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A Secret Amid The Trees


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"You kids are damned lucky that Roger Wallace spotted your campfire tonight," he told the wayward hikers.

"Who's Roger Wallace?" Melissa asked.

"Guy with a hunting lodge up on the ridge over there," the rescue leader explained, pointing in the cabin's general direction. "The whole county knows you went missing, so when Roge' saw lights in the valley tonight, he called it in. Looks like he was just in time, too 'cause from what you were telling me, it sounds like you were heading further and further out into the wild."

"Yeah," the other male rescue worker chuckled. He was much younger than the man in charge and even seemed a couple years younger than the female member of the crew. Judging by his level of excitement, this could well have been his first ever excursion in a helicopter. "You guys must've really gotten turned around!" he told them. "You were in Moon Maiden Valley - way off the map! There ain't any trails that pass even close to it. You were miles from where you were supposed to be."

"Interesting name," Evan muttered after a brief pause. "Why's it called Moon Maiden Valley?"

"Not sure," the young rescuer shook his head.

Evan looked inquiringly at the team leader, who simply shrugged in response.

"Will would know," the woman remarked. She was a very attractive lady, even with no makeup. The focus of her naturally pretty face were her strong, clear eyes, which were lined with thick black lashes. Even beneath her loose jumpsuit, her firm bust made itself apparent. Her voice and mannerisms were one hundred percent country girl. She was the type one could easily imagine being in a playboy spread, probably laying buck naked in a pile of hay. Yet she also seemed reliable and well respected among her colleagues.

"Yeah. Probably," the young male rescuer agreed.

The remainder of the flight passed mostly without conversation.

Melissa hadn't intended to be seated next to Neil. Truth be told, she would've preferred them to have been at opposite corners of the chopper. But she had been seated before Neil and when he boarded, he (predictably) chose the space right beside her.

As regrettable as their steamy little fling had been, one thing about it made Melissa particularly uneasy. In the midst of their screwing, Neil had mindlessly uttered that he'd, "wanted it so bad." The more Melissa thought about those words, the more she suspected Neil had long harbored a secret crush on her. To say it was an awkward predicament would've been the understatement of the century.

When it seemed like nobody else was paying attention, Neil placed his hand upon Mel's bare thigh. He gently rubbed it, nonchalantly working his way further and further north. Melissa was horrified, but she couldn't spurn him too overtly, lest someone else might notice what was happening.

By the time Neil's fingers were almost brushing against her crotch, Mel was squeezing her legs so tightly together that his hand could barely move. Neil seemed to get the message and unceremoniously finished his teasing.

But the ordeal was still not over, as Melissa soon realized that she was excited again. It almost felt like her pussy resented her depriving it of a little attention. The vibration of the chopper only compounded the problem. Her lithe folds began to yearn for some manual appreciation. As the urge intensified, Mel started to remember how gratifying it felt having Neil's thick, rigid maleness filling her cunt.

But no matter how bad she needed it, Mel staunchly resolved not to make that mistake again. No way, no matter what.

She squeezed her thighs together even tighter. Only this time, she did it to deterher own hands from rubbing her hot little slit.


It had been a long night for Mel and the others. After the helicopter touched down in the outskirts of the large town, the hikers were taken to the local hospital, where the on-call doctor examined each of them in turn. As they all seemed reasonably healthy, the doctor discharged them once her examination was finished. The rangers needed an official statement from each of the hikers, but they were quite willing to leave that for tomorrow morning.

Melissa and Evan's parents, as well as Melissa's boyfriend, Drew, were there when the hikers got off the chopper. When the group failed to emerge from the forest as scheduled, they came to the area to be closer to the search. Their emotional reunion with their loved ones occurred in front of several intrusive television cameras. No doubt they would all get their fifteen minutes on all the morning news shows.

As soon as Mel and Evan were discharged from the hospital, their parents and Drew bought them back to the motel where they'd been staying. After bidding her parents a fond good night, Melissa retired into Drew's motel room, just down the hall. Evan, who had just rented his own room, had already turned in.

Melissa took Drew by the hand and gently led him into their room. Drew closed and chained the door behind him. When he turned around, Mel's arms slithered around his body and she gave him an amorous kiss. Her hips began to gyrate against his crotch as their tongues got reacquainted.

"You have no idea how much I've been thinking about this," Melissa sighed between kisses.

She was right; Drew couldn't possibly fathom how badly she needed to screw him right now. The chopper ride back, and every minute since had been excruciating for Melissa. By the time they touched down, she just wanted to rub her snatch like heavy-duty buffer. But alas, she hadn't been given a single moment of privacy.

Though her biggest concern was that she and Neil might be left alone together and that in a pinch, she would succumb to the mere convenience of his presence once more.

It had been a huge relief to see Drew waiting for her in the town. For she knew she would be able to vent her pent-up sexual cravings on him, without any guilt.

Mel grabbed the sides of her dirty hiking shirt, the only thing containing her voluptuous breasts and forcefully pulled them apart, ripping off most of the buttons. She took the shirt off and threw it at the wastebasket in the corner.

"I want you to fuck my brains out," she cooed in a breathy voice. Drew could see the pure, animal lust burning in her eyes as she stared deep in to his. It was almost intimidating. Almost.

Melissa grabbed him by the shirt and led him briskly toward the bed.

"Oh, I've missed you so much, babe!" Drew declared along the way, "It almost feels like it's been a month! I forgot how big your boobs are!" Melissa didn't correct him. She still had no explanation for their mysterious growth. It was kind of troubling. But at the moment, Melissa had other things on her mind.

Without bothering to pull the covers, Melissa flung herself onto the soft matress, dragging Drew down on top of her.

"Fuck me! Fuck me like a rabbit!" she uttered amid a chaotic series of passionate kisses. "Fuck me all night long!"

Mel quickly peeled off her shorts, then her panties. Now completely naked, she wrapped her legs around Drew's hips. She wildly ground her erogenous opening against his crotch, smearing her fragrant lady juices all over his pants.

With Melissa's arms and now her legs tightly embracing him, Drew could barely move. Ironically, Mel was actually hindering their lovemaking by making it so difficult for Drew to remove his pants. With a little persistence, he managed undo the button and the fly. That was enough; he didn't need to bother removing them completely.

He reached in to his boxers and produced his fully-erect manhood.

Suddenly, there was an urgent knocking at the door. The interruption made Drew pause, though Melissa continued to caress and pad kisses upon him without concern.

A few seconds later, their unknown caller began insistently pounding on the door.

"Shit!" Drew huffed in frustration.

"Melissa Brochey?" a muffled masculine voice called from behind the door.

"I should've put the'Do Not Disturb' on the handle!" Drew muttered.

"Miss Brochey, Park Ranger," said the man behind the door. "I need to speak with you, urgently!"

"Goddamnit," Melissa quietly complained. "Just a second!" she called out.

Drew rolled off of her, with the top few inches of his throbbing penis sticking out the top of his boxers. Melissa got up and quickly put her panties and shorts back on.

Meanwhile, Drew tried to cram his cock back in to his pants and underwear, but soon realized that even if he succeeded, he would not be able to conceal his massive erection. So he tried to hide it behind some strategically placed pillows.

As she was rebuttoning her shorts, Melissa realized that she wouldn't be able to cover her breasts with her damaged top.

"I'll just be another second!" Mel shouted, stalling for time. After thinking for a moment, she raced in to the bathroom, hoping that the motel provided bathrobes. It did.

She marched back to the motel room door, tying the robe's belt along the way.

Melissa threw open the door with an indignant glare in her eye. She was greeted with the sight of a man dressed in full park ranger uniform, including hat. He was a handsome man who looked to be in his early thirties. He wore the air of an authority figure quite well, commanding respect without seeming conceited. Judging by his facial features and complexion, he looked like he had some Native American blood in him. At the sight of Mel, his brow furrowed in displeasure.

"Is this something we can possibly do tomorrow?" Melissa asked the man, without even trying to hide her frustration. "I've been up..."

"No," the ranger interrupted, "I'm afraid it can't. I need you to answer some questions about what happened while you were lost. Right now."

Mel sighed and reluctantly nodded, realizing that the ranger was not going to take 'no' for an answer. Peering in to the motel room, the ranger could see Melissa's boyfriend peering suspiciously at them from the double bed.

"...And it's probably best if we talk in private," the ranger added in a soft voice.

With yet another sigh, Mel silently waved the man out into the hallway and stepped out of the room, closing the door behind her. Stopping just a few feet away from the door, Mel looked left and then right to confirm that the dimly lit hallway was indeed deserted. Then she gave the unusual park ranger her full attention.

He hesitated a moment before speaking and just then Melissa noticed a subdued sense of worry in his expression.

"My name is Will Eaglefeather, I work with some of the people who rescued you tonight," the man explained. "They tell me that on the helicopter, one of you said that your food supplies ran out two days ago. Ever since, you'd been living off the land; catching fish, forraging in the bushes. Is this true?"

"Yes," Melissa answered with a shrug. The ranger nodded with an odd grimace; as if he had been hoping he was mistaken.

"Did you, youpersonally, eat any berries that came from a pod?" he asked.

Mel was taken aback by how specific the question was.

"The pods would've had hard wooden shells," the man continued, "about three inches long, round and tapering to a shallow point at the end. And when you open the pod, it fans out into three equal segments. The trees they came from wouldn't have been taller than nine feet and their leafs would've been very long, but slim."

"Yeah," Mel nodded, a little amazed by the accuracy of the man's description. "Yeah, I ate some berries like that just before dinner."

Mel didn't notice, but a look of panic suddenly washed over the ranger's face.

"Me and Evan found the pods this afternoon," Melissa explained, "One was open and we saw the berries inside, so we picked a bunch and loaded them into our packs for dinner. They didn't taste too bad, actually. Kind of chewy, like taffy. I know it probably wasn't a good idea to eat strange berries, but we were hungry. I only ate one pod's worth, same with Evan. Then Gabriel caught a big trout in the river and we traded up."

When she stopped talking, Melissa noticed how intensely the ranger was staring at her and found it unnerving.

"Why? Those berries weren't poisonous or anything, were they?" she asked with a feigned chuckle.

The ranger placed his hands on Mel's shoulders and said, in a very serious tone, "Listen very carefully, Melissa; no matter what, Ineed you to answer this next question with absolute honesty."

His demeanor was scaring her.

"Have you had sex with anyone since you ate those berries?" the man asked.

Melissa didn't make a sound at first, but the way her gaze darted shamefully to the ground answered the ranger's question for him. His head sunk and he sighed.

Just as Mel's answer was about to pass her lips, the ranger cut her off. "Him?" he asked, gesturing toward her and Drew's room. Once again, the evasive way her eyes turned away gave the ranger his answer.

"Then who?" he demanded.


Ranger Gail Sanders (no relation to The Colonel), the woman who had been aboard the rescue chopper, escorted Neil to the front office of a medium-sized motel. Gail reccommended a motel to Neil that was on the opposite side of town to Melissa's, as she didn't know where Melissa's family had been staying. Neil didn't really mind. This one was more suited to his budget, anyway.

Neil had been the last of the wayward campers to be examined by the doctor. Melissa and Evan had been taken away by their family and Gabriel had caught a lift to some unknown motel (perhaps this one?) with the rescue team leader, Howard. Gail volunteered to wait at the hospital and make sure Neil found a place to stay the night.

As Gail suspected, the office was closed. Not surprising as it was almost midnight. This was precisely why she had decided to come with Neil. Park rangers had no authority over private businesses. But Gail hoped that if a park ranger verified Neil's unique circumstances, the motel staff would be more amiable to admitting him well after business hours.

She knocked loudly on the glass door: once, and then again a bit later. A slender young blonde woman appeared from a back room.

"We're closed," she told them, apologetically. But then she seemed to notice Gail's uniform. At Gail's beckoning, the woman approached them.

"Can we talk?" Gail asked.

After hesitating for a moment, the blonde decided to open the door for the visitors.

Together, Gail and Neil explained the situation and played on the young lady's sympathies. She was a timid creature, who hardly seemed the type to stand up to an assertive customer, let alone a strong woman in uniform. She was reasonably attractive, though her chest wasn't all that impressive; there was only the slightest hint of bosom beneath her light blue blouse. But she had a cute face and her eyes were very pretty.

As the lost hikers had been prominent news in the county, the woman ("Brenda", according to her name tag) was well aware of who Neil was and was delighted to hear that he and his friends had been recovered safe and sound. Neil was allowed to sign in and was given the keycard to his room. Brenda even waited for him to fill out a late breakfast order.

Gail followed Neil to his room, mainly so that she would know where to come to collect him tomorrow morning.

After unlocking the door, Neil stepped inside, ran his eye over the tidy room and gave it a nod of approval. First order of business was to take that heavy pack off his shoulder and set it down near the bed. He moaned in relief.

"Don't forget, we still need to take your official statement. And there's forms you gotta sign," said Gail who was leaning against the frame of the open door. "So someone from our office will come and pick you up tomorrow morning."

"You?" Neil asked as he approached her.

"Maybe," Gail answered with a coy smile. Neil seemed pleased. He continued toward her until he was only inches away.

"Then, I guess I'll seeyou first thing in the morning," Neil said suggestively.

They gazed at each other smiling for a couple seconds. Then Neil cupped Gail's face in his hand and laid a slow sensuous kiss upon her tender lips. When it was over, she just continued gazing into his eyes.

"You know, I'd probably sleep better if I had a little exercise first," Neil remarked. Gail took a moment to consider his proposition before responding.

"Okay," she agreed with a smirk. She sauntered in to the room, closing the door behind her. Neil wasn't really her type. But for some reason, she was just in the mood to have a little fun tonight.

They shared several open-mouthed kisses as Gail stripped off her uniform. After she had removed her pants, Neil snuck his hand inside her lacy black panties. He teasingly ran his fingers through her bush, up and down with a touch that grew increasingly firmer. Then they ventured further down, where they rolled upon her nether lips in wide circular motions. When she became wet, Neil pressed a finger into her labia a little to collect her juices and spread them around.

Meanwhile, Gail slipped her hand inside Neil's pants and gave him an arousing handjob.

Gail was wearing nothing but her matching black underwear by the time Neil led her over to the bed. He gestured for her to climb on to the matress on all fours and she willingly complied. As Neil got undressed, he admired the sexy ass pointed at him. Gail could've sworn she heard a quiet, lusty snarl.

While she waited, Gail petted her crotch, giving priority attention to her erogenous nub. After a few enjoyable seconds, Neil pulled her panties down all the way to her knees. He proceeded to gently penetrate her glistening hole with two fingers. He shifted the pressure each time, as if testing to see which side of her pussy gave her the most pleasure.

He planted a soft kiss upon Gail's butt cheek. Then he stood up behind her and with his hands on her hips, burried every inch of his rock-hard maleness inside her sex. Gail began to moan uncontrollably when he began his industrious humping. They'd only just begun and it was already the best sex Gail had ever had! She didn't care why, but for some reason she just loved being Neil's little sex toy.

Once he'd established a rhythm, Neil set about undoing the clasp of Gail's bra strap. It was very stubborn, but he eventually managed to unhook it. The bra dropped to the matress and Gail's ample tits hung freely from her body. They started swinging side to side, until Neil reached over and began fondling them furiously.

After a couple of minutes, Neil unhanded Gail's breasts, leaving them throbbing with excitement. He began to cycle his hands around her waist and hips as he fucked her with increasing vigor.

As her climax neared, Gail felt many bizarre sensations throughout her body, that were neither pleasant nor unpleasant. They were not unlike an irresistible urge to stretch. Then her body seemed to react to the sensations in ways that seemed impossible.

First, she felt her tits growing a little larger... and also firmer! Then she noticed her thighs losing some muscle tone and even becoming slightly shorter.

About that same time, she felt her chestnut brown ponytail shaking free of her hair tie. She soon realized it was loose because her hair was only half the length it had been a few minutes ago! Seconds later, she was mystified by the shiny orange locks bouncing around her face.

With each quaking thrust Neil made against her body, some of her pubic hairs fell from her crotch like dead pine needles being shaken from a tree. By the time they finished, her sweet snatch would be completely bald.

But the weirdest sensations were in her face. It felt like it was being painlessly stretched and contorted in most unnatural ways.

Yet none of it mattered to Gail, because Neil was doing things to her womanhood that were beyond amazing.

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