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A Scrupulous Bull Ch. 13

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Returning home with my beloved.
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Part 13 of the 14 part series

Updated 11/03/2023
Created 09/15/2023
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"You're coming home with me?"


"To the United States?"

"We're both American, so yes."

"On the same flight?"

"Yes, Andrew, if that's okay since it's my parent's private jet, but only if you'd like me to. I've assumed that you want me to be with you, to be honest. I hope not to have misunderstood."

"I can't ever remember being happier."

I felt overjoyed and hugged Katie like a bear might, lifting her off the ground. Her surprise was very welcome, but in the back of my mind, a nagging feeling around imagined conflicts of love interest itched away.

While she toured her replacement around the surgery, re-familiarizing him with his old job and taking inventory for a handover, I sat alone at my girlfriend's dining table agonizing over how to deal with a new, very welcome but frightening development.

I kicked up my phone, joined the satellite bubble network, and messaged the only person who could help me, thankful she was readily available.

Katie is coming home with me, Celia.

Jesus... fuck, that's a bit awkward. What will you do?

I hope you can help.

Ella's expecting an all-night fucking in your bedroom tomorrow. She wants the whole girlfriend experience.

I know.

Does Katie know about Ella and your date with her tomorrow?


Okay... what's she saying about that?

Nothing yet. This all happened moments ago. Katie found a replacement doctor and surprised me with the whole thing.

Do you love her?

One hundred percent, yes.

Has that love been tested for its resilience to your romantic problem?

Not fully.

Then you need to discuss everything with her. Don't leave any feeling or truth hidden, or it will bite you in the ass.

I know.

Take care, Andrew. I'll see you later tonight.

Yeah... you too, Celia.

I felt mildly queasy because this situation had played out in my mind several times, but a sense of reality was missing in each scenario. With the real-world looming problem of Ella's forthcoming lesson in love and Katie being in the same house while I fucked the young girl for money, the whole situation overwhelmed me.

I'd ignored the nightmare scenario of my romantic test, having stuffed it into my mind's dark recesses of future deniability. Now, the problem was very real and needed to be dealt with.

I felt scared of losing Katie and falling back in love with Ella.

I watched my girlfriend excitedly dragging her replacement from room to room, checking alarm systems, insect repellent, and the radio comms system used in an emergency. She frequently glanced at me with a satisfied frown, furrowing her brow or smiling at the man she loved.

When both doctors sat at the dining table with a stack of patient files, discussing ongoing treatments, I melted into the background, sitting comfortably on a sofa, cradling a triple espresso.

Katie was businesslike, even to the extent that she called me over when explaining our recent sexual activities with the local village women. That discussion shocked me a bit, particularly in the details requested by her replacement about my cock size and whether I came inside the girls.

Once an inventory and all patient notes for the medical station were agreed upon, my girlfriend escorted her replacement back into the surgery, declaring it was now his before joining me in her Chalet, where we had time and privacy to pack and talk.

"All sexual encounters between the doctor here and any village girls must be reported. Their sexual health and pregnancies are crucial medical issues."


"It's prudent reporting. The girls we fucked are all taking birth control, so we have nothing to worry about."

Katie saw my concern and sidled closer, gripping me tightly around the waist with one arm while the other stroked my chest.

"Don't worry about anything, Andrew. You can sleep with Ella all night as planned and fuck her as much as she needs. I'll sleep alone, then we'll pick things up afterward."

"It just feels wrong."

"I can imagine how you feel right now, but we agreed to live with the consequences of your job, right?"

"Yeah, but now it's real, I'm not sure I want to."

"What's the alternative, Andrew?"

"I could quit. I'm sure Celia would understand."

"And what if we broke up after living together for a month? Where would you go, and what career prospects would you have? You left a job in banking to become a sex worker, right?"

I stared at her, shocked that she was being so practical and by how brutal that sounded. My mouth made motions like a goldfish with a weird popping sound that seemed comical to my girlfriend, who laughed, but I suddenly felt icy cold.

"I hadn't considered that aspect of our relationship, to be honest. Any thoughts of us not being together hadn't crossed my mind even in the slightest."

"Clearly not, and that's very sweet. I don't wish to alarm you, but relationship statistics aren't in our favor. Celia wouldn't take you back on as a hooker if you let her down with Ella, and those satisfied customers you already have would go elsewhere."

"Fucking hell, Katie."

"No, Andrew. We have been very grown up about this so far, and I propose we continue doing that."

Katie left me alone in the living area so she could pack belongings from the bathroom. Her temporary departure felt like a convenient ploy to allow our reality to crystalize in my mind. I sat heavily on a sofa and then realized how sorry I felt for myself, something I hate.

I shouted through to the bathroom.

"I won't do any overnight gigs in the future."

"It's up to you, Andrew. You'll feel no pressure from me, as we've already discussed. Now... forget about tomorrow's problems, and let's pack for today."

She leaped onto my lap, flinging both arms around my neck, kissing me, and my world brightened up immediately. My real fear wasn't whether Katie would accept my lifestyle in practice, as she already did in theory. Something else nagged at me.

What if my feelings for Ella re-emerge?

The last thing Katie handed over to her relief was the keys to the doctor's truck. A VIP car and driver from the airport turned up in a large SUV, and I carried our luggage out, helping him load it.

While he sat inside his vehicle, wafted by air-conditioning, I waited outside, wanting to be the man Katie would continue loving. I opened the car door when she skipped down the Chalet steps and along a twenty-meter track to the parking spot where I stood waiting. She turned around on reaching me, and I felt a moment when she bid farewell to her medical station and the distant village.

"Close the door for a minute, please, Andrew."

"What's wrong?"

She stepped close to me and leaned both palms on my chest, staring lovingly into my eyes. Her breathing was controlled, whereas mine felt erratic. I was twitchy, and she seemed centered.

"I'm sorry, Katie, but I haven't prepared well for this."

"You're worrying far too much, darling."

"Yes, I probably am, but the stakes are very high."

"This test of your fidelity in romantic love was always coming, Andrew. It's probably better to have it out of the way now than at some time in the future when we each hold even deeper feelings for the other."

"I'm so desperate for this to be authentic, Katie."

"For what it's worth, I think you'll choose me in love, even when your cock is slammed balls deep inside Ella, and you're decanting your seed."

"Is that why you're joining me on this trip home? To test me?"

"Not at all. I want us to spend time away from here and see how well we harmonize as a couple."

"But tomorrow will also be a final and conclusive test, right?"

"Yes, but I've not deliberately set it up that way. I promise you, although I'll admit it's very convenient."

"I believe you, Katie."

"I expect you to service Ella properly tomorrow night, sweetheart. We are both professionals, and that's something I love about you."

"I will take care of Ella properly."

"Good... shall we leave now?"


"Just think of it as a holiday for us to become better acquainted."

I opened the SUV door again, smiling while she slid into the rear seat, but my heart felt heavy because the sudden change in my life that Katie's surprise caused had forced me out of my comfort zone.

We were leaving a love cocoon where most factors remained in her sphere of control, venturing into a romantic minefield.

The journey back to the airport was far more tranquil than when my girlfriend drove, but this driver wasn't as desperate to arrive at our destination as Katie had been.

At the airport, security and immigration officers whisked us through VIP channels and onto the family jet, already testing engines while we boarded. Caught deep by emotionally turbulent thoughts, I was lost to the world, desperately anxious about a looming bad outcome. Katie knew what was afoot by the reveals in my expression but never pressed the issue. She was loving, attentive, very tactile, and tried making light conversation frequently.

"You never asked what my family did, Andrew."

"I guess we were getting around to that. I was too busy falling in love and enjoying making love. The sex with those village girls was fun, but you were the only thing that mattered to me over the past week."

"We're into chocolate in a big way. Like the global big brand."

"So we're both in the game of people pleasuring, then?"

Katie smiled, and my heart lifted somewhat. As she strapped herself into the luxury seat next to me, I got a sense of new beginnings. It was time to embrace positivity and force out the gloom. I stared sideways at her as the jet throttled hard in take-off.

"Nothing is certain, Katie, right?"

"It never is, sweetheart."

"We just convince ourselves that nothing will ever change, and then it does, leaving us struggling in its wake."

"Please don't worry, Andrew. If you fall back in love with Ella, you won't care about anything else five minutes after Celia's front door closes behind me."

"Jesus, that's harsh. It's true, but it feels very unpleasant and doesn't speak well for me."

"Okay, look. I can turn this jet around, and we can forget the whole thing, Andrew. We can go back to my medical station and stay there for now, but at some point, this test must be confronted."

"I'd rather do it now, Katie."

She smiled sweetly, leaned over, and lovingly wrapped an arm around my neck before kissing me. I felt her vibrance through an intense tingling on her lips and tongue, lifting me from a malaise that had felt soul-crushing two minutes earlier.

"You should also focus on arranging our threesome, preferably before the month is out. Perhaps we might have dinner with your friend and see if we all click before we slip between the sheets."

"That's a good idea."

"Do you feel more comfortable about him and you fucking me and my gang bang now?"

"Yes, but I'm also thrilled we'll be together for a whole month, Katie."

"Me too, sweetheart. I've got to say, though, you didn't seem very excited on the drive over here."

"I'm still not sure about Ella."

"I think you've got to shake this tree and see what falls out, Andrew. Imagine how this situation going our way makes things better for you and us."

"We'll know in a day whether our love is real."

"You mean your love, Andrew. I can assure you mine definitely is."

Her words cut like knives when delivered, but once I processed what Katie said, I knew she was right to set the challenge quickly. I wasn't entirely convinced her reasoning behind coming with me wasn't to get us across a bridge, but it mattered neither one way nor the other because we were going, and Ella was waiting.

We both slept comfortably on fully reclined chairs that almost converted into beds. When I woke up, nudged gently by a cabin crew member, Katie and I still held hands. I glanced over at her, seeing the same sleepy eyes I had, and smiled.

"I could get used to private jet travel."

"You can, sweetheart. Mom and Dad insist I go everywhere on the company jet. I'm surprised they don't have a bodyguard detail standing ready on the other side."

"You're safe with me, Katie."

"I know, sweetheart, and I believe that in every sense."

I glanced at her in surprise, but Katie just smiled and shrugged back, looking positive enough for both of us. I hadn't considered my girlfriend outside the context of her doctor role, but that was fast changing as we left the tropical jungle for a concrete one.

As we approached long-term parking on a small VIP bus from the lounge, Katie scanned the cars stored there, trying to guess which one was mine.

"Oh, that's fucking cool, Andrew. Can I drive it?"

"It's the white BMW, and yes, of course."

"Oh, come on. If that black Hellcat doesn't have your DNA inside it, I'm not a doctor."

"Of course you can drive it, sweetheart."

She drove carefully, which surprised me, but there was so much we still needed to learn about one another. I had questions that were suppressed by the enjoyment of our week together and the fact that I was paid for sex, and it would have been inappropriate to cross that boundary fully.

"Will you sleep with me tonight, Katie? In my bed, I mean?"

"Well, of course, I will. We'll make love, too, unless you are tired."

"I'd love that. I just wanted to point out that tonight will be the first time we made love when you aren't paying me for sex."

She grinned, and I realized how lucky I was at that moment. The woman sitting beside me was a gift from the gods, and I felt her power flow into me through an expression that was all about willing my success.

"Don't worry, Andrew. If you do a great job, I'll tip."

We both laughed heartily, and that siphoned off some negativity I'd been feeling to that point. If life were taking a better turn, I was determined to ride that flow. If bad things were about to happen, like Katie said, once her back was turned, I would care less as every hour passed.

I pointed to my assigned parking space and was impressed that Katie slipped in easily. She handed me the keys, and we strolled up stone steps and into Celia's boarding house.

"It's late, and I'm sure she's sleeping. Let's go to my room and catch up with her in the morning."

"I can't wait to meet one of my mother's lesbian lovers."

She grinned again, but that thought struck me, too. I realized how little we'd shared and how young our love was. I pointed to the dodgy step on our way up, and she stepped past it.

My room was exactly how I left, with one exception. A bottle of Bordeaux red wine sat with two glasses on my dressing table. A small note in front read.

Welcome home, Andrew and Katie.

"This is a beautiful bedroom, Andrew."

"Yeah, it has a lovely balcony and shower."

"Let's use both in reverse order together and open up the wine Celia gifted."

For some reason, I felt free. I wasn't being paid to make love, which felt good, especially because I truly loved Katie. She was warm, vibrant, and felt sensual, tingling to the touch of my fingers and tongue. I washed her carefully, soaking and soaping every part of her, taking out any lingering jungle grime.

She leaned over me while I kneeled in the shower, washing my back, slipping her fingers down my ass cheeks, and cleaning me thoroughly.

She gripped my cock tightly with both hands, wanking it slowly, peeling back my foreskin fully with every stroke. Katie gazed lovingly into my eyes, utterly unfazed by the fact her boyfriend's cock would be impaled inside another girl in twenty-four hours.

"I love you, Andrew."

"I love you too."

"Would you make love to me, please?"

"Of course."

We dried quickly as two lovers desperate to merge would. I carried Katie to my bed, laying on top of her with both knees and elbows taking my weight. I kissed her, then more down onto both solid nipples, sucking and enjoying her back arching in rapture.

I licked and kissed across, then down Katie's washboard stomach, enjoying the ticklish jerking that rolled her entirely over. As I tongued her back from cheeks to where her hair began, I imagined how nice it would be for us to train together, enjoy coffee afterward, and then go shopping.

That would happen before Ella's date, which started at 6 p.m.

"Focus on us, Andrew, please."

"I am, believe it or not."

"I feel your tension, baby."

I lay on her back, kissing Katie's neck softly. I felt surging love and tenderness toward my girlfriend. It overwhelmed me in a way that had never happened. She opened her legs wide, and I placed my knees outside hers.

When Katie gently raised her ass, pressing it into me and presenting her pussy, I slid my cock inside her moist, warm, velvet-smooth hole.

"That's it, Andrew. Fuck your girlfriend with love and passion."

"I do love you, Katie."

"I know."

I lifted my upper body, thrusting my cock deep inside her pussy, enjoying how she wriggled gently, pushing back on every thrust, forcing my cock deeper inside. She moaned and tilted her head sideways, reaching a hand out to grip my wrist, squeezing. I pressed down hard using my body weight, pleased when she relaxed so that both ass cheeks parted easily, allowing deeper penetration.

I felt her pussy walls tighten, compress harder, then squeeze against my cock, pressing her thighs together before releasing. I felt her inside, more than ever before, as Katie milked me. I withdrew my cock slowly, glancing down, enjoying the slick, glistening shaft as it emerged from deep inside my beloved.

I fucked Katie harder, making sure each stroke deep inside her felt gentle. She grunted softly when my cock nuzzled against her cervix, then purred as I rocked gently in and out before withdrawing and staring over.

When she came, it was as though the ocean rushed high on golden sands. Katie raised upon her elbows, tossed her long hair free, and bowed her head down, whispering.

"I love you with all of my heart, Andrew."

Her body trembled in waves that matched her whimpering. Katie pushed back harder than usual, clenched my cock, and I felt the tiny itch deep inside me of semen discharging in a rush, almost flooding to fill up my girlfriend.

My cock jerked like an electric rod struck repeatedly by lightning, involuntarily twitching while emptying my seed inside her.

I lay down on Katie's back, enjoying her silken soft warmth and a self-esteem-lifting sigh of contentment while my cock nestled deep inside her, bathing in my semen and her cum.

"Can you stay exactly there for a few minutes, Andrew?"

"I'd love to."

"That was just perfect. Your cock was so deep."

"You were milking me."

"I feel so happy when my womb is full of your seed."

"I feel the same way, sweetheart."

I could have slept on her back right then, content as a cat after a bowl of cream. Eventually, I rolled off my beloved, and she snuggled into me like a little spoon.

"Shall we use the wine after tomorrow as a celebration, Andrew?"

"We can, but Bollinger might be a better tipple for breakfast after Ella leaves.

"I'll have a drop of fresh orange in mine, please."

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