the same thing. I shrug inwardly and sip the champagne. I catch Sandy's eyes over the top of her flute. They are dancing merrily with tears of joy still right at the edges.

Standing at the door I watch the Sandle's cars taillights disappear around the corner. Behind me I feel the soft warmth of my lady as she steps up against my back.

"They're gone." I say softly.

I turn around as she slips her arms around my neck and pulls me into a kiss. I can taste the sweet icing of the last piece of cake we split between us. Her feeding me pieces by hand. Her father gave me a warning about that being habit forming.

I feel her smile against my lips. Then she giggles.

"You taste like cake."

"So do you." I say placing a soft peck on her lips.

She brings her hand around to my shirt and runs a finger down to the top button.

"Part of me want to drag you up stairs and send these buttons flying." Looking down I see her bite her lip. "Part of me doesn't want to even bother going that far."

I bring my hand up her side running it gently across her rib. I've done this in dance class a thousand times. This time my fingers do not stop but continue across the swell of her breast. I see her shiver when I brush her nipple through the fluffy sweater. I let my hand go to the back of her neck and dig my fingers into the back of her hair. I catch the hair tie and slip it down off her ponytail.

"For years I've seen your hair up in a bun or in a knot or braided, or pony-tailed. For this night for this moment in time I want to see your lovely long hair free."

I caress her neck then let a finger follow her jaw down to her chin then I lift her face up towards me. Her beautiful eyes are starring up into mine and there is a slight smile to her lips I let my hands run down her shoulders down her arms and across her wrists till her delicate fingers interlock with mine. I can feel her ring a warm smooth pressure against my fingers.

"My beautiful, beautiful fiance...may I take you to bed?"

Her hands come up to my chest and I see a shiver go through her as they come to rest on my chest. Her fingers tighten in the fabric of my shirt and I feel the buttons put under presser all down the front.

"If we get that far, my lover."

Light as a dawn feather Sandy hops into my arms and I take up her weight with my hands under her thighs. Her long trim legs wrap around my back and she pulls herself to me tight. Her mouth still flavored with sweets and Champagne finds my lips and with an almost angry need she begins to kiss me. I carry her with an ease that the years have given us. She senses the shift in my grip, her arms tighten, and her legs swing around till I'm holding her under her knee and hip.

As I start up the steps towards her room she shifts her mouth from my lips to my neck and I start to wonder if I will get us there or if the thick carpet in the hall will be comfortable.

My hand slides under the back of her sweater to the warmth of her spine. She looks away from my neck and shifts her hand around to open her door.

Sandy's bedroom is lit with dozens of candles. Their soft flickering light swaying in the soft currents set in motion by the slowly loping ceiling fan. I see and smell sandal wood burning. I track it to a cluster of glowing stick in a bowl of sand on her desk.

"So this is where you went." I whisper as I carry her inside. I smile thinking that all she lacks is the white dress and the scene would be perfect. Well, we will have consider tonight and the nights to follow practice for that night.

She brings her hand around to my face. The ring catches the candlelight. I feel her shift and set her feet to the floor without need to be told.

Suddenly she looks at me with an almost shy look, uncertain.

"What?" I ask softly.

She blushes. I see her look down then lightly bite her lip.

"Now that we're here I'm suddenly ...well not afraid...I mean I know it will hurt a bit at first but I'm?" She takes a deep breath. "I guess nervous?" she looks at me then chuckles. "Damn it I've never felt stage fright even once but this must be what it feels like!"

I chuckle.

"Well let me tell you I've felt my fare share of it and yea it feel a lot like this." I give a laugh and take her hands into mine. Hers are trembling but then mine aren't exactly steady. "We'll just take it slow."

I lead her over to her bed and sit down pulling her to stand in front of me. I look up at my fiance's eyes and then slowly let my eyes drop down her body. I've seen her in a leotard soaked in sweat so the shape of her under her clothing is know to me but all the same...I feel a hunger to see her without that simple layer of cloth.

I let my hands drift from her hips to around her back and then they drop down to cup her ass in each hand.

Her eyes go wide then she giggles and wiggles her ass in my hands.

I gently massage down off her ass to her thighs then back up running my hands under her sweater and onto her bare back. I just do touch the hooks of her bra then I let them drop back down.

I see her swallow, then she catches the bottom of her sweater and pulls it over her head. Her long hair falls out the sweeter like a silky curtain.

I notice I've stopped breathing and make myself take a slow breath in as her pale skin comes into view. The tight muscles that the decades of dance have given her ripple with her movement, then I'm looking not at her body but at her eyes. She starring into my face seeking my opinion of her.

"You are so beautiful." I say grinning " And you're all mine. Are we sure it's not my birthday cause it looks to me like I'm the one getting the gift?"

Her hand comes to my face.

"This is the gift I wanted to give you on your birthday but was to nervous to give you. Want to finish unwrapping it yourself?"

I know the look on my face must be a grin from hell But I can't contain the feelings of growing lust as my hands come up her back to her bra and I run my fingers under the strap.

I stop though just after I unhook the first hook.

Running my fingers down across her ribs I bring my hands together just under her navel and catch the hook of her pants.

I love the look of started shock as I start undoing the buttons down the front of her pants one by one.

I see her blush, then gasp slightly as my fingers brush the front of her panties on the last button.

I look down between my leg to where she's standing on the rug.

"Step out of your shoes."

There is a shy smile to her face as she does it. Like she enjoyed being told to. Grinning I run my fingers down her waist till my thumbs touch he top of her panties. I let them follow the silky fabric around to her back and then I slide my hands back up to her bra.

I undo a second hook.

She grins wickedly at me when I again move my hands back down to her pants without undoing her bra.

The sides of her pants slip with little effort over her slim hips. The slacks fall down her muscular thighs with my hands following across the warm skin.

First one foot then the next slips out of them.

As my hand come back up her legs the fingers go under the edge of her panties and now the bare cheeks of her ass fills my hands.

As she gasps then smiles. I see a shy look cross her face then slowly her hips sway. A slight rocking side to side then she moves forward against me then back a half step.

I watch the way her stomach flexes with an amazed smile that turns to a grin as I look up at her smiling face. Her ass flexes in my hands as she moves.

"When did you pick up belly dancing? I know your father doesn't teach that."

She blushes.

"I ...I learned it watching an instructor online." She gives a shrug then a quirky smile. "I don't have the hips for it really."

I tighten my hands on her ass making her gasp.

"Says who? Oh my you are going to have to dance for me one night soon. I want the full outfit though. Bells and all."

I bring one hand out from under her panties and let it drift up her back. I just brush her nearly open bra then caress my way back down her spine.

"If I do that for you...what are you going to do for me? My lord a leaping."

My hands catch her waist and stills her hips. I look up into her face, into those beautiful eyes.

"Absolutely anything you can ask."

The calm tone delivers to her the truth of what I've said. I see it hit her then that I'm hers to command.

I see her blink away a tear then her hands are caressing my face. She leans down and pauses just before she would kiss me. Her words are a soft whisper that crosses the half-inch between us.

"Make me a woman.... my wonderful man."

As her lips come to mine my hand goes to her back and unhooks the last little barrier to her breasts. Her bra fall over her shoulder to become trapped against my chest as she moves forwards making me lay back on her bed. My little dancer swinger her legs over mine and I pull her up onto of me.

Sandy sits up then and looks down at me. Her bra sifts out the way at a small movement of her arms. I've long known that her nipples were small but now I can see the dark pink color of them against her lighter skin. They rise and fall to her now panting breath as she brings her hands to my chest.

Against the growing need in her a dozen buttons was never a defense. He delicate hands show strength then as with a ripping she sends them flying across her bedroom in every direction.

Then she's back down onto me her lips a warm soft caress only equaled by the soft caress of her bare skin against mine. Her breasts are not large, her dancer's frame and mother's heritage keep that common attribute of beauty from developing but to me they are perfect. I kiss my way from her lips to her neck to her collar bone ash she moves herself forwards to bring me what I desire.

My first taste of a woman's breast. How can I describe that? The soft warmth of her skin, the hard nub that brushes my lips, the sweet sound from her when I suck her nipple into my mouth. Then the feeling of it on my tongue. Slightly rough but silky smooth at the same time. The contradiction of that does not hinder me for a second as I move from first one nipple to another. She pulls my head to her as I suck at her breast feeding myself from her.

"Oh my god that feels good. Oh I didn't... I didn't think it would feel like that." I hear her suck in a quick breath as I test the tenderness with a gentle pressure of my teeth.

Sandy moves herself against me then. Her crotch rubbing against my pants grinding into the hard bulge she can not help but feel.

I'm panting and so is she when she sits back up. My hands come to rest on her hips. I feel the thin cloth of her panties under my fingertips.

"I think I'm ready now." She says in a whisper.

Smiling I lower my eyes then bring them back up to her face.

"No you're not."

My fingers tighten in her panties and with a flex they rip on one side. I shift my hand to the other as he mouth opens wide and tear the other side the same way. Holding onto one end I slowly pull them through her legs letting the fabric slide across her with little tugs. When it comes completely free of her and she is naked on top of me She quickly moves a hand to cover her crotch. I smile.

"Now you are." At her slightly shocked look I grin "I can never open a present without tearing the wrapping at least once."

Shaking her head she give a nervous giggle then moves her hand out the way lets herself lay fully down on top of me. Her lips come down to mine, kiss me, then move back.

"You are wearing far to many clothes." She brings a finger to my lips. I notice it then. The scent, The smell of her. Then as her finger touches my lips there is a wet slickness left behind.

My tongue moves without thought, but if I had though I would have done just the same thing.

A taste I've never known flows into my mouth then. I can't describe it and have no desire to. I know what it is though. It's the passion of the woman I love.

And I want More!

With a startled sound from her I turn us over so that I'm on top.

I start to kiss her. First her lips then her neck.

Down to one of her breast. I look very closely at her dark pink nipple slick from where I kissed and mouthed it before. Then I place a kiss upon it.

I drift over to the other and kiss there, just so it won't get jealous.

Sliding down I place kiss after kiss across her stomach till I feel her belly button under my mouth. Grinning I run my tongue around it then blow softly.

She giggles.

"Stop that! That tickles." She tells me softly.

I look up across her to where she is looking down at me.

"I'm going to kiss you down here. I'm going to kiss your pussy."

She gives me a slight nod. I can see from her face that she wants me to but at the same time there is reluctance.

Bringing my eyes down I slip even further down till my knees slide off the bed.

I gently open her thighs a little.

I look at her then. At her sex? At her pussy? No word seems to describe it well... to give it the beauty in description that I see before me.

Sandy has trimmed herself till only a triangle of hair remains above. But it's soft blond curls beckon to me. Leaning forwards I brush them with my lips and bury my face into then.

She is soft under them like a little pillow. I smile think that. I surely wouldn't mind resting my head on this pillow forever.

I look down.

She is glistening with a shiny wetness across her lips. I can smell now the taste that I want more of. Leaning I place a kiss upon her lips then lick my lips clean.

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