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A Scrupulous Bull Ch. 04

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A final lesson.
3.9k words

Part 4 of the 14 part series

Updated 11/03/2023
Created 09/15/2023
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When I parked my car in its newly nominated residents' spot outside Celia's house, the Hellcat engine snarled for a few seconds before I shut it off, ripping a big grin across my face. My training session was light because Ella was coming over in a few hours for another cock sucking lesson.

"How do you feel about traveling, Andrew?"

"Is this your way of getting rid of me, Celia?"

"That's never going to happen, dear. Especially after such a glowing report from Carla and her daughter."

I sat down opposite my landlady and general benefactor. I felt relaxed around her, frequently discussing sex, kinks, and how certain people may be satisfied in particular ways. I drank protein shakes more regularly because my training load was increasing, more through sex than weights.

"I don't see anyone else working in the house, Celia."

"I have three girls who live here, but mostly, they do outcalls and travel a great deal."

"What do you mean by travel, and specifically in my case?"

"Local travel, overnight, even weekends are quite normal for elite society hookers like you, but I'm talking in your case about going to South America, the Amazonian rainforest to be precise."

"Whoa, that sounds like a job for Indiana Jones."

"In this case, you'd be visiting a place of worship like he did and doing a little exploring, too. Specifically, checking in on a pink cathedral belonging to one Katie Jones."

"Okay, you'll have to give me more detail than that."

Celia slid a bio across the table, but even from where I sat, Katie looked like an exceptional beauty with long blonde hair and piercing blue eyes. I had an almost immediate physical reaction.

"You look excited, Andrew. Your pupils are dilating, and I see a trembling finger on your right hand. Another of your tell's is a slight twitching of the left eye. Don't take up poker, dear; you'd definitely lose."

"She's very beautiful."

"Yes, and her parents are another established wealthy family seeking your discretion."

"I don't understand."

"Why she wants you?"

"Yeah. Like the others, Katie could have almost any guy she wanted just by being nice to them."

"Katie wants to be serviced by someone she doesn't know and won't meet again. It's throwaway love, although I'm worrying about you."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

Celia stood up, eyeballing me, wearing a knowing smile. She fetched a bottle of freshly squeezed lemonade and two glasses from her fridge. She took her time pouring, wanting me to stew on the matter in hand for a minute before answering my question.

"I know what catching feelings looks like, Andrew."

"Yeah, I know how it seems, but I don't fall in love. It's more like being in love for the moment, which is why I won't make a terribly good husband.

"Husband for a day, then?"

"Something like that. The point is, my infatuation rises quickly but wears off just as fast."

"That makes you the perfect male hooker."

"I knew that was the case after the first time with Ella. It was like every girlfriend I'd ever had. Celia, it's a curse."

"Not for making money, it isn't."

"My question is, why does Katie Jones need a husband for a day?"

"It's two days, and your help is needed because she's working deep in the jungle as a surgeon for a medical charity. Her boyfriend won't visit because the village conditions are too harsh, and our Katie wishes to enjoy the company of a man."

"The boyfriend sounds a bit weak."

"Katie doesn't mind his choice to stay away. She wants to enjoy a much bigger cock anyway."

"Mom and Dad are picking up the bill?"

"Yes. The boyfriend has been told all about this liaison."

"How does he feel about it."

"He's seen your bio, and even that didn't persuade him to visit his girlfriend in her hour of need."

"Sorry, Celia, he sounds like a fucking asshole. I'd crawl over broken glass for her."

"Yes, and by the sounds of it, you'd move on right after decanting your seed inside her."

"That's harsh!"

"It's true and intended as a compliment given our business model."

I knew Celia had our best interests at heart, but a free-flowing discussion about my feelings and how they connected with our clients felt awkward.

"Okay. I'll get used to your direct manner one day, Celia. Umm... why did Katie even tell her boyfriend about hiring a bull? Surely, this compromises her with him."

"Katie felt it was important to be candid and then objectively express her displeasure at his reluctance to support her by actions. Her parents have lots of money and a private jet standing by to transport you there."

"When do I leave?"

"Once you are packed."


"Yes, unless you plan on packing a few chests and making the trip an expedition. It's one girl, a few nights of romance, and plenty of lovemaking."

"What about Ella?"

"She's waiting for you right now."

"In the front room?"

"In your bedroom. Is that okay?"

"I prefer servicing ladies in my room, so that's no problem."

"And I believe you showered after a workout this morning. You certainly smell fresh. I'm detecting chamomile with traces of strawberry. I might eat you myself if you don't run away."

"I am clean and ready to go. Now I think about Ella, I'm getting all lightheaded."

I pretended to swoon like a teenager with a crush, mocking myself and Celia together. When I stood up and bowed, she laughed like a friend might, unaware of how much I wanted to bed her.

"Go on, Andrew, fuck her."

Halfway out the door, both hands slammed against the wooden frame, halting me like a freight train with its emergency brake activated. I paused for thought, then turned, noticing Celia almost fell off her chair laughing.

"Did I just hear you right?"

"You did."

She looked cute and sexy at that moment, as though she knew how lucky I was and what a sweet moment this could be for me, too.

"Ella wants me to take her virginity?"


"You'll have to delay the private jet until tomorrow mid-morning."


"I'm sorry, Celia, taking a girl's virginity is serious. I'll have to take her out for dinner and then enjoy breakfast together."

"Are you serious?"

"Fucking deadly so. I'm not treating a virgin in such a transactional way."

Celia looked stunned. She studied me thoughtfully, choosing her following words carefully. I wasn't angry at all, but at the same time, I wasn't going to budge on the matter.

"I'm surprised, Andrew."

"I've never used a woman in my life. I don't mind her using and paying for my services, but I wouldn't want Ella to look back on this day with any regret."

"That's very decent of you, Andrew. I'm not sure what to say."

"I do."

I swung around and saw Ella standing at the door, looking sweeter than a meringue and twice as delicate. My heart lifted, and even though it was a passing infatuation, it still felt good to be desired in how her eyes conveyed to me.

"You would do that for me, Andrew? Date me before taking my maidenhood?"

"Damn right. It's the only way, I'm afraid. How did this all come about? What about your boyfriend?"

"It won't work out. I don't want to be with one guy just now, so we ended it."

"How did you arrive at this epiphany?"

She sat beside Celia, who wrapped her gently in an arm like a mother. She kissed the side of Ella's head, then a cheek.

"Aww... did my bull fuck up your relationship Ella?"

I was horrified, staring from one woman to the other with no clue how to deal with my situation.

"This is what I feared most. Oh Christ, did I cause this?"

Ella laughed first, then Celia followed, and I realized they were teasing me.

"Can't we have something in bed, please, Andrew?"

"Are you sure, Ella? It's your first time we're talking about here."

"You can romance me in bed, and I love the idea of me sleeping over, but I'd rather not go through the pain in the ass of mani-pedi, makeup, new clothes, and explaining you to all my friends at whatever restaurant they find us in."

"I don't know. Are you sure, Ella?"

"I'm positive baby. I want to leave here tomorrow with some difficulty walking."

She stood up, scampered over to me, and wrapped both arms around my midriff. Her slight frame made it easy for me to lift Ella high up enough to kiss the girl I loved at the moment gently on her lips.

"I really like you, Andrew. I know you respect me and are a very gentle lover, so I really want you to stamp the fuck out of my V-card."

"Okay, Ella. It's a hard job, but I'm just the guy for it."

I grinned, she giggled, and Celia looked very pleased. I was delighted with the outcome, too, as a growing excitement over the opportunity to deflower Ella swamped me.

"You'll be my first."

"Virgin ever?"

"Yes. What else did you think I meant?"

"First virgin of the day?"

"That's no-."

"Aww, come on, Andrew, I'm just joking. By the way... will you be, y'know?"

Celia nodded and made herself scarce, putting a hand to her ear as a sign she'd call Katie and plan for me to fly tomorrow. Ella was pointing at her crotch, grinning.

"Has nobody even licked your pussy?"

"Nope. Not even a finger that wasn't mine has ever tangled betwixt these legs."

"We'd better get started then. My tongue is raring to go."

We almost sprinted upstairs. Ella danced on the landing and along a short corridor to my room. She'd already been inside my den and had a key, so she let herself in.

"I'm amazed. This room is like a five-star hotel suite."

"I like cleanliness."

She tiptoed across my floor like a graceful ballerina, her arms poised in a gorgeous arc above her head. I marveled at how incredibly youthful, vibrant, and alive Ella was, holding her close when she pretended to stumble and fall into my arms.

"I'm taking birth control and currently ovulating."

"Yummy. We must deal with practicalities, though."

She placed a finger to my lips, hushing me while standing on my toes to gain extra height. I lifted her using one leg and powerful quad muscles until I could kiss my darling for a day.

Knowing I was about to enjoy and perform for a virgin caused my hormones to go wild. My cock was fully erect, scraping to get out of the lightweight training pants I frequently wear these days.

Her lips brushed off mine with intense heat like a sword blade removed from a blacksmith's coals before being quenched in oil. My eyes lit up when Ella's did, and I saw the same excitement I felt in my heart reflected through her two blue pools of affection.

"I want you to choose how we make love, sweetheart."

"Okay, but what about my semen?"

"I'd like the first load inside my pussy. Yours will be the first seed to explore my reproductive organs. When there is more later, I'd like to swallow it. Is there anything else you need to know?"

"Umm, I guess not. You have this very well figured out."

"I trust you to treat and fuck me right, Andrew."

"Of that, you can be certain."

I exploded in passion, placing Ella back down on her feet. I tore off my clothes, tossing them aside while enjoying the passionate look of a woman in sexual overload. I unzipped the tight knee-length dress she wore while French kissing her deeply. My emotions overwhelmed and all the usual signs of devotion enveloped my mind and body like an immense waterfall drowning me in love for Ella.

"Am I yours right now, Andrew?"

"You're the only woman in the world for me."

"Teach me to be a great lover, please. My future husband must want me as you do right now."

She wore no bra, so I licked ever-decreasing circles around Ella's breasts while prising her ass cheeks wide, clawing at her French knicker lace with powerful fingers. She inhaled desperately, panting like a sprinter crossing the line, exploding in my hands like a geyser of passion.

When I sucked, then gently nibbled her solid, light red nipples one after another, Ella gasped, grabbed a tuft of my hair and pulled my head up. She stared into my eyes in amazement with the most lustfully tawdry expression I ever saw.

"Fucking hell, Andrew. Do that again, please."

"If you'll let go of my hair, I won't stop doing it."

"My pussy is going fucking nuts. It's like a cream factory down there. My knickers are drenched."

"That's a sign you're getting good value for money."

"Technically, my father is your client."

"He's very welcome, too."

While sucking hard on Ella's nipples, I thumbed her panties down, enjoying how a sticky gusset tugged reluctantly at two swollen pussy lips that begged for my attention. When I kneeled to remove the knickers that had failed to contain the arousal of a young virgin, the most delicious, delightful aroma wafted up my flaring nostrils.

It was like the running of the bulls in Spain, and I buried my face into her crotch, gripping a divine feminine by her two solid ass cheeks while inhaling a womanly goddess-like scent deeply.

"Climb onto my shoulders."


"As though my face were a bicycle, you want to ride backward."

She climbed aboard my shoulders and face quickly, pressing a desperate swollen, hair-free pussy into my mouth. Ella didn't hold on when I stood upright, trusting me entirely, slamming her palms onto the ceiling, staring up as her long hair draped down while screaming in ecstasy.

I licked and sucked her pussy lips gently, wringing and squeezing out every drop of pussy cream I could. She tasted delicious, like life, heaven, and all the nectar of those places that flowed like a stream of delicious ambrosia down my throat.

Ella felt so delicate and supple in my hands as I moved her around, licking a tight, puckered hole one minute, then devouring her creamy furrow the next before sucking a solid, engorged, oversized slick pearl. She jerked and thrashed wildly, tossing her head and hair like a fire-breathing dragon while I ate her.

My girlfriend for the day was on fire, forcing me to eat more pussy, grinding her clit, and engorged labia into my face. When she orgasmed, I tasted unicorn pee, but only a dribble because she realized and tensed her bladder. I fed on the raging, sweet hormones that squirted, oozed, and filled my mouth like the most intense flavor I could imagine.

"Fucking hell, Andrew. Can I come on the trip with you, please?"

I chuckled, pleased to be of service. As I lowered her to the floor, Ella, without a second thought, wrapped her arms around my neck, kissing me deeply.

"Can I let you into a secret?"

"Of course, sweetheart, what is it?"

"After you leave tomorrow, Celia's going to fuck me."

"Oh, really?"

"Yep, Dad's paid, and I'm having her too. I want to try a girl after I lose my virginity."

"I think you'll love Celia."

"She said the same thing about you."

I stood with her in my arms, two lovers standing in a devoted embrace, both shimmering from a woman's first orgasm at the hands of another.

"Shall we slip into bed now, Ella?"

"Won't there be a mess with blood?"

"If there is, it won't be much, and I'll change the sheets. We have plenty of fresh linen."

"Yes, and I see it's hotel standard, too."

We slipped into bed together, kissing and cuddling like a couple in love on their wedding night. She was eager to please me, straddling both knees, taking my cock in hand.

I guessed Ella wanted to show me what she'd learned, and I heard a delightful whimper when her mouth closed around my pre-cum soaked glans. She pulled my foreskin back as far as it could go, rubbing an enthusiastic tongue pendulum style, back and forth a tight banjo string while gulping back the sticky varnish she stripped from my cock.

"I love the salt and its primal quality when it hits the back of my throat."

"I've got to say, I'm addicted to your pussy. Next time, don't stop yourself squirting."

"Are you sure?"


I held her head gently, more as encouragement than for any other reason. Ella enjoyed choking on my cock, ramming it carefully down her windpipe. Her drooling would help lubricate my passage inside her pussy all the way to the maiden cervix that I would be careful not to harm.

"You've learned well."

"I wanted more practice. If Dad would let me, I'd be here every day."

"You'd get bored."

She wanked my cock gently, staring up at me, a face painted with innocence and desire like honey dripping off the back of a spoon onto virgin vanilla white ice cream. Ella seemed thoughtful, considering our situation, hers probably more than mine, if I'm honest.

"I think that would be good for me. At eighteen, I should move on from you once we have fun and I learn how to make love."

"Yes, I think too many people get stuck in one time and place, regretting their lives always."

"That's why Dad fucks Celia. He loves her absolutely."

"Where does that leave your mother?"

"My mother isn't around, Andrew."

I smiled down at Ella, enjoying the raw decadence of her and the moment of our love cocoon. I'd wait until she asked me to fuck her, constantly ready to take the precious gift offered.

"Would you have a problem fucking a new step-mom, should one ever arrive?"

"I don't think so, but Celia usually deals with these things."

"Do you think my stepmom and I could fuck you together one day? Mother/daughter together is such a huge fantasy for any guy."

"I would be okay with that."

"And Celia could fuck Dad at the same time."

"Just be careful, Ella. Always look before you leap."

"I will. Can you deflower me now, please, Andrew?"

I lifted her high, placed my lover on her back, and rolled on top, taking all my weight on both palms and knees.

"How would you like it? To be fucked like a dog or ride me like a jockey might?"

"Yes, both of those, but could you fuck me as a boy, wanting a girl to love him while gazing into my eyes?"

"Of course."

She spread her legs wide, spurring both heels into my ribs, then into my solid back before finally digging into two steel hard ass cheeks. Her mischievous, innocent girl look entranced me as I gazed like she'd asked with genuine, albeit transitory love, blazing in my eyes.

"Please fuck me, big guy."

Her scampish, schoolgirl grin and a deliberate nibble of her bottom lip fired me up. I pushed my cock between two pouting, wet pussy lips and engaged her love hole like a boring machine at the start of a big tunneling job.

"Your eyes are pleading for my cock, Ella."

"I want you to be my first, Andrew."

"I want that so much, too."

When I sank my cock inside her pussy hole, just a couple of inches in, I met with resistance. I pushed through, and she gasped with eyes ablaze, mouth agape, and a beautiful smile.

"How does that feel?"

"Like my pussy is being stretched wide open."

"She is."

"It's amazing, Andrew. Much more than I imagined."

"Would you like more cock?"

"All of it, please."

Her hands gripped my biceps like they were rowing oars, and she was an Olympian on course for a gold medal position. I pressed harder, enjoying the beautiful, gentle, and loving contortions of a woman getting precisely what she wanted, my cock.

Her pussy felt tight, clenching hard on and off my shaft like a sleeve on a pipeline, desperately gripping on. Her cunt felt amazing, wet, warm, and cozy, like a home I never wanted to leave. When I sank in balls deep, she knew all of me was inside her because my groin ground lightly against hers.

"I feel my cervix being touched for the first time. Your cock doesn't hurt me. It hasn't hurt at all aside from a pinch and slight, delightful twinge."

"Wait a minute, crush my cock hard and feel your pussy engorge."

I saw oxytocin rinse through Ella's eyes as she chased pleasure around her body wherever it shuddered, rippled, trembled, or fluttered. She writhed underneath me, grinding and crushing my cock with a body ascendant in love and lust.

"Are you ready?"

"To be fucked?"



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