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A Sister's Request

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Two days, the most important ones between brother and sister.
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NOTE - I had to do an edit my original post of this story. Hopefully these changes will make me seem a little less incompetent. Thanks for all of the comments.


Becky and Jean were laying out by the pool. They had been swimming but were now content to air dry in the sun. They had been enjoying the summer, having just graduated from the local high school. Well, Becky did anyway. Jean graduated from a different school; a school for the blind. Either way, they were doing as little as possible to celebrate their freedom from their classes. Becky had been best friends with Jean since they had both been little girls. They spent a lot of time together, which was one of the reasons that she ended up dating Jean's brother James. James just happened to make an appearance at that time through the sliding door.

"Hi ladies. Staying busy?" he asked.

"Yeah. Where have you been?" replied Becky with a question of her own.

"I've been over at Rob's, playing basketball."

"No kidding, I can smell you," commented Jean.

"Give me a break. You know you like my manly odor," James said, flexing his muscles.

"Well, I agree that you have quite an odor," Jean said.

"Yeah, you're probably right. I'm going to go take a shower, but after that I might have to take my girl away from you for a while," James said, heading back to the house without waiting for a reply.

Becky was smiling.

"I think that it's funny how you can get him to do things like that. You have some sort of power over him. Do you think that he even knows that he's doing what you want him to do all the time?" she asked.

"I don't know. I think so. I know that I'll really miss him if he decides to move out once he finishes college. He spoils me. He did smell, though," Jean replied.

"He spoils me sometimes, too. I think we're pretty lucky," Becky said.

Jean sighed.

"What's it like, being with him?" she asked.

"You probably know better than me, you're with him a lot more than I am," Becky replied to what she thought was a rather odd question.

"No, I mean like when you're fooling around and stuff."

"Oh," Becky said. This was a subject that the two usually stayed away from.

"It's pretty awesome, really. He's a really good kisser. When we, um, have sex it's always great. Why do you want to know what it's like to fool around with your brother?" Becky asked.

"Well, when you put it like that, it does make me sound a little weird. I'm just curious I guess. I've read about sex and romance and things, but I've never actually done it, you know?"

"You've been on dates before, I know you have," Becky said.

"Yeah, but I kind of got the feeling that boys are afraid to touch me. As far as I know, I'm not hideously ugly or anything, I think that being blind is kind of a turn off. It's not like I meet tons of people all the time," Jean stated.

"Do you want me to find a boyfriend for you? I mean I could . . ." Becky started to ask, but was cut off.

"No, I don't want you to do that. I just, I don't know what I want, I guess."

"You ought to fool around with James, then," Becky suggested.

"What? I can't do that, he's my brother!" Jean replied, turning red.

"It's not like anyone would ever know. I bet he'd do anything you want if you asked him to, he's wrapped around your little finger," Becky pointed out.

"Why on earth would you want me to seduce your boyfriend?" Jean asked, incredulous. She was still red.

"You want to, don't you?" Becky asked back.

James was coming back out of the house by then. He walked up to the girls without them paying him any attention. It seemed as if they were lost in thought.

"What's got you two looking so serious? Somebody die or something?" he asked.

"Nothing," Jean replied quickly.

"Oh, OK, well I was thinking about going to get something to eat. Do you two feel like going out?" he asked.

"Sure," said Becky.

"You two can go, you probably want some alone time," said Jean.

"Don't be silly, let's go change," said Becky. She stood up and grabbed Jean's hand.

"I was kind of hoping that you'd stay dressed like that. I wanted to make people jealous when I walked around with my two sexy girls."

James expected some sort of smart-ass reply from his sister, but she just smiled and went with Becky to change. He sat down in one of the recently vacated lounge chairs to wait for them. Surprisingly, it did not take them long. They were both wearing tank tops and tight shorts. He thought that people would probably still be jealous, even if they weren't in their swimsuits.

"Are you taking us someplace fancy and expensive?" Jean asked.

"You know me better than that. I'm open to suggestions, though," James replied.

They ended up settling on a pizza place that operated right next to the park. After their meal, they went walking through the park together, side by side by side with James in the middle holding a hand of each of the girls. They took their time, enjoying the summer sun and the flowers. The flowers were a favorite of Jean, which was why they had decided to take the walk. James, admittedly, didn't know much about flowers, nor had he any desire to learn. His sister seemed to be able to tell them all apart just by their different smells.

It was early evening by the time that they went back to James' and Jean's house. Before Becky went back to her own, she did spend some "alone time" with James up in his room. When she finally did leave, James walked her to her car to see her off. His sister was in the living room, listening to the TV, and he decided to join her. He sat next to her on the couch, thinking that he might be able to steal the remote and change it to something worth watching.

"So, did you two have a good time up in your room?" she asked.

"Uh yeah, you could say that," he replied.

"What did you do?" she asked. James squirmed uncomfortably.

"Can't you figure that out for yourself?" he replied.

"I assume that you must have had some kind of sex. You smell like pussy," she stated.

"Jesus, Jean! If you already knew the answer, why bother asking the question? How would you know what her pussy smells like anyway?" he retorted.

"Not her's in particular, but I happen to have one, you know. I asked because I thought you could tell me about it," Jean said.

"You're kind of weirding me out, here. Can't you have Becky tell you about it later?" he asked.

"I probably could, but I'm asking you. I'm not trying to be a jerk, I'm just curious. I've never done it and I want to know what it's like. You don't have to tell me if you don't want to," she said, sounding miserable.

James always gave in to her when she sounded like that, he couldn't help it.

"All right. There's not really a lot to tell, I guess. We kissed for a while. Then I took her shorts off and I um, I licked her for a while."

While James paused, Jean interrupted his description of what he had just done to Becky.

"Did you leave her panties on when you licked her?"

"No, I took those off when I took her shorts off," he replied.

"Did she have an orgasm when you were licking her?" she asked.

"I think so, but I don't know for sure, I don't ask as many questions as you do," James answered.

"Then what?" Jean asked.

"Then I took my pants off and had sex with her," he said, starting to get annoyed with the conversation.

"She didn't, you know, suck you after you licked her?" she asked.


"That doesn't seem fair. Does she do it sometimes?"

"Sometimes she does, yes. Are you done with the questions yet?" he asked, standing to make his retreat.

"I guess so. James?" she stopped him from leaving for a second. He had no further urge to watch TV, he just wanted to run away.


"Thank you for talking to me, I know that was kind of strange. It sounded nice, what you and Becky did," she said. James relaxed some before replying.

"It's all right. And it was nice. If I can think of any weird questions to freak you out with I'll ask you later. I think I just heard Mom pull in the driveway, anyhow. I don't want to be talking about this stuff while she's around," he said as he left the room.


James was at Becky's house the next morning. They were sitting around, trying to come up with a plan for something interesting to do for the rest of the day.

"Did you want to do something with Jean?" Becky asked.

"I don't know. She asked me a lot of weird questions after you went home yesterday. Like about what we did in my room," James said.

"Yeah, she asked me what it was like to have sex with you. I don't mind the question I guess. It was kind of surprising, we never really talked about anything like that before."

"Did you tell her it was fantastic?" James asked.

"Something like that," she giggled.

"She ought to just get a boyfriend and get laid. She's sexy enough," he said.

"Yeah, it didn't sound to me like she even wants a boyfriend. I know that you must think she's sexy, you were checking her out enough in the shorts she was wearing yesterday," Becky joked.

"Oh come on. It's not illegal to look, and she looked good," James admitted.

"I think you have the hots for your sister. Maybe you could be her boyfriend. Show her the ropes," Becky suggested.

"I think that sort of thing is generally frowned upon. Aren't you supposed to be jealous of other woman?" James asked.

"I think it's different with Jean, maybe I'm just open minded. Besides, if it wasn't for her, you and I wouldn't have ever hooked up."

"I guess that's true," James agreed.

Becky turned and got on James' lap, straddling him, and planted a long, deep kiss on his lips. He automatically reached out with his arms to embrace her.

"For right now though, you're my boyfriend and I need to get laid," she said in between kisses. James thought that was a great idea.


It turned out that the two never got far in making their plans for the day. They ended up having sex deep into the afternoon. They were laying in Becky's bed, both of them exhausted.

"There, that ought to give you something to talk to your sister about," she said with a lazy smile.

"I don't think that I'd have enough time to tell her about everything that we did. I might go home and just take a nap," he said.

"You're not going to go home and make wild love to Jean?" she kidded.

"Enough with the talk about Jean and I. Besides, you've worn me out, I don't think that it would even be possible," he said.

"Oh good, I might want to be around to see it when you do it. I bet it would be hot," she said.

"Stop it already. I'm not going to sleep with Jean."

"I bet you would if she asked you to. You'll do whatever she says," Becky replied.

"I didn't know that I was dating such a pervert. I still love you though," James said, kissing the top of her forehead before he left.

There was something about Becky's teasing that didn't sit all that well with him. Kind of like there was an element of truth to some of the things that she said. It got him thinking about things that really weren't proper to be thinking about.


Back home, James immediately hit the shower. His sister was on the phone when he got there, so he was able to put off talking to her until he was cleaned up. She was still on the phone when he got out of the shower, so he decided that he could probably avoid her completely and go take the nap that he had promised himself. He flopped on his bed face first and was asleep in mere moments. The time he had spent with Becky had taken its toll.

When James next lifted his head, it was two hours later. Deciding that he was sufficiently revived, he got up to go and have a snack. He grabbed a granola bar from the kitchen cupboard and joined his sister in the living room.

"Nice to know that you're alive," she greeted him.

"Yeah, I pulled through. What have you been up to?" he asked.

"Not much. Talked to Becky for quite a while on the phone. She's trying to hook me up with some guy named Brian. Do you know him?"

This was news to James, he was with Becky all day and she hadn't mentioned anything about it.

"Brian's a guy that she works with at the store. Not sure if that's the guy that she's talking about or not, though. She didn't say anything to me about it. You going to go out with him?" he asked.

"I don't know. Do you think I should? The dates that I've been on really haven't been that much fun. She said that he seems pretty nice. I don't know," she said.

"It can't hurt. You might really like the guy. You won't know unless you try," he said.

"He might not even like me, and I won't have to worry about it."

"Are you nervous or something?" James asked.

"A little. Would you go with me, you and Becky, if we get that far? Then you could give me an opinion of the guy," Jean suggested.

"Becky and I could probably go with you if you wanted. You don't need my approval, you know," James replied.

"I know. It would make me feel better if you thought he was OK. Becky's going to stop by after dinner and take me to the store. She thinks that Brian is working tonight."


James was hanging out in his room when the girls got back that evening. His door was open, so Becky just walked in.

"Well, how did the man-hunting go?" he asked. From the look on Becky's face, he already had a pretty good idea. She shook her head.

"Not like I thought it would. He said that he wasn't really interested."

"Why? She's gorgeous. Is he gay or something?" James asked.

"No, he's not gay. He said he was just getting over a bad relationship. I think he was kind of intimidated by your sister. I feel like such a jerk, I should have talked to Brian first. The guy flirts with practically every woman with a heartbeat, I thought it would be a no-brainer," Becky whined.

"Is Jean OK?"

"She says that she's fine. Says that she didn't want to go out with anyone anyway. Still . . ." Becky leaned heavily into James. He put his arms around her.

"I know. You gonna stay for a while?" he asked.

"I really can't. I'm leaving early in the morning to head to my aunt's with my mom, remember? We have to help set up the baby shower," she said.

"Yeah, well, give me a call or something so I know that you made it there. If you're taking off, then I'm going to go talk to Jean," he said.

Becky kissed him goodnight, and headed out. James walked a short ways down the hall and knocked on Jean's door. He could hear music playing; Elton John no doubt. It was his sister's favorite though he couldn't figure out why. A little bit of that guy went a long way. After a while, when she didn't answer, he opened the door and peaked in. She was sitting on the edge of her bed with her hands in her lap.

"Jean? I knocked on your door. Are you OK?" he asked, raising his voice above the music.

"Oh, I guess I didn't hear you. I'm fine," she replied, turning off the stereo.

"I can't understand why you listen to that old rump-rider. Everything he does sounds the same. What is it about him?" he asked.

"I think his music is pretty and it makes me happy. None of it sounds the same to me. Its beautiful," she replied.

"Fair enough. Are you bummed about that Brian guy?"

"A little, I guess. I think Becky's more upset about it than I am. It would be nice to be with someone, but I want them to want to be with me, too. I'll find someone desperate enough one of these days," she replied. James sat with her and put an arm around her shoulder.

"Don't be like that. I doubt that you'd have to twist many arms to get someone to go out with a sexy girl that can carry on a conversation, too," he said.

"I wish that Becky wouldn't have done that, really," she said.

"Yeah, I don't think that she put much thought behind her effort. It was pretty much a spur of the moment thing. She meant well, now she feels terrible," he said.

"She asked me yesterday if I wanted her to help me find a boyfriend and I told her that I didn't want her to do that. I wish I could find someone like you. Then I wouldn't have anything to worry about," she sighed.

"I don't know about that. Why wouldn't you have anything to worry about?" he chuckled.

"If I had a boyfriend like you I would know that they would love me and take care of me and they would never do anything to hurt me. Just like you," she said.

For some reason, James started to feel a nervous tickle in his gut. He began to notice how nice it felt to have his arm around Jean, how nice the lavender scent of her hair was. He was even getting a pretty good view down her shirt.

Stop checking out your sister, his inner voice warned.

"Are you still with me, James?" Jean asked. He didn't know how long he was staring at her for but her voice broke the trance that he was in.

"Sorry, I guess I'm just tired, I zoned out a little bit. I think I'm gonna go to bed," he said.

"Oh, it's still early, isn't it? Stay with for a little while longer. You feel good."

"OK, I'll stay for a bit. Only cause I have a thing for pretty girls," he said, hugging her shoulders a bit tighter. Jean turned into him to rest her cheek on his chest and get her arms around his back.

She feels pretty good.

She was feeling a little too good for James' comfort, really. The stirring in his groin was testament to that. Jean had never really done this to him before. Of course, she hadn't ever been hanging on him like this for so long, either. He returned her embrace buy putting his arms around her and gave her back a little rub.

"Sure you're OK, Jean? You're not usually so . . . affectionate," he said.

"I'm sure. You make me feel better," she said into his chest.

He stayed with Jean for quite awhile before she finally let him go and he was able to excuse himself. By the time he was settled back in his room, he had a full-on, painful erection. The guilt from being turned on by his sister wasn't enough to overcome his carnal desires, it would seem. He masturbated before he went to sleep with the scent of lavender still on his mind.

James was quiet at breakfast the next morning. He was trying his best to focus on eating and not stare too much at his sister. Until he got his thoughts back under control, he didn't trust himself. He could hear his parents and his sister chatting about something, but he wasn't paying much attention. He wished that Becky wasn't out of town for the next couple of days. He could have at least hid out with her to help ease his mind. Or maybe that wouldn't work, either. She had been filling his mind with thoughts of his sister almost as much as him actually being around his sister did.

"Well, James?" his mother asked.

"Sorry Mom, still not awake yet. What did you say?"

"I asked you if you could take your sister to her hair appointment and pick up some groceries," she repeated.


"There's money and a list on the counter. Your father and I have to run," she said.

His parents were both real estate agents that operated a small office downtown. They did pretty well for themselves, but tended to work long hours, especially lately. It was rare that they were all at home at the same time. Both he and Jean wished them well as they headed out the door.

He was clearing the table after he and his sister finished eating when she spoke.

"You should get us some wine for tonight," she said.

"I don't think Mom wrote that on the list. And Dad will kick my ass if I get you drunk," James joked.

"They won't find out unless you tell them. They won't be home until tomorrow night," she replied.

"They won't?" he asked.

"Are you on drugs or something? Didn't you hear a word that they said?" Jean asked him.

"No," he admitted.

"They're going down to Houston after work tonight for a conference tomorrow," she said.

"Oh. I guess I could, then. When is your appointment? Same place as last time?" he asked.

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